The Deep States War Against Law And Order Has Opened A New Front. ICE Is Under Assault

Melania went to this facility to find out what was going on.
Democrats bused protesters down there a day later and went there to trash the place.
Democrats aren't telling us that Trump hasn't changed a thing there since Obama was president.

Hopefully Fake News can keep this fact hidden from us.

These Democrats visited a facility in New Jersey.....that they already knew about.....but still protested.

She was also wearing a shirt that says 'I don't really care nor should you'. It was not about the media. If Trump says it then that is the last thing it is.
Things haver changed. Trump's policy is to take children away from their parents.

So was Obama's.....

Trump signed an EO to reverse that policy regardless of the consequences......and you fuckers are still bitching about it.

Only proves that you felt regardless what he did you were gonna bitch.

So what we're dealing with here is a bunch of narrow-minded bigots who only want to cause chaos.

I thought he couldn't reverse it. It shows what a liar he is. No he should get no kudos for overturning HIS policy. The fact that he tried it and only backed out because he got caught is what counts. Yes it should be a part of the debate for the midterms. If he tried it once he can do it again.

Trump and his supporters like you are narrow minded bigots. People like that should be shunned.

Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.

You are so full of bullshit. ICE uses questionable tactics to intimidate people. ICE routinely claims that young people are a part of MS-13 even after that has been proven to be untrue. They have been called out by federal judges. ICE has been caught making false affidavits and maybe even altering evidence. Holding them accountable is not wrong..

Is ICE Altering Evidence and Manipulating Facts in Its Immigration Crackdown?

The Republican Party has become a terrorist organization.

You're full of shit.

Can't you see this is the same shit they pulled on cops????

You stupid retard!!!

You are the one full of shit. Federal judges are calling ICE out.

You are the stupid retard or in other words the typical Trump supporter. There is nothing wrong with holding them accountable. Nielsen is acting like a member of the deep state. She is a career bureaucrat who will do anything to keep her job. Even supporting a immoral policy. Screw her.

What federal judges.....Hawaiian judges, or just Obama appointed judges?

If they are right, it doesn't matter who appointed them. However at least one is a Reagan appointed judge. Apparently you support crooked cops.

Boston’s federal judges often sharply critical of ICE immigration enforcement tactics - The Boston Globe

Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.

We are in a civil war.

The democrats win, or America survives - one or the other.

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