The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach.
So this is now the second time you are admitting that you egregiously lied in post #498. Law enforcement did not experience “mayhem” and “cluster f” because of armed citizens, as you tried to claim. You are now admitting they were “above reproach” in their “degree of professionalism”.

The crowd was mayhem especially with the civvies and nutcases drawing weapons. The Cops kept order, not your morons. You people are dangerous.
The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach.
So this is now the second time you are admitting that you egregiously lied in post #498. Law enforcement did not experience “mayhem” and “cluster f” because of armed citizens, as you tried to claim. You are now admitting they were “above reproach” in their “degree of professionalism”.

The crowd was mayhem especially with the civvies and nutcases drawing weapons. The Cops kept order, not your morons. You people are dangerous.
That’s not what you said, snowflake. You claimed the armed citizens caused problems for law enforcement. After I called you on your shit, you attempted to save face by changing your story. That just made things worse for you.
In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded. If you arm a crowd you end up with an armed MOB.
I am sure you can provide links that prove your claim is valid, right? After all, shouldn't we ALL have heard that people drew their weapons and take away the attention of Law Enforcement away from finding the shooter?
One cannot link to something that one literally made up in their own mind... :laugh:
The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach.
So this is now the second time you are admitting that you egregiously lied in post #498. Law enforcement did not experience “mayhem” and “cluster f” because of armed citizens, as you tried to claim. You are now admitting they were “above reproach” in their “degree of professionalism”.

The crowd was mayhem especially with the civvies and nutcases drawing weapons. The Cops kept order, not your morons. You people are dangerous.
That’s not what you said, snowflake. You claimed the armed citizens caused problems for law enforcement. After I called you on your shit, you attempted to save face by changing your story. That just made things worse for you.

You will say anything and do anything do discredit anyone that doesn't toe the mark you wish them to. You are the prime example why we are having these mass shootings. I blame you. Instead of common sense gun laws, you don't want any laws at all which allow these mass shootings to take place. You are as guilty as the mass shooters. You are nothing more than a Baby Killer. Good thing the Florida Government and most other states have either woken up or are finally starting to wake up. Just how much does the NRA pay you? How much does a soul cost these days?
The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach.
So this is now the second time you are admitting that you egregiously lied in post #498. Law enforcement did not experience “mayhem” and “cluster f” because of armed citizens, as you tried to claim. You are now admitting they were “above reproach” in their “degree of professionalism”.

The crowd was mayhem especially with the civvies and nutcases drawing weapons. The Cops kept order, not your morons. You people are dangerous.
That’s not what you said, snowflake. You claimed the armed citizens caused problems for law enforcement. After I called you on your shit, you attempted to save face by changing your story. That just made things worse for you.

You are wrong. Armed citizens due cause problems for law enforcement

Here is a picture of Jews at the Warsaw Ghetto

Those women and children were incinerated because they had no AR15's to protect them against the Gestapo.



You will say anything and do anything do discredit anyone that doesn't toe the mark you wish them to.
Well let’s think about this rationally for a moment, shall we? I know you hate logic, but just indulge me for a moment here.

Only one of us is advocating for liberty (me). Only one of us is advocating to shred the U.S. Constitution, strip people of their freedoms, and exert control over others (you).

Now, since liberty (by its very nature), facilitates everyone going in their own direction, it not only doesn’t require a narrative to convince everyone to “toe the mark”, it literally prevents that narrative.
That’s not what you said, snowflake. You claimed the armed citizens caused problems for law enforcement. After I called you on your shit, you attempted to save face by changing your story. That just made things worse for you.
You will say anything and do anything do discredit anyone that doesn't toe the mark you wish them to.
You discredited yourself when you decided to make stuff up to push your agenda.
The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach.
So this is now the second time you are admitting that you egregiously lied in post #498. Law enforcement did not experience “mayhem” and “cluster f” because of armed citizens, as you tried to claim. You are now admitting they were “above reproach” in their “degree of professionalism”.

The crowd was mayhem especially with the civvies and nutcases drawing weapons. The Cops kept order, not your morons. You people are dangerous.
That’s not what you said, snowflake. You claimed the armed citizens caused problems for law enforcement. After I called you on your shit, you attempted to save face by changing your story. That just made things worse for you.

You are wrong. Armed citizens due cause problems for law enforcement

Here is a picture of Jews at the Warsaw Ghetto

Those women and children were incinerated because they had no AR15's to protect them against the Gestapo.




This is the US. Not any place else. You keep bringing up places that my family gave it's life to fight against. We don't have those problems here. We are adopting common sense gun regulations in spite of you.

So, Baby Killer, keep going. We will work to prevent mass killings in our schools, minimize the body counts, improve our Police Departments by making them ore professional and get the guns out of the mentally ill peoples hands. BTW, the last group includes you as well. We will do this in spite of you.
Thank God this man has the right to keep and bear arms (despite Duhhh-ryl’s deepest desire to strip him of that right)...

Crooks break into home, beat owner with metal pipe. But victim grabs his gun — and the tables turn.

He has a right to have a gun. But he doesn't have the right to carry it into our schools, movie theaters and public gatherings. He needs to check it the door or leave it home. You need to check it at the nearest police department and check into the nearest insane asylum.
Thank God this man has the right to keep and bear arms (despite Duhhh-ryl’s deepest desire to strip him of that right)...

Crooks break into home, beat owner with metal pipe. But victim grabs his gun — and the tables turn.

He has a right to have a gun. But he doesn't have the right to carry it into our schools, movie theaters and public gatherings. He needs to check it the door or leave it home. You need to check it at the nearest police department and check into the nearest insane asylum.
Sounds very Orwellian of you
Thank God this man has the right to keep and bear arms (despite Duhhh-ryl’s deepest desire to strip him of that right)...

Crooks break into home, beat owner with metal pipe. But victim grabs his gun — and the tables turn.

He has a right to have a gun. But he doesn't have the right to carry it into our schools, movie theaters and public gatherings. He needs to check it the door or leave it home. You need to check it at the nearest police department and check into the nearest insane asylum.
Sounds very Orwellian of you

So you are against taking the guns away from the mentally ill. I guess the Mentally ill would be against that.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded. If you arm a crowd you end up with an armed MOB. The answer to that one is that it really didn't matter. He was an experienced shooter who had the financial backing, who had the resources in a state had essentially NO common sense gun regulations. Much like Florida had up until yesterday. Now, Florida is in line with MOST states including the one I live in. Unfortunately, Nevada still doesn't have common sense laws. Had the Colorado Laws been in place across the nation, the tools of the trade to do both shootings would not have been so easy to obtain. Unfortunately for Nevada, that shooter would still have obtained them. But the ones where the ARs were used that had the high body counts, the shooters would have had to use other weapons and the body counts would have been lower or the Law Enforcement would have had more time to act on the red flags.

As for the Criminals. Better Law Enforcement always has been the answer. Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm. Showing the Civilians that they should think of cops as their friends and not their enemies. There are so many other crimes that also go by the way when that happens. And get JOBS, JOBS, JOBS back into the communities
SO are we talking about school shooting or the Vegas shooting?

They are 2 very different situations

And how many civilians who were carrying fired any shots? How many actually drew their weapons?

How many civilians with guns were shot by cops?

Do you know or are you just making shit up?

And you have no idea of the body counts would have been lower if one particular semiautomatic rifle was banned there are many other semiautomatics that are far more powerful than the AR is and there are many semiautomatics that perform exactly like the AR in that they fire the same round at the same rate of one round per trigger pull

The fact remains that the Vegas Shooting was NOT a firearms free area and yet it was the worst of the lot. And it was from ONE particular gun that is in common with the highest body count with the School and Movie Mass Shootings. What made the body count so high was not just the prepeparation of the shooter but the bump stocks which turned the AR into a full auto fire weapon. You and the NRA still demand that that Bump Stocks should be legal. Most States disgree. Most Students disagree. Most Teachers disagree. You have turned common sense into a political bullet as usual. I guess you agree with the NRA that Bump STocks sell more ammo, actions and barrels therefore that's a good thing. I wonder when the next school shooting will happen when a bump stock with a series of high capacity mags will be used to really run up the body count. Will that quench your blood lust?

Just how much is the NRA paying you to promote the slaughter of school children, Baby Killer?
I never said it was a gun free zone did I? No I did not

But you cannot tell me how many civilians actually had firearms, how many actually pulled their firearms, how many actually shot their firearms, how many civilians actuallt shot anyone ,how many police shot at the armed civilians etc can you?

No you cannot.

Where did I ever say bump stocks should be legal? Please quote the relevant post. I have no control over NRA policies and therefore bear no responsibilities for said policies.

I have said that it makes not one iota of a difference if bump stocks are banned because it is possible to bump fire without the use of a bump stock

The next school shooting will happen in a school that is unsecured and where anyone at anytime can simply walk in and it will happen with any weapon the shooter can get his hands on.

And the NRA doesn't pay me anything in fact I was never even a member of the NRA until last week and I also joined Gun Owners of America because unlike you I value my Constitutional rights
Thank God this man has the right to keep and bear arms (despite Duhhh-ryl’s deepest desire to strip him of that right)...

Crooks break into home, beat owner with metal pipe. But victim grabs his gun — and the tables turn.

He has a right to have a gun. But he doesn't have the right to carry it into our schools, movie theaters and public gatherings. He needs to check it the door or leave it home. You need to check it at the nearest police department and check into the nearest insane asylum.
I have a concealed carry permit that says I can carry a firearm
The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach.
So this is now the second time you are admitting that you egregiously lied in post #498. Law enforcement did not experience “mayhem” and “cluster f” because of armed citizens, as you tried to claim. You are now admitting they were “above reproach” in their “degree of professionalism”.

The crowd was mayhem especially with the civvies and nutcases drawing weapons. The Cops kept order, not your morons. You people are dangerous.
That’s not what you said, snowflake. You claimed the armed citizens caused problems for law enforcement. After I called you on your shit, you attempted to save face by changing your story. That just made things worse for you.

You will say anything and do anything do discredit anyone that doesn't toe the mark you wish them to. You are the prime example why we are having these mass shootings. I blame you. Instead of common sense gun laws, you don't want any laws at all which allow these mass shootings to take place. You are as guilty as the mass shooters. You are nothing more than a Baby Killer. Good thing the Florida Government and most other states have either woken up or are finally starting to wake up. Just how much does the NRA pay you? How much does a soul cost these days?
ok - then put it up here - what are some common sense gun laws?

and how do you get common sense gun laws when you have the left out there demanding we ban a bolt action .22 that "looks" like an assault rifle?

you don't get common sense in times of panic from many people and people are in a panic here, all thinking they're doing their duty. even those who are clueless about guns but want to come up with regulations for them.

we need to calm down before we can fix this and we're years away from that, collectively.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded. If you arm a crowd you end up with an armed MOB. The answer to that one is that it really didn't matter. He was an experienced shooter who had the financial backing, who had the resources in a state had essentially NO common sense gun regulations. Much like Florida had up until yesterday. Now, Florida is in line with MOST states including the one I live in. Unfortunately, Nevada still doesn't have common sense laws. Had the Colorado Laws been in place across the nation, the tools of the trade to do both shootings would not have been so easy to obtain. Unfortunately for Nevada, that shooter would still have obtained them. But the ones where the ARs were used that had the high body counts, the shooters would have had to use other weapons and the body counts would have been lower or the Law Enforcement would have had more time to act on the red flags.

As for the Criminals. Better Law Enforcement always has been the answer. Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm. Showing the Civilians that they should think of cops as their friends and not their enemies. There are so many other crimes that also go by the way when that happens. And get JOBS, JOBS, JOBS back into the communities

the Vegas Shooting was NOT a firearms free area

well actually he was in one

the festival was definitely (not probably) a gun-free zone. Google the rules of the festival. There is a long, long list of items that were not allowed (see below). “Weapons of any kind” is on the list. (Some of you should do a tiny bit of research before posting undocumented “Answers” that are merely speculation, followed by excuses why guns wouldn’t help. We are looking for facts, not your suicidal advocacy.)
I didn’t read the article I read the source file that it was written from... didn’t see mention of that. What of the Uzi and other auto that was purchased?
Well I’m going to assume that you just got confused by the GAO report and are not attempting to intentionally twist the facts of the report.

In the 72 attempts that law enforcement failed to make a single purchase, they were attempting to purchase under the guise that they were prohibited from owning firearms.

But in the two instances you are referring to (where they were able to purchase an Uzi and an AR-15), they didn’t disclose any information about their legal status either way.
Agents made seven attempts to purchase firearms on the Dark Web. In these attempts, agents did not disclose any information about whether they were prohibited from possessing a firearm. Of these seven attempts, two on a Dark Web marketplace were successful. Specifically, GAO agents purchased and received an AR-15 rifle and an Uzi that the seller said was modified so that it would fire automatically.
In other words - two completely different approaches. When they admitted to the sellers that they were prohibited from owning firearms, they were 0-72. When they didn’t indicate either way, they were 2-7.
So I guess the logical question would be how many people who are prohibited to purchase firearms do you think disclose that when trying to purchase a firearm. And for those that don’t disclose that then they have 2 of 7 or a 30%ish percent change of getting a weapon? Although 7 is nowhere close to a adequate sample size

they had to go on the Dark Web to get those guns moron.......the regular internet was a complete failure.....

No they didn't. They could have just as easily gone to an individual seller and bought the guns. No need to even ask if they were prohibited to own guns. I'll bet their success rate would have been much higher.

But you don't know it. We do know this.
they had to go on the Dark Web to get those guns moron.......the regular internet was a complete failure.....

No they didn't. They could have just as easily gone to an individual seller and bought the guns. No need to even ask if they were prohibited to own guns. I'll bet their success rate would have been much higher.

Sorry.....that's not how it worked.......the regular internet was a failure.......and criminals do not go to individual sellers who are not known to them, they just don't do it, because they are afraid of undercover police officers......

Amazing how often good guys with a gun end up doing really stupid and dangerous stuff, isn't it?
View attachment 175107

And yet cars and alcohol are items used far more often for stupid and dangerous stuff....and 16 year olds are allowed to drive these killing machines and they easily get alcohol......

Yet cars have so many more necessary uses than guns which are only made to kill. You're trying to compare guns to alcohol? How often do you see an small child killed because his mother dropped her alcohol out of her purse, and it went off?

We do see small children killed because Mom drove drunk, or Mom passed out and they started a fire...
No they didn't. They could have just as easily gone to an individual seller and bought the guns. No need to even ask if they were prohibited to own guns. I'll bet their success rate would have been much higher.

Sorry.....that's not how it worked.......the regular internet was a failure.......and criminals do not go to individual sellers who are not known to them, they just don't do it, because they are afraid of undercover police officers......

Amazing how often good guys with a gun end up doing really stupid and dangerous stuff, isn't it?
View attachment 175107

And yet cars and alcohol are items used far more often for stupid and dangerous stuff....and 16 year olds are allowed to drive these killing machines and they easily get alcohol......

Yet cars have so many more necessary uses than guns which are only made to kill. You're trying to compare guns to alcohol? How often do you see an small child killed because his mother dropped her alcohol out of her purse, and it went off?

We do see small children killed because Mom drove drunk, or Mom passed out and they started a fire...
Or Mom just beats them or drowns them or Dad leaves them in a hot car to die

Parents kill more kids every year than any wack job piece of shit gunman

So if control freak anti second amendment people want to ban a rifle to save children then wouldn't it be even more effective to ban parents?

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