This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Why did you feel the need to lie here and then attempt to distract? The quote and subsequent article is directly related to the mass shooting.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Since when has any of us (with one extreme bonehead stupid person exception) has any of us EVER wanted to ban guns? You keep making that claim to scare little children so that they will hide under their beds clutching their ARs in fear while reloading over and over.
You are the exception my friend. Not the norm. Almost every progressive in the U.S. has called to outlaw firearms.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Why did you feel the need to lie here and then attempt to distract? The quote and subsequent article is directly related to the mass shooting.

It's you that keeps lying. The whole premise of this discussion is hinged on how the 2nd amendment can prevent or not the mass shootings. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with criminal behavior. Criminal behavior will go on with or without. So let's talk about changing things to prevent or lower the body count on the Mass Shootings. Can you do this? Or does this bust your bubble that you have carefully woven around your little world.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Since when has any of us (with one extreme bonehead stupid person exception) has any of us EVER wanted to ban guns? You keep making that claim to scare little children so that they will hide under their beds clutching their ARs in fear while reloading over and over.
You are the exception my friend. Not the norm. Almost every progressive in the U.S. has called to outlaw firearms.

Almost no one is trying to outlaws all firearms. That's a lied that you are perpetuating so that the NRA can help the gun makers to sell more guns. S$W isn't buying it too well these days with the up and coming Chapter 11. While gun sales are up, the new guns sales are way down. The fact remains that we have way too may guns available and used guns are being sold at an alarming rate. Meanwhile, new guns are not being sold nearly as well as a few years ago. There are fewer new gun buyers these days. It's the same people buying more guns.

BTW, if you really believe I am a gun grabber, I own guns. Your whole premise is just wrong.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Since when has any of us (with one extreme bonehead stupid person exception) has any of us EVER wanted to ban guns? You keep making that claim to scare little children so that they will hide under their beds clutching their ARs in fear while reloading over and over.
You are the exception my friend. Not the norm. Almost every progressive in the U.S. has called to outlaw firearms.

No, not even close. I am the norm. Just keep making it up to try and justify your own fairytale.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

We now have a "well regulated Militia." It is known as the National Guard. The Second Amendment was written, in the days of the flintlock, to help protect the fledgling federal government. Now these stupid NRA sluts are running around forming predominantly white gangs and asserting that it was written to protect individuals from the same government, the big, bad government, and from their fellow Americans.

The entire left-wing narrative about firearms is a lie. It’s all built on a political agenda rather than on data.
The report states that investigators posing online as gun buyers who were not legally able to purchase a firearm were completely unsuccessful when attempting to purchase firearms from private sellers. In fact, the report states that investigators tried 72 times — and each time they failed.
That’s right - 0% of the ATF investigators were able to make an illegal purchase. Not even one.

Investigators test how well gun laws work online — and find shocking results that undermine liberals

The left's argument is bullshit. The wannabe dictators can't very well be honest about why they want to disarm the people so they've created this false narrative about how it's all for our own good.

The state cannot protect everyone. We need to have the ability to protect ourselves from any threat to our safety. Either we do that or we are at the mercy of whoever or whatever wishes to do us harm.

The entire left-wing narrative about firearms is a lie. It’s all built on a political agenda rather than on data.
The report states that investigators posing online as gun buyers who were not legally able to purchase a firearm were completely unsuccessful when attempting to purchase firearms from private sellers. In fact, the report states that investigators tried 72 times — and each time they failed.
That’s right - 0% of the ATF investigators were able to make an illegal purchase. Not even one.

Investigators test how well gun laws work online — and find shocking results that undermine liberals

The left's argument is bullshit. The wannabe dictators can't very well be honest about why they want to disarm the people so they've created this false narrative about how it's all for our own good.

The state cannot protect everyone. We need to have the ability to protect ourselves from any threat to our safety. Either we do that or we are at the mercy of whoever or whatever wishes to do us harm.

So what is this Big Threat to your safety? Should we all be afraid? Very afraid? Of exactly what?
Enough with the Rambo movies and the macho bullshit.
Looks like this moron is going to shoot his stupid self in his private parts.
The 2nd Amendment can be definitively paraphrased thus: The individual states have a right to defend themselves through maintenance of state militias. That being said, the Declaration of Independence acknowledges that individuals have an inalienable right to protect themselves. Unless/until the government can guarantee their personal safety, individuals have an inherent right to defend themselves by any reasonable means.

P.S. I don't give a shit how some judge "interprets" the plain language of these documents.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I could prove you wrong in an instant, but history tells me that when dealing with the 2A, most people act like idiots and refuse to see what's right in front of their face, and you've basically said that's how you're going to act.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Since when has any of us (with one extreme bonehead stupid person exception) has any of us EVER wanted to ban guns? You keep making that claim to scare little children so that they will hide under their beds clutching their ARs in fear while reloading over and over.
You are the exception my friend. Not the norm. Almost every progressive in the U.S. has called to outlaw firearms.

Almost no one is trying to outlaws all firearms. That's a lied that you are perpetuating so that the NRA can help the gun makers to sell more guns. S$W isn't buying it too well these days with the up and coming Chapter 11. While gun sales are up, the new guns sales are way down. The fact remains that we have way too may guns available and used guns are being sold at an alarming rate. Meanwhile, new guns are not being sold nearly as well as a few years ago. There are fewer new gun buyers these days. It's the same people buying more guns.

BTW, if you really believe I am a gun grabber, I own guns. Your whole premise is just wrong.

Yes, if you tell people that 4% of British people have guns, they're a little shocked. They think the UK has 0% guns.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

We now have a "well regulated Militia." It is known as the National Guard. The Second Amendment was written, in the days of the flintlock, to help protect the fledgling federal government. Now these stupid NRA sluts are running around forming predominantly white gangs and asserting that it was written to protect individuals from the same government, the big, bad government, and from their fellow Americans.

Newsflash: before 1917, There was no National Guard. The National Guard Act of 1917 gave the Federal Government the right to Federalize the State Guard and the National Guard was Created. The States till have the right o create a State Guard that is not connected in any way to the National Guard. The State Guard has provisions that it's members, if they meet the requirements, cannot be called up by the Federal Government. /the State Guard is the Organized Militia that the 2nd amendment talks about. Most states don't feel the need for a State Militia. States like California and Texas do because they have a very high rate of natural disasters. It appears that the need of the 2nd amendment as it's written is probably no longer necessary and needs to be amended.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Since when has any of us (with one extreme bonehead stupid person exception) has any of us EVER wanted to ban guns? You keep making that claim to scare little children so that they will hide under their beds clutching their ARs in fear while reloading over and over.
You are the exception my friend. Not the norm. Almost every progressive in the U.S. has called to outlaw firearms.

Almost no one is trying to outlaws all firearms. That's a lied that you are perpetuating so that the NRA can help the gun makers to sell more guns. S$W isn't buying it too well these days with the up and coming Chapter 11. While gun sales are up, the new guns sales are way down. The fact remains that we have way too may guns available and used guns are being sold at an alarming rate. Meanwhile, new guns are not being sold nearly as well as a few years ago. There are fewer new gun buyers these days. It's the same people buying more guns.

BTW, if you really believe I am a gun grabber, I own guns. Your whole premise is just wrong.

Yes, if you tell people that 4% of British people have guns, they're a little shocked. They think the UK has 0% guns.

I don't even mention Britain. I live in the USA. Keep it centered on the USA and stop with the red herrings. Why do I own a gun?

I can tell you all about how I want to protect my family. I can tell you that I want to protect my neighborhood, I can tell you that I want to make everyone around me safer. I can tell you that I own a gun to protect myself from the gun nutcase that I live next door to who is about as ultra right wing as you can get and is my candidate for the next person in this area to go off the deep end with a gun. Yes, all of these things.

But the #1 reason I own a gun: I want one. I don't kid myself one bit. I am more likely to drop it and shoot myself than to have any of the above things happen. Even with that danger, I own it just because I want it. So let's stop lying about the reasons.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded. If you arm a crowd you end up with an armed MOB. The answer to that one is that it really didn't matter. He was an experienced shooter who had the financial backing, who had the resources in a state had essentially NO common sense gun regulations. Much like Florida had up until yesterday. Now, Florida is in line with MOST states including the one I live in. Unfortunately, Nevada still doesn't have common sense laws. Had the Colorado Laws been in place across the nation, the tools of the trade to do both shootings would not have been so easy to obtain. Unfortunately for Nevada, that shooter would still have obtained them. But the ones where the ARs were used that had the high body counts, the shooters would have had to use other weapons and the body counts would have been lower or the Law Enforcement would have had more time to act on the red flags.

As for the Criminals. Better Law Enforcement always has been the answer. Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm. Showing the Civilians that they should think of cops as their friends and not their enemies. There are so many other crimes that also go by the way when that happens. And get JOBS, JOBS, JOBS back into the communities
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

Okay, I am 19 and walking towards a school with an AR under a blanket. With the heightened Police Coverage, talk about a huge read flag. I shouldn't make it. Okay, I actually have a Hoe under there and am heading for the school to take care of the community garden but get rousted anyway. But the School is safe regardless. The AR shooter should be bagged before they even enter the school grounds.
In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded.
More pure progressive fantasy. No such thing occurred and no innocent bystanders were shot by armed citizens OR law enforcement.

Folks - much like Billy000 - at this point you can pretty much ignore everything that DH is posting. It's 100% made up (which is highly irresponsible).
As for the Criminals. Better Law Enforcement always has been the answer. Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm.
Wait - a progressive wants MORE government?!? Well colored me shocked! I just about fell out of my chair when I read that.

The Democrat Party has existed for over 150 years now and in all of that time they have had exactly one "solution": more government. There isn't a single person who could show me a single Democrat "solution" that wasn't more government. More government control. More government confiscation. More government officials. More government legislation. More government regulation. One damn "solution" in over 150 years. Unbelievable.

And this is on the heels of the Parkland shooter in which the government failed miserably over 39 times. The local sheriff's office failed. The local school failed. Even the freaking F.B.I. failed. can always count on the idiot progressive to scream "we just need to add more failed government to the recipe to make it work!". Mind-numbing stupidity.
Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm.
Ignoring your idiotic progressive propaganda for a moment - you know what really works like a charm? Liberty. It's never failed in the history of the world. Not once. And it literally never will.

Adolf Hitler stood before Germany and told them that government would cure all of their woes. How did that work out? Fidel Castro did the same thing in Cuba. Same results. And you don't even want to bring up Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. can whine as long as you want (and you clearly will). At the end of the day - I'm endowed by my creator (God) with unalienable rights. My firearm isn't going away no matter how much you bitch and whine about it. Quite the contrary, it is going in the opposite direction. There are more firearms now than any point in U.S. history, there are more teachers and staff armed in schools in any point in U.S. history, and the American people are expanding both.

You can deal with it. Or you can go live in one of the gun confiscating nations you claim to love so much. Don't let the door hit you in your uninformed ass on your way out.

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