The AR shooter should be bagged before they even enter the school grounds.
Sorry Kim Jong Un - that's not how we do things here in the U.S. You must actually commit a crime first before you can be "bagged" by anyone. We know how you cowardly dictator-wannabe's hate due process, rights, and liberty and all - but that's just the way it is here in the U.S. Might I suggest you move to a more oppressive nation where your cowardly fears would be quelled and you would feel more comfortable?

Liberty isn't for everyone.
In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded.
More pure progressive fantasy. No such thing occurred and no innocent bystanders were shot by armed citizens OR law enforcement.

Folks - much like Billy000 - at this point you can pretty much ignore everything that DH is posting. It's 100% made up (which is highly irresponsible).

The Vigis weren't shot because the Cops were on the spot and didn't panic. You have no idea what happens when an untrained and even a a trained out of practice person goes through when the hammer drops. You think you become a rambo or a dirty harry? No, become a target or you just shoot up the place.
The AR shooter should be bagged before they even enter the school grounds.
Sorry Kim Jong Un - that's not how we do things here in the U.S. You must actually commit a crime first before you can be "bagged" by anyone. We know how you cowardly dictator-wannabe's hate due process, rights, and liberty and all - but that's just the way it is here in the U.S. Might I suggest you move to a more oppressive nation where your cowardly fears would be quelled and you would feel more comfortable?

Liberty isn't for everyone.

It it's illegal for an under 21 year old to possess an AR then a crime has already been committed. Due Process has been waived. Now, if that person proves to be 21 or older and can justify being where they are carrying that AR then no laws are broken and they just go their merry way. It's the same thing when a driver crosses the white line and a cop pulls them over. This has happened to me. The Cop does a very quick assessment to see if you have been drinking. If not, you just might be tired. If you are tired, he will tell you to be careful and to go directly home. If you have been drinking.......

You keep making excuses for Mass Killers.
Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm.
Ignoring your idiotic progressive propaganda for a moment - you know what really works like a charm? Liberty. It's never failed in the history of the world. Not once. And it literally never will.

Adolf Hitler stood before Germany and told them that government would cure all of their woes. How did that work out? Fidel Castro did the same thing in Cuba. Same results. And you don't even want to bring up Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. can whine as long as you want (and you clearly will). At the end of the day - I'm endowed by my creator (God) with unalienable rights. My firearm isn't going away no matter how much you bitch and whine about it. Quite the contrary, it is going in the opposite direction. There are more firearms now than any point in U.S. history, there are more teachers and staff armed in schools in any point in U.S. history, and the American people are expanding both.

You can deal with it. Or you can go live in one of the gun confiscating nations you claim to love so much. Don't let the door hit you in your uninformed ass on your way out.

The harder you veer into this, the more I question your mental health. I am not coming for your weapons unless you are mentally unfit. And each day, I start to believe that you are more and more mentally unstable. So keep frothing at the mouth.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded. If you arm a crowd you end up with an armed MOB. The answer to that one is that it really didn't matter. He was an experienced shooter who had the financial backing, who had the resources in a state had essentially NO common sense gun regulations. Much like Florida had up until yesterday. Now, Florida is in line with MOST states including the one I live in. Unfortunately, Nevada still doesn't have common sense laws. Had the Colorado Laws been in place across the nation, the tools of the trade to do both shootings would not have been so easy to obtain. Unfortunately for Nevada, that shooter would still have obtained them. But the ones where the ARs were used that had the high body counts, the shooters would have had to use other weapons and the body counts would have been lower or the Law Enforcement would have had more time to act on the red flags.

As for the Criminals. Better Law Enforcement always has been the answer. Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm. Showing the Civilians that they should think of cops as their friends and not their enemies. There are so many other crimes that also go by the way when that happens. And get JOBS, JOBS, JOBS back into the communities
SO are we talking about school shooting or the Vegas shooting?

They are 2 very different situations

And how many civilians who were carrying fired any shots? How many actually drew their weapons?

How many civilians with guns were shot by cops?

Do you know or are you just making shit up?

And you have no idea of the body counts would have been lower if one particular semiautomatic rifle was banned there are many other semiautomatics that are far more powerful than the AR is and there are many semiautomatics that perform exactly like the AR in that they fire the same round at the same rate of one round per trigger pull
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

Okay, I am 19 and walking towards a school with an AR under a blanket. With the heightened Police Coverage, talk about a huge read flag. I shouldn't make it. Okay, I actually have a Hoe under there and am heading for the school to take care of the community garden but get rousted anyway. But the School is safe regardless. The AR shooter should be bagged before they even enter the school grounds.

You are in fantasy land.

School shootings happen first and foremost because there is basically unrestricted access to school grounds and unrestricted access into the school buildings
You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded. If you arm a crowd you end up with an armed MOB. The answer to that one is that it really didn't matter. He was an experienced shooter who had the financial backing, who had the resources in a state had essentially NO common sense gun regulations. Much like Florida had up until yesterday. Now, Florida is in line with MOST states including the one I live in. Unfortunately, Nevada still doesn't have common sense laws. Had the Colorado Laws been in place across the nation, the tools of the trade to do both shootings would not have been so easy to obtain. Unfortunately for Nevada, that shooter would still have obtained them. But the ones where the ARs were used that had the high body counts, the shooters would have had to use other weapons and the body counts would have been lower or the Law Enforcement would have had more time to act on the red flags.

As for the Criminals. Better Law Enforcement always has been the answer. Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm. Showing the Civilians that they should think of cops as their friends and not their enemies. There are so many other crimes that also go by the way when that happens. And get JOBS, JOBS, JOBS back into the communities
SO are we talking about school shooting or the Vegas shooting?

They are 2 very different situations

And how many civilians who were carrying fired any shots? How many actually drew their weapons?

How many civilians with guns were shot by cops?

Do you know or are you just making shit up?

And you have no idea of the body counts would have been lower if one particular semiautomatic rifle was banned there are many other semiautomatics that are far more powerful than the AR is and there are many semiautomatics that perform exactly like the AR in that they fire the same round at the same rate of one round per trigger pull

The fact remains that the Vegas Shooting was NOT a firearms free area and yet it was the worst of the lot. And it was from ONE particular gun that is in common with the highest body count with the School and Movie Mass Shootings. What made the body count so high was not just the prepeparation of the shooter but the bump stocks which turned the AR into a full auto fire weapon. You and the NRA still demand that that Bump Stocks should be legal. Most States disgree. Most Students disagree. Most Teachers disagree. You have turned common sense into a political bullet as usual. I guess you agree with the NRA that Bump STocks sell more ammo, actions and barrels therefore that's a good thing. I wonder when the next school shooting will happen when a bump stock with a series of high capacity mags will be used to really run up the body count. Will that quench your blood lust?

Just how much is the NRA paying you to promote the slaughter of school children, Baby Killer?
Boom! A knockout blow to the left...
Because when the policies fail to produce the results you are promising to your constituents, you’ll be back with more reasons on why we’ve gotta infringe on 2nd Amendment rights
This is what failed left-wing policy has been doing for the past 118 years. Every time it fails, the left screams that we just didn’t do enough of it and then they demand that more government control and less liberty will solve the problem this time.

In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded.
More pure progressive fantasy. No such thing occurred and no innocent bystanders were shot by armed citizens OR law enforcement.

Folks - much like Billy000 - at this point you can pretty much ignore everything that DH is posting. It's 100% made up (which is highly irresponsible).
The Vigis weren't shot because the Cops were on the spot and didn't panic.
So you just admitted you lied. You contradicted yourself in your last two posts!
In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded.
The Vigis weren't shot because the Cops were on the spot and didn't panic.
So first you claimed that due to armed citizens, there was “mayhem” and “cluster F”. After I called out your bullshit, in your very next post you admit “the ‘cops’ didn’t panic”. So there was no “mayhem” or “cluster F”. Law enforcement did what they were trained to do, armed citizens didn’t disrupt them in any capacity, and you’re a tool who is full of shit making stuff up for an idiotic agenda.
The AR shooter should be bagged before they even enter the school grounds.
Sorry Kim Jong Un - that's not how we do things here in the U.S. You must actually commit a crime first before you can be "bagged" by anyone. We know how you cowardly dictator-wannabe's hate due process, rights, and liberty and all - but that's just the way it is here in the U.S. Might I suggest you move to a more oppressive nation where your cowardly fears would be quelled and you would feel more comfortable?

Liberty isn't for everyone.
It it's illegal for an under 21 year old to possess an AR then a crime has already been committed.
And how the fuck would law enforcement know that the person in question carrying the garden hoe was under or over 21?!? What’s next Duhhhh-ryl...RF chips intalled in every citizen so law enforcement knows who of what age is where? Idiot.
The harder you veer into this, the more I question your mental health. I am not coming for your weapons unless you are mentally unfit. And each day, I start to believe that you are more and more mentally unstable. So keep frothing at the mouth.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you a peak into the mindset of the modern day progressive. This is exactly what they will do. They will simply deem anyone owns a gun or anyone who wants to, to be “mentally unfit”.

Of course (just as with Obamacare) anyone who is a friend of the left will receive their “exemptions”. But only if you are politically connected (ie powerful or wealthy).
In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded.
More pure progressive fantasy. No such thing occurred and no innocent bystanders were shot by armed citizens OR law enforcement.

Folks - much like Billy000 - at this point you can pretty much ignore everything that DH is posting. It's 100% made up (which is highly irresponsible).
The Vigis weren't shot because the Cops were on the spot and didn't panic.
So you just admitted you lied. You contradicted yourself in your last two posts!
In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded.
The Vigis weren't shot because the Cops were on the spot and didn't panic.
So first you claimed that due to armed citizens, there was “mayhem” and “cluster F”. After I called out your bullshit, in your very next post you admit “the ‘cops’ didn’t panic”. So there was no “mayhem” or “cluster F”. Law enforcement did what they were trained to do, armed citizens didn’t disrupt them in any capacity, and you’re a tool who is full of shit making stuff up for an idiotic agenda.

The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach. They kept it from blowing the lid off in spite of you gun nutz and baby killers.
The harder you veer into this, the more I question your mental health. I am not coming for your weapons unless you are mentally unfit. And each day, I start to believe that you are more and more mentally unstable. So keep frothing at the mouth.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you a peak into the mindset of the modern day progressive. This is exactly what they will do. They will simply deem anyone owns a gun or anyone who wants to, to be “mentally unfit”.

Of course (just as with Obamacare) anyone who is a friend of the left will receive their “exemptions”. But only if you are politically connected (ie powerful or wealthy).

I mearly point out that YOU are probably unfit. Anyone that rejects common sense for political gains should not be armed with anything short of a toaster.
The AR shooter should be bagged before they even enter the school grounds.
Sorry Kim Jong Un - that's not how we do things here in the U.S. You must actually commit a crime first before you can be "bagged" by anyone. We know how you cowardly dictator-wannabe's hate due process, rights, and liberty and all - but that's just the way it is here in the U.S. Might I suggest you move to a more oppressive nation where your cowardly fears would be quelled and you would feel more comfortable?

Liberty isn't for everyone.
It it's illegal for an under 21 year old to possess an AR then a crime has already been committed.
And how the fuck would law enforcement know that the person in question carrying the garden hoe was under or over 21?!? What’s next Duhhhh-ryl...RF chips intalled in every citizen so law enforcement knows who of what age is where? Idiot.

Law Enforcement Checks. Simple as that. They do their jobs. By increasing patrols outside of the schools most of this could have been prevented. You seem to believe that you can do a better job than a Cop. Rave on lunatic. The more you rave on the more you convince me that you shouldn't even be armed with even a toaster.
The degree of professionalism that the cops exibited was beyond and above reproach.
So this is now the second time you are admitting that you egregiously lied in post #498. Law enforcement did not experience “mayhem” and “cluster f” because of armed citizens, as you tried to claim. You are now admitting they were “above reproach” in their “degree of professionalism”.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No, it would NOT put a dent in the body count. In total, 54 people have been killed in school shootings using AR 15s. In fact, in 35 years, less than 300 people have been killed in mass shootings using an AR 15. That's only a third of the number of people who drowned in a tub in the USA in the past 5 years.

Someone drowns in a tub nearly every day in America

Here is a list of mass shootings in the U.S. that featured AR-15-style rifles during the last 35 years, courtesy of the Stanford Geospatial Center and Stanford Libraries and USA TODAY research:

  • Feb. 24, 1984: Tyrone Mitchell, 28, used an AR-15, a Stoeger 12-gauge shotgun and a Winchester 12-gauge shotgun to kill two and wound 12 at 49th Street Elementary School in Los Angeles before killing himself.
  • Oct. 7, 2007: Tyler Peterson, 20, used an AR-15 to kill six and injure one at an apartment in Crandon, Wis., before killing himself.
  • June 20, 2012: James Eagan Holmes, 24, used an AR-15-style .223-caliber Smith and Wesson rifle with a 100-round magazine, a 12-gauge Remington shotgun and two .40-caliber Glock semi-automatic pistols to kill 12 and injure 58 at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo.
  • Dec. 14, 2012: Adam Lanza, 20, used an AR-15-style rifle, a .223-caliber Bushmaster, to kill 27 people — his mother, 20 students and six teachers — in Newtown, Conn., before killing himself.
  • June 7, 2013: John Zawahri, 23, used an AR-15-style .223-caliber rifle and a .44-caliber Remington revolver to kill five and injure three at a home in Santa Monica, Calif., before he was killed.
  • March 19, 2015: Justin Fowler, 24, used an AR-15 to kill one and injure two on a street in Little Water, N.M., before he was killed.
  • May 31, 2015: Jeffrey Scott Pitts, 36, used an AR-15 and .45-caliber handgun to kill two and injure two at a store in Conyers, Ga., before he was killed.
  • Oct. 31, 2015: Noah Jacob Harpham, 33, used an AR-15, a .357-caliber revolver and a 9mm semi-automatic pistol to kill three on a street in Colorado Springs, Colo., before he was killed.
  • Dec. 2, 2015: Syed Rizwyan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, 28 and 27, used two AR-15-style, .223-caliber Remington rifles and two 9 mm handguns to kill 14 and injure 21 at his workplace in San Bernardino, Calif., before they were killed.
  • June 12, 2016: Omar Mateen, 29, used an AR-15 style rifle (a Sig Sauer MCX), and a 9mm Glock semi-automatic pistol to kill 49 people and injure 50 at an Orlando nightclub before he was killed.
  • Oct. 1, 2017: Stephen Paddock, 64, used a stockpile of guns including an AR-15 to kill 58 people and injure hundreds at a music festival in Las Vegas before he killed himself.
  • Nov. 5, 2017: Devin Kelley, 26, used an AR-15 style Ruger rifle to kill 26 people at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, before he was killed.
  • Feb. 14, 2018: Police say Nikolas Cruz, 19, used an AR-15-style rifle to kill at least 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.
Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
I mearly point out that YOU are probably unfit. Anyone that rejects common sense for political gains should not be armed with anything short of a toaster.
Well I merely point out that anyone who is willing to piss on the U.S. Constitution because they are coward should not live in the U.S.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Mass shooting account for 1% of all murders

so even if you could stop them by banning a particular rifle ( you can't but let's live in your fantasy world for 30 more seconds) it would not put a dent in the murder rate

But it would put quite a dent in the body count of the mass shooting of our school children. But I guess you are willing to sacrifice them to get your own way.

No it wouldn't someone would just use a weapon or weapons that have not been banned and they would just walk in to any school they want because they all have piss poor security and start shooting

In the Vegas Shooting. During the Mayhem that insued, there were quite a few people that drew their weapons. All they did was take away the attention of the Law Enforcement that was trying to spot the shooter. It ended up being a bigger cluster F than it should have been and the guy got off even more shots and more people died or were wounded. If you arm a crowd you end up with an armed MOB. The answer to that one is that it really didn't matter. He was an experienced shooter who had the financial backing, who had the resources in a state had essentially NO common sense gun regulations. Much like Florida had up until yesterday. Now, Florida is in line with MOST states including the one I live in. Unfortunately, Nevada still doesn't have common sense laws. Had the Colorado Laws been in place across the nation, the tools of the trade to do both shootings would not have been so easy to obtain. Unfortunately for Nevada, that shooter would still have obtained them. But the ones where the ARs were used that had the high body counts, the shooters would have had to use other weapons and the body counts would have been lower or the Law Enforcement would have had more time to act on the red flags.

As for the Criminals. Better Law Enforcement always has been the answer. Embedding Cops into neighborhoods works like a charm. Showing the Civilians that they should think of cops as their friends and not their enemies. There are so many other crimes that also go by the way when that happens. And get JOBS, JOBS, JOBS back into the communities

I am sure you can provide links that prove your claim is valid, right? After all, shouldn't we ALL have heard that people drew their weapons and take away the attention of Law Enforcement away from finding the shooter?
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Since when has any of us (with one extreme bonehead stupid person exception) has any of us EVER wanted to ban guns? You keep making that claim to scare little children so that they will hide under their beds clutching their ARs in fear while reloading over and over.
You are the exception my friend. Not the norm. Almost every progressive in the U.S. has called to outlaw firearms.

Almost no one is trying to outlaws all firearms. That's a lied that you are perpetuating so that the NRA can help the gun makers to sell more guns. S$W isn't buying it too well these days with the up and coming Chapter 11. While gun sales are up, the new guns sales are way down. The fact remains that we have way too may guns available and used guns are being sold at an alarming rate. Meanwhile, new guns are not being sold nearly as well as a few years ago. There are fewer new gun buyers these days. It's the same people buying more guns.

BTW, if you really believe I am a gun grabber, I own guns. Your whole premise is just wrong.

Yes, if you tell people that 4% of British people have guns, they're a little shocked. They think the UK has 0% guns.

I don't even mention Britain. I live in the USA. Keep it centered on the USA and stop with the red herrings. Why do I own a gun?

I can tell you all about how I want to protect my family. I can tell you that I want to protect my neighborhood, I can tell you that I want to make everyone around me safer. I can tell you that I own a gun to protect myself from the gun nutcase that I live next door to who is about as ultra right wing as you can get and is my candidate for the next person in this area to go off the deep end with a gun. Yes, all of these things.

But the #1 reason I own a gun: I want one. I don't kid myself one bit. I am more likely to drop it and shoot myself than to have any of the above things happen. Even with that danger, I own it just because I want it. So let's stop lying about the reasons.

Oh, I can't talk about the topic if it involves things that you can't comprehend?

No, you didn't mention Britain, I did. I did so for a very good reason. I'm sorry you can't get the point I was making.

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