Fact Checking gets in the way of your story every time.
That perfectly sums up the left’s view. They understand that “fact checking gets in the way of their story every time”. I love it when the left has a moment of inadvertent honesty.

I'm a leftist? Now that's a funny one. Anyone that doesn't completely agree with your twisted narrow minded views absolutely MUST be a leftist right? With that kind of act, you should be on Stage. Here comes one now. Get under it.
Do you really want to get into Military History with me? I am recognized as a Military Historian in many circles
And yet you had never heard of the Puckle gun or the Belton flintlock before I mentioned them yesterday.
No, I hadn't.
So you’re not actually the “historian” you’d like to believe.

So you are now post editing. Figures. No Historian knows it all. But we either know how to research it or we know someone that does. That should scare you a bit but you are just too dumb to notice.
The Puckle gun had to be fired, one projectile would exit. Then you had to crank the cylinder back, turn it by hand and then crank it back in and then you could fire again. No way it could have remotely been called an Automatic Firearm at all.
The Gatling gun had to be cranked as well - but it was still pumping out endless rounds as you did (unlike the musket with the one shot, reload the gun powder, reload the musket ball). You’re trying to apply today’s automatic technology to the 1700’s because (like all lefties) you can’t bring yourself to admit you were ignorant of the facts,

Oh....by the way Mr. “Military Historian”....almost every farm had a canon in that era. Which was the heaviest artillery of the time.

The Gatling doesn't even have a trigger much like a M-61 has none. And the Gatlin is not a gas operated system either. It's a purely mechanical system. The guns that you bring up were evolutionary dead end guns that one was tried but it was replaced by multiple single shot units that could be fired, replaced by another swivel gun and fired again until you ran out of swivel guns. The other was just an explosion waiting for a chance to happen.

Almost EVERY Farm had a canon from that era? Are you insane? A Farm could not afford a canon. They were expensive and it took the whole community or government to afford them. The biggest average canon for all the farms each was zero.
Almost EVERY Farm had a canon from that era? Are you insane? A Farm could not afford a canon. They were expensive and it took the whole community or government to afford them. The biggest average canon for all the farms each was zero.
Yeah...once again illustrating your complete lack of knowledge on U.S. history. The canon wasn’t even remotely expensive. Most were confiscated from the British (that would be free chief).
The inevitable path the anti-gun left will take. First, they are going after the “assault rifles” (hilarious term) under the guise that they take so many lives (even though they are no more dangerous than any other firearm).

However, if they are successful in that quest, they will go under handguns next. They will cite the statistics below and the complain about how easy they are to hide/conceal.
"When you look at the statistics, many, many, many more shootings occur with a pistol than they do with a rifle," Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., says.

Fact Check: Are Most Gun Crimes Committed With Handguns?
The inevitable path the anti-gun left will take. First, they are going after the “assault rifles” (hilarious term) under the guise that they take so many lives (even though they are no more dangerous than any other firearm).
Well, unless somebody repealed the Hughes Amendment, "assault rifles" are already pretty much banned.

From wikipedia with a whole bunch of sources:

"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

"Selective fire means the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, burst mode, and/or fully automatic firing mode."

The term "assault rifle" was coined by none other than the left's favorite character, Adolph Hitler, who called it the "Sturmgewehr" which is "Storm Rifle" which translates to assault riffle. Here is the weapon to which he was referring:


Assault WEAPON is a bullshit, made up term to try and make civilian semi-auto versions of assault rifle seem synonymous to the idiot masses.

From wiki:

The term "assault rifle" is sometimes conflated with the term "assault weapon". According to the Associated Press Stylebook, the media should differentiate between "assault rifles," which are capable of fully automatic firing, and "assault weapons," which are semiautomatic and "not synonymous with assault rifle."[90] Civilian ownership of machine guns (and assault rifles) has been tightly regulated since 1934 under the National Firearms Act and since 1986 under the Firearm Owners Protection Act (the Hughes Amendment).


Anyway....carry on.
Almost EVERY Farm had a canon from that era? Are you insane? A Farm could not afford a canon. They were expensive and it took the whole community or government to afford them. The biggest average canon for all the farms each was zero.
Yeah...once again illustrating your complete lack of knowledge on U.S. history. The canon wasn’t even remotely expensive. Most were confiscated from the British (that would be free chief).

Time for you to prove your BS, there oh puny one.
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past
Left-wing policy always ends in failure...
The Crime Prevention Research Center found that 98.4% of mass shootings happened in gun-free zones.
The left can’t grasp that their “gun-free” zones aren’t so “gun-free”. What they are actually is “law-abiding citizen unarmed” zones. It’s a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.

Lawmaker Says Repealing Gun-Free Zone Act Would Make Schools Safer
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US
We’ve done it the failed left-wing way for almost 3 decades now. It’s time we ignore the ignorant and immature idealists and instead start listening to the experts...
The Crime Prevention Research Center found that from the 1950s through July 10, 2016, 98.4% of mass shootings have happened in gun-free zones, The Blaze reported.
When you create victim zones, you will get victims. The left has caused the unnecessary death of hundreds of children. This is an easy problem to solve that doesn’t require tyranny or the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. It just requires us to do what all successful solutions do - ignore the left.

Lawmaker Says Repealing Gun-Free Zone Act Would Make Schools Safer
Despite the absolute best efforts by the left and their media.... :lmao:
Most Americans blame the shooting on failures by the local, state and federal governments, according to a Rasmussen Reports study. The study was done in response to the Valentine’s Day shooting that left 17 people dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
The American people refuse to accept the propaganda, refuse to turn on the U.S. Constitution, and refuse to surrender liberty. Failed left-wing policy caused the problem and then the left attempted to exploit it for power and control. As always, they failed.

Study shows most Americans blame government mistakes, not guns, for Florida shooting
This is how left-wing policy always ends - in complete and total failure.
Lenient school discipline policies implemented by the Obama administration allowed the Parkland, Florida, school shooter to maintain a clean record that allowed him to purchase the gun he used to kill 17 people, a report by RealClearInvestigations shows.
The left works to ensure criminal activity is allowed to operate. That way they can use the “crisis” to erode liberties and assume the power and control that they deeply crave.

How Obama school discipline guidelines allowed school shooter to buy gun despite troubling past

You keep looping back to criminal behaviors like street crime. We are talking about mass shootings. Too different cause and affects. You keep bringing your dog and pony act in. Now stay focused.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Since when has any of us (with one extreme bonehead stupid person exception) has any of us EVER wanted to ban guns? You keep making that claim to scare little children so that they will hide under their beds clutching their ARs in fear while reloading over and over.

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