The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
No it doesn't.

If that were true NH would have a higher murder rate than RI but it has a lower murder rate even though it has a higher population than RI and very lax gun laws
special pleading is simply that. your view should hold true in Chicago.
I never said I had a view.

I was giving you an example why you are wrong.

IDGAF if guns reduce crime. I never made that claim
Unlike you I know that me giving up my guns will have absolutely no effect on crime because I do not commit crimes and neither do 99.99% of legal gun owners

I also know that mass shootings only account for 1% of all murders so in all honesty it's not that big of a problem.

Yes I care about the lives of children just like any real man would.

It's creepy that you "care" so much about other people's kids

That said a lot more kids die every day from other causes than die in school shootings

Any real man would want to save the lives of children.

Me giving up my guns will not save anyone's life.

They don’t have regular school shootings where there is strong gun control. Cops aren’t killed regularly either.
Me giving up my guns will not save any lives.
Rental Truck....86 people...cost less than one of those rifles......

Can they do that in a church? In a school?

You didn’t answer my question.

They can run people over as they exit the church and as the kids line up for school...moron......

When has that happened? They make barriers for that.

You mean like in New York where the muslim terrorist ran over and murdered 8 people last year? You simply run people over before they get behind the barriers, moron.....

As Dan Bongino stated....a former NYPD officer and a former Secret Service officer...if they are going to use a cheap rental truck, they will simply run over people on the exposed side of the barrier...dumb ass....(he didn't say dumb ass, that was me to you brain...)
The 2nd Amendment can be definitively paraphrased thus: The individual states have a right to defend themselves through maintenance of state militias. That being said, the Declaration of Independence acknowledges that individuals have an inalienable right to protect themselves. Unless/until the government can guarantee their personal safety, individuals have an inherent right to defend themselves by any reasonable means.

P.S. I don't give a shit how some judge "interprets" the plain language of these documents.

The Declaration of Independence is a "founding" document - not a "governing" document. It is basically filing for divorce from England - an announcement. The Declaration of Independence carries no weight in legal proceedings.

Confusion -- the wording of the Second Amendment
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Ignore the fact...
That’s the slogan of the left.

Slogan of the RWnutjob, "You didn't bring an AR, let me help you get one. Now go murder more children".
Still a better slogan than the willfully ignorant “ignore the facts” slogan of the left!

Ignoring the Fact? What does the AR type rifle have in common with the Thompson prior to 1934? You keep ignoring that little tidbit where the most mass shootings all have used the AR type rifle for the last 25 years.

Now, without braking out the NRA Bolerplate, tell us how to minimize this problem?
The Declaration of Independence is a "founding" document - not a "governing" document. It is basically filing for divorce from England - an announcement. The Declaration of Independence carries no weight in legal proceedings.

Confusion -- the wording of the Second Amendment
“Confusion”? :lmao:

Sweetheart...the 2nd Amendment could not possibly be any more crystal clear...
...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
I mean - it takes a seriously disingenuous asshat to declare that is somehow “confusing” or “ambiguous”. You’re just desperate to control others and too lazy to get the votes necessary to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

There is a belongs to the people...and it cannot be infringed in any capacity.
Now, without braking out the NRA Bolerplate, tell us how to minimize this problem?
Common sense. Ask yourself how mass shootings are prevented in places they don’t happen. They don’t happen at NRA meetings (tons of firearms). They don’t happen at police stations (entire arsenal of weapons and ammunitions). And they don’t happen at the White House (which is literally overflowing with fully automatic weapons).

You know where else they don’t happen? The following two schools...

Students in West Texas school district ‘feel safe’ at school — the reason why will prevent shooting

This school's not likely to be next target ... good guys are all packing heat and it works
The Declaration of Independence is a "founding" document - not a "governing" document. It is basically filing for divorce from England - an announcement. The Declaration of Independence carries no weight in legal proceedings.

Confusion -- the wording of the Second Amendment
“Confusion”? :lmao:

Sweetheart...the 2nd Amendment could not possibly be any more crystal clear...
...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
I mean - it takes a seriously disingenuous asshat to declare that is somehow “confusing” or “ambiguous”. You’re just desperate to control others and too lazy to get the votes necessary to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

There is a belongs to the people...and it cannot be infringed in any capacity.

Yet you use the 2nd amendment as you read it as a way to suppress other people's 1st amendment rights.
Now, without braking out the NRA Bolerplate, tell us how to minimize this problem?
Common sense. Ask yourself how mass shootings are prevented in places they don’t happen. They don’t happen at NRA meetings (tons of firearms). They don’t happen at police stations (entire arsenal of weapons and ammunitions). And they don’t happen at the White House (which is literally overflowing with fully automatic weapons).

You know where else they don’t happen? The following two schools...

Students in West Texas school district ‘feel safe’ at school — the reason why will prevent shooting

This school's not likely to be next target ... good guys are all packing heat and it works

Like most bad guys., they pick the easiest targets. If not the schools, the go for the churches. If not the Churches, they go for the concerts. On and on. Yet you have yet to come up with something other than "More Guns" which is a Sales Gimmick from the NRA. Break it down without the NRA Boilerplate.
Yet you use the 2nd amendment as you read it as a way to suppress other people's 1st amendment rights.
Uh...what? I love the U.S. Constitution and all amendments in it. I’ve never once used my firearms to prevent someone from exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Why do you feel the need to resort to such immature lies?
The 2nd Amendment can be definitively paraphrased thus: The individual states have a right to defend themselves through maintenance of state militias. That being said, the Declaration of Independence acknowledges that individuals have an inalienable right to protect themselves. Unless/until the government can guarantee their personal safety, individuals have an inherent right to defend themselves by any reasonable means.

P.S. I don't give a shit how some judge "interprets" the plain language of these documents.

The Declaration of Independence is a "founding" document - not a "governing" document. It is basically filing for divorce from England - an announcement. The Declaration of Independence carries no weight in legal proceedings.

Confusion -- the wording of the Second Amendment

The ONLY ones who get confused are the socialists, fascists and the government supremacists.


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