Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.
We don’t need any more frivolous gun laws, because we don’t have any criminal control in this country...
...And the frivolous gun control laws Progressives want are unconstitutional

The Supreme Court said reasonable restrictions are not unconstitutional. You should head on up there and explain why you are right, and they are wrong. I'm sure they will change their ruling as soon as you explain it to them.
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business
The state of Florida seems to disagree with you.

It's called "Reasonable" Gun Laws. They should have been in place long ago. Most states now have them in place. The sad part is, most states have put them into place after a mass shooting has taken place. Nevada is the exception. I suggest that all the gun nutz move to Nevada where they can run around and be state sponsored gun nutz and leave the rest of us alone.
We don’t need any more frivolous gun laws, because we don’t have any criminal control in this country...
...And the frivolous gun control laws Progressives want are unconstitutional

The Supreme Court said reasonable restrictions are not unconstitutional. You should head on up there and explain why you are right, and they are wrong. I'm sure they will change their ruling as soon as you explain it to them.
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Since Colorado require them on private sales, that means they are legal. If you want, you can contest this law in the Supreme Court but it's already been ruled on. Meaning, you are wrong for at least one state. But it goes state to state like it should. It's illegal at federal level but it's perfectly legal at state level if the state deems it necessary.
So only law abiding people are objected to background checks?
The Supreme Court said reasonable restrictions are not unconstitutional. You should head on up there and explain why you are right, and they are wrong. I'm sure they will change their ruling as soon as you explain it to them.
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

You not wanting background checks, and background checks being unconstitutional are not the same thing Boo Boo.
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

You not wanting background checks, and background checks being unconstitutional are not the same thing Boo Boo.
Background checks are not necessary for private sales, background checks for private sales are unconstitutional
Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

You not wanting background checks, and background checks being unconstitutional are not the same thing Boo Boo.
Background checks are not necessary for private sales, background checks for private sales are unconstitutional

You keep saying that. You got a link or ruling, or something to back up your claim, or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
The Supreme Court said reasonable restrictions are not unconstitutional. You should head on up there and explain why you are right, and they are wrong. I'm sure they will change their ruling as soon as you explain it to them.
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

You not wanting background checks, and background checks being unconstitutional are not the same thing Boo Boo.
Background checks are not necessary for private sales, background checks for private sales are unconstitutional

You keep saying that. You got a link or ruling, or something to back up your claim, or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
Background checks are not necessary to purchase firearms privately, as the way it should be
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.
Cocaine ownership is not a right, firearm ownership is
So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

You not wanting background checks, and background checks being unconstitutional are not the same thing Boo Boo.
Background checks are not necessary for private sales, background checks for private sales are unconstitutional

You keep saying that. You got a link or ruling, or something to back up your claim, or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
Background checks are not necessary to purchase firearms privately, as the way it should be

Soooooo your claim of being unconstitutional was just more bullshit, right? Why do right wingers lie so much?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

You not wanting background checks, and background checks being unconstitutional are not the same thing Boo Boo.
Background checks are not necessary for private sales, background checks for private sales are unconstitutional

You keep saying that. You got a link or ruling, or something to back up your claim, or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
Background checks are not necessary to purchase firearms privately, as the way it should be

Soooooo your claim of being unconstitutional was just more bullshit, right? Why do right wingers lie so much?
If was constitutional it would be the law of the land?
Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control
What a hysterical phrase. Saying “reasonable gun control” is like saying “I just want reasonable rights to rape women”. Astoundingly idiotic. In both cases, you are cheating people of their rights through force.

If you don’t like guns - don’t buy one. But you have zero business telling me what I can or can’t own. And guess what? You’re not going to. You are never going to win this battle. Never. Even in the most improbable event that you nut-jobs actually achieve your oppressive dreams - none of us would surrender our firearms anyway. It won’t happen. Don’t know what to tell you, snowflake. Scream all you want, all you’re going to do is lose your voice. It will neve change anything.

The state of Florida seems to disagree with you.

It's called "Reasonable" Gun Laws. They should have been in place long ago. Most states now have them in place. The sad part is, most states have put them into place after a mass shooting has taken place. Nevada is the exception. I suggest that all the gun nutz move to Nevada where they can run around and be state sponsored gun nutz and leave the rest of us alone.
We don’t need any more frivolous gun laws, because we don’t have any criminal control in this country...
...And the frivolous gun control laws Progressives want are unconstitutional

The Supreme Court said reasonable restrictions are not unconstitutional. You should head on up there and explain why you are right, and they are wrong. I'm sure they will change their ruling as soon as you explain it to them.

Yes....and those reasonable restrictions were named in Heller....felons and the dangerously mentally ill......that is guys ignore that and have decided that reasonable is banning every gun you can get your hands on.
We don’t need any more frivolous gun laws, because we don’t have any criminal control in this country...
...And the frivolous gun control laws Progressives want are unconstitutional

The Supreme Court said reasonable restrictions are not unconstitutional. You should head on up there and explain why you are right, and they are wrong. I'm sure they will change their ruling as soon as you explain it to them.
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

Depends on which land or state you are standing in. But it certainly could be and some day, just might be. What's the matter, you afraid that you might sell something to someone that you knowingly know that they will use it for a criminal enterprise? It's coming.

No......background checks on private sales will be used to demand gun registration. That is the only reason that anti gun extremists want them....they want gun registration so that when they get the political muscle and can ban and confiscate guns, they will know who has them...
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Every single day in this nation, some gun nut either accidentally kills a child, usually his own, or allows access to a gun so a child can kill himself or others.

Accidental gun deaths for children are tiny in number compared to everything else a child can accidentally die from...if you really cared about kids, you would ban cars....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( <1 to age 14)

Total guns: ......74
Total Cars: 1,261

Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84

Traffic: 1,261

Guns: 74


Under age drinking:

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......
Background checks on private sales are unconstitutional, prove me wrong

Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.

Cocaine is an illegal substance, guns are legal and Constitutionally protected.....and we already have laws that allow us to arrest felons who buy guns no matter who they buy them from......background checks on private sales are at best, security theater, and at worst, they give morons the ability to demand gun registration....
So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

You not wanting background checks, and background checks being unconstitutional are not the same thing Boo Boo.
Background checks are not necessary for private sales, background checks for private sales are unconstitutional

You keep saying that. You got a link or ruling, or something to back up your claim, or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
Background checks are not necessary to purchase firearms privately, as the way it should be

In a state that requires it, is that going to be our defense?

But Judge, Judge, Judge, Oh Judge, Jjjjuuuddddgggggeeeee!!!! as they haul your ass off.
Not my job. If the court hasn't ruled something as unconstitutional, it is by default constitutional. When did they declare background checks, of any kind, to be unconstitutional?
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.

Cocaine is an illegal substance, guns are legal and Constitutionally protected.....and we already have laws that allow us to arrest felons who buy guns no matter who they buy them from......background checks on private sales are at best, security theater, and at worst, they give morons the ability to demand gun registration....

In a state that requires private gun registration there isn't any difference. You want to sell Cocaine, you have to be licensed and can only sell to other properly licensed people and have to do a background check each time you do it. In a state that requires private sales to have a background check the buyer does not have to be licensed for the lowest level of weapons but the background check still has to happen at your nearest gun shop or dealer even if it's done at a gun show. You can stamp your feet all you want but that's the law in some states and more are adopting it every day.
Background checks on private sales are not the law of the land... As the way it should be

So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.

Cocaine is an illegal substance, guns are legal and Constitutionally protected.....and we already have laws that allow us to arrest felons who buy guns no matter who they buy them from......background checks on private sales are at best, security theater, and at worst, they give morons the ability to demand gun registration....

In a state that requires private gun registration there isn't any difference. You want to sell Cocaine, you have to be licensed and can only sell to other properly licensed people and have to do a background check each time you do it. In a state that requires private sales to have a background check the buyer does not have to be licensed for the lowest level of weapons but the background check still has to happen at your nearest gun shop or dealer even if it's done at a gun show. You can stamp your feet all you want but that's the law in some states and more are adopting it every day.

And if we can get actual Justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy that will hopefully be is unConstitutional....
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

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