Who is making the argument that Americans shouldn’t be able to own firearms?
Anyone calling for a gun ban

Don't kid yourself and think that the only rifle the extremists want banned is the so called assault rifle

Even morons with thicker skulls than the gun grabbers will eventually realize that the so called assault rifle is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle and the call will go out to ban all semiautomatic weapons including handguns

Did you ever ask yourself why these extremist control freaks want to ban the single most popular rifle in the country?


It's not because it is used in murders

Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Do you support banning and making illegal magazines with more than 10 rounds, and quick release buttons for all semiauto guns, long and short?

If not, why not.

No I don't

I do not think they are necessary nor do I think they will stop a piece of shit criminal from killing other people

The firing time for 3 10 round magazines is not that much slower than the firing time of 2 15 or 1 30 round mags

And really what does it matter to the guy shooting unarmed people in a hallway or a room?

How many rounds does the average school shooter actually fire? The wack in Vegas was not the norm here so I won't address that in this post.

There are ways around the fixed magazines already. One device in particular will reload a magazine through the open breech of the rifle extremely quickly

The last 100+ years semiautomatic rifles have been available to the public shows that the overwhelming majority of people who own them do not commit crimes with them. Rifles of any type and used in about 2% of all murders.

I don't see the need to concentrate efforts to reduce gun violence on the bottom 2%.

If you want to actually put a real and significant dent in gun violence and the body count then concentrate efforts in the areas that are the major contributors to both.

5% of all the counties in the entire country are where almost 70% of all murder takes place. These are usually dense urban areas with long histories of violence.

You don't see the bodies of 5 and 6 year old children, or the 17 teenagers and others murdered and maimed with a semiauto in Nevada, Wisconsin, Virginia, Connecticut, Texas, Florida, etc.?

Gee, few people die or are crippled from polio since it was controlled by the Salk Vaccine, should we not see that and stop the efforts to control polio too?
Anyone calling for a gun ban

Don't kid yourself and think that the only rifle the extremists want banned is the so called assault rifle

Even morons with thicker skulls than the gun grabbers will eventually realize that the so called assault rifle is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle and the call will go out to ban all semiautomatic weapons including handguns

Did you ever ask yourself why these extremist control freaks want to ban the single most popular rifle in the country?


It's not because it is used in murders

Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Do you support banning and making illegal magazines with more than 10 rounds, and quick release buttons for all semiauto guns, long and short?

If not, why not.

No I don't

I do not think they are necessary nor do I think they will stop a piece of shit criminal from killing other people

The firing time for 3 10 round magazines is not that much slower than the firing time of 2 15 or 1 30 round mags

And really what does it matter to the guy shooting unarmed people in a hallway or a room?

How many rounds does the average school shooter actually fire? The wack in Vegas was not the norm here so I won't address that in this post.

There are ways around the fixed magazines already. One device in particular will reload a magazine through the open breech of the rifle extremely quickly

The last 100+ years semiautomatic rifles have been available to the public shows that the overwhelming majority of people who own them do not commit crimes with them. Rifles of any type and used in about 2% of all murders.

I don't see the need to concentrate efforts to reduce gun violence on the bottom 2%.

If you want to actually put a real and significant dent in gun violence and the body count then concentrate efforts in the areas that are the major contributors to both.

5% of all the counties in the entire country are where almost 70% of all murder takes place. These are usually dense urban areas with long histories of violence.

You don't see the bodies of 5 and 6 year old children, or the 17 teenagers and others murdered and maimed with a semiauto in Nevada, Wisconsin, Virginia, Connecticut, Texas, Florida, etc.?

Gee, few people die or are crippled from polio since it was controlled by the Salk Vaccine, should we not see that and stop the efforts to control polio too?

There is absolute no valid analog between polio and a gun.

And yes those deaths are tragic as I have said all along but banning a specific rifle or magazines of a certain size will do nothing to stop a person hell bent on mass murder.

I do not hold people who did not commit the crime responsible and see no reason to tell millions of people who will never commit murder that they need to be more tightly controlled or have the rights that they responsibly and legally exercise curbed for no reason than some other person committed a heinous crime.
Your argument is moot. The facts are that some of the Arms of war are legally denied to civilians. You may argue with my use of "legally", but it is correctly proffered since it is a fact in law and equity.

No rational person believes all arms, that is all weapons used by the military, should be readily available to civilians, criminals, mentally ill or law abiding. Your argument and those of your source, are in direct contradiction of Scalia's rather long justification on the possession of hand guns, for within that 5-4 decision is his comment on the legallty of keeping arms out of the hands of the mentally ill.

Mentally ill persons are difficult to define, even for the psychological establishment. Yet I suspect being irrational maybe the link to describe someone who is mentally ill.

Where did I ever argue about ALL military arms? But people can own tanks and jets and other "vehicles of war"

Please quote me where I did.

I have never mentioned anything but the firearms civilians have always had access to.

And there was no mention of the type pf arms in my link.

We have a procedure in place to determine if a person is mentally incompetent already, anyone who after going through that procedure can be legally declared mentally ill.

That said there is absolutely no good reason civilians cannot own and carry a firearm.

What you seem to nit understand is that the Second only gives the people the right to own and carry firearms and not the right to use them in any illegal manner and if by chance a firearm is used in self defense it is up to the person who discharged the weapon to justify his actions.
Who is making the argument that Americans shouldn’t be able to own firearms?
Anyone calling for a gun ban

Don't kid yourself and think that the only rifle the extremists want banned is the so called assault rifle

Even morons with thicker skulls than the gun grabbers will eventually realize that the so called assault rifle is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle and the call will go out to ban all semiautomatic weapons including handguns

Did you ever ask yourself why these extremist control freaks want to ban the single most popular rifle in the country?


It's not because it is used in murders

Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Yes, we know. A gun nut tried to explain how these two bullets were exactly the same, because they were both 22 mm. You can't pick out one aspect of a gun and say all guns that share that aspect are exactly the same.
Where did I ever argue about ALL military arms? But people can own tanks and jets and other "vehicles of war"

Please quote me where I did.

I have never mentioned anything but the firearms civilians have always had access to.

And there was no mention of the type pf arms in my link.

We have a procedure in place to determine if a person is mentally incompetent already, anyone who after going through that procedure can be legally declared mentally ill.

That said there is absolutely no good reason civilians cannot own and carry a firearm.

What you seem to nit understand is that the Second only gives the people the right to own and carry firearms and not the right to use them in any illegal manner and if by chance a firearm is used in self defense it is up to the person who discharged the weapon to justify his actions.
Who is making the argument that Americans shouldn’t be able to own firearms?
Anyone calling for a gun ban

Don't kid yourself and think that the only rifle the extremists want banned is the so called assault rifle

Even morons with thicker skulls than the gun grabbers will eventually realize that the so called assault rifle is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle and the call will go out to ban all semiautomatic weapons including handguns

Did you ever ask yourself why these extremist control freaks want to ban the single most popular rifle in the country?


It's not because it is used in murders

Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Yes, we know. A gun nut tried to explain how these two bullets were exactly the same, because they were both 22 mm. You can't pick out one aspect of a gun and say all guns that share that aspect are exactly the same.

it's .22 inches not .22 mm

It's the same caliber round the .223 or 5.56 mm travels at a higher velocity than the .22

and just for shits and giggles please tell me where I even mentioned a .22 in that post?
Who is making the argument that Americans shouldn’t be able to own firearms?
Anyone calling for a gun ban

Don't kid yourself and think that the only rifle the extremists want banned is the so called assault rifle

Even morons with thicker skulls than the gun grabbers will eventually realize that the so called assault rifle is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle and the call will go out to ban all semiautomatic weapons including handguns

Did you ever ask yourself why these extremist control freaks want to ban the single most popular rifle in the country?


It's not because it is used in murders

Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Yes, we know. A gun nut tried to explain how these two bullets were exactly the same, because they were both 22 mm. You can't pick out one aspect of a gun and say all guns that share that aspect are exactly the same.

it's .22 inches not .22 mm

It's the same caliber round the .223 or 5.56 mm travels at a higher velocity than the .22

and just for shits and giggles please tell me where I even mentioned a .22 in that post?

Thanks for correcting my mistake. I am sometimes mistaken, and I always appreciate having my mistakes corrected. You didn't mention a .22, but the analogy is still accurate. You constantly claim that all guns of the same caliber are exactly the same. They are not. That would be like saying my car has a steering wheel so all cars with a steering wheel are exactly the same. You don't see how dumb that type of comparison is?
Where did I ever argue about ALL military arms? But people can own tanks and jets and other "vehicles of war"

Please quote me where I did.

I have never mentioned anything but the firearms civilians have always had access to.

And there was no mention of the type pf arms in my link.

We have a procedure in place to determine if a person is mentally incompetent already, anyone who after going through that procedure can be legally declared mentally ill.

That said there is absolutely no good reason civilians cannot own and carry a firearm.

What you seem to nit understand is that the Second only gives the people the right to own and carry firearms and not the right to use them in any illegal manner and if by chance a firearm is used in self defense it is up to the person who discharged the weapon to justify his actions.
Who is making the argument that Americans shouldn’t be able to own firearms?
Anyone calling for a gun ban

Don't kid yourself and think that the only rifle the extremists want banned is the so called assault rifle

Even morons with thicker skulls than the gun grabbers will eventually realize that the so called assault rifle is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle and the call will go out to ban all semiautomatic weapons including handguns

Did you ever ask yourself why these extremist control freaks want to ban the single most popular rifle in the country?


It's not because it is used in murders

Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Do you support banning and making illegal magazines with more than 10 rounds, and quick release buttons for all semiauto guns, long and short?

If not, why not.

I just want a simple firearm and a reasonably small magazine: something EXACTLY like this

Polish WZ.88 Tantal AK-74 - JMac Customs

I do not need an "assault" - military styled - weapon . I just want the Polish WZ.88 Tantal AK-74 -


Unfortunately for the U.S. - this is how the left always comes to the table. Unprepared. Uninformed. Uneducated. And extremely emotional.
Failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us you’re dishonest, unserious, or unprepared for the debate.
It’s a prime illustration of why left-wing policy is so detrimental to society.
In a debate imbued with emotion, gun control advocates rely on ignorance
We wouldn’t allow a 1st grader to walk into a test ignorant and emotional. And yet we tolerate progressives creating policy this way and attempting to strip constitutional rights that way.

If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics
Unfortunately for the U.S. - this is how the left always comes to the table. Unprepared. Uninformed. Uneducated. And extremely emotional.
Failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us you’re dishonest, unserious, or unprepared for the debate.
It’s a prime illustration of why left-wing policy is so detrimental to society.
In a debate imbued with emotion, gun control advocates rely on ignorance
We wouldn’t allow a 1st grader to walk into a test ignorant and emotional. And yet we tolerate progressives creating policy this way and attempting to strip constitutional rights that way.

If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

That's a pretty bold statement, considering that the orange fool regularly makes policy statements without even asking his staff for the often disastrous outcomes that will likely occur as a result of those statements.
That's a pretty bold statement, considering that the orange fool regularly makes policy statements without even asking his staff for the often disastrous outcomes that will likely occur as a result of those statements.
Wow - that’s an even bolder statement considering that you have 0 access to White House meetings and have absolutely no idea what President Trump asks his staff.

Additionally, the U.S. has seen nothing but remarkable prosperity thus far under President Trump and the Republicans. We haven’t experienced a single “disastrous outcome”. The left just can’t resist lying every time they speak.
Anyone calling for a gun ban

Don't kid yourself and think that the only rifle the extremists want banned is the so called assault rifle

Even morons with thicker skulls than the gun grabbers will eventually realize that the so called assault rifle is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle and the call will go out to ban all semiautomatic weapons including handguns

Did you ever ask yourself why these extremist control freaks want to ban the single most popular rifle in the country?


It's not because it is used in murders

Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Yes, we know. A gun nut tried to explain how these two bullets were exactly the same, because they were both 22 mm. You can't pick out one aspect of a gun and say all guns that share that aspect are exactly the same.

it's .22 inches not .22 mm

It's the same caliber round the .223 or 5.56 mm travels at a higher velocity than the .22

and just for shits and giggles please tell me where I even mentioned a .22 in that post?

Thanks for correcting my mistake. I am sometimes mistaken, and I always appreciate having my mistakes corrected. You didn't mention a .22, but the analogy is still accurate. You constantly claim that all guns of the same caliber are exactly the same. They are not. That would be like saying my car has a steering wheel so all cars with a steering wheel are exactly the same. You don't see how dumb that type of comparison is?

FYI an AR 15 will not fire .22 caliber long rifle round because while the caliber of the actual projectile is the same the actual size of the shell is different so a .22 rifle is not the same rifle as one chambered for a 5.56

But other that that both guns fire the same size projectile albeit at different velocities and they fire those projectiles at the same rate of one round per trigger pull
Most homes don't own an AR of any kind. The homes that do own an AR own multiple ARs. You can scream BS all you want to that but you can't change facts. I don't know of a single AR owner in in my entire neighborhood but most have at least one gun be it a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle. Most only own two of those three. And it's not always a handgun and another type.

The AR owners I know are a bit on the ultra right wing side of things and almost all sing the same tune of , "They are trying to take all my guns" song and own more than 3 ARs among other types. They are ready for that ARmed Revolution that never comes. Some of us are armed to prevent the gun nutz from bring the Revolution to our door steps. If you aren't worried that your gun nutzoid neighbor might go off one of these days and start the Revolution then you should be. He's been preparing for iit for a very long time.

But we can't go and force them to get a Shrink Test. Man, Oh Man, would that cause an uproar about their 1st amendment rights. Or we can't allow law enforcement to start watching them closely. They are Right Wingers. Can't have that. When these folks go off the reservation, it's really, really bad and they do it with all their buddies. And they all claim to be protected by the the 2nd amendment. Yet, they scream and holler wanting the checks and balances for the left wingers who own guns.

Newsflash: The flash points of both sides really aren't left or right wingers at all. They are both just nut jobs. And should be treated as such. Allow your Law Enforcement the tools to do their jobs. But you Rightwinger don't want that to happen. It will not only get rid of some of the Left Winger Nutjobs but it will also get rid of some of the Right Winger Nutcases and you can't have that. So you just make sure you scream the loudest about how dangerous the left is.

Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Yes, we know. A gun nut tried to explain how these two bullets were exactly the same, because they were both 22 mm. You can't pick out one aspect of a gun and say all guns that share that aspect are exactly the same.

it's .22 inches not .22 mm

It's the same caliber round the .223 or 5.56 mm travels at a higher velocity than the .22

and just for shits and giggles please tell me where I even mentioned a .22 in that post?

Thanks for correcting my mistake. I am sometimes mistaken, and I always appreciate having my mistakes corrected. You didn't mention a .22, but the analogy is still accurate. You constantly claim that all guns of the same caliber are exactly the same. They are not. That would be like saying my car has a steering wheel so all cars with a steering wheel are exactly the same. You don't see how dumb that type of comparison is?

FYI an AR 15 will not fire .22 caliber long rifle round because while the caliber of the actual projectile is the same the actual size of the shell is different so a .22 rifle is not the same rifle as one chambered for a 5.56

But other that that both guns fire the same size projectile albeit at different velocities and they fire those projectiles at the same rate of one round per trigger pull

Yes, I know that a 5.56 is not the same as a .22lr. That was the point Boo Boo. In his zeal to claim all guns were exactly the same, and limiting the access to one type gun would be the same as limiting access to all guns, that particular gun nut actually argued that they were the same. Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control are completely ignorant of guns, and you can blow smoke up their asses at will. Whoever convinced you of that was wrong, and you are stupid to believe them.
Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control
What a hysterical phrase. Saying “reasonable gun control” is like saying “I just want reasonable rights to rape women”. Astoundingly idiotic. In both cases, you are cheating people of their rights through force.

If you don’t like guns - don’t buy one. But you have zero business telling me what I can or can’t own. And guess what? You’re not going to. You are never going to win this battle. Never. Even in the most improbable event that you nut-jobs actually achieve your oppressive dreams - none of us would surrender our firearms anyway. It won’t happen. Don’t know what to tell you, snowflake. Scream all you want, all you’re going to do is lose your voice. It will neve change anything.
I saw a comedian from about 1980 from Alabama that made fun of all this.

He touted about Thinning the Herd. When the weaker and dumber herd members move too far from the herd, the rest of the herd quietly move further away. The Dumber ones start to wonder what the others are eating. Why do they put a warning label on a hair dryer warning to not use it in the shower. Today, if you don't already know not to use in the shower, it's another case of thinning the herd. Why do they have the Inflight Safety briefings on how to use a safety belt on airline flights. by now, we all should know how to click two belts together. If you don't then it's another case of thinning the herd. The Stewardess holds the belt over her head so you can see it and attaches the ends together with a click. There will always be some idiot that can't figure it out since his belt won't reach over his head. Thinning the herd.

He went on to talk about the founding fathers and the 2nd amendment. If the founding Fathers were around today, they would notice the really bad thinning of the gene pools and all want to be issued erasures, erase, erase, erase for the 2nd amendment.
Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control
What a hysterical phrase. Saying “reasonable gun control” is like saying “I just want reasonable rights to rape women”. Astoundingly idiotic. In both cases, you are cheating people of their rights through force.

If you don’t like guns - don’t buy one. But you have zero business telling me what I can or can’t own. And guess what? You’re not going to. You are never going to win this battle. Never. Even in the most improbable event that you nut-jobs actually achieve your oppressive dreams - none of us would surrender our firearms anyway. It won’t happen. Don’t know what to tell you, snowflake. Scream all you want, all you’re going to do is lose your voice. It will neve change anything.

The state of Florida seems to disagree with you.
Once again you illustrate that you don't know shit about firearms.

Do any of those homes have in them a .223 or 5.56 caliber semiautomatic rifle?

If they do they then have a rifle that is equivalent to an AR 15 in caliber and performance the only appreciable difference is solely cosmetic.

And don't pretend that the banning of the AR 15 would not lead to the call for banning other semiautomatic rifles

Yes, we know. A gun nut tried to explain how these two bullets were exactly the same, because they were both 22 mm. You can't pick out one aspect of a gun and say all guns that share that aspect are exactly the same.

it's .22 inches not .22 mm

It's the same caliber round the .223 or 5.56 mm travels at a higher velocity than the .22

and just for shits and giggles please tell me where I even mentioned a .22 in that post?

Thanks for correcting my mistake. I am sometimes mistaken, and I always appreciate having my mistakes corrected. You didn't mention a .22, but the analogy is still accurate. You constantly claim that all guns of the same caliber are exactly the same. They are not. That would be like saying my car has a steering wheel so all cars with a steering wheel are exactly the same. You don't see how dumb that type of comparison is?

FYI an AR 15 will not fire .22 caliber long rifle round because while the caliber of the actual projectile is the same the actual size of the shell is different so a .22 rifle is not the same rifle as one chambered for a 5.56

But other that that both guns fire the same size projectile albeit at different velocities and they fire those projectiles at the same rate of one round per trigger pull

Yes, I know that a 5.56 is not the same as a .22lr. That was the point Boo Boo. In his zeal to claim all guns were exactly the same, and limiting the access to one type gun would be the same as limiting access to all guns, that particular gun nut actually argued that they were the same. Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control are completely ignorant of guns, and you can blow smoke up their asses at will. Whoever convinced you of that was wrong, and you are stupid to believe them.

For one no one things all guns are exactly the same since there are guns chambered for many different calibers

You're wrong as usual.

The point is banning the AR 15 will do nothing to stop people from getting rifles that fire the 5.56 or .223 round as there are many other semiautomatic rifles that will fire that same rounds with the same accuracy and same rate of fire of one round per trigger pull. Any wacko who can shoot unarmed defenseless people with an AR 15 can shoot just as many with any other semiautomatic 5.56 rifle

The only reason to ban the AR 15 is to use that ban as a Trojan horse because the ultimate goal is to ban all semiautomatic firearms
Yes, we know. A gun nut tried to explain how these two bullets were exactly the same, because they were both 22 mm. You can't pick out one aspect of a gun and say all guns that share that aspect are exactly the same.

it's .22 inches not .22 mm

It's the same caliber round the .223 or 5.56 mm travels at a higher velocity than the .22

and just for shits and giggles please tell me where I even mentioned a .22 in that post?

Thanks for correcting my mistake. I am sometimes mistaken, and I always appreciate having my mistakes corrected. You didn't mention a .22, but the analogy is still accurate. You constantly claim that all guns of the same caliber are exactly the same. They are not. That would be like saying my car has a steering wheel so all cars with a steering wheel are exactly the same. You don't see how dumb that type of comparison is?

FYI an AR 15 will not fire .22 caliber long rifle round because while the caliber of the actual projectile is the same the actual size of the shell is different so a .22 rifle is not the same rifle as one chambered for a 5.56

But other that that both guns fire the same size projectile albeit at different velocities and they fire those projectiles at the same rate of one round per trigger pull

Yes, I know that a 5.56 is not the same as a .22lr. That was the point Boo Boo. In his zeal to claim all guns were exactly the same, and limiting the access to one type gun would be the same as limiting access to all guns, that particular gun nut actually argued that they were the same. Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control are completely ignorant of guns, and you can blow smoke up their asses at will. Whoever convinced you of that was wrong, and you are stupid to believe them.

For one no one things all guns are exactly the same since there are guns chambered for many different calibers

You're wrong as usual.

The point is banning the AR 15 will do nothing to stop people from getting rifles that fire the 5.56 or .223 round as there are many other semiautomatic rifles that will fire that same rounds with the same accuracy and same rate of fire of one round per trigger pull. Any wacko who can shoot unarmed defenseless people with an AR 15 can shoot just as many with any other semiautomatic 5.56 rifle

The only reason to ban the AR 15 is to use that ban as a Trojan horse because the ultimate goal is to ban all semiautomatic firearms

Yes, I know. You have said that before, and then again, and again, and again,and again, and again,and again, and again,and again, and again. It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it still doesn't make it true.
Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control
What a hysterical phrase. Saying “reasonable gun control” is like saying “I just want reasonable rights to rape women”. Astoundingly idiotic. In both cases, you are cheating people of their rights through force.

If you don’t like guns - don’t buy one. But you have zero business telling me what I can or can’t own. And guess what? You’re not going to. You are never going to win this battle. Never. Even in the most improbable event that you nut-jobs actually achieve your oppressive dreams - none of us would surrender our firearms anyway. It won’t happen. Don’t know what to tell you, snowflake. Scream all you want, all you’re going to do is lose your voice. It will neve change anything.

The state of Florida seems to disagree with you.

IDGAF about the state of FL but those new gun laws will be challenged and we'll see what happens
it's .22 inches not .22 mm

It's the same caliber round the .223 or 5.56 mm travels at a higher velocity than the .22

and just for shits and giggles please tell me where I even mentioned a .22 in that post?

Thanks for correcting my mistake. I am sometimes mistaken, and I always appreciate having my mistakes corrected. You didn't mention a .22, but the analogy is still accurate. You constantly claim that all guns of the same caliber are exactly the same. They are not. That would be like saying my car has a steering wheel so all cars with a steering wheel are exactly the same. You don't see how dumb that type of comparison is?

FYI an AR 15 will not fire .22 caliber long rifle round because while the caliber of the actual projectile is the same the actual size of the shell is different so a .22 rifle is not the same rifle as one chambered for a 5.56

But other that that both guns fire the same size projectile albeit at different velocities and they fire those projectiles at the same rate of one round per trigger pull

Yes, I know that a 5.56 is not the same as a .22lr. That was the point Boo Boo. In his zeal to claim all guns were exactly the same, and limiting the access to one type gun would be the same as limiting access to all guns, that particular gun nut actually argued that they were the same. Someone convinced you that all people who want reasonable gun control are completely ignorant of guns, and you can blow smoke up their asses at will. Whoever convinced you of that was wrong, and you are stupid to believe them.

For one no one things all guns are exactly the same since there are guns chambered for many different calibers

You're wrong as usual.

The point is banning the AR 15 will do nothing to stop people from getting rifles that fire the 5.56 or .223 round as there are many other semiautomatic rifles that will fire that same rounds with the same accuracy and same rate of fire of one round per trigger pull. Any wacko who can shoot unarmed defenseless people with an AR 15 can shoot just as many with any other semiautomatic 5.56 rifle

The only reason to ban the AR 15 is to use that ban as a Trojan horse because the ultimate goal is to ban all semiautomatic firearms

Yes, I know. You have said that before, and then again, and again, and again,and again, and again,and again, and again,and again, and again. It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it still doesn't make it true.
it is true

You just don't want to accept it as true.

Anywhere and I do mean anywhere an AR 15 was used to kill people a Mini 14 could have been used to do the exact same thing so tell me what's the use of banning the AR 15 and not the Mini 14?

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