So you admit that your claim that background checks are unconstitutional was just another lie from a stupid gun nut, right?
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.

Cocaine is an illegal substance, guns are legal and Constitutionally protected.....and we already have laws that allow us to arrest felons who buy guns no matter who they buy them from......background checks on private sales are at best, security theater, and at worst, they give morons the ability to demand gun registration....

In a state that requires private gun registration there isn't any difference. You want to sell Cocaine, you have to be licensed and can only sell to other properly licensed people and have to do a background check each time you do it. In a state that requires private sales to have a background check the buyer does not have to be licensed for the lowest level of weapons but the background check still has to happen at your nearest gun shop or dealer even if it's done at a gun show. You can stamp your feet all you want but that's the law in some states and more are adopting it every day.

And if we can get actual Justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy that will hopefully be is unConstitutional....

It's unconstitutional for the Feds to do it. But it's certainly constitutional for the states to do it or not do it. You scream bloody murder about States Rights when it suits your agenda but when it doesn't you scream "It's Unconstitutional". The States have rights that the Feds can't have. Live with it.
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

And yet as we now have over 16.3 million Americans with permits to carry guns and even more when you throw in states that allow carrying without a permit, our gun crime rate is going down, our gun murder rate is going down, our violent crime rate is going down.....

Our problem isn't normal people carrying or owning guns.....our problem is democrats who keep letting violent criminals out of jail....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Na, Private gun sales are just that, private no one else’s business

I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.

Cocaine is an illegal substance, guns are legal and Constitutionally protected.....and we already have laws that allow us to arrest felons who buy guns no matter who they buy them from......background checks on private sales are at best, security theater, and at worst, they give morons the ability to demand gun registration....

In a state that requires private gun registration there isn't any difference. You want to sell Cocaine, you have to be licensed and can only sell to other properly licensed people and have to do a background check each time you do it. In a state that requires private sales to have a background check the buyer does not have to be licensed for the lowest level of weapons but the background check still has to happen at your nearest gun shop or dealer even if it's done at a gun show. You can stamp your feet all you want but that's the law in some states and more are adopting it every day.

And if we can get actual Justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy that will hopefully be is unConstitutional....

It's unconstitutional for the Feds to do it. But it's certainly constitutional for the states to do it or not do it. You scream bloody murder about States Rights when it suits your agenda but when it doesn't you scream "It's Unconstitutional". The States have rights that the Feds can't have. Live with it.

Wrong.....the 2nd Amendment applies to the states as well....

No....we care about individual Rights, Rights the states and the Federal government are supposed to protect...when the democrats used jim crow laws to violate the Civil Rights of Blacks, the Feds stepped in...when the Feds violate the Rights of the individual, the states have to step in.....

You live with that, dumb ass.
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud.

Florida....where they have the 2nd highest number of concealed carry permits, second only to Texas....what has happened to their crime rates....?

FDLE - Florida crime down in the first half of 2017

The crimes of murder, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and larceny were down in this report while the crimes of rape and motor vehicle theft increased. Domestic violence fell one percent, with domestic violence murder and aggravated assault down while rape and stalking were up.


Governor Scott: Florida at a 43-Year Crime Low

The total number of crimes fell 3.8 percent from last year which translates into 27,380 fewer crimes in 2013. The number of violent crimes was also down 2.4 percent.Murder is down 3.9 percent, forcible sex offenses and robbery each declined 2.8 percent and aggravated assault is down 2.1 percent.


Crime down in most of Central Florida during first half of 2017, FDLE says

Crime dropped in Orange and Seminole counties by nearly 4 percent, and in Osceola County by more than 8 percent. The exception was Lake County, where crime increased by about 6 percent.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings called it “extraordinary” that crime numbers were down despite the population growth and tourism in the county.

He credited crime-fighting efforts in Pine Hills as one reason for the decrease. There were 36 homicides through June in all of Orange County, compared to 57 — not including the Pulse nightclub massacre — during the same period last year.

Florida has the most concealed carry permits..

Which state has the most gun permits?

Looking for more current numbers, we found Florida had nearly 1.4 million permit holders as of March 2015, while Texas has 825,957 as of December 2014, according to each state's official count. Florida’s number is about 1.7 times higher than Texas, which is close to Bush’s words of "nearly double."


Crime rate drops in Florida but goes up in Broward and Palm Beach counties

lorida’s crime rate dropped to its lowest point in 46 years, but crimes in Broward and Palm Beach counties increased in 2016, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
The Sunshine State’s crime rate dropped 4.4 percent in 2016, while Broward’s went up 1.6 percent and Palm Beach County’s went up 2.2 percent.
The rate includes murder, forcible sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft. Each county compiles crime statistics from its local police departments to send to FDLE.


The crime rate in Miami-Dade County dropped 4.1 percent.

The department reported the number of crimes per 100,000 residents dropped by 4.9 percent and was Florida's lowest level in 44 years.

There were 865,392 arrests made last year, down 5.1 percent from 2013.
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

And yet as we now have over 16.3 million Americans with permits to carry guns and even more when you throw in states that allow carrying without a permit, our gun crime rate is going down, our gun murder rate is going down, our violent crime rate is going down.....

Our problem isn't normal people carrying or owning guns.....our problem is democrats who keep letting violent criminals out of jail....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Your figures are squewed. Using NYC as a yard stick. It's had a huge reduction in murder rate. And they did it by banning most handguns on the street. They upped the money spent for training or their cops, increased their patrols, embedded police into neighborhoods and more. This is the secret to getting the murder rate and the crime rate down. But you won't allow the funds to be allocated to do this as much as it's needed to be done. But you pull this crap out your ass for the areas that do it through hard work and innovation like NYC. So you cut them even deeper in funding since those funds just might be beneficial to some poor person who just might be murdered. Then you make sure that your 1% club gets the tax breaks they richly deserve.
I guess you also hold that private cocaine sales is also no one elses business as well.

Cocaine is an illegal substance, guns are legal and Constitutionally protected.....and we already have laws that allow us to arrest felons who buy guns no matter who they buy them from......background checks on private sales are at best, security theater, and at worst, they give morons the ability to demand gun registration....

In a state that requires private gun registration there isn't any difference. You want to sell Cocaine, you have to be licensed and can only sell to other properly licensed people and have to do a background check each time you do it. In a state that requires private sales to have a background check the buyer does not have to be licensed for the lowest level of weapons but the background check still has to happen at your nearest gun shop or dealer even if it's done at a gun show. You can stamp your feet all you want but that's the law in some states and more are adopting it every day.

And if we can get actual Justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy that will hopefully be is unConstitutional....

It's unconstitutional for the Feds to do it. But it's certainly constitutional for the states to do it or not do it. You scream bloody murder about States Rights when it suits your agenda but when it doesn't you scream "It's Unconstitutional". The States have rights that the Feds can't have. Live with it.

Wrong.....the 2nd Amendment applies to the states as well....

No....we care about individual Rights, Rights the states and the Federal government are supposed to protect...when the democrats used jim crow laws to violate the Civil Rights of Blacks, the Feds stepped in...when the Feds violate the Rights of the individual, the states have to step in.....

You live with that, dumb ass.

The 2nd Amendment only applies to the Feds. It limits only the Feds, not the states. I suggest you go back to school on this one. Your weak gene pool is showing.
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
A man’s violent crime rampage ended when an armed civilian held him at gunpoint until police arrived
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud.

Florida....where they have the 2nd highest number of concealed carry permits, second only to Texas....what has happened to their crime rates....?

FDLE - Florida crime down in the first half of 2017

The crimes of murder, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and larceny were down in this report while the crimes of rape and motor vehicle theft increased. Domestic violence fell one percent, with domestic violence murder and aggravated assault down while rape and stalking were up.


Governor Scott: Florida at a 43-Year Crime Low

The total number of crimes fell 3.8 percent from last year which translates into 27,380 fewer crimes in 2013. The number of violent crimes was also down 2.4 percent.Murder is down 3.9 percent, forcible sex offenses and robbery each declined 2.8 percent and aggravated assault is down 2.1 percent.


Crime down in most of Central Florida during first half of 2017, FDLE says

Crime dropped in Orange and Seminole counties by nearly 4 percent, and in Osceola County by more than 8 percent. The exception was Lake County, where crime increased by about 6 percent.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings called it “extraordinary” that crime numbers were down despite the population growth and tourism in the county.

He credited crime-fighting efforts in Pine Hills as one reason for the decrease. There were 36 homicides through June in all of Orange County, compared to 57 — not including the Pulse nightclub massacre — during the same period last year.

Florida has the most concealed carry permits..

Which state has the most gun permits?

Looking for more current numbers, we found Florida had nearly 1.4 million permit holders as of March 2015, while Texas has 825,957 as of December 2014, according to each state's official count. Florida’s number is about 1.7 times higher than Texas, which is close to Bush’s words of "nearly double."


Crime rate drops in Florida but goes up in Broward and Palm Beach counties

lorida’s crime rate dropped to its lowest point in 46 years, but crimes in Broward and Palm Beach counties increased in 2016, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
The Sunshine State’s crime rate dropped 4.4 percent in 2016, while Broward’s went up 1.6 percent and Palm Beach County’s went up 2.2 percent.
The rate includes murder, forcible sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft. Each county compiles crime statistics from its local police departments to send to FDLE.


The crime rate in Miami-Dade County dropped 4.1 percent.

The department reported the number of crimes per 100,000 residents dropped by 4.9 percent and was Florida's lowest level in 44 years.

There were 865,392 arrests made last year, down 5.1 percent from 2013.

Dade County also increased Patrols, increased it's number of Officers and embedded it's officers into the neighborhoods like many major metro areas. Your cite doesn't have enough information to draw any kind of conclusion. It's a fluff piece. Just a bunch of numbers thrown at a screen willy nilly with no background references. And it has nothing to do with your claims.
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

And yet as we now have over 16.3 million Americans with permits to carry guns and even more when you throw in states that allow carrying without a permit, our gun crime rate is going down, our gun murder rate is going down, our violent crime rate is going down.....

Our problem isn't normal people carrying or owning guns.....our problem is democrats who keep letting violent criminals out of jail....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Your figures are squewed. Using NYC as a yard stick. It's had a huge reduction in murder rate. And they did it by banning most handguns on the street. They upped the money spent for training or their cops, increased their patrols, embedded police into neighborhoods and more. This is the secret to getting the murder rate and the crime rate down. But you won't allow the funds to be allocated to do this as much as it's needed to be done. But you pull this crap out your ass for the areas that do it through hard work and innovation like NYC. So you cut them even deeper in funding since those funds just might be beneficial to some poor person who just might be murdered. Then you make sure that your 1% club gets the tax breaks they richly deserve.

Wrong....they did it by going after the criminals, when Guiliani was Mayor, they stopped criminals for low level offenses, and then did warrant searches on them, and took them off the streets...they also did stop and frisk .

Gun crime is not driven by law abiding people carrying guns......gun crime is driven by criminals and their belief they can get away with carrying and using guns....

You are the dumb ass who attributes crime rates to normal people. You dumb asses think that taking guns away from people who don't use them to commit crimes will lower the crime rate while letting repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail has no effect on the gun murder guys are morons.
Cocaine is an illegal substance, guns are legal and Constitutionally protected.....and we already have laws that allow us to arrest felons who buy guns no matter who they buy them from......background checks on private sales are at best, security theater, and at worst, they give morons the ability to demand gun registration....

In a state that requires private gun registration there isn't any difference. You want to sell Cocaine, you have to be licensed and can only sell to other properly licensed people and have to do a background check each time you do it. In a state that requires private sales to have a background check the buyer does not have to be licensed for the lowest level of weapons but the background check still has to happen at your nearest gun shop or dealer even if it's done at a gun show. You can stamp your feet all you want but that's the law in some states and more are adopting it every day.

And if we can get actual Justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy that will hopefully be is unConstitutional....

It's unconstitutional for the Feds to do it. But it's certainly constitutional for the states to do it or not do it. You scream bloody murder about States Rights when it suits your agenda but when it doesn't you scream "It's Unconstitutional". The States have rights that the Feds can't have. Live with it.

Wrong.....the 2nd Amendment applies to the states as well....

No....we care about individual Rights, Rights the states and the Federal government are supposed to protect...when the democrats used jim crow laws to violate the Civil Rights of Blacks, the Feds stepped in...when the Feds violate the Rights of the individual, the states have to step in.....

You live with that, dumb ass.

The 2nd Amendment only applies to the Feds. It limits only the Feds, not the states. I suggest you go back to school on this one. Your weak gene pool is showing.

Moron, I suggest you read McDonald v. City of Chicago...your stupidity on this issue is doofus...

McDonald v. City of Chicago - Wikipedia

McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" as protected under the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.
Thank God this man had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Every single day in this nation, crime is prevented by an armed citizen. And unlike the coward in the Parkland Sheriff’s Department, citizens engage to save lives.

Armed civilian in Texas halts man’s violent crime spree

Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud.

Florida....where they have the 2nd highest number of concealed carry permits, second only to Texas....what has happened to their crime rates....?

FDLE - Florida crime down in the first half of 2017

The crimes of murder, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and larceny were down in this report while the crimes of rape and motor vehicle theft increased. Domestic violence fell one percent, with domestic violence murder and aggravated assault down while rape and stalking were up.


Governor Scott: Florida at a 43-Year Crime Low

The total number of crimes fell 3.8 percent from last year which translates into 27,380 fewer crimes in 2013. The number of violent crimes was also down 2.4 percent.Murder is down 3.9 percent, forcible sex offenses and robbery each declined 2.8 percent and aggravated assault is down 2.1 percent.


Crime down in most of Central Florida during first half of 2017, FDLE says

Crime dropped in Orange and Seminole counties by nearly 4 percent, and in Osceola County by more than 8 percent. The exception was Lake County, where crime increased by about 6 percent.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings called it “extraordinary” that crime numbers were down despite the population growth and tourism in the county.

He credited crime-fighting efforts in Pine Hills as one reason for the decrease. There were 36 homicides through June in all of Orange County, compared to 57 — not including the Pulse nightclub massacre — during the same period last year.

Florida has the most concealed carry permits..

Which state has the most gun permits?

Looking for more current numbers, we found Florida had nearly 1.4 million permit holders as of March 2015, while Texas has 825,957 as of December 2014, according to each state's official count. Florida’s number is about 1.7 times higher than Texas, which is close to Bush’s words of "nearly double."


Crime rate drops in Florida but goes up in Broward and Palm Beach counties

lorida’s crime rate dropped to its lowest point in 46 years, but crimes in Broward and Palm Beach counties increased in 2016, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
The Sunshine State’s crime rate dropped 4.4 percent in 2016, while Broward’s went up 1.6 percent and Palm Beach County’s went up 2.2 percent.
The rate includes murder, forcible sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft. Each county compiles crime statistics from its local police departments to send to FDLE.


The crime rate in Miami-Dade County dropped 4.1 percent.

The department reported the number of crimes per 100,000 residents dropped by 4.9 percent and was Florida's lowest level in 44 years.

There were 865,392 arrests made last year, down 5.1 percent from 2013.

Dade County also increased Patrols, increased it's number of Officers and embedded it's officers into the neighborhoods like many major metro areas. Your cite doesn't have enough information to draw any kind of conclusion. It's a fluff piece. Just a bunch of numbers thrown at a screen willy nilly with no background references. And it has nothing to do with your claims.

What all of those links abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense does not increase the gun crime rate, or other crime rates......

That destroys the entire argument of gun grabbers like you who claim that more guns = more gun crime.....this is a lie, and it has no basis in actual real world implementation of gun ownership and concealed and open carry of guns....
Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

And yet as we now have over 16.3 million Americans with permits to carry guns and even more when you throw in states that allow carrying without a permit, our gun crime rate is going down, our gun murder rate is going down, our violent crime rate is going down.....

Our problem isn't normal people carrying or owning guns.....our problem is democrats who keep letting violent criminals out of jail....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Your figures are squewed. Using NYC as a yard stick. It's had a huge reduction in murder rate. And they did it by banning most handguns on the street. They upped the money spent for training or their cops, increased their patrols, embedded police into neighborhoods and more. This is the secret to getting the murder rate and the crime rate down. But you won't allow the funds to be allocated to do this as much as it's needed to be done. But you pull this crap out your ass for the areas that do it through hard work and innovation like NYC. So you cut them even deeper in funding since those funds just might be beneficial to some poor person who just might be murdered. Then you make sure that your 1% club gets the tax breaks they richly deserve.

Wrong....they did it by going after the criminals, when Guiliani was Mayor, they stopped criminals for low level offenses, and then did warrant searches on them, and took them off the streets...they also did stop and frisk .

Gun crime is not driven by law abiding people carrying guns......gun crime is driven by criminals and their belief they can get away with carrying and using guns....

You are the dumb ass who attributes crime rates to normal people. You dumb asses think that taking guns away from people who don't use them to commit crimes will lower the crime rate while letting repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail has no effect on the gun murder guys are morons.

And how do you think they went after the criminals? They increased the number of patrols, the number of cops, embedded cops into the neighborhoods and worked with the communities. Exactly as I stated it before. You can't even read or comprehend. You shouldn't have a toaster much less a gun.
In a state that requires private gun registration there isn't any difference. You want to sell Cocaine, you have to be licensed and can only sell to other properly licensed people and have to do a background check each time you do it. In a state that requires private sales to have a background check the buyer does not have to be licensed for the lowest level of weapons but the background check still has to happen at your nearest gun shop or dealer even if it's done at a gun show. You can stamp your feet all you want but that's the law in some states and more are adopting it every day.

And if we can get actual Justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy that will hopefully be is unConstitutional....

It's unconstitutional for the Feds to do it. But it's certainly constitutional for the states to do it or not do it. You scream bloody murder about States Rights when it suits your agenda but when it doesn't you scream "It's Unconstitutional". The States have rights that the Feds can't have. Live with it.

Wrong.....the 2nd Amendment applies to the states as well....

No....we care about individual Rights, Rights the states and the Federal government are supposed to protect...when the democrats used jim crow laws to violate the Civil Rights of Blacks, the Feds stepped in...when the Feds violate the Rights of the individual, the states have to step in.....

You live with that, dumb ass.

The 2nd Amendment only applies to the Feds. It limits only the Feds, not the states. I suggest you go back to school on this one. Your weak gene pool is showing.

Moron, I suggest you read McDonald v. City of Chicago...your stupidity on this issue is doofus...

McDonald v. City of Chicago - Wikipedia

McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" as protected under the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

You have the right to own a gun. You have the right to bear it. But the State has the right to make you register it and require you to be appropriately licensed to carry it if they feel that is necessary. Gun registration and licensing does not get in the way of the 2nd amendment at all. What DC tried to do is to BAN all hand guns completely. They didn't try to register or license them. They tried to ban them. Once again, you are using an extreme to try and make a case for what is constitutional. Your argument is very similar to a childish temper tantrum.
But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

And yet as we now have over 16.3 million Americans with permits to carry guns and even more when you throw in states that allow carrying without a permit, our gun crime rate is going down, our gun murder rate is going down, our violent crime rate is going down.....

Our problem isn't normal people carrying or owning guns.....our problem is democrats who keep letting violent criminals out of jail....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Your figures are squewed. Using NYC as a yard stick. It's had a huge reduction in murder rate. And they did it by banning most handguns on the street. They upped the money spent for training or their cops, increased their patrols, embedded police into neighborhoods and more. This is the secret to getting the murder rate and the crime rate down. But you won't allow the funds to be allocated to do this as much as it's needed to be done. But you pull this crap out your ass for the areas that do it through hard work and innovation like NYC. So you cut them even deeper in funding since those funds just might be beneficial to some poor person who just might be murdered. Then you make sure that your 1% club gets the tax breaks they richly deserve.

Wrong....they did it by going after the criminals, when Guiliani was Mayor, they stopped criminals for low level offenses, and then did warrant searches on them, and took them off the streets...they also did stop and frisk .

Gun crime is not driven by law abiding people carrying guns......gun crime is driven by criminals and their belief they can get away with carrying and using guns....

You are the dumb ass who attributes crime rates to normal people. You dumb asses think that taking guns away from people who don't use them to commit crimes will lower the crime rate while letting repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail has no effect on the gun murder guys are morons.

And how do you think they went after the criminals? They increased the number of patrols, the number of cops, embedded cops into the neighborhoods and worked with the communities. Exactly as I stated it before. You can't even read or comprehend. You shouldn't have a toaster much less a gun.

And they did it by banning most handguns on the street

Dumb shit......they did it by focusing on criminals......not law abiding citizens......and abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense do not increase the crime rate.....what part of that is so hard for you moronic gun grabbers to understand?
Now you are going to have to post every single day of this ocurance. That was the 10th of this month. That is today. This means that tomarrow you will have to post another one. Then the next day after that and then the next day after that. And so on. Meanwhile, others get to post the ones that gets botched to go with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of CCW. It makes the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't armed in the civilian populance. Sorry, you gun nutcases, I like common sense gun laws. And that is just one of them that works for the most part. But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets.

But to not have any regulation where everyone can have a CCW without the training is just begging for innocents to get caught in the cross fire and to have petty differences settled in a hail of bullets

And doesn't happen.....anti gunners have claimed this over and over as each state enacted concealed or open carry and it never happened....that is the lie, and the myth that anti gunners use to keep people from carrying guns for self defense....and as to self defense....actual research shows that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average 1,500,000 times a year...

And any training requirement is unConstitutional...considering that democrats used Literacy Tests to keep blacks from voting, any fee or test to carry a gun, a Right, would be unConstitutional....

You don't like common sense gun laws...since nothing you propose makes sense, is needed or actually works......

Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud.

Florida....where they have the 2nd highest number of concealed carry permits, second only to Texas....what has happened to their crime rates....?

FDLE - Florida crime down in the first half of 2017

The crimes of murder, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and larceny were down in this report while the crimes of rape and motor vehicle theft increased. Domestic violence fell one percent, with domestic violence murder and aggravated assault down while rape and stalking were up.


Governor Scott: Florida at a 43-Year Crime Low

The total number of crimes fell 3.8 percent from last year which translates into 27,380 fewer crimes in 2013. The number of violent crimes was also down 2.4 percent.Murder is down 3.9 percent, forcible sex offenses and robbery each declined 2.8 percent and aggravated assault is down 2.1 percent.


Crime down in most of Central Florida during first half of 2017, FDLE says

Crime dropped in Orange and Seminole counties by nearly 4 percent, and in Osceola County by more than 8 percent. The exception was Lake County, where crime increased by about 6 percent.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings called it “extraordinary” that crime numbers were down despite the population growth and tourism in the county.

He credited crime-fighting efforts in Pine Hills as one reason for the decrease. There were 36 homicides through June in all of Orange County, compared to 57 — not including the Pulse nightclub massacre — during the same period last year.

Florida has the most concealed carry permits..

Which state has the most gun permits?

Looking for more current numbers, we found Florida had nearly 1.4 million permit holders as of March 2015, while Texas has 825,957 as of December 2014, according to each state's official count. Florida’s number is about 1.7 times higher than Texas, which is close to Bush’s words of "nearly double."


Crime rate drops in Florida but goes up in Broward and Palm Beach counties

lorida’s crime rate dropped to its lowest point in 46 years, but crimes in Broward and Palm Beach counties increased in 2016, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
The Sunshine State’s crime rate dropped 4.4 percent in 2016, while Broward’s went up 1.6 percent and Palm Beach County’s went up 2.2 percent.
The rate includes murder, forcible sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft. Each county compiles crime statistics from its local police departments to send to FDLE.


The crime rate in Miami-Dade County dropped 4.1 percent.

The department reported the number of crimes per 100,000 residents dropped by 4.9 percent and was Florida's lowest level in 44 years.

There were 865,392 arrests made last year, down 5.1 percent from 2013.

Dade County also increased Patrols, increased it's number of Officers and embedded it's officers into the neighborhoods like many major metro areas. Your cite doesn't have enough information to draw any kind of conclusion. It's a fluff piece. Just a bunch of numbers thrown at a screen willy nilly with no background references. And it has nothing to do with your claims.

What all of those links abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense does not increase the gun crime rate, or other crime rates......

That destroys the entire argument of gun grabbers like you who claim that more guns = more gun crime.....this is a lie, and it has no basis in actual real world implementation of gun ownership and concealed and open carry of guns....

I'm a gun grabber? I can see you are still throwing that childish temper tantrum. You just keep throwing your self to the ground and keep missing.
And if we can get actual Justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy that will hopefully be is unConstitutional....

It's unconstitutional for the Feds to do it. But it's certainly constitutional for the states to do it or not do it. You scream bloody murder about States Rights when it suits your agenda but when it doesn't you scream "It's Unconstitutional". The States have rights that the Feds can't have. Live with it.

Wrong.....the 2nd Amendment applies to the states as well....

No....we care about individual Rights, Rights the states and the Federal government are supposed to protect...when the democrats used jim crow laws to violate the Civil Rights of Blacks, the Feds stepped in...when the Feds violate the Rights of the individual, the states have to step in.....

You live with that, dumb ass.

The 2nd Amendment only applies to the Feds. It limits only the Feds, not the states. I suggest you go back to school on this one. Your weak gene pool is showing.

Moron, I suggest you read McDonald v. City of Chicago...your stupidity on this issue is doofus...

McDonald v. City of Chicago - Wikipedia

McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" as protected under the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

You have the right to own a gun. You have the right to bear it. But the State has the right to make you register it and require you to be appropriately licensed to carry it if they feel that is necessary. Gun registration and licensing does not get in the way of the 2nd amendment at all. What DC tried to do is to BAN all hand guns completely. They didn't try to register or license them. They tried to ban them. Once again, you are using an extreme to try and make a case for what is constitutional. Your argument is very similar to a childish temper tantrum.

Yes...both do.....

If felons do not have to register their illegal guns, then law abiding citizens do not have to register their legal guns....moron......and felons do not have to register their illegal guns per the Haynes v. United States ruling in the Supreme Court since it violates their Right against self incrimination.....

And any fee or test to exercise a Right is unConstitutional, which is what a license would be....see Murdoch v. Pennsylvania and the attempt to charge a fee to exercise a Right.....

My arguments are based on Individual Rights backed up by Supreme court rulings....
Oh, really. How about the shooting in the Florida Theater by the retired cop who shot the young man for eating too loud. There are thousands of "Gun Rage" happenings each year. You really want me to list a few? How about one yesterday that was "Stopped" sorta by the CCW good Samaritan. We are accepting the open carrying of weapons on the street way to much these days. And that is how the weapons get to the murder scene. They are openly carried, not even trying to be hidden. There is something very, very wrong.

And yet as we now have over 16.3 million Americans with permits to carry guns and even more when you throw in states that allow carrying without a permit, our gun crime rate is going down, our gun murder rate is going down, our violent crime rate is going down.....

Our problem isn't normal people carrying or owning guns.....our problem is democrats who keep letting violent criminals out of jail....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Your figures are squewed. Using NYC as a yard stick. It's had a huge reduction in murder rate. And they did it by banning most handguns on the street. They upped the money spent for training or their cops, increased their patrols, embedded police into neighborhoods and more. This is the secret to getting the murder rate and the crime rate down. But you won't allow the funds to be allocated to do this as much as it's needed to be done. But you pull this crap out your ass for the areas that do it through hard work and innovation like NYC. So you cut them even deeper in funding since those funds just might be beneficial to some poor person who just might be murdered. Then you make sure that your 1% club gets the tax breaks they richly deserve.

Wrong....they did it by going after the criminals, when Guiliani was Mayor, they stopped criminals for low level offenses, and then did warrant searches on them, and took them off the streets...they also did stop and frisk .

Gun crime is not driven by law abiding people carrying guns......gun crime is driven by criminals and their belief they can get away with carrying and using guns....

You are the dumb ass who attributes crime rates to normal people. You dumb asses think that taking guns away from people who don't use them to commit crimes will lower the crime rate while letting repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail has no effect on the gun murder guys are morons.

And how do you think they went after the criminals? They increased the number of patrols, the number of cops, embedded cops into the neighborhoods and worked with the communities. Exactly as I stated it before. You can't even read or comprehend. You shouldn't have a toaster much less a gun.

And they did it by banning most handguns on the street

Dumb shit......they did it by focusing on criminals......not law abiding citizens......and abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense do not increase the crime rate.....what part of that is so hard for you moronic gun grabbers to understand?

They did it by requiring most handguns on the street to be licenses and registered as well as the carrier being CCW. And I already pointed out how they went after the bad guys. You keep repeating what I said originally like it was your own idea. YOu are just throwing another temper tantrum.
And yet as we now have over 16.3 million Americans with permits to carry guns and even more when you throw in states that allow carrying without a permit, our gun crime rate is going down, our gun murder rate is going down, our violent crime rate is going down.....

Our problem isn't normal people carrying or owning guns.....our problem is democrats who keep letting violent criminals out of jail....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Your figures are squewed. Using NYC as a yard stick. It's had a huge reduction in murder rate. And they did it by banning most handguns on the street. They upped the money spent for training or their cops, increased their patrols, embedded police into neighborhoods and more. This is the secret to getting the murder rate and the crime rate down. But you won't allow the funds to be allocated to do this as much as it's needed to be done. But you pull this crap out your ass for the areas that do it through hard work and innovation like NYC. So you cut them even deeper in funding since those funds just might be beneficial to some poor person who just might be murdered. Then you make sure that your 1% club gets the tax breaks they richly deserve.

Wrong....they did it by going after the criminals, when Guiliani was Mayor, they stopped criminals for low level offenses, and then did warrant searches on them, and took them off the streets...they also did stop and frisk .

Gun crime is not driven by law abiding people carrying guns......gun crime is driven by criminals and their belief they can get away with carrying and using guns....

You are the dumb ass who attributes crime rates to normal people. You dumb asses think that taking guns away from people who don't use them to commit crimes will lower the crime rate while letting repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail has no effect on the gun murder guys are morons.

And how do you think they went after the criminals? They increased the number of patrols, the number of cops, embedded cops into the neighborhoods and worked with the communities. Exactly as I stated it before. You can't even read or comprehend. You shouldn't have a toaster much less a gun.

And they did it by banning most handguns on the street

Dumb shit......they did it by focusing on criminals......not law abiding citizens......and abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense do not increase the crime rate.....what part of that is so hard for you moronic gun grabbers to understand?

They did it by requiring most handguns on the street to be licenses and registered as well as the carrier being CCW. And I already pointed out how they went after the bad guys. You keep repeating what I said originally like it was your own idea. YOu are just throwing another temper tantrum.

No...moron.....since criminals can't buy, own or carry guns to begin with, if they get stopped and are caught with a gun, they can already be don't have to license them or register their guns to do licensing and registering the guns of normal gun owners didn't do one thing to lower the crime rate in New York.....arresting turnstile jumpers on the subway, running their names for warrants, that is how Guiliani finally stopped crime in New York....

You keep saying that it was licensing and registering guns......that is wrong, and it is stupid........
It's unconstitutional for the Feds to do it. But it's certainly constitutional for the states to do it or not do it. You scream bloody murder about States Rights when it suits your agenda but when it doesn't you scream "It's Unconstitutional". The States have rights that the Feds can't have. Live with it.

Wrong.....the 2nd Amendment applies to the states as well....

No....we care about individual Rights, Rights the states and the Federal government are supposed to protect...when the democrats used jim crow laws to violate the Civil Rights of Blacks, the Feds stepped in...when the Feds violate the Rights of the individual, the states have to step in.....

You live with that, dumb ass.

The 2nd Amendment only applies to the Feds. It limits only the Feds, not the states. I suggest you go back to school on this one. Your weak gene pool is showing.

Moron, I suggest you read McDonald v. City of Chicago...your stupidity on this issue is doofus...

McDonald v. City of Chicago - Wikipedia

McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" as protected under the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

You have the right to own a gun. You have the right to bear it. But the State has the right to make you register it and require you to be appropriately licensed to carry it if they feel that is necessary. Gun registration and licensing does not get in the way of the 2nd amendment at all. What DC tried to do is to BAN all hand guns completely. They didn't try to register or license them. They tried to ban them. Once again, you are using an extreme to try and make a case for what is constitutional. Your argument is very similar to a childish temper tantrum.

Yes...both do.....

If felons do not have to register their illegal guns, then law abiding citizens do not have to register their legal guns....moron......and felons do not have to register their illegal guns per the Haynes v. United States ruling in the Supreme Court since it violates their Right against self incrimination.....

And any fee or test to exercise a Right is unConstitutional, which is what a license would be....see Murdoch v. Pennsylvania and the attempt to charge a fee to exercise a Right.....

My arguments are based on Individual Rights backed up by Supreme court rulings....

Are you saying that you are a convicted Felon and not able to possess a firearm of any kind? That is what the Haynes V US was about.

Or are you saying that your Gun is your God? That you bow down and pray to it at least 5 times a day? And to tax you for praying to your gun would be against your religion? This is a stretch even for your kooky ass. Murdoch V Pennsylvania has to do with placing taxes on religious books and teaching aides specifically Jehova Witness. Hell, kid, you can give your NRA crap away all you wish with no tax at all all you want, I don't care and neither does anyone else. You want to pray to the NRA alter, go for it. I think you already do. Shoot, if you want to pray to the great Heston in the Sky you have my backing. But, please, do it quietly.
Wrong.....the 2nd Amendment applies to the states as well....

No....we care about individual Rights, Rights the states and the Federal government are supposed to protect...when the democrats used jim crow laws to violate the Civil Rights of Blacks, the Feds stepped in...when the Feds violate the Rights of the individual, the states have to step in.....

You live with that, dumb ass.

The 2nd Amendment only applies to the Feds. It limits only the Feds, not the states. I suggest you go back to school on this one. Your weak gene pool is showing.

Moron, I suggest you read McDonald v. City of Chicago...your stupidity on this issue is doofus...

McDonald v. City of Chicago - Wikipedia

McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" as protected under the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

You have the right to own a gun. You have the right to bear it. But the State has the right to make you register it and require you to be appropriately licensed to carry it if they feel that is necessary. Gun registration and licensing does not get in the way of the 2nd amendment at all. What DC tried to do is to BAN all hand guns completely. They didn't try to register or license them. They tried to ban them. Once again, you are using an extreme to try and make a case for what is constitutional. Your argument is very similar to a childish temper tantrum.

Yes...both do.....

If felons do not have to register their illegal guns, then law abiding citizens do not have to register their legal guns....moron......and felons do not have to register their illegal guns per the Haynes v. United States ruling in the Supreme Court since it violates their Right against self incrimination.....

And any fee or test to exercise a Right is unConstitutional, which is what a license would be....see Murdoch v. Pennsylvania and the attempt to charge a fee to exercise a Right.....

My arguments are based on Individual Rights backed up by Supreme court rulings....

Are you saying that you are a convicted Felon and not able to possess a firearm of any kind? That is what the Haynes V US was about.

Or are you saying that your Gun is your God? That you bow down and pray to it at least 5 times a day? And to tax you for praying to your gun would be against your religion? This is a stretch even for your kooky ass. Murdoch V Pennsylvania has to do with placing taxes on religious books and teaching aides specifically Jehova Witness. Hell, kid, you can give your NRA crap away all you wish with no tax at all all you want, I don't care and neither does anyone else. You want to pray to the NRA alter, go for it. I think you already do. Shoot, if you want to pray to the great Heston in the Sky you have my backing. But, please, do it quietly.

Equal protection under the law means that if a felon doesn't have to register an illegal gun, then law abiding citizens don't have to register their legal guns.....due to their 5th Amendment Rights....

No, moron.....Murdoch v. Pennsylvania states you cannot be charged a fee for the exercise of a Right....any fee attacked to owning or carrying a gun is unConstitutional

Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105 (1943)

4. A State may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution. P. 319 U. S. 113.

5. The flat license tax here involved restrains in advance the Constitutional liberties of press and religion, and inevitably tends to suppress their exercise. P. 319 U. S. 114.

6. That the ordinance is "nondiscriminatory," in that it applies also to peddlers of wares and merchandise, is immaterial. The liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment are in a preferred position. P. 319 U. S. 115.

7. Since the privilege in question is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, and exists independently of state authority, the inquiry as to whether the State has given something for which it can ask a return is irrelevant. P. 319 U. S. 115.

8. A community may not suppress, or the State tax, the dissemination of views because they are unpopular, annoying, or distasteful. P. 319 U. S. 116.


Page 319 U. S. 108

The First Amendment, which the Fourteenth makes applicable to the states, declares that

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . ."

It could hardly be denied that a tax laid specifically on the exercise of those freedoms would be unconstitutional. Yet the license tax imposed by this ordinance is, in substance, just that.
Your figures are squewed. Using NYC as a yard stick. It's had a huge reduction in murder rate. And they did it by banning most handguns on the street. They upped the money spent for training or their cops, increased their patrols, embedded police into neighborhoods and more. This is the secret to getting the murder rate and the crime rate down. But you won't allow the funds to be allocated to do this as much as it's needed to be done. But you pull this crap out your ass for the areas that do it through hard work and innovation like NYC. So you cut them even deeper in funding since those funds just might be beneficial to some poor person who just might be murdered. Then you make sure that your 1% club gets the tax breaks they richly deserve.

Wrong....they did it by going after the criminals, when Guiliani was Mayor, they stopped criminals for low level offenses, and then did warrant searches on them, and took them off the streets...they also did stop and frisk .

Gun crime is not driven by law abiding people carrying guns......gun crime is driven by criminals and their belief they can get away with carrying and using guns....

You are the dumb ass who attributes crime rates to normal people. You dumb asses think that taking guns away from people who don't use them to commit crimes will lower the crime rate while letting repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail has no effect on the gun murder guys are morons.

And how do you think they went after the criminals? They increased the number of patrols, the number of cops, embedded cops into the neighborhoods and worked with the communities. Exactly as I stated it before. You can't even read or comprehend. You shouldn't have a toaster much less a gun.

And they did it by banning most handguns on the street

Dumb shit......they did it by focusing on criminals......not law abiding citizens......and abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense do not increase the crime rate.....what part of that is so hard for you moronic gun grabbers to understand?

They did it by requiring most handguns on the street to be licenses and registered as well as the carrier being CCW. And I already pointed out how they went after the bad guys. You keep repeating what I said originally like it was your own idea. YOu are just throwing another temper tantrum.

No...moron.....since criminals can't buy, own or carry guns to begin with, if they get stopped and are caught with a gun, they can already be don't have to license them or register their guns to do licensing and registering the guns of normal gun owners didn't do one thing to lower the crime rate in New York.....arresting turnstile jumpers on the subway, running their names for warrants, that is how Guiliani finally stopped crime in New York....

You keep saying that it was licensing and registering guns......that is wrong, and it is stupid........

One phrase comes to mind that comes up every day in NYC. "I have a permit". During a routine stop, that phrase will come up in the conversation. If a gun is present, that phrase means that the permit will be inspected as well as the gun will be held by the officer until the permit is inspected. Then and only then will the weapon be returned. If the permit is in error, the person is arrested. Or if no permit is present the person is arrested. And you don't have to jump a ternstile.

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