The Second Amendment BEGINS

"A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary...."

That phrase is in that very spare Amendment for a reason. It tells us WHY what follows is there.

Absent a "well regulated militia"...there is no Constitutional right to "bear arms".

We do not currently HAVE a "well regulated militia". At best...we have an "unorganized militia" that ONLY has MALES under 45 as potential members

Does that mean we don't have the right to own guns? We do within the confines of our state and local laws....

You do realize that this thread contained 186 pages of people debating and debunking your so-called points several times over before you showed up and felt compelled to parrot them as though you're brilliant and original, right?

It was wrong on page one, it was wrong on page 100, and it's wrong now.
we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
And we wouldn’t if left-wing lunatics such as yourself would stop infringing on our 2nd Amendment right.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

And in the meantime, individuals are free to own firearms.
The day of the Militia is past. It's been past for at least 100 years. The cost of the weapons and the cost of the training has long since outpaced what any one state can afford. And it's certainly exceeded anything a private company or individual can afford as well. Only nations can afford those expenditures.
no, it isn't.

we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

the right wing is just too lazy to muster and prove their "learning how to fish ethic"; they prefer affirmative action.

Okay, prove to me where you can muster an ARmy of civilians in a months time that is equipped to take on an Iranian Trained Terrorist Group that is comprised of 2000 troops with the weapons that they will possess? You have one month to train, equip and get your logistics in place. You need to tell me where you are going to get the supplies, weapons and the trainers from. And you have to do it without raising the worries of the Federal Government.

Just a short list of arms you will need

M-240 or M-60 MG (good luck on that one)
M-2 (Good luck on that one)
M-249 (good luck on that one)
M-230 (Good luck on that one)
Grenades (More good luck on that one)
Shall I keep going? The bad guy will have all that and more. Only in the movies will you be able to go up against a 12.7mm belt fed MG with a couple of AR-15s. And that RPG-7 will eat your Pickup Truck for lunch.
Not a problem, there are no natural rights in our Second Amendment;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

You didn't read Part 16 which excludes those that are part of the State Militia that are NOT eligible for recall for Federal Duty. These people cannot be called up unless the State gives it's consent. The State still has the right to have it's State Militia under the 2nd amendment. But the reason to have it these days is to support emergencies. Texas seems to be very busy in that department. And California has many of their State Militia involved in their Forest Fires.
means nothing; we could be emptying some jails.

What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
no, it isn't.

we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

the right wing is just too lazy to muster and prove their "learning how to fish ethic"; they prefer affirmative action.

Okay, prove to me where you can muster an ARmy of civilians in a months time that is equipped to take on an Iranian Trained Terrorist Group that is comprised of 2000 troops with the weapons that they will possess? You have one month to train, equip and get your logistics in place. You need to tell me where you are going to get the supplies, weapons and the trainers from. And you have to do it without raising the worries of the Federal Government.

Just a short list of arms you will need

M-240 or M-60 MG (good luck on that one)
M-2 (Good luck on that one)
M-249 (good luck on that one)
M-230 (Good luck on that one)
Grenades (More good luck on that one)
Shall I keep going? The bad guy will have all that and more. Only in the movies will you be able to go up against a 12.7mm belt fed MG with a couple of AR-15s. And that RPG-7 will eat your Pickup Truck for lunch.
Not a problem, there are no natural rights in our Second Amendment;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

You didn't read Part 16 which excludes those that are part of the State Militia that are NOT eligible for recall for Federal Duty. These people cannot be called up unless the State gives it's consent. The State still has the right to have it's State Militia under the 2nd amendment. But the reason to have it these days is to support emergencies. Texas seems to be very busy in that department. And California has many of their State Militia involved in their Forest Fires.
means nothing; we could be emptying some jails.

What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
Na, not really
You have no authority
What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
Na, not really You have no authority
Well, we all have “authority” as U.S. citizens to advocate for laws, constitutional amendments, etc. The problem with the left is that they just ignore the law and act like oppressive little dictators. They refuse to accept the will of the people.
What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
And that is a very fair opinion to have. But that is the key. Until the 2nd Amendment is legally and properly amended, I have a right to keep and bear arms.

Within Reason. Always within reason. And it's up to the various States to come up with the "Within Reason" and we all have to live with that ruling. We still have the option to vote them out of office or move to a state more to our liking if we disagree with the ruling. But it does no good to just keep bitching about it in blanket statements. I, personally, like the laws in my state which are proven to be common sense laws. We do need to address the Mentally ill people for guns though like a couple of other states already have. But that's about it. You would not live here because you would not wish to live under these laws and, personally, I wouldn't want you here. So we are pretty much in agreement there.

We need to rewrite the 2nd amendment for todays world. It was written by some pretty naive people when it came to firearms and weapons.
no, it isn't.

we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

the right wing is just too lazy to muster and prove their "learning how to fish ethic"; they prefer affirmative action.

Okay, prove to me where you can muster an ARmy of civilians in a months time that is equipped to take on an Iranian Trained Terrorist Group that is comprised of 2000 troops with the weapons that they will possess? You have one month to train, equip and get your logistics in place. You need to tell me where you are going to get the supplies, weapons and the trainers from. And you have to do it without raising the worries of the Federal Government.

Just a short list of arms you will need

M-240 or M-60 MG (good luck on that one)
M-2 (Good luck on that one)
M-249 (good luck on that one)
M-230 (Good luck on that one)
Grenades (More good luck on that one)
Shall I keep going? The bad guy will have all that and more. Only in the movies will you be able to go up against a 12.7mm belt fed MG with a couple of AR-15s. And that RPG-7 will eat your Pickup Truck for lunch.
Not a problem, there are no natural rights in our Second Amendment;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

You didn't read Part 16 which excludes those that are part of the State Militia that are NOT eligible for recall for Federal Duty. These people cannot be called up unless the State gives it's consent. The State still has the right to have it's State Militia under the 2nd amendment. But the reason to have it these days is to support emergencies. Texas seems to be very busy in that department. And California has many of their State Militia involved in their Forest Fires.
means nothing; we could be emptying some jails.

What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.

Nope.... it is fine just the way it is, the last thing we need are morons like you updating it out of existence...
What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
And that is a very fair opinion to have. But that is the key. Until the 2nd Amendment is legally and properly amended, I have a right to keep and bear arms.

Within Reason. Always within reason. And it's up to the various States to come up with the "Within Reason" and we all have to live with that ruling. We still have the option to vote them out of office or move to a state more to our liking if we disagree with the ruling. But it does no good to just keep bitching about it in blanket statements. I, personally, like the laws in my state which are proven to be common sense laws. We do need to address the Mentally ill people for guns though like a couple of other states already have. But that's about it. You would not live here because you would not wish to live under these laws and, personally, I wouldn't want you here. So we are pretty much in agreement there.

We need to rewrite the 2nd amendment for todays world. It was written by some pretty naive people when it came to firearms and weapons.

Yes.... and Blacks should have just sat in the back of the bus or moved out of those democrat controlled states. Sorry, Rights can't be taken away by states, they do not very because people like you want fewer of them....
What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
And that is a very fair opinion to have. But that is the key. Until the 2nd Amendment is legally and properly amended, I have a right to keep and bear arms.

Within Reason. Always within reason. And it's up to the various States to come up with the "Within Reason" and we all have to live with that ruling. We still have the option to vote them out of office or move to a state more to our liking if we disagree with the ruling. But it does no good to just keep bitching about it in blanket statements. I, personally, like the laws in my state which are proven to be common sense laws. We do need to address the Mentally ill people for guns though like a couple of other states already have. But that's about it. You would not live here because you would not wish to live under these laws and, personally, I wouldn't want you here. So we are pretty much in agreement there.

We need to rewrite the 2nd amendment for todays world. It was written by some pretty naive people when it came to firearms and weapons.

No, the Founders were some of the wisest men to ever live......
The Second Amendment BEGINS

"A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary...."

That phrase is in that very spare Amendment for a reason. It tells us WHY what follows is there.

Absent a "well regulated militia"...there is no Constitutional right to "bear arms".

We do not currently HAVE a "well regulated militia". At best...we have an "unorganized militia" that ONLY has MALES under 45 as potential members

Does that mean we don't have the right to own guns? We do within the confines of our state and local laws....

No....What you need to do is read the Supreme Court Decision, D.C. v Heller, it breaks down each part of the 2nd Amendment and explains it both legally and historically.....that will put you on the right track.
Okay, prove to me where you can muster an ARmy of civilians in a months time that is equipped to take on an Iranian Trained Terrorist Group that is comprised of 2000 troops with the weapons that they will possess? You have one month to train, equip and get your logistics in place. You need to tell me where you are going to get the supplies, weapons and the trainers from. And you have to do it without raising the worries of the Federal Government.

Just a short list of arms you will need

M-240 or M-60 MG (good luck on that one)
M-2 (Good luck on that one)
M-249 (good luck on that one)
M-230 (Good luck on that one)
Grenades (More good luck on that one)
Shall I keep going? The bad guy will have all that and more. Only in the movies will you be able to go up against a 12.7mm belt fed MG with a couple of AR-15s. And that RPG-7 will eat your Pickup Truck for lunch.
Not a problem, there are no natural rights in our Second Amendment;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

You didn't read Part 16 which excludes those that are part of the State Militia that are NOT eligible for recall for Federal Duty. These people cannot be called up unless the State gives it's consent. The State still has the right to have it's State Militia under the 2nd amendment. But the reason to have it these days is to support emergencies. Texas seems to be very busy in that department. And California has many of their State Militia involved in their Forest Fires.
means nothing; we could be emptying some jails.

What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.

Nope.... it is fine just the way it is, the last thing we need are morons like you updating it out of existence...

So you like it to mean absolutely nothing. That is where is stands today. If we want it to have meaning, we need to rewrite it so it sayts the things you read into to it that it doesn't sa it does.
The Second Amendment BEGINS

"A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary...."

That phrase is in that very spare Amendment for a reason. It tells us WHY what follows is there.

Absent a "well regulated militia"...there is no Constitutional right to "bear arms".

We do not currently HAVE a "well regulated militia". At best...we have an "unorganized militia" that ONLY has MALES under 45 as potential members

Does that mean we don't have the right to own guns? We do within the confines of our state and local laws....

No....What you need to do is read the Supreme Court Decision, D.C. v Heller, it breaks down each part of the 2nd Amendment and explains it both legally and historically.....that will put you on the right track.
You're referring to Scalia's insane claim that what the 2A says isn't what it means.
What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
And that is a very fair opinion to have. But that is the key. Until the 2nd Amendment is legally and properly amended, I have a right to keep and bear arms.

Within Reason. Always within reason. And it's up to the various States to come up with the "Within Reason" and we all have to live with that ruling. We still have the option to vote them out of office or move to a state more to our liking if we disagree with the ruling. But it does no good to just keep bitching about it in blanket statements. I, personally, like the laws in my state which are proven to be common sense laws. We do need to address the Mentally ill people for guns though like a couple of other states already have. But that's about it. You would not live here because you would not wish to live under these laws and, personally, I wouldn't want you here. So we are pretty much in agreement there.

We need to rewrite the 2nd amendment for todays world. It was written by some pretty naive people when it came to firearms and weapons.
The federal government has no credibility in the matter
What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
And that is a very fair opinion to have. But that is the key. Until the 2nd Amendment is legally and properly amended, I have a right to keep and bear arms.

Within Reason. Always within reason. And it's up to the various States to come up with the "Within Reason" and we all have to live with that ruling. We still have the option to vote them out of office or move to a state more to our liking if we disagree with the ruling. But it does no good to just keep bitching about it in blanket statements. I, personally, like the laws in my state which are proven to be common sense laws. We do need to address the Mentally ill people for guns though like a couple of other states already have. But that's about it. You would not live here because you would not wish to live under these laws and, personally, I wouldn't want you here. So we are pretty much in agreement there.

We need to rewrite the 2nd amendment for todays world. It was written by some pretty naive people when it came to firearms and weapons.
The federal government has no credibility in the matter

Then who does? The 2nd amendment has been chipped away until about only a 5 word part of it actually makes sense and even that is too broad a statement. Nothing like that would ever be allowed to stand in a court of law if presented today. I already laid out the reasons it has to be rewritten to make it up to todays standards. But that would mean that you would no longer be able to hammer anyone over the head with it with your own interpretation of it. And you really can't have that, can you.

Now, back to the question, if the Feds don't, who does?
The Second Amendment BEGINS

"A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary...."

That phrase is in that very spare Amendment for a reason. It tells us WHY what follows is there.

Absent a "well regulated militia"...there is no Constitutional right to "bear arms".

We do not currently HAVE a "well regulated militia". At best...we have an "unorganized militia" that ONLY has MALES under 45 as potential members

Does that mean we don't have the right to own guns? We do within the confines of our state and local laws....

No....What you need to do is read the Supreme Court Decision, D.C. v Heller, it breaks down each part of the 2nd Amendment and explains it both legally and historically.....that will put you on the right track.

Again, Scalia voiced a dissenting view. That's the losers view. He expounded much longer than the actual ruling. He ragged on and on. His views are not worth the paper it's printed on legally. You keep trying to make Heller V DC from something quite simple into something quite complicated. It's very simple. Heller was denied his right to own a serviceable handgun in his home. He was denied the right to obtain a proper license to possess the gun in his home. The existing law stated that the only way he could have a handgun in his home was to have it either disassembled or with a trigger guard rendering it inoperable and he was denied a licenses to have a serviceable handgun in his home. The Heller v DC ruling reversed that law. Simple as that. Heller still had to have a background check on his handgun, could not bring it out into the street unless rendered inoperable and still was required to have a license for himself to possess that handgun as per the DC laws. This is a bit more restrictive than we have here but it ain't DC here. Stop trying to make it into something difficult.
What it means is that the 2nd amendment badly needs to be updated to a more modern law.
And that is a very fair opinion to have. But that is the key. Until the 2nd Amendment is legally and properly amended, I have a right to keep and bear arms.

Within Reason. Always within reason. And it's up to the various States to come up with the "Within Reason" and we all have to live with that ruling. We still have the option to vote them out of office or move to a state more to our liking if we disagree with the ruling. But it does no good to just keep bitching about it in blanket statements. I, personally, like the laws in my state which are proven to be common sense laws. We do need to address the Mentally ill people for guns though like a couple of other states already have. But that's about it. You would not live here because you would not wish to live under these laws and, personally, I wouldn't want you here. So we are pretty much in agreement there.

We need to rewrite the 2nd amendment for todays world. It was written by some pretty naive people when it came to firearms and weapons.

Yes.... and Blacks should have just sat in the back of the bus or moved out of those democrat controlled states. Sorry, Rights can't be taken away by states, they do not very because people like you want fewer of them....

And I suppose you are a proponent to not allow White People to sit in the front of the bus or sit at the counters? What does this have to do with the 2nd amendment? You are sounding like a complete idjit on this one.
The Second Amendment BEGINS

"A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary...."

That phrase is in that very spare Amendment for a reason. It tells us WHY what follows is there.

Absent a "well regulated militia"...there is no Constitutional right to "bear arms".

We do not currently HAVE a "well regulated militia". At best...we have an "unorganized militia" that ONLY has MALES under 45 as potential members

Does that mean we don't have the right to own guns? We do within the confines of our state and local laws....

No....What you need to do is read the Supreme Court Decision, D.C. v Heller, it breaks down each part of the 2nd Amendment and explains it both legally and historically.....that will put you on the right track.
You're referring to Scalia's insane claim that what the 2A says isn't what it means.

So.... you have not read the D.C v Heller you don't know what you are talking Scalia went back to the English common law and the actual history and legal precedents that created the words in the 2nd Amendment..... but please, keep posting about something you didn't even read or understand.
The Second Amendment BEGINS

"A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary...."

That phrase is in that very spare Amendment for a reason. It tells us WHY what follows is there.

Absent a "well regulated militia"...there is no Constitutional right to "bear arms".

We do not currently HAVE a "well regulated militia". At best...we have an "unorganized militia" that ONLY has MALES under 45 as potential members

Does that mean we don't have the right to own guns? We do within the confines of our state and local laws....

No....What you need to do is read the Supreme Court Decision, D.C. v Heller, it breaks down each part of the 2nd Amendment and explains it both legally and historically.....that will put you on the right track.

Again, Scalia voiced a dissenting view. That's the losers view. He expounded much longer than the actual ruling. He ragged on and on. His views are not worth the paper it's printed on legally. You keep trying to make Heller V DC from something quite simple into something quite complicated. It's very simple. Heller was denied his right to own a serviceable handgun in his home. He was denied the right to obtain a proper license to possess the gun in his home. The existing law stated that the only way he could have a handgun in his home was to have it either disassembled or with a trigger guard rendering it inoperable and he was denied a licenses to have a serviceable handgun in his home. The Heller v DC ruling reversed that law. Simple as that. Heller still had to have a background check on his handgun, could not bring it out into the street unless rendered inoperable and still was required to have a license for himself to possess that handgun as per the DC laws. This is a bit more restrictive than we have here but it ain't DC here. Stop trying to make it into something difficult.

You are talking, ignorantly, out of your ass again.

Scalia wrote the Majority Opinion for the D.C v Heller Supreme Court decision...... He explained which guns are protected by the 2nd Amendment and explained in terms even you can understand that the 2nd Amendment is an individual Right to own and carry a gun....even explaining in the simplest of terms, for people like you, what "Bear Arms" meant...

You don't know what you are talking about.

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