The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

The National Climate Assessment was produced by 300 experts at the orders of Congress by the US Global Change Research Program with the assistance of the US Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Interior, State, Transportation, the EPA, NASA, the National Science Foundation, the Smithsonian and the Agency for International Development.

It is a completely apolitical work of science. If it DID have any bias, it would be towards the Trump position since he is in charge of every single one of those agencies.
It is a completely apolitical work of science. If it DID have any bias, it would be towards the Trump position since he is in charge of every single one of those agencies.
Bwahahaha! He didn’t hire the people behind the report. Most of them have been there for more than a quarter of a century.
The National Climate Assessment was produced by 300 experts at the orders of Congress by the US Global Change Research Program with the assistance of the US Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Interior, State, Transportation, the EPA, NASA, the National Science Foundation, the Smithsonian and the Agency for International Development.

It is a completely apolitical work of science. If it DID have any bias, it would be towards the Trump position since he is in charge of every single one of those agencies.

Sure it was...and not the first piece of observed, measured evidence that man is altering the global climate in any way.
Was that how you meant to construct that sentence? Its been decades since the first empirical evidence that humans were altering the global climate was collected. Why don't you pull up all the references in AR5's "Physical Science Basis" and show us why the world's actual climate scientists are utterly wrong to accept their results of evidence of AGW.
Its been decades since the first empirical evidence that humans were altering the global climate was collected.
Correction: it’s been decades since you were duped into believing that there is “evidence”. The actual evidence proves that “Global Warming” is a scam.
Go to and read/review WG-I "The Physical Science Basis" and see if your mind might not be changed about evidence.
Go to and read/review WG-I "The Physical Science Basis" and see if your mind might not be changed about evidence.
Ok...I read it (and more). It’s a joke. Here is my favorite part: it is called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”.

Now here’s the thing. We were told that carbon emissions were being “trapped” in the atmosphere and was causing a “greenhouse” effect. IE Global Warming. But after science proved the Earth was actually cooling (as part of a predictable and normal cycle) and after we experienced some record colds, the narrative suddenly became “Climate Change”.

How do not see that you’re being duped from that alone?!? :eusa_doh:
P@triot: It's over 1800 pages based on hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies. You didn't just read it (and more).

It is not carbon emissions that are being trapped in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels (oil,natural gas, coal, etc) have built up in the atmosphere from a a pre-industrial level of 280 ppm to a current level of 406 ppm. GHG's absorb and reradiate infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface that would normally escape more directly to space. Here is a good analogy. Let's say you have an above-ground pool in your back yard that , unbeknownst to you, has a small hole near its bottom. You put your hose in there to fill it up. The pool fills, but because some of the water is escaping through the hole, the pool only gets partially full. The depth of water in the pool is sufficient to push as much water out the hole as is coming in through the hose. So, you find the hole and try to repair it, but you only manage to make the hole smaller. The water begins to rise again, but when it reaches a level where the increasing pressure at the leak produces a flow again equal to that of the filling hose, the level stops rising.

This is what is happening in the atmosphere. Sunlight, mostly in the visible range, passes through the atmosphere and strikes the surface of the Earth, warming it. All matter above absolute zero (thus all matter) emits thermal radiation with frequency spectrum and amplitude dependent on its temperature. That radiation is comprised almost entirely of infrared. CO2 and other GHGs absorb and reradiate infrared radiation that would have passed cleanly through the nitrogen and oxygen that make up the most of the atmosphere. This both slows its release to space and sends half of it back down to the surface (as it is emitted in all directions). The result is that the temperature of the Earth's surface (including the oceans) and its atmosphere all rise: global warming. It is true that the output of the sun is waning slightly towards what is called a solar minimum. Unfortunately, the magnitude of that effect is very small compared to the amount of warming the added greenhouse gases are providing. The world is still getting warmer and our GHG emissions are the primary cause.

I'm curious if you can explain why you think "The Physical Science Basis" is a joke.
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It is not carbon emissions that are being trapped in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels (oil,natural gas, coal, etc) have built up in the atmosphere from a a pre-industrial level of 280 ppm to a current level of 406 ppm. GHG's absorb and reradiate infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface that would normally escape more directly to space. Here is a good analogy. Let's say you have an above-ground pool in your back yard that , unbeknownst to you, has a small hole near its bottom. You put your hose in there to fill it up. The pool fills, but because some of the water is escaping through the hole, the pool only gets partially full. The depth of water in the pool is sufficient to push as much water out the hole as is coming in through the hose. So, you find the hole and try to repair it, but you only manage to make the hole smaller. The water begins to rise again, but when it reaches a level where the increasing pressure at the leak produces a flow again equal to that of the filling hose, the level stops rising.

The pool is a great analogy for equilibrium and the nature of the atmospheric energy flow. In case your audience misses the meaning:
The hose into the pool is analogous to the sun input energy.
The depth of the pool is analogous to the avg earth temperature.
Leakage through the hole is analogous to energy radiating back to space.
The size of the hole is analogous to the factors that impede that radiation from leaving earth, such as green house gases.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
Georgetown’s bet against fossil fuel prices cost the city-owned utility nearly $7 million this year, and prompted officials to look for a way out of long-term contracts for solar and wind energy.
This is how idiotic left-wing policy always ends. With costs (and poverty) skyrocketing and resources/production plummeting. Show me left-wing policy and I will show you Venezuela-like results every time.

Texas City Featured in Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ Lost Millions in Its Green Energy Gamble
I'm curious if you can explain why you think "The Physical Science Basis" is a joke.
I have explained it thoroughly in this thread and others, right here on USMB. Hell, the first 6 posts in this thread prove that your “Global Warming” is a scam. You clearly didn’t read any of it before commenting. Typical of your side of the aisle.

Here is one of my all-time favorites though that wasn’t included in this thread:
On September 4, NSIDC, based at the University of Colorado, stated on its website that in August 2013 the Arctic ice cover recovered by a record 2.38 million sq km – 919,000 sq miles from its 2012 low.
It’s further backed up by NASA satellite photos...

Just curious, Crick, how long do you intend to ignore reality in favor of “papers” from political activists with an agenda? :dunno:

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year | Daily Mail Online
It is not carbon emissions that are being trapped in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels (oil,natural gas, coal, etc) have built up in the atmosphere from a a pre-industrial level of 280 ppm to a current level of 406 ppm. GHG's absorb and reradiate infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface that would normally escape more directly to space.
Clearly that is not the case... :lmao:

NOAA: Winter 2013-2014 Among Coldest on Record in Midwest | The Weather Channel
I'm sorry, but the world can most certainly be experiencing global warming while individual locations are experiencing record cold.
I'm sorry, but the world can most certainly be experiencing global warming while individual locations are experiencing record cold.
I’m sorry, but that is absolutely contradicting itself. Greenhouses gases trapped in the atmosphere heating up the planet cannot result in record cold. This is basic common sense. You’ve been duped. And sadly, you prefer it that way.

“Global Warming” is a scam that Al Gore and his cronies used for wealth and power. You bought into the scam.
Greenhouses gases trapped in the atmosphere heating up the planet cannot result in record cold.

The arctic jet stream generally is confined to higher latitudes. But with global warming, the jet stream becomes less stable and more widely oscillates to lower latitudes and brings the cold air with it. That causes record cold spells in the US.

The problem is there is a reciprocity with the jet stream cycle. It is also bringing warm air from the lower latitudes to the arctic. On the average the atmosphere is heating but the heat is now distributed much more chaotically. Australia saw record heat the same time the north saw record cold.
. IE Global Warming. But after science proved the Earth was actually cooling (as part of a predictable and normal cycle)

Wow. You don't seem to be residing the same reality that everyone else is.

Greenhouses gases trapped in the atmosphere heating up the planet cannot result in record cold.

Sure they can. Or more correctly, they don't put an immediate end to local record cold temperatures caused by natural variation. They just make those local record lows happen less often. That's why new record highs now outnumber new record lows by about 2 to 1. Before the warming started, the ratio was even.

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