The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

Are we to understand that you agree that reducing GHG emissions will reduce global warming?
This is really going to cause fragile ‘lil mammaries to call his therapist for extra sessions. It’s so undeniable at this point, even Jake fucking Tapper threw in the towel and admitted that fracking is completely environmentally safe! :laugh:

First, cute pout-stalking routine. I clearly live rent-free in your sweet little bitch head.

Second, as Crick pointed out, it's good to see you admitting we need to reduce greenhouse gases. Thanks for admitting we've been right all this time.

By the way, did you cult give you permission to go against cult dogma like that? You might be in trouble. You'd better go lick some boots and apologize.

Don't worry. We know you'll flipflop back to your old stupid claims soon, and pretend you never admitted we were right. After all, that's the primary benefit of being conservative, being blessedly free of the curse of long term memory. Reality is whatever you want it to be at any given instant.
This is really going to cause fragile ‘lil mammaries to call his therapist for extra sessions. It’s so undeniable at this point, even Jake fucking Tapper threw in the towel and admitted that fracking is completely environmentally safe! :laugh:
First, cute pout-stalking routine. I clearly live rent-free in your sweet little bitch head.
Bwahahaha! Exactly as I predicted. :lmao:

Mammaries is so pissed off at the realization that he was duped into buying into the “Global Warming” scam that he needs extra therapy sessions!

Even Jake freaking Tapper is acknowledging that fracking is 100% safe!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Bwahahaha! Exactly as I predicted.

Mammaries is so pissed off at the realization that he was duped into buying into the “Global Warming” scam that he needs extra therapy sessions!

Why would I be upset about being proven correct again? Heck, I don't even notice being proven correct, being how it's the normal state of affairs.

As usual, you seem confused. You're the one who just trumpeted how great it is that CO2 emissions are being reduced. You just admitted that you've been wrong for years, and that we've been right. Thank you for that.

Even Jake freaking Tapper is acknowledging that fracking is 100% safe!

It's clearly the butthurt that has you making up stories about how I supposedly hate fracking. If you'd read my posts, you'd see I've never criticized fracking. I've only criticized irresponsible unregulated fracking, due to the water pollution it causes.
If you'd read my posts, you'd see I've never criticized fracking.
Wow! Look at mammaries. I’m so proud of her! She slowly trying to back away from the “Global Warming” scam now (without drawing too much attention of course). Another 4 or 5 more years of having to face reality and she’ll be posting that she always oppposed “Global Warming”. :laugh:
A polar vortex. In May. Clearly, greenhouse gases are not being trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the planet to heat up.

Check it out. Dumbass here actually thinks global warming precludes polar vortexes. He's repeated the claim twice, because he's so proud of being so clueless. Each time you think he can't get dumber, he surprises you.

Dumbass, global warming makes polar vortexes more likely. I'd explain why, if it weren't literally impossible to dumb it down to a level that dumbass deniers can grasp.
Dumbass, global warming makes polar vortexes more likely. I'd explain why...
I never cease to find it shocking how weak-minded people exist and how they can so easily be mind-fucked. Imagine thinking that “greenhouse” gases being trapped in the atmosphere causes the world to heat up, which causes the world to freeze. :eusa_doh:
Four weepy posts? Not a record-setter, but I still definitely triggered P@triot pretty hard.

P@triot, you have the whole sum of human knowledge at your fingertips. You could research it yourself, why global warming makes polar vortexes more common. You can't expect me or the other normal people here to always be around to educate you. At some point, you'll have to get up off your lazy ass and take that responsibility upon yourself.

I do educate those who are willing to learn for free, but I charge bitter delusional cult cranks. My tutoring rate is $50/hr, two hours minimum. If you're still dead set on being lazy, you can send that to my Paypal account, we can get started.
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caring about the environment is for sissies.

in Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana and Texas, they think oil rigs are pretty
Remember folks, the official left-wing narrative is that “greenhouse gases” were being “trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere” causing the planet to heat up. :lmao:
More indisputable evidence that “Global Warming” is a hoax. If Harrison Ford actually believed that his children or grandchildren wouldn’t have a planet to live on, he would blow up his private jets so that nobody could use them - rather than using them 24x7.
Four weepy posts? Not a record-setter, but I still definitely triggered P@triot pretty hard.

P@triot, you have the whole sum of human knowledge at your fingertips. You could research it yourself, why global warming makes polar vortexes more common. You can't expect me or the other normal people here to always be around to educate you. At some point, you'll have to get up off your lazy ass and take that responsibility upon yourself.

I do educate those who are willing to learn for free, but I charge bitter delusional cult cranks. My tutoring rate is $50/hr, two hours minimum. If you're still dead set on being lazy, you can send that to my Paypal account, we can get started.
I haven't been on this site in years but with the current state of the world, I was curious if the dullards had finally come to their senses. Your posts put a smile on my face. They might even break through to the functionally illiterate at some point. Please keep doing what you're doing.

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