The definitive guide to the left-wing doctrine


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left-wing doctrine of promiscuity is detrimental to society...
None of this is thanks to President Obama, researchers say. After two terms of the last administrationā€™s ā€œif-it-feels-good-do-itā€ approach, most experts agree he accomplished one thing: making the situation worse. ā€œCompared with their peers,ā€ a 2016 study by the American Journal of Public Health found, ā€œteenagers in the [governmentā€™s programs] were more likely to begin having sexā€¦ and more likely to get pregnant.ā€ And itā€™s no wonder. The curriculum was so extreme that 40% of young people actually said they felt more pressure to engage in sex from their sex ed classes than from their boyfriends or girlfriends!
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy.

Number of High School Students Who Have Had Sex Drops
I've said it for over a decade now...the left has gotten so extreme/radicalized that there are no liberals left in the party. They are full-on communists. Indisputable proof when people literally cannot differentiate the doctrine of the Democrat Party platform and the Communist Manifesto...

The left-wing doctrine of ideology over prosperity...
ā€œPortland has seen a 10% increase in homelessness in just the last two yearsā€ - 60 Minutes (01/14/18)
A double-digit increase at a time when conservative policy has the U.S. flourishing like few times in history. Inexcusable. Borderline criminal. People are suffering because of the stubbornness, immaturity, and ideology of progressives.

The left would rather see people homeless and starving than admit that conservatives have been right all along.
Itā€™s so unbelievable that only the most stupid among society supports the lying, hypocritical left...
In the midst of the government shutdown in 2013, Schumer said on CNNā€™s ā€œThe Leadā€: ā€œI believe in immigration reform. What if I persuaded my caucus to say, ā€˜Iā€™m going to shut the government down, I am going to not pay our bills unless I get my way?ā€™ Itā€™s a politics of idiocy, of confrontation, of paralysis.ā€
Well Chuck...thatā€™s exactly what you just did. And apparently you were too stupid to realize what you said in 2013.

Demsā€™ words about the 2013 government shutdown come back to haunt them ā€” and prove their hypocrisy
The left always works really hard to avoid the idiotic and failed policies that they attempt to force on the rest of society...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.
So much for ā€œpaying their fair shareā€! And two multi-million-dollar homes?!? Where is the ā€œincome equalityā€ in that?!? Think of all the people who could have healthcare coverage if Nancy Pelosi wasnā€™t selfishly hoarding wealth.

Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes
It is a doctrine which is completely incompatible with prosperity. It rejects science, reason, and facts in favor of emotion. It contradicts itself.
On the one hand, they claim that the real self is something other than the physical body, in a new form of Gnostic dualism, yet at the same time they embrace a materialist philosophy in which only the material world exists.

They say that gender is purely a social construct, while asserting that a person can be ā€œtrappedā€ in the wrong gender.

They say there are no meaningful differences between man and woman, yet they rely on rigid sex stereotypes to argue that ā€œgender identityā€ is real while human embodiment is not.

They claim that truth is whatever a person says it is, yet they believe thereā€™s a real self to be discovered inside that person.

They promote a radical expressive individualism in which people are free to do whatever they want and define the truth however they wish, yet they try ruthlessly to enforce acceptance of transgender ideology.
Each contradiction creates turmoil and pits progressive against progressive.

Q&A: Why the Transgender Movement Can't Sustain Itself
The left-wing doctrine of ideology over prosperity...
ā€œPortland has seen a 10% increase in homelessness in just the last two yearsā€ - 60 Minutes (01/14/18)
A double-digit increase at a time when conservative policy has the U.S. flourishing like few times in history. Inexcusable. Borderline criminal. People are suffering because of the stubbornness, immaturity, and ideology of progressives.

The left would rather see people homeless and starving than admit that conservatives have been right all along.

Homeless people means votes.

Making everyone homeless would be a great improvement for them.
Progressives ā€œweaponizeā€ every office of government that they can land a seat, in order to wield power and control.
ā€œSen. Schumer is essentially weaponizing a Senate procedure and demanding cloture votes on our nominees that he even eventually supports,ā€ Short told reporters during a press briefing last week.
So even the nominees that Chuck Schumer fully supports, he delays as long as legally possible. His sole focus is doing what he can to ensure that both President Trump and the United States fails. Thankfully, Republicans control everything so are flourishing more than ever. Just imagine if Dumbocrats werenā€™t obstructing appointments. And before any ignorant progressives say it - Republicans werenā€™t ā€œobstructingā€ when Barack Insane Obama was making appointees that were radicals. They were doing their job in blocking really bad people holding key positions. As the article states, Chuck Schumer actually supports President Trumpā€™s nominees.

Here Are 6 of the 146 Trump Nominees Stalled by Senate Democrats
"Everything you wanted to know about The Left"
and other lies as told by the right.

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