The delusional Democrats

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I think it is time for moderate Democrats to wake up to the fact that their leaders are headed for a major disaster in 2014.

As a lifelong Democrat, I have a mental picture these days of my president, smiling broadly, at the wheel of a speeding convertible. His passengers are Democratic elected officials and candidates. Ahead of them, concealed by a bend in the road, is a concrete barrier.
They didn't have to take that route. Other Democratic presidents have won bipartisan support for proposals as liberal in their time as some of Mr. Obama's are now. Why does this administration seem so determined to head toward a potential crash and burn?
Even after the embarrassing playout of the Obama-invented Great Sequester Game, after the fiasco of the president's Fiscal Cliff Game, conventional wisdom among Democrats holds that disunited Republicans will be routed in the 2014 midterm elections, leaving an open field for the president's agenda in the final two years of his term. Yet modern political history indicates that big midterm Democratic gains are unlikely, and presidential second terms are notably unproductive, most of all in their waning months. Since 2012 there has been nothing about the Obama presidency to justify the confidence that Democrats now exhibit.

Ted Van Dyk: My Unrecognizable Democratic Party -

Not that the Republicans party PTB are looking ahead either, but at least some of newer members are looking toward the future.
Unless Obama gets caught with a live boy or a dead girl Democrats will take back the House in 2014 and increase their senate majority to around 60.

Here is why: white trash are aging out and dying. Now add that it's going to be a long time before rational America forgives nutballs for 2004.

If God really exists Obama is only the beginning of the torment nutballs can expect.
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2014 is looking like it's going to be a huge win for the freedom fighters (democrats)

The GOP/teabaggers got their asses handed to them in 2012, they still haven't learned their lesson and are continuing their radical right wing assault on america, their approval ratings are at about 25%, they just keep on sinking their own ship.
Unless Obama gets caught with a live boy or a dead woman Democrats will take back the House in 2014 and increase their senate majority to around 60.

Here is why: white trash are aging out and dying. Now add that it's going to be a long time before rational America forgives nutballs for 2004.

If God really exists Obama is only the beginning of the torment nutballs can expect.

Wanna bet?
"Wanna bet" - QW

If I'm alive and posting here at election 2014 and you remind me I agree to donate a hundred dollars to the pro abortion group of your choice and send proof of the donation to any address you provide if Democrats don't gain in both houses in 2014.

"Gerrymandering..." - 2A

Comes a time people wake up. The country is restless like an unsatisfied woman. Change is in the air. The era of the nutball is over.
Unless Obama gets caught with a live boy or a dead girl Democrats will take back the House in 2014 and increase their senate majority to around 60.

Here is why: white trash are aging out and dying. Now add that it's going to be a long time before rational America forgives nutballs for 2004.

If God really exists Obama is only the beginning of the torment nutballs can expect.

1. its midterms minoritys dont vote in mass
2. You have the gun nuts
3. the low income worker with no health care will get the 1st year of the Obama care penalty on there returns in april of 2014.

The repubs hold the house in 2014 thats a no brainer.
The OP is an expert on being delusional...

...according to Rasmussen, likely voters.

This is not about Rasmussen though. The question is,

who are the voters who approve of the job the President is doing, but are going to turn around and vote for Romney?

...because that's what would have to happen if Obama loses the popular vote.

Or, just a thought, the people who responded to the poll lied.

Still I think the Dems have a very tough road ahead of them.
The bed wetters like to pretend they had a profound landslide victory in 2012, when they made no real gains to speak of. They had to work really hard to beat a republicrat liberal flip flopper that never got more than %20 of any primary vote IIRC.

Romney ended up getting the nomination not by being a good candidate, but by attrition, since the media destroyed the character of everyone besides Romney until he was the last man and then they did a bayonete charge.

I still can't believe we have 66million complete idiots in this country that voted for a second moonbat messiah term, but I share your confidence half of them won't bother voting in the midterms, and the GOP will make significant gains.
The bed wetters like to pretend they had a profound landslide victory in 2012, when they made no real gains to speak of. They had to work really hard to beat a republicrat liberal flip flopper that never got more than %20 of any primary vote IIRC.

Romney ended up getting the nomination not by being a good candidate, but by attrition, since the media destroyed the character of everyone besides Romney until he was the last man and then they did a bayonete charge.

I still can't believe we have 66million complete idiots in this country that voted for a second moonbat messiah term, but I share your confidence half of them won't bother voting in the midterms, and the GOP will make significant gains.

Done crybabying? The GOP is a bunch of radical right wing nutcases completely out of touch with reality. Those morons were prancing around claiming it was going to be a GOP landslide victory across the board, that turned out to be a massive ass kicking to them.
Unless Obama gets caught with a live boy or a dead girl Democrats will take back the House in 2014 and increase their senate majority to around 60.

Here is why: white trash are aging out and dying. Now add that it's going to be a long time before rational America forgives nutballs for 2004.

If God really exists Obama is only the beginning of the torment nutballs can expect.
Spoken like a true racist delusional libtard.
Unless Obama gets caught with a live boy or a dead girl Democrats will take back the House in 2014 and increase their senate majority to around 60.

Here is why: white trash are aging out and dying. Now add that it's going to be a long time before rational America forgives nutballs for 2004.

If God really exists Obama is only the beginning of the torment nutballs can expect.
Spoken like a true racist delusional libtard.

Written like a true nutball halfwit.

Contempt and derision for people stupid enough to believe Reagan was a conservative and that Junebug Bush shouldn't be tied to a post and whipped for war crimes does not equal anything close to what passes for liberal in the United States today. It equals sound analysis.

And on average posts similar to yours equals lower income types, bitterness, resentment, and not understanding why.

Good luck, son. You're going to need it.
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2014 is looking like it's going to be a huge win for the freedom fighters (democrats)

The GOP/teabaggers got their asses handed to them in 2012, they still haven't learned their lesson and are continuing their radical right wing assault on america, their approval ratings are at about 25%, they just keep on sinking their own ship.
Funny how idiots like you call commie wantabe socialist dimwits and their pshyco herds freedom fighters, far from it.
Unless Obama gets caught with a live boy or a dead girl Democrats will take back the House in 2014 and increase their senate majority to around 60.

Here is why: white trash are aging out and dying. Now add that it's going to be a long time before rational America forgives nutballs for 2004.

If God really exists Obama is only the beginning of the torment nutballs can expect.
Spoken like a true racist delusional libtard.

Written like a true nutball halfwit.

Contempt and derision for people stupid enough to believe Reagan was a conservative and that Junebug Bush shouldn't be tied to a post and whipped for war crimes does not equal anything close to what passes for liberal in the United States today. It equals sound analysis.

And on average posts similar to yours equals lower income types, bitterness, resentment, and not understanding why.

Good luck, son. You're going to need it.
I don't need luck, you need to get some brains or learn how to use the mush you have. COMMIE PUKE, Reagan was great compared to obamaturdroid.
Bush won 2 elections, Obama won 2 elections... Dems took mass seats back from Republicans, then Reps tooks historic amounts back from Dems... This all in the last 10ish years. So to anyone who claims to know what will happen in 2014 all I can say is "lol."
I think it is time for moderate Democrats to wake up to the fact that their leaders are headed for a major disaster in 2014.

As a lifelong Democrat, I have a mental picture these days of my president, smiling broadly, at the wheel of a speeding convertible. His passengers are Democratic elected officials and candidates. Ahead of them, concealed by a bend in the road, is a concrete barrier.
They didn't have to take that route. Other Democratic presidents have won bipartisan support for proposals as liberal in their time as some of Mr. Obama's are now. Why does this administration seem so determined to head toward a potential crash and burn?
Even after the embarrassing playout of the Obama-invented Great Sequester Game, after the fiasco of the president's Fiscal Cliff Game, conventional wisdom among Democrats holds that disunited Republicans will be routed in the 2014 midterm elections, leaving an open field for the president's agenda in the final two years of his term. Yet modern political history indicates that big midterm Democratic gains are unlikely, and presidential second terms are notably unproductive, most of all in their waning months. Since 2012 there has been nothing about the Obama presidency to justify the confidence that Democrats now exhibit.

Ted Van Dyk: My Unrecognizable Democratic Party -

Not that the Republicans party PTB are looking ahead either, but at least some of newer members are looking toward the future.

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2014 is looking like it's going to be a huge win for the freedom fighters (democrats)

The GOP/teabaggers got their asses handed to them in 2012, they still haven't learned their lesson and are continuing their radical right wing assault on america, their approval ratings are at about 25%, they just keep on sinking their own ship.
Funny how idiots like you call commie wantabe socialist dimwits and their pshyco herds freedom fighters, far from it.

They also call islamic jihadists who blow themselves up in crowds of innocent people "freedom fighters", knowing full well the kind of ideals these "freedom fighters" want would have all women dressed as ninjas with their clits removed, gays stoned to death, and compulsory prayer 5 times a day.

Their idiocy is truly astounding.
"Free stuff..."

Nothing is free, son. Everything has a cost.

Nutballs put America on this course. Reagan tripled the debt creating a fake economy that - hilariously - benefited just one president: the DINO (and wildly uncloseted ReagaNUT) Clinton, who balanced the budget on asset inflation then handed his dimbulb successor a lit stick of dynamite.

What shall happen next are natural phenomenae. Just as no war is really over until the last son of the last soldier is dead, ReagaNUTtism won't really end until the last second hand ReagaNUT is dead, but it is already over as a meaningful political force.

All ReagaNUT nutballs have to offer is hate for women, foreigners, blacks, poor people (self hate in most of those cases), and things they don't understand (99% of everything). Oh, and nutballs also trade on vicarious worship of criminals in fee taking money changing businesses. Ask yourself how much of that people with sense will buy. There is the future of ReagaNUTtism.

Give me free stuff every time, sport. When the piper comes a callin' we'll see how that works out.
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