The Demise of the American Consensus

Another day, another FAILED OP by the all knowing self-appointed Constitutional scholar and false prophet who disavows and discredits any real authority regarding Judicial Review as a Constitutional check and balance on power, et al.

Such is the depth of knowledge of yet another "originalism fruitcake" like Scalia!


Ruben Bolling missed the phrase "...with the advise and consent of the Senate..." Just because there is a vacancy in an election year doesn't mean the Senate is obligated to rubberstamp anyone Obama puts forward, or even have hearings.
If you have an issue with the creator of a cartoon because it doesn't have the content that you wish to see, contact the man who created it and prove your alleged Constitutional prowess, and then take two asprin and lie down for a bit to lower your BP. Or maybe you should stop channeling Scalia.
Affluence and a huge increase in our population seem to be the major causes of the demise of what was the American consensus.

8. Rebellion, fueled by affluence, weakened "the national consensus that bound the U.S. together for the first 175 years of the nation’s existence.

And just as support for the American creed has shrunk, so has its correspondence to daily life. Our vaunted liberty is now constrained by thousands of petty restrictions that touch almost anything we want to do, individualism is routinely ignored in favor of group rights, and we have acquired an arrogant upper class.

Operationally as well as ideologically, the American creed is shattered.

Still, even that character is ultimately rooted in the American creed. When faith in that secular religion is held only by fragments of the American people, we will soon be just another nation—a very powerful one, a very rich one, still called the United States of America. But we will have detached ourselves from the bedrock that has made us unique in the history of the world."
Trump's America - AEI

The once great nation of America....the beacon of freedom and liberty.....
"....just another nation...."

a. "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." Barack Obama
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Affluence and a huge increase in our population seem to be the major causes of the demise of what was the American consensus.

8. Rebellion, fueled by affluence, weakened "the national consensus that bound the U.S. together for the first 175 years of the nation’s existence.
What, exactly, was said consensus during the Civil War? Dying is fun?

This is the problems with American historical myths, that's what they actually are, myths...
Oscar Wilde once said "There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."

America won the lottery.
I've heard that winning the lottery doesn't lead to happiness. So, it seems, is the fate of America.

9. Affluence brings the boredom of a life built on consumption, devoid of meaning. The only thing many were wanting for…is ‘want’ itself and saw suburbia as a great wasteland. The power of boredom is a much underrated emotion. The anodyne for this ‘ache’ often includes alcohol, narcotics, cruelty, pornography, violence…and zealotry in a political cause.

a. “…not so much motivated by sympathy with black people in slums and yellow people in rice paddies as by boredom with Connecticut.” Berger and Neuhaus, “Movement and Revolution,” p. 60

This was far, far from the view of life, of the future, that was prevalent in America's creation...

b. "The Sixties radicals –impatient, destructive, nihilistic- were the adolescent version. Modern liberalism is the mature stage. The campus radicals didn’t ‘grow up,’ or disappear: they simply became invisible until they reached positions of power and influence in the very institutions they stormed and seized in the sixties." Robert Bork writes this in "Slouching Toward Gomorrah."

c. Peter Berger explainedthe resemblance of the New Left campus radicals of the sixties to German and Italian Fascistsvia the following parallels.

Comparing Modern Liberalism and Fascism... Both werewithout a positive viewof the future. Berger and Neuhaus, “Movement and Revolution,” p. 43-47

Striving, having a goal....that's what made America great.

Which came next....the nihilism or communism???
"It is widely accepted that American public schools are controlled by liberals. It seems like every day, we see new examples of American schoolchildren being indoctrinated with left-wing ideas.

This latest example was brought to our attention by a concerned parent.

Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."
Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

Since the 60s Liberals have fought to end America.

This is what their success looks like.
Welcome to this 'brave, new America'.....
.....very different from the America of our founding.

10. "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.

.... America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party." Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama
Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

That's 'effectively' the Constitution?

No, I think that's the literal Constitution, followed word for word as written by the framers. (Except for your mistake about the veto).
Affluence and a huge increase in our population seem to be the major causes of the demise of what was the American consensus.

8. Rebellion, fueled by affluence, weakened "the national consensus that bound the U.S. together for the first 175 years of the nation’s existence.
What, exactly, was said consensus during the Civil War? Dying is fun?

This is the problems with American historical myths, that's what they actually are, myths...

Start with the Whiskey Rebellion in 1791. One of the early defeats of conservatism, btw.
She's conjured up some mythical grand consensus that never existed.

Another dolt who's never read the Constitution.

you should probably try learning about the constitution (and related caselaw) from someone who actually knows something about it.

Caselaw is a scam that Progressives have put over on dopes don't know that the Constitution is the only document the people have agreed to be governed by.

Bet you don't even know who Roscoe Pound and Christopher Columbus Langdell were.

You don't, do you.

Case law IS the Constitution.

Gee whiz, I had no idea that SCOTUS could use their "interpretations" (wink, wink) to amend the Constitution (1787).

The dingleberries never cease to amaze me.


Then you don't understand how the Constitution works.
Welcome to this 'brave, new America'.....
.....very different from the America of our founding.

10. "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.

.... America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party." Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

You should work on a less verbose way of dodging all debate in your threads.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing, has worn out its welcome.
Welcome to this 'brave, new America'.....
.....very different from the America of our founding.

10. "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.

.... America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party." Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

You should work on a less verbose way of dodging all debate in your threads.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing, has worn out its welcome.

I know you must get tired of everyone saying this...but I find you to be a disgusting low-life liar.

I realize that you have no problem with that reputation, and that may be the most disgusting part.
Another dolt who's never read the Constitution.

you should probably try learning about the constitution (and related caselaw) from someone who actually knows something about it.

Caselaw is a scam that Progressives have put over on dopes don't know that the Constitution is the only document the people have agreed to be governed by.

Bet you don't even know who Roscoe Pound and Christopher Columbus Langdell were.

You don't, do you.

Case law IS the Constitution.

Gee whiz, I had no idea that SCOTUS could use their "interpretations" (wink, wink) to amend the Constitution (1787).

The dingleberries never cease to amaze me.


Then you don't understand how the Constitution works.

If [as the Federalists say] “the judiciary is the last resort in relation to the other departments of the government,” … , then indeed is our Constitution a complete felo de so. … The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they may please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes. Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law … —

Thomas Jefferson Letter to Judge Spencer Roane, Nov. 1819

This is more so after scumbag FDR tried to abolish SCOTUS in 1935 causing the Justices to succumb to the executive and legislative branches.

She's conjured up some mythical grand consensus that never existed.

Another dolt who's never read the Constitution.

you should probably try learning about the constitution (and related caselaw) from someone who actually knows something about it.

Caselaw is a scam that Progressives have put over on dopes don't know that the Constitution is the only document the people have agreed to be governed by.

Bet you don't even know who Roscoe Pound and Christopher Columbus Langdell were.

You don't, do you.

Case law IS the Constitution.

Gee whiz, I had no idea that SCOTUS could use their "interpretations" (wink, wink) to amend the Constitution (1787).

The dingleberries never cease to amaze me.


only france, a "code state" relies solely on the statutory construct. in this country, in case you've never heard the words.... or been told them by the rightwingnut loons from whom you get what passes for "information".... we live in a common law country. that means that our laws are made up of the constitution, its caselaw and the statutes making up our laws.

you should also go google marbury v madison since the founders were still alive, you blithering idiot, when it was decided that the court had the power of judicial oversight.

Welcome to this 'brave, new America'.....
.....very different from the America of our founding.

10. "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.

.... America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party." Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

You should work on a less verbose way of dodging all debate in your threads.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing, has worn out its welcome.

I know you must get tired of everyone saying this...but I find you to be a disgusting low-life liar.

I realize that you have no problem with that reputation, and that may be the most disgusting part.

funny...most of us kind of see you as the pathological liar.... one who can't even use her own words. and when you do, the words are nasty.
Welcome to this 'brave, new America'.....
.....very different from the America of our founding.

10. "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.

.... America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party." Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

You should work on a less verbose way of dodging all debate in your threads.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing, has worn out its welcome.

I know you must get tired of everyone saying this...but I find you to be a disgusting low-life liar.

I realize that you have no problem with that reputation, and that may be the most disgusting part.

I don't have that reputation. I have some braindead c-word saying I have that reputation.
Welcome to this 'brave, new America'.....
.....very different from the America of our founding.

10. "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.

.... America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party." Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

You should work on a less verbose way of dodging all debate in your threads.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing, has worn out its welcome.

I know you must get tired of everyone saying this...but I find you to be a disgusting low-life liar.

I realize that you have no problem with that reputation, and that may be the most disgusting part.

funny...most of us kind of see you as the pathological liar.... one who can't even use her own words. and when you do, the words are nasty.

Try to find a post where PC states her personal opinion on an issue. You can't.
Welcome to this 'brave, new America'.....
.....very different from the America of our founding.

10. "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.

.... America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party." Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

You should work on a less verbose way of dodging all debate in your threads.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing, has worn out its welcome.

I know you must get tired of everyone saying this...but I find you to be a disgusting low-life liar.

I realize that you have no problem with that reputation, and that may be the most disgusting part.

funny...most of us kind of see you as the pathological liar.... one who can't even use her own words. and when you do, the words are nasty.

1. "most of us kind of see you as the pathological liar.
Why are you Liberals so very afraid of standing up on your own, two feet.
Why do you hide behind "us" and 'we"???
It's the mob identity, huh?

2."most of us kind of see you as the pathological liar."
Watch me turn that right around on you: you can't find any lies on my part.

It's truth that hurts, huh?

3."...can't even use her own words. and when you do, the words are nasty." examples?
I never use profanity, nor that 'nasty' must mean giving Liberals what they deserve....and you can't imagine anyone doing that.

I give you the 'Tough Love' you've needed for a long time.
If we could trust large corporations to do the right thing we wouldn't need all the regulations. Problem is you give them an inch, they take 40 miles...and get away with it. Look at BP, they got slapped on the wrist.

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