The Democrat De-Coder

He targeted people based on communist affiliations and yeah, he went waaay too far in searching and destroying but at his worst he never did anything as potentially deadly as Biden's little screed last Thursday.

Any of you that support him in that effort are enemies of this nation.

No he didn't.

No effort to save America is going too far....there is not a single example of an innocent American whose life was ruined by the Senator.
Watch, next we get the gubmint psychiatrists

Just like in the Soviet Union.

What the hell, we already have the gulags, we're already halfway there.

I suggested it would be indictment, or attempted assassinations......but you have an excellent point.

Lots of empty psych hospitals since the Democrats under JFK emptied them......
Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
I'd like any demofk in here to explain when Trump and his supporters were doing any of these things?
They were so tired of waiting for a strongman to adore and give themselves to, that they had to give in and settle for a flamboyant, hypersensitive, makeup-caked, hair sprayed, manicured, vulgar, juvenile New York City billionaire metrosexual. Maybe THAT'S why they're also so damn cranky and hateful.
still waiting on the regulations trump pushed?
You're right, calling Trump supporters "semi-fascist" doesn't make sense. If you support the rule of a strongman and the limiting and removal of freedoms for all but a select (white) ARE a fascist.
Biden is/was being extremely deferential. But he's 100% right.The alt-right has managed to infiltrate and co-opt every corner of conservatism and the Republican party over the last 15 years. That's why
the right has no future beyond temporarily dividing the Republican party..which will also come to an end because they have no majority. :)

I didn't see any Democrats storming the Capitol on January 6th, 2017.
Wonder why?....oh yeah, they're the true patriots.
But it was Democrats that stormed the capital. Brown shirt tactics. Infiltrate group, instigate things then disappear in the shadows. Same as it was Democrats who tried to instigate a kidnapping of a Governor. Same as it was Democrats and The Deep State who pushed the lie of Russian Collusion.
Same as it was Joe Biden and his Deep State Moles who ordered the unprecedented raid of President Trump's home after Jan 6th Propaganda was disgusting Americans and they needed new Propaganda to pound the airwaves with 90 days before the midterms.
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But it was Democrats that stormed the capital. Brown shirt tactics. Infiltrate group, instigate things then disappear in the shadows. Same as it was Democrats who tried to instigate a kidnapping of a Governor. Same as it was Democrats and The Deep State who pushed the lie of Russian Collusion.
who else took the videos to round everyone else up?
who else took the videos to round everyone else up?
The infiltrators are the ones who took the videos for the express purpose of helping The Deep State and Democrats in power make an example of everyone. They did this with the express purpose of trying to impact the next election cycle and interfere with our Democratic Process.

It was all pure show business.
The infiltrators are the ones who took the videos for the express purpose of helping The Deep State and Democrats in power make an example of everyone. They did this with the express purpose of trying to impact the elections and interfere with our Democratic Process.
Same as the corrupt DemNazis in power took the unprecedented steps of violating executive privilege, and broke the law which allows Presidents to retain their personal documents for 6 years after leaving office, when they raided The President's home.

Why didn't SS Garland raid Obama's home yet?
Too bad. You threaten school board officials. Stalk them. Bring weapons to parade on their private get what you deserve.
You wanna be a terrorist in the country you claim to be a patriot in???? That kinda rings hollow. :)
BS. That was not done in every case, some but not many. You try and crush opposite opinions and inquiries you are going to get a reaction. Try again.
But it was Democrats that stormed the capital. Brown shirt tactics. Infiltrate group, instigate things then disappear in the shadows. Same as it was Democrats who tried to instigate a kidnapping of a Governor. Same as it was Democrats and The Deep State who pushed the lie of Russian Collusion.
Same as it was Joe Biden and his Deep State Moles who ordered the unprecedented raid of President Trump's home after Jan 6th Propaganda was disgusting Americans and they needed new Propaganda to pound the airwaves with 90 days before the midterms.
It is my duty as a law-abiding US citizen to correct republicon lies

But it was republicon s that stormed the capital. Brown shirt tactics. Infiltrate group, instigate things then disappear in the shadows. Same as it was republicon s who tried to instigate a kidnapping of a Governor. Same as it was republicon s and The Deep State who pushed the lie of Russian Collusion.

Same as it was the republicons and their Deep State Moles who ordered the needed raid of President Trump's home after Jan 6th Propaganda was disgusting Americans and they needed new Propaganda to pound the airwaves with 90 days before the midterms.
the truth must be told
It is my duty as a law-abiding US citizen to correct republicon lies

But it was republicon s that stormed the capital. Brown shirt tactics. Infiltrate group, instigate things then disappear in the shadows. Same as it was republicon s who tried to instigate a kidnapping of a Governor. Same as it was republicon s and The Deep State who pushed the lie of Russian Collusion.

Same as it was the republicons and their Deep State Moles who ordered the needed raid of President Trump's home after Jan 6th Propaganda was disgusting Americans and they needed new Propaganda to pound the airwaves with 90 days before the midterms.
the truth must be told
you know for a fact they were republicans? Was Ray Epps a republican?
It is my duty as a law-abiding US citizen to correct republicon lies

But it was republicon s that stormed the capital. Brown shirt tactics. Infiltrate group, instigate things then disappear in the shadows. Same as it was republicon s who tried to instigate a kidnapping of a Governor. Same as it was republicon s and The Deep State who pushed the lie of Russian Collusion.

Same as it was the republicons and their Deep State Moles who ordered the needed raid of President Trump's home after Jan 6th Propaganda was disgusting Americans and they needed new Propaganda to pound the airwaves with 90 days before the midterms.
the truth must be told
You do realize that it is against forum rules to misquote someone like that, right?

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