The Democrat Dilemma: A Palpable Party Rift

There's no rift, just some various thoughts on our revenge, er, I mean, on getting back into full instead of commanding power.

none of those mean leadership, prosperity or unity.

more division, more hate, less America.

Well what would you suggest Hillary do to scrape the barnacles off her sunken vessel? Their behaviors, evidenced by the OP photo, are utterly repugnant to the majority.

Look, let me sum this up as plainly as I can. The gay agenda is asking the democratic party to commit political suicide. Just as the neocon far right is asking their party to do the same. I could have just as easily mocked up a sunken ship with Cheney barking commands behind Jeb Bush with an oil derrick silhouette flag waving behind him.

The moral of the story kids, is that the more extreme and repugnant your views are perceived in the middle, the less votes your party gets. I've never understood why party strategists focus on preaching to and performing for their choir. Thank goodness most of us are in the middle. If not, who knows what level of insanity this country would be reaching at this point?
But Mrs. Clinton, who is presumed to be the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has been looking over her shoulder for the past several months and seen a groundswell of support develop on the left for a Warren candidacy — partly out of frustration that Mrs. Clinton appears too centrist.
And so on Friday, Mrs. Clinton officially broke the ice, embracing Ms. Warren verbally, if not physically, and hailing her for the populist approach that Mrs. Clinton is said to lack.

Hmm...The New York Times eh?

If I had to question this reporter one thing, it would be to ask him to square up how he says Clinton would suffer for votes if she didn't embrace the far left since so many dems crossover voted this election cycle:

Exit polling shows racial polarization of the electorate has begun to cross party lines, with whites less likely to back Democratic candidates than they have been in the past. Across 21 states where Senate races were exit polled, whites broke for the Republican by a significant margin in all but four Exit polls show white voters turned away from Democrats - Central Maine

in California’s Central Valley, where House Democrats withdrew funding for challengers to Republicans Jeff Denham in the tenth district (40 percent Hispanic) and David Valadao in the 21st district (72 percent Hispanic). Environmental regulators’ cutoff of water to the Central Valley have hurt the area’s economy and apparently Hispanic voters don’t like that.
Hispanic voters also may not like some of the liberal causes championed... Are Hispanics Turning on Democrats National Review Online

The Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) has an almighty bone to pick...."We were once proud of President Obama, but our pride has turned to shame," Rev. William Owens, president of CAAP, said in a press release E-mailed to Whispers. "The man holding the most powerful position in the world is stooping to lead the country down an immoral path."
CAAP, which has more than 1,300 members and believes in "traditional family values," has asked for a meeting with the president to try to change his mind, but the White House has yet to acknowledge the request. In May, Rev. Owens issued a statement that castigated Obama for comparing the gay rights movement to the African-American civil rights movement. Black Pastors Reject Obama Over Gay Marriage Support - US News

Well the dems are losing whites, hispanics and blacks. I guess after they release the movie "To Be Takei", the dems can have a tiny portion of the far left of the asian vote. So there is hope after all!

Let's face it, the far left may appear big by volume of sound, but in fact the bulk of mass of the votes lies in the middle. And as the picture in the OP so eloquently illustrates, that tiny super-loud itty bitty minority who feels super-strong about gay rights is singing a lullaby to regular dems that could be changed quite quicky by dragging the needle with a screech off the spinning LP. I've got about a dozen great ideas how to do that. Just read my stuff and you'll figure out how.

The LGBT CULTure itself has given the democratic party, those in it concerned at this point for all their other good platforms' very survival, plenty of tools to get the barnacle-scraping job done. Yes, it's time to be unpolite. It's time to say that the Emperor is naked. It's time to notice that we're dealing with a cult and not a race of people.

It's time. It's time, or kiss healthcare, jobs, green energy, women's rights, environment and climate repair "bye bye".
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WASHINGTON (CNN) —Election night was terrible for the Democratic Party, and Hillary Clinton was not spared...

...Shortly after the Senate officially turned red on Tuesday, Rand Paul's Facebook page uploaded a photo of Clinton and the six losing Senate candidates that she endorsed. "HillarysLosers," read the photos that went gangbusters online. The morning after the country, effectively, turned red, the Republican National Committee blasted an email to reporters: "Hillary's Policies Were On The Ballot." Has Hillary Clinton gotten her groove back Politics - WPTZ Home

But the GOP isn't the only group nudging her out. Very ....politely...there have been big hints dropped at MSNBC because Hillary isn't gay enough. They haven't actually said that verbatim, but that's the message:

RCP reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns joins a panel on MSNBC's Daily Rundown discussing Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton's looming 2016 campaigns, and whether they are stifling other potential candidates and debates. Caitlin Huey-Burns On Hillary Clinton 2016 There Is Room For Debate Video RealClearPolitics
Obama didn’t help matters in the year to come. While he has brought his substantial political skills to bear on his presidential campaigns, he has remained detached from the midterm elections in 2010 and 2014, insisting last month that his policies would speak for themselves. But by withdrawing from the struggle—and not attempting to frame the 2010 or 2014 elections—Obama allowed voters to blame him and the Democrats for whatever continues to ail America. And the Republicans did a good job in this election of turning the voters’ attention on Obama and away from their own lack of a program for the country. 2014 Election Results Here s Why Democrats Lost the Senate to GOP New Republic

What singular issue would drive middle voters to vote for something so repugnant at the GOP? Nobody has forgotten the party of "NO". What is it that so shakes middle voters that they consider such a woeful "ail" to America, that would drive them kicking and screaming to the polls to cast a vote for the party that will surely freeze their minumum wages and force their women to be without birth control?

Hmmm...what could that one issue possibly be... It would have to be something that rattles them fundamentally. Something that really makes the word "democrat" appear like "monster".
Neither the democratic nor the republican schills want to touch this topic or talk about the picture in the OP. And each for their very different reasons.

The net result of democrats not talking about it, is the"unexplainable" loss of votes in 2016. The net result of the republicans not talking about it is the "unexplainable" gain of votes in 2016
It's very funny. This thread more than any other I've started has gotten a complete pass by both sides of the aisle...

A few token comments and then.....nothing......

It's as if people are afraid to talk about the photo in the OP...
But Mrs. Clinton, who is presumed to be the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has been looking over her shoulder for the past several months and seen a groundswell of support develop on the left for a Warren candidacy — partly out of frustration that Mrs. Clinton appears too centrist.
And so on Friday, Mrs. Clinton officially broke the ice, embracing Ms. Warren verbally, if not physically, and hailing her for the populist approach that Mrs. Clinton is said to lack.

Hmm...The New York Times eh?

If I had to question this reporter one thing, it would be to ask him to square up how he says Clinton would suffer for votes if she didn't embrace the far left since so many dems crossover voted this election cycle:

Exit polling shows racial polarization of the electorate has begun to cross party lines, with whites less likely to back Democratic candidates than they have been in the past. Across 21 states where Senate races were exit polled, whites broke for the Republican by a significant margin in all but four Exit polls show white voters turned away from Democrats - Central Maine

in California’s Central Valley, where House Democrats withdrew funding for challengers to Republicans Jeff Denham in the tenth district (40 percent Hispanic) and David Valadao in the 21st district (72 percent Hispanic). Environmental regulators’ cutoff of water to the Central Valley have hurt the area’s economy and apparently Hispanic voters don’t like that.
Hispanic voters also may not like some of the liberal causes championed... Are Hispanics Turning on Democrats National Review Online

The Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) has an almighty bone to pick...."We were once proud of President Obama, but our pride has turned to shame," Rev. William Owens, president of CAAP, said in a press release E-mailed to Whispers. "The man holding the most powerful position in the world is stooping to lead the country down an immoral path."
CAAP, which has more than 1,300 members and believes in "traditional family values," has asked for a meeting with the president to try to change his mind, but the White House has yet to acknowledge the request. In May, Rev. Owens issued a statement that castigated Obama for comparing the gay rights movement to the African-American civil rights movement. Black Pastors Reject Obama Over Gay Marriage Support - US News

Well the dems are losing whites, hispanics and blacks. I guess after they release the movie "To Be Takei", the dems can have a tiny portion of the far left of the asian vote. So there is hope after all!

Let's face it, the far left may appear big by volume of sound, but in fact the bulk of mass of the votes lies in the middle. And as the picture in the OP so eloquently illustrates, that tiny super-loud itty bitty minority who feels super-strong about gay rights is singing a lullaby to regular dems that could be changed quite quicky by dragging the needle with a screech off the spinning LP. I've got about a dozen great ideas how to do that. Just read my stuff and you'll figure out how.

The LGBT CULTure itself has given the democratic party, those in it concerned at this point for all their other good platforms' very survival, plenty of tools to get the barnacle-scraping job done. Yes, it's time to be unpolite. It's time to say that the Emperor is naked. It's time to notice that we're dealing with a cult and not a race of people.

It's time. It's time, or kiss healthcare, jobs, green energy, women's rights, environment and climate repair "bye bye".

The Democratic nominee (be it Clinton, or anyone else) will get at least 75% of the Black vote without breaking a sweat.

Obama received this portion of the Women's vote...

The Dem nominee will do as well if not better (if Hillary is the nominee).

The Hispanic vote was won by Obama by 71%.
Latino vote key to Obama s re-election -


The voting blocks are nice to build a campaign upon but the Dem's big advantage is, flatly put, the electoral college advantage with most very populous states being solidly Democratic.
Democrats split between the left (Joe Manchin), far left (Clinton), and the faaaaaarrrrr left (Obama). Sorry folks, that dog wont hunt in the real world. Voters reject big federal government in favor of states rights.
But Mrs. Clinton, who is presumed to be the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has been looking over her shoulder for the past several months and seen a groundswell of support develop on the left for a Warren candidacy — partly out of frustration that Mrs. Clinton appears too centrist.
And so on Friday, Mrs. Clinton officially broke the ice, embracing Ms. Warren verbally, if not physically, and hailing her for the populist approach that Mrs. Clinton is said to lack.

Hmm...The New York Times eh?

If I had to question this reporter one thing, it would be to ask him to square up how he says Clinton would suffer for votes if she didn't embrace the far left since so many dems crossover voted this election cycle:

Exit polling shows racial polarization of the electorate has begun to cross party lines, with whites less likely to back Democratic candidates than they have been in the past. Across 21 states where Senate races were exit polled, whites broke for the Republican by a significant margin in all but four Exit polls show white voters turned away from Democrats - Central Maine

in California’s Central Valley, where House Democrats withdrew funding for challengers to Republicans Jeff Denham in the tenth district (40 percent Hispanic) and David Valadao in the 21st district (72 percent Hispanic). Environmental regulators’ cutoff of water to the Central Valley have hurt the area’s economy and apparently Hispanic voters don’t like that.
Hispanic voters also may not like some of the liberal causes championed... Are Hispanics Turning on Democrats National Review Online

The Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) has an almighty bone to pick...."We were once proud of President Obama, but our pride has turned to shame," Rev. William Owens, president of CAAP, said in a press release E-mailed to Whispers. "The man holding the most powerful position in the world is stooping to lead the country down an immoral path."
CAAP, which has more than 1,300 members and believes in "traditional family values," has asked for a meeting with the president to try to change his mind, but the White House has yet to acknowledge the request. In May, Rev. Owens issued a statement that castigated Obama for comparing the gay rights movement to the African-American civil rights movement. Black Pastors Reject Obama Over Gay Marriage Support - US News

Well the dems are losing whites, hispanics and blacks. I guess after they release the movie "To Be Takei", the dems can have a tiny portion of the far left of the asian vote. So there is hope after all!

Let's face it, the far left may appear big by volume of sound, but in fact the bulk of mass of the votes lies in the middle. And as the picture in the OP so eloquently illustrates, that tiny super-loud itty bitty minority who feels super-strong about gay rights is singing a lullaby to regular dems that could be changed quite quicky by dragging the needle with a screech off the spinning LP. I've got about a dozen great ideas how to do that. Just read my stuff and you'll figure out how.

The LGBT CULTure itself has given the democratic party, those in it concerned at this point for all their other good platforms' very survival, plenty of tools to get the barnacle-scraping job done. Yes, it's time to be unpolite. It's time to say that the Emperor is naked. It's time to notice that we're dealing with a cult and not a race of people.

It's time. It's time, or kiss healthcare, jobs, green energy, women's rights, environment and climate repair "bye bye".

The Democratic nominee (be it Clinton, or anyone else) will get at least 75% of the Black vote without breaking a sweat.

Obama received this portion of the Women's vote...

The Dem nominee will do as well if not better (if Hillary is the nominee).

The Hispanic vote was won by Obama by 71%.
Latino vote key to Obama s re-election -


The voting blocks are nice to build a campaign upon but the Dem's big advantage is, flatly put, the electoral college advantage with most very populous states being solidly Democratic.
Whats that got to do with 2016/ Oh, that's right, Dem's play politics of race and a "war on women"...wasn't that was just rejected a week ago?
There's no rift, just some various thoughts on our revenge, er, I mean, on getting back into full instead of commanding power.

none of those mean leadership, prosperity or unity.

more division, more hate, less America.
That is the game we play these days. Don't ask for whiskey from a bottle of wine.

Oh rly?
You seem very angry. Have you considered punching a teddy bear or your pillow or a pile of socks

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Punching his teddy bear or his pillow or a pile of socks would be like, spousal abuse, wouldn't it?
Whats that got to do with 2016/ Oh, that's right, Dem's play politics of race and a "war on women"...wasn't that was just rejected a week ago?

It's simple, a very vocal minority in the dem party is demanding that the entire party scuttle all its good platforms like women's rights and a host of others in favor of butt sex culture replacing the normal one. Since the visceral objection to a deviant sex cult taking over a moral one runs right into the bone marrow of most voters, around 80% actually Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 464 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum the entire democratic vessel sits on the bottom of the ocean with no chance of forwarding women's rights or any other of its good platforms. Insanity has demanded at gunpoint that pragmatism and sobriety commit suicide with it.

You could properly say, then, that the far LEFT is waging a war on women's rights. Because at the end of the day, that's exactly the product of what's going on in the democratic party.
Whats that got to do with 2016/ Oh, that's right, Dem's play politics of race and a "war on women"...wasn't that was just rejected a week ago?

The spanking this Midterm wasn't about this or that moderate peeve here or there. It was about an assault that bothered people to their bone marrow. Only that could cause such a large defection. That was my point in the OP, in case you missed it...

OK, photo aside, here are some theories as to why. You won't find a single theory to support the photo, so don't bother looking...well...OK...there are some polls here but...

In June, a poll by Latino Decisions/Center for American Progress Action Fund found that 54 percent of Latinos would be less enthusiastic to vote for Democratic candidates if Obama broke his promise to use executive power to fix the immigration system by the end of summer. Latino voters likely to abandon Dems Albuquerque Journal News

What fundamentally ails the Democrats, rather, is the same ailment that afflicts incumbent parties throughout the advanced economies, and parties of the center-left in particular: their inability to deliver broadly shared prosperity as they used to do. Harold Meyerson Democrats lost because they didn t deliver broad prosperity - The Washington Post

Democrats are going to lose for the same reasons Republicans are going to win. Gerrymandering will work against the Democrats; and because of the gerrymandering favoring the Republicans, voters who usually vote Democrat, even if they go to the polls, just won’t matter. Democrats won t lose because of black voters.

There are literally dozens of more "speculative reasons" but here's one of my favorites:

Democrats Lost Because They Weren't Progressive Enough People voted for the GOP this cycle because Democrats didn't get much done. Obamacare was progress, but it only truly affected a limited amount of people. And even for the people it did help, Democrats basically ran away from it. Where was Obama, on the stump, leading the media narrative, berating the kind of savage mindset that leads Republican governors to block healthcare expansion in their own states? This move was a national outrage. You can't just blame the media. If Democrats make this an issue, it will be an issue. It should have been a daily outrage the way Fox News was freaking out about Ebola. Yet Democrats ran from it. Democrats Lost Because They Weren t Progressive Enough#

So did middle voters reject democrats because of

1. Lack of mass amnesty for illegal hispanics?

2. Failing to reverse the Bush/Cheney economic crash in 6 years?

3. Gerrymandering?

4. Lack of 100% free healthcare courtesy of Obama-comprimise?

5. Lack of enough support for importing ebola to self-monitor in this country?

Or was there some other common thread that united the middle voters against the dems?

Your speculation is welcome.
What is your support for the assertion the gop took the middle of the roaders on substantive issues?
2014 exit polls Most voters dissatisfied with D.C. -
Democrats let the Republicans dictate the message. Republicans were able to say "Obama bad" despite lower employment and gas prices, the Democrats did nothing of that, it was "despite" their efforts.

The Democrats were afraid to run on their record of more people uninsured, health care costs going down, better employment numbers and lower gas prices. Midterms are "all about that BASE" and rarely do independents vote. The Republicans were more motivated like the Democrats were in 2006. I doubt the Republicans will get close to the presidency in 2016.
What is your support for the assertion the gop took the middle of the roaders on substantive issues?
2014 exit polls Most voters dissatisfied with D.C. -

Your mistake is to assume that the final and complete erosion of even secular moral common sense "isn't a substantive issue".

I argue it is and was THE substantive issue that could explain a mass defection. This wasn't buckshot. This was a cannon ball.

What is your support for the assertion the gop took the middle of the roaders on substantive issues?
2014 exit polls Most voters dissatisfied with D.C. -

Your mistake is to assume that the final and complete erosion of even secular moral common sense "isn't a substantive issue".

I argue it is and was THE substantive issue that could explain a mass defection. This wasn't buckshot. This was a cannon ball.

argue all you want. spit's worthless without links. This election was about gridlock and dissatisfaction with both parties and intransigence ... on all sides.
argue all you want. spit's worthless without links. This election was about gridlock and dissatisfaction with both parties and intransigence ... on all sides.

Really? These pictures came with links. Can't find them just now. But google "chic-fil-a" and "gay marriage". You'll find plenty of links and photos like these taken all over the states:



How many "anti-gridlock" rallies did you see this populated across many states?

Answer: zero.

This topic people feel viscerally-strong about. So strong that they stood in line in the hot sun for hours, knowing they probably wouldn't get served from the place running out of supplies. Chic-Fil-As were CLOGGED to capacity and beyond that day.

Oh, and Facebook's "Boycott A&E" page supporting Phil Robertson's stance opposing gay marriage brought over a million "likes" in 24 hours.

But sure. People aren't really galvanized by this one issue. I'm sure it's just a number of smaller issues that caused a mass defection to the GOP from middle dems..

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