The democrat party racism, violence and anti-semitism on display across the U.S. Why do people still vote for this party?

Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......
I doubt you have but try this, maybe Asians and Jews vote for Dems because the Dems are NOT racist, violent, and anti-semitic. Maybe they just don't share your worldview. Maybe there is reason they don't share your worldview, after all Asians might know first-hand about racism and Jews might know first-hand about anti-Semitism. How do you get your information, first hand or second hand?
so explain why Lightfoot wont talk to white reporters
I think you'll lose if you start comparing Dems to the GOP:
Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Dipshit...the democrat party is forcing black children to stay in horrible public schools where they can't get an education....the democrat party is actively preventing asian Americans from getting into the best universities....the democrat party is segregating our country by they used blm and antifa to burn and loot primarily black neighborhoods...

You idiot....
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......
I doubt you have but try this, maybe Asians and Jews vote for Dems because the Dems are NOT racist, violent, and anti-semitic. Maybe they just don't share your worldview. Maybe there is reason they don't share your worldview, after all Asians might know first-hand about racism and Jews might know first-hand about anti-Semitism. How do you get your information, first hand or second hand?
so explain why Lightfoot wont talk to white reporters
I think you'll lose if you start comparing Dems to the GOP:
Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Dipshit...the democrat party is forcing black children to stay in horrible public schools where they can't get an education....the democrat party is actively preventing asian Americans from getting into the best universities....the democrat party is segregating our country by they used blm and antifa to burn and loot primarily black neighborhoods...

You idiot....
Sorry but I don't buy what you're selling. For example, the GOP are trying to destroy public schools, not make them better.
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......
I doubt you have but try this, maybe Asians and Jews vote for Dems because the Dems are NOT racist, violent, and anti-semitic. Maybe they just don't share your worldview. Maybe there is reason they don't share your worldview, after all Asians might know first-hand about racism and Jews might know first-hand about anti-Semitism. How do you get your information, first hand or second hand?
so explain why Lightfoot wont talk to white reporters
I think you'll lose if you start comparing Dems to the GOP:
Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Dipshit...the democrat party is forcing black children to stay in horrible public schools where they can't get an education....the democrat party is actively preventing asian Americans from getting into the best universities....the democrat party is segregating our country by they used blm and antifa to burn and loot primarily black neighborhoods...

You idiot....
Sorry but I don't buy what you're selling. For example, the GOP are trying to destroy public schools, not make them better.

You are joking...right? The democrat party destroyed public schools and republicans want all Americans, including blacks and hispanics, to go to whatever school they want to go to....they don't want them trapped in democrat party public schools where the graduation rate is only 50%......
You are joking...right? The democrat party destroyed public schools and republicans want all Americans, including blacks and hispanics, to go to whatever school they want to go to....they don't want them trapped in democrat party public schools where the graduation rate is only 50%......
The high school graduation rate in the U.S. was 88% for the 2018-2019 academic year – holding steady with the previous year's average. State graduation rates ranged from an average of 75% to 94%, according to data reported by 17,618 ranked schools in the 2021 U.S. News Best High Schools rankings.

Now who's joking?
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......
I doubt you have but try this, maybe Asians and Jews vote for Dems because the Dems are NOT racist, violent, and anti-semitic. Maybe they just don't share your worldview. Maybe there is reason they don't share your worldview, after all Asians might know first-hand about racism and Jews might know first-hand about anti-Semitism. How do you get your information, first hand or second hand?
so explain why Lightfoot wont talk to white reporters
I think you'll lose if you start comparing Dems to the GOP:
Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Dipshit...the democrat party is forcing black children to stay in horrible public schools where they can't get an education....the democrat party is actively preventing asian Americans from getting into the best universities....the democrat party is segregating our country by they used blm and antifa to burn and loot primarily black neighborhoods...

You idiot....
Sorry but I don't buy what you're selling. For example, the GOP are trying to destroy public schools, not make them better.

You are joking...right? The democrat party destroyed public schools and republicans want all Americans, including blacks and hispanics, to go to whatever school they want to go to....they don't want them trapped in democrat party public schools where the graduation rate is only 50%......
I think you're the one who's joking. There are no laws that say kids can't go to any school they want. That has always been the case.
It's real simple, people LOVE free stuff. The democrats are the party who loves to hand out things (housing, food, healthcare, cellphones, etc.) for "free". These people have bought into the lie that the left cares for them, because they (dems.) are willing to take other people's money and give it to them
Equal protection of the law is an entitlement, right wingers have a problem with it.
Equal protection of the law is an entitlement not a privilege.
An entitlement for who?
Are you on the right wing?

That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Shades of Nazi Germany of the 1930's and Communist Russia continued in Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left America...


What the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat left holds dear is political correctness – which – with its dogma that feelings are more important than facts – is a “sentimentalization” of reality. In the politically correct world, equality reigns – all cultural ideas have equal validity – and all differences can be settled over a glass of beer on a sunny afternoon.
Because of this same belief in equality, success and failure can have nothing to do with merit or competence – they are illegitimate distortions of the preferred narrative – and they must be remedied. Failure can only be explained by the oppression of the successful. The solution is to reward failure and punish success.
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......
I doubt you have but try this, maybe Asians and Jews vote for Dems because the Dems are NOT racist, violent, and anti-semitic. Maybe they just don't share your worldview. Maybe there is reason they don't share your worldview, after all Asians might know first-hand about racism and Jews might know first-hand about anti-Semitism. How do you get your information, first hand or second hand?
so explain why Lightfoot wont talk to white reporters
I think you'll lose if you start comparing Dems to the GOP:
Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Dipshit...the democrat party is forcing black children to stay in horrible public schools where they can't get an education....the democrat party is actively preventing asian Americans from getting into the best universities....the democrat party is segregating our country by they used blm and antifa to burn and loot primarily black neighborhoods...

You idiot....
No one is forcing any students into public schools. Anyone is free to homeschool or choose a private school for their children. Why are you lying?
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......
I doubt you have but try this, maybe Asians and Jews vote for Dems because the Dems are NOT racist, violent, and anti-semitic. Maybe they just don't share your worldview. Maybe there is reason they don't share your worldview, after all Asians might know first-hand about racism and Jews might know first-hand about anti-Semitism. How do you get your information, first hand or second hand?
so explain why Lightfoot wont talk to white reporters
I think you'll lose if you start comparing Dems to the GOP:
Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Dipshit...the democrat party is forcing black children to stay in horrible public schools where they can't get an education....the democrat party is actively preventing asian Americans from getting into the best universities....the democrat party is segregating our country by they used blm and antifa to burn and loot primarily black neighborhoods...

You idiot....
No one is forcing any students into public schools. Anyone is free to homeschool or choose a private school for their children. Why are you lying?

You mean after paying their hard earned money into the failed public school system...whatever crumbs they have left, they can then shell out for private education...

What would make your post more intelligent would be to point out that money should follow the student, just like for college, and that any student should be able to go to any school using the tax money we already devote to not educating them in democrat party controlled public schools....
You mean after paying their hard earned money into the failed public school system...whatever crumbs they have left, they can then shell out for private education...
Minimum wage jobs are simply that; you need to improve yourself to earn a better wage so the cost is less relevant.
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......
I doubt you have but try this, maybe Asians and Jews vote for Dems because the Dems are NOT racist, violent, and anti-semitic. Maybe they just don't share your worldview. Maybe there is reason they don't share your worldview, after all Asians might know first-hand about racism and Jews might know first-hand about anti-Semitism. How do you get your information, first hand or second hand?
so explain why Lightfoot wont talk to white reporters
I think you'll lose if you start comparing Dems to the GOP:
Five Texas GOP county leaders share racist Facebook posts, including one juxtaposing an MLK quote with a banana

Dipshit...the democrat party is forcing black children to stay in horrible public schools where they can't get an education....the democrat party is actively preventing asian Americans from getting into the best universities....the democrat party is segregating our country by they used blm and antifa to burn and loot primarily black neighborhoods...

You idiot....
No one is forcing any students into public schools. Anyone is free to homeschool or choose a private school for their children. Why are you lying?

You mean after paying their hard earned money into the failed public school system...whatever crumbs they have left, they can then shell out for private education...

What would make your post more intelligent would be to point out that money should follow the student, just like for college, and that any student should be able to go to any school using the tax money we already devote to not educating them in democrat party controlled public schools....
Everyone knows that if you send a kid from a broken home in a crime-infested, poverty-stricken, neighborhood to a for-profit, unregulated, private school, with no standards, they will do wonderfully. :rolleyes: And if there is no money left for special needs kids, too bad for them and their families.
Because there is a Sucker born every minute. And they BELIEVE the MEDIA.
Funny how the only spike in violence the FBI sees since Trump started has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and Asians. Try changing the channel someday or reading something.
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Because the Republican base is the only group that believes your crap in the entire world, brain washed functional moron
Funny how the only spike in violence the FBI sees since Trump started has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and Asians. Try changing the channel someday or reading something.

The same FBI that made up fake FISA warrants and lied to Federal judges?

That FBI?

You stupid ass....
The same FBI that made up fake FISA warrants and lied to Federal judges?

That FBI?

You stupid ass....
Funny how the only idiots in the world reporting that crap are Rupert Murdock bought off scumbag high school grad pundits and conspiracy nut jobs on the internet. No courtroom or respected journalists has ever said the same thing. You are the only people in the world who believe that crap or that global warming is a hoax or any of the other b******* you believe, brainwashed functional moron.

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