The democrat party racism, violence and anti-semitism on display across the U.S. Why do people still vote for this party?

Funny how the only spike in violence the FBI sees since Trump started has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and Asians. Try changing the channel someday or reading something.
The FBI are gestapo. And Black Thugs are doing most of the violence in this country.
The FBI are gestapo. And Black Thugs are doing most of the violence in this country.
Blacks, mr racist oops brainwashed functional racist, are not politically violent, but they are the gangs that are fighting each other to see who sells drugs to whitey. Right wingers are the politically violent going after blacks Jews gays Muslims and Asians because they are totally misinformed and jinned up to it. Most of them would not be against martial law because freedom and communism, the braid washed ignoramuses.
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do.

Today's blue ribbon for best example of how the left is entirely bereft of self-awareness.
Blacks, mr racist oops brainwashed functional racist, are not politically violent, but they are the gangs that are fighting each other to see who sells drugs to whitey. Right wingers are the politically violent going after blacks Jews gays Muslims and Asians because they are totally misinformed and jinned up to it. Most of them would not be against martial law because freedom and communism, the braid washed ignoramuses.
Funny. I don't see any "Right Wingers" rioting.Just black thugs and White commies,i
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Three things combined........

Naivete - They actually believe "government" has their best interests covered
Stupidity - Knowledge deficit - They lack factual historical and current information and instead feed on the liberal media cool aid
Moral Narcissism - They feel superior and so believe they can't possibly be wrong

Keep in mind these are the same types as those in Venezuela who brought down a wealthy system in favor of starvation for all.
Three things combined........

Naivete - They actually believe "government" has their best interests covered
Stupidity - Knowledge deficit - They lack factual historical and current information and instead feed on the liberal media cool aid
Moral Narcissism - They feel superior and so believe they can't possibly be wrong

Keep in mind these are the same types as those in Venezuela who brought down a wealthy system in favor of starvation for all.
And that is what Democrats want. A Ruling class and the Peons dependent on Gov't.
And that is what Democrats want. A Ruling class and the Peons dependent on Gov't.
Some on the left are advocating for equal protection of the laws to solve simple poverty to help achieve this by analogy:

If liberty and equality are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
Funny. I don't see any "Right Wingers" rioting.Just black thugs and White commies,i
Those aren't Democrats rioting those are criminals DUH. There are a couple of West Coast cities that have antifa acting up which are not Democrats either. The right wingers are cowards who attack gays Jews blacks Muslims and now Asians because they are hater doops. And when Trump has a rally, those kinds of attacks more than double In the area. Your party is a lying cheating brainwashing giveaway to the rich piece of s***....
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Democrats vote for the Democrat party because they are bad people. They are racists, anti-Semites and they want your shit and are happy to take it at the point of a gun. There is nothing good about the Democrat party or the people who vote for it
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.

Nowhere did he say he was smarter than Asians or Jews you fucking anti-Semitic racist. You're proving the point that Democrats have no morals at all
You are a brainwashed functional moron. Democrats want to tax the rich again after like 30 years and invest in America and Americans again. We are the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training grade infrastructure and vacations and an ID card to end illegal immigration like everywhere else already has. Thanks gumbag g o p and brainwashed morons. Oop s functional morons. Change the channel. Jesus.
Equal protection of the laws is in our several Constitutions. You confuse me with right-wingers.
The FBI are gestapo. And Black Thugs are doing most of the violence in this country.
You GOP base idiots hate everything about America except for your lying pundits and the orange clown. It's pathetic. Please change the channel. Most of the violence in this country is black gangster shooting other black gangsters. They did not get a stimulus check.

You are a brainwashed functional moron. Democrats want to tax the rich again after like 30 years and invest in America and Americans again. We are the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training grade infrastructure and vacations and an ID card to end illegal immigration like everywhere else already has. Thanks gumbag g o p and brainwashed morons. Oop s functional morons. Change the channel. Jesus.
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Maybe you should ask yourself why hate crimes have been rising in the USA since Donald Trump announced he was running for President by calling Mexicans rapists and murderers. They have accelerated in every year Trump has been in office, especially after Charlottesville where he said white supremacists chanting anti-Jewish slogans were "good people too. Hate crimes against Asians have risen dramatically since Trump blamed the Chinese for covid19, calling it the "China Virus".

So of course the white supremacist Trump cult is blaming Democrats for all of the hate.
Nowhere did he say he was smarter than Asians or Jews you fucking anti-Semitic racist. You're proving the point that Democrats have no morals at all
2aguy believes Blacks, Jews, and Asians are voting Dem against their best interests, as 2aguy sees their interests. If he is smarter than they are it would explain why they do generally vote Dem yet they don't see it. I somehow doubt that the majority of Blacks, Jews, and Asians are not as smart as he is.
Maybe you should ask yourself why hate crimes have been rising in the USA since Donald Trump announced he was running for President by calling Mexicans rapists and murderers

Actually Trump never said that. That is a misquote. Misquote = lie. Leftists lie, it's what you do, it's your inner being. You're fundamentally dishonest people who just make up lies all the time whether you are Canadian or American. Leftists are leftists first. Though you're just here to suck up to your American masters
2aguy believes Blacks, Jews, and Asians are voting Dem against their best interests, as 2aguy sees their interests. If he is smarter than they are it would explain why they do generally vote Dem yet they don't see it. I somehow doubt that the majority of Blacks, Jews, and Asians are not as smart as he is.
How is that different from you morons attacking anyone who's black, female, gay, Hispanic, ... who vote Republican? I've never once seen you object to Democrats who do that and call them racists. Not ever have I seen you do that.

So Democrats who say black Republicans are voting against their own interests are racists. That is what you are saying and when you see them say that you'll tell them that like you did 2aguy? You're on the record, so do it.

JoeB131 goes further than that. He says any black who votes Republican is an "Uncle Tom." You're suddenly not going to call him a racist, are you?

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