The Democrats are acting this way because they don't believe in God or the Constitution


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.

That's a really nice straw man!

How long did it take you to build it?
I am merely an observer to this madness.

And so are millions of Americans.

The shocking behavior of the Democrats have stunned ordinary Americans and waken them up that Democrats are now a threat to everything we hold dear.

Also, I, and almost every other American, remembers shit we did in high school and college, so we know if it can happen to one man, it can happen to any of us.
The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms.
That's right. Who gives a shit who the candidate is. It's irrelevant. As long as they are running as a republican, they got you vote.
I am merely an observer to this madness.

And so are millions of Americans.

The shocking behavior of the Democrats have stunned ordinary Americans and waken them up that Democrats are now a threat to everything we hold dear.

Also, I, and almost every other American, remembers shit we did in high school and college, so we know if it can happen to one man, it can happen to any of us.

Well they already tried to assassinate the entire GOP Congress at a baseball game, so..................
When a Republican Senator gets killed, MAYBE the mainstream media will report the story.

They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.

Yup. They can largely put an end to the nonsense if they get off their asses and vote.
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.
--------------------- Much of the problem is that 'dems' could never be trusted but they were trusted . As an example , why would 'dead kennedy' a 'dem' work to change immigration laws to allow millions of third worlders to be imported into the USA, Think he and other 'dems' and 'repubs' did that law change in 1965 or 1966 . Anyway , 'dems' and many 'repubs' are enemies and have been for a very long time BRook .
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.

That's a really nice straw man!

How long did it take you to build it?

"The fact is that this whole disgusting Brett Kavanaugh grift has radicalized both Normals who usually avoid politics (thereby demonstrating their wisdom) and alleged conservatives who have been living in a fantasy world where our opponents were good faith friends who just disagree with us on some issues. TheCirque de Kavanaugh disgrace put an end to that comforting delusion.

...this attack on Kavanaugh, which Normals rightly see is an attack on them, has cranked the tune that started with electing Trump to ear-shattering volume.

Why, look at the polls. Can you hear us now, libs?"
We'll Remember In November: This Kavanaugh Witch Hunt Is Radicalizing Us Normals
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.

That's a really nice straw man!

How long did it take you to build it?

"The fact is that this whole disgusting Brett Kavanaugh grift has radicalized both Normals who usually avoid politics (thereby demonstrating their wisdom) and alleged conservatives who have been living in a fantasy world where our opponents were good faith friends who just disagree with us on some issues. TheCirque de Kavanaugh disgrace put an end to that comforting delusion.

...this attack on Kavanaugh, which Normals rightly see is an attack on them, has cranked the tune that started with electing Trump to ear-shattering volume.

Why, look at the polls. Can you hear us now, libs?"
We'll Remember In November: This Kavanaugh Witch Hunt Is Radicalizing Us Normals
Just when I thought it couldn't get any bigger, here you come with a whole fresh load of..... Hay.
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.

That's a really nice straw man!

How long did it take you to build it?

"The fact is that this whole disgusting Brett Kavanaugh grift has radicalized both Normals who usually avoid politics (thereby demonstrating their wisdom) and alleged conservatives who have been living in a fantasy world where our opponents were good faith friends who just disagree with us on some issues. TheCirque de Kavanaugh disgrace put an end to that comforting delusion.

...this attack on Kavanaugh, which Normals rightly see is an attack on them, has cranked the tune that started with electing Trump to ear-shattering volume.

Why, look at the polls. Can you hear us now, libs?"
We'll Remember In November: This Kavanaugh Witch Hunt Is Radicalizing Us Normals
Just when I thought it couldn't get any bigger, here you come with a whole fresh load of..... Hay.

It doesn't apply to clearly says 'Normals.'
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.

No, the reason liberalfilth act this way is because they do believe in the god "Allah" and their devotion to Islam's murderous hatred and evil is what's making them behave in the psychopathic manner we've all seen - the bloodthirst, the riots, the death threats, even their new beheading fetish. Ever since Obamaggot, liberals believe that Islam is the most wonderful thing on earth and muslims are incapable of doing wrong and America's raison d'etre is to pander to Pisslam. It's liberals' fellatio of Islamic EVIL that made them what they are. I'm not religious myself and you will NEVER meet a person who detests these liberal mindless animals more than I do. I truly wish they would die of cancer.

When liberals "claim" to be atheist, all that means is that they're secretly Islamic human condoms and don't have the balls to admit it.
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.
Get a fuckin life you tired ass white pile of shit
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.
Get a fuckin life you tired ass white pile of shit that from Shakespeare???
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.

So hush money to porn stars and bragging about trying to cheat on your wife are ways to 'act like you believe in God'?

Because I don't think 'family values' mean what your ilk think they mean.
They have no rules except the ones they make up for themselves, and the first one is "The ends justify the means."

So if they have to send death threats to Senators, or physically threaten them, or put their addresses up on the internet, then that's what they'll do.

The sane people can do this: vote Republican in the mid-terms. Take as much power from the violent Democrats as we can, because we can no longer trust them.
Your side believes in an orange tax-cheating, pussy grabbing slum lord that makes fun of Gold Star parents, the physically handicapped, former POWs and vets in general. And you also support pedophile priests.

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