The Democrats Are Getting More Disgusting By The Minute

A few may have been charged, as trespassers, however I don't recall any being charged as insurrectionists; but the majority had the charges dropped and were not prosecuted.
If you have proof, document it.
"a violent uprising against an authority or government."

Majority, what? Bullshit.

and this is two months ago -- more being arrested and charged.

Only a handful, months after the fact, and in most cases charges were dropped.
Nowhere near the scope we've seen for the Jan. 6,2021 protestors.


At least 1,003 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.​

Capitol Breach Cases​

Below is a list of defendants charged in federal court in the District of Columbia related to crimes committed at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C, on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021.
Every case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Following arrests, or surrender, defendants must appear before district court magistrate/judge where the arrest takes place, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Meanwhile, the Democrat government that now has power and dominates continues to show it's true colors;

DHS-funded college program equates conservatives and Christians to militant neo-Nazis: ‘Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization’​

The above is Federal Level.
Following is at State level where I live, Washington;
Report: Domestic Violent Extremism
And followed by legislation attempts;

House Bill Report HB 1333

How a Washington state plan to fight domestic extremism ...​

Focus on only Christians and Conservatives, no mention about ANTIFA or the Extreme Left.
All right out of the NAZI and Communist playbooks!

Pipe Bombs in D.C.​

The FBI and ATF are offering a combined reward of up to $490,000 for information leading to the location, arrest, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the placement of pipe bombs in Washington, D.C., on January 5, 2021. The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, DC, is also offering a reward of up to $10,000. The reward offered by MPD is solely governed by their terms and conditions. The total reward amount is now up to $500,000. View videos, photos, and additional information.

If you have any information on the individuals pictured above, please call 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit a tip online at Please reference the photo number, including the AFO or AOM if applicable, when calling or submitting information online.
"a violent uprising against an authority or government."

Majority, what? Bullshit.

and this is two months ago -- more being arrested and charged.

My posts #59 & 60 were in reference to your friends and allies, the ANTIFA, BLM, and others whom did the Summer 2020 riots in scores of cities across this nation, as show in post #43.

120 days of riots and insurrection in scores of cities across this nation did not result in anywhere near the number of arrests and charges seen for a few hours of trespass on one day, in one city, in one building.
ANTIFA are not BLM

and neither are Democratic party groups as opposed to GOP MAGA groups

case closed.
Both ANTIFA and BLM worked together and co-ordinated their riots and insurrection during the Summer of 2020 in scores of USA cities. Good percentage of such, if they vote, vote Democrat.

"GOP MAGA groups" have not engaged in riots, arsons, attacks, murders, insurrection, etc. in scores of USA cities (or even one) as we saw with the Left-wing goons of ANTIFA, BLM, and others during the the Summer of 2020.

Clear where your traitorous allegiance lies on these matters.

"case closed" :rolleyes:
This is why the DOJ/US Government charged some people as trespassers and others as insurrectionists.
When protests routinely change to riots and buildings are set on fire and people just looking to protect their property are assaulted, those claiming to be protesters quickly lose the moral high ground. They can't really claim to be protesting police brutality when they themselves behave in very brutal ways.
When protests routinely change to riots and buildings are set on fire and people just looking to protect their property are assaulted, those claiming to be protesters quickly lose the moral high ground. They can't really claim to be protesting police brutality when they themselves behave in very brutal ways.
not sure what you're going on about

you're mentioning riots, not protests.

You have as much proof of that as you have of Trump winning 2020

simply stating things does not make them true

Donald Trump
stated on August 31, 2020 in a press conference:

“The entire city (of Portland) is ablaze all the time.”

‘We are not on fire’: Authorities dispute Trump’s false claim about Portland​

They had John Fetterman, who barely reads at a 3rd grade level, read their statement on the budget negotiations while wearing a hoodie and shorts.
This is an embarrassment to this country.
Fetterman reminds me of a POW reading a statement his captors told him to read.

/——-/ I don’t get it. There are plenty of articulate, attractive loonies on the left who wouldn’t embarrass themselves in public. You’re telling me not one democRAT In Pennsylvania was willing to run instead of this poor guy? (I’m being kind because he’s obviously a sick man, and I wish him well.)
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PORTLAND, Ore. – A police precinct was set on fire during a protest in Portland, Oregon, prompting authorities to declare a riot and deploy tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.

The fire burned an awning at the north precinct late Sunday, news outlets reported.

LOL :laughing0301:

Riot DECLARED after 86 nights?

riot protland.jpg

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