The Democrats Are Lying to People Again

Roe v. Wade was a landmark legal decision issued on January 22, 1973, in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas statute banning abortion, effectively legalizing the procedure across the United States. The court held that a woman’s right to an abortion was implicit in the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution
Not a Constitutionally protected right
Ahh, a ruling regarding marriage. I’m of the opinion that marriage is a religious institution and the government, either federal or state, has no business regarding it. That includes tax incentives.
Bullshit, copout answer. Regardless of your opinion, it has become a function of government and for most people it is a civil/legal matter. We could debate whether it should be or not., but the fact is, that it is.

Now answer the question. Marriage is one of those powers retained by the states. So was it improper for SCOTUS to overrule Virginia on the issue of interracial marriage. Yes or No? Does the tenth Amendment allow states to violate civil rights ? Yes or No?
It’s my opinion. You are neither required to agree nor flip out over it. You choose those courses.
Stop playing childish games. Grow a fucking spine and answer the questions! How sacred is the tenth Amendment? For instance, can states ignore or override the right to due process and equal protection under the law with respect to powers that are reserved to the state. Yes or No?? Do you or do you not support the Loving decision?
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Stop playing childish games. Grow a fucking spine and answer the questions! How sacred is the tenth Amendment? For instance, can states ignore or override the right to due process and equal protection under the law with respect to powers that are reserved to the state. Yes or No?? Do you or do you not support the Loving decision?
You’re getting way to emotionally overwrought about this. I gave you my opinion. I’m too savvy to step into your gotcha traps, so give it a rest, son.
You’re getting way to emotionally overwrought about this. I gave you my opinion. I’m too savvy to step into your gotcha traps, so give it a rest, son.
I am not at all emotional. I am however, amazed at what a spinless, slippery worm you are. I am enjoying watching you squirm like a trapped honey badger.

Your opinion is not an answer to the questions that I posed to you, and that you are too much of a COWARD to answer. Keep it up. I'm enjoying this. You are in over your head and I will hold your feet to the fire until you cut the crap and start acting like an adult.
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Bullshit, copout answer. Regardless of your opinion, it has become a function of government and for most people it is a civil/legal matter. We could debate whether it should be or not., but the fact is, that it is.

Now answer the question. Marriage is one of those powers retained by the states. So was it improper for SCOTUS to overrule Virginia on the issue of interracial marriage. Yes or No? Does the tenth Amendment allow states to violate civil rights ? Yes or No?
No different from the shit you been trying to pull out of your ass
Stop playing childish games. Grow a fucking spine and answer the questions! How sacred is the tenth Amendment? For instance, can states ignore or override the right to due process and equal protection under the law with respect to powers that are reserved to the state. Yes or No?? Do you or do you not support the Loving decision?
What the fuck is wrong with you? If you don't understand what the 10th amendment is and it's purpose just ask.
I am not at all emotional. I am however, amazed at what a spinless, slippery worm you are. Your opinion is not an answer to the questions that I posed to you, and that you are too much of a COWARD to answer. Keep it up. I'm enjoying this. You are in over your head and I will hold your feet to the fire until you cut the crap and start acting like an adult.
You sound like an emo dingbat, kid. Keep flailing in your attempts to manipulate me into your fiction. It’s quite adorable.
You sound like an emo dingbat, kid. Keep flailing in your attempts to manipulate me into your fiction. It’s quite adorable.
You keep proving that you are too much of a COWARD to engage in honest dialogue. As I said, I am enjoying watching you try to squirm out of this. I will hold your feet to the fire until you answer the questions. You will have no peace. You are right though, about it being a trap. And it was a trap designed for you to be unable to avoid-a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario. And now you are in the quicksand and sinking fast

And by the way I am not a "kid" I have been around awhile and I know a few things.
You keep proving that you are too much of a COWARD to engage in honest dialogue. As I said, I am enjoying watching you try to squirm out of this. I will hold your feet to the fire until you answer the questions. You will have no peace. You are right though, about it being a trap. And it was a trap designed for you to be unable to avoid-a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario. And now you are in the quicksand and sinking fast

And by the way I am not a "kid" I have been around awhile and I know a few things.
Lol. Another wall of butthurt text. GFY, peon.

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