The Democrats Are Lying to People Again

Jeremiah 1:5​

New International Version​

5 “Before I formed you in the womb(A) I knew[a](B) you,
before you were born(C) I set you apart;(D)
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.(E)

THAT'S putting "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being".
IN context?

Where is the giving life part?
If you are being detained no rights have to be advised. Only when you are being arrested are rights advised.
Miranda applies only to custodial interrogations, which means the police don't have to give Miranda warnings every time they question or talk to someone. Miranda rights come into play when the police arrest or detain someone. Detention here means that the person reasonably believes he or she is not free to leave. It doesn't matter where the questioning happens—at the police station, the scene of the crime, or a busy public place. What matters is that the person is in custody and cannot leave.
so, if you want to have an abortion in the Consitution, then all you need do is write up an Amendment and get it passed.
Sure, good luck with passing ANY amendment, in these times.
Then, no one will be able to do a thing about it.
The 18th amendment was overturned with the 21st.
Right now, the States all have laws permitting or forbidding abortion. The perfect example that you just highlighted. The issue is a STATES issue until or unless an Amendment is written.
No, until some challenges them in court, they let it go.
If the SCOTUS rules that there is no Right given to abortion in the Constitution, then that will be the final say until such time as an Amendment is written or a future court strikes it down.
The SCOTUS never ruled there wasn't a right to abortion in the constitution.
A law school school freshman, never uttered such crap.
Their ruling was a right to the 14th amendment.
But enough with these lies about Abortion is a right Garenteed by the Constitution. It simply is not.
No, shit, never stated abortion was constitutionally guaranteed.
Let it go, kid. Your juvenile tantrums don’t affect me beyond the mild amusement of inspiring unread walls of text from you.
I will not let it go. You will have no peace until you answer the question'

Again, for the are too much of a COWARD to answer this simple question which I posed to you many times in many ways:

. Marriage is one of those powers retained by the states. So was it improper for SCOTUS to overrule Virginia on the issue of interracial marriage. Yes or No? Does the tenth Amendment allow states to violate civil rights ? Yes or No?
I will not let it go. You will have no peace until you answer the question'

Again, for the are too much of a COWARD to answer this simple question which I posed to you many times in many ways:

. Marriage is one of those powers retained by the states. So was it improper for SCOTUS to overrule Virginia on the issue of interracial marriage. Yes or No? Does the tenth Amendment allow states to violate civil rights ? Yes or No?
Poor baby. Keep it coming. Lol.
THAT'S putting "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being".
IN context?

Where is the giving life part?

Miranda applies only to custodial interrogations, which means the police don't have to give Miranda warnings every time they question or talk to someone. Miranda rights come into play when the police arrest or detain someone. Detention here means that the person reasonably believes he or she is not free to leave. It doesn't matter where the questioning happens—at the police station, the scene of the crime, or a busy public place. What matters is that the person is in custody and cannot leave.
Being detained is not being placed under arrest
Detained does not need mirandized
You can be detained as a witness, traffic stop. And God made the original man the rest was done between a man and woman.
I will not let it go. You will have no peace until you answer the question'

Again, for the are too much of a COWARD to answer this simple question which I posed to you many times in many ways:

. Marriage is one of those powers retained by the states. So was it improper for SCOTUS to overrule Virginia on the issue of interracial marriage. Yes or No? Does the tenth Amendment allow states to violate civil rights ? Yes or No?
Virginia had no authority to make a ruling on marriages one way or the other.
Being detained is not being placed under arrest
Detained does not need mirandized
Are you NOT being "detained" right before your under arrest?
Miranda rights means if the police ask you your name while being detained, you legally don't have to answer.
You can be detained as a witness, traffic stop.
A police officer cannot detain you at a traffic stop for an unreasonable period of time without arrest. What is considered unreasonable is unclear and depends on each situation, but a good way to let the police officer know that you know your rights is by asking, “Officer, are you detaining me, or am I free to go?”

And God made the original man the rest was done between a man and woman.
Sounds about right, don't think god had anything to do with raging hormones, others rage more than others.
Ahh, a ruling regarding marriage. I’m of the opinion that marriage is a religious institution and the government, either federal or state, has no business regarding it. That includes tax incentives.
The state isn't party to the marriage contract.
Women have rights.
Ok she's in the army and doesn't want the Covid jab. Please explain her rights to her body?

What you guys need to do is Tippex out the word "Rights" in your dictionaries and grab a highlighter and highlight through the word "Responsibilities". If the women and men had been responsible in the first place, you wouldn't have to be fighting their corner. There's more ways to skin a cat, there's more than one orifice, and there's more ways to seek sexual pleasure than leaving brain in jar and crying for an abortion.
Women have rights.

Men have rights too except in abortion decisions seems too one sided to me since some of the Fathers wants the child to exist and grow up.

But Thomas Jefferson already talked about unalienable rights which many democrats ignore.

Men and Women already have built in "reproductive" rights thus the debate is really over how to regulate those rights. Just like Gun ownership are subject to some valid regulations trying to keep them out of convicted criminal hands.

Since it is clear to me that Women should be allowed to have the right to terminate a pregnancy because they have built in reproductive rights while it is the right of the voter to place some limits to the use of Abortions since the cost is largely picked up by the taxpayer to some amount to prevent it from becoming a birth control method.

Since most abortions (92%) are being done in the 15 weeks and earlier why not make that as the regulation for everyone as the unfettered right to about while denying abortion for 2-3 trimesters except for Rape, Incest and Health of the Mother.

The problem are fanatics on both sides who simply refuse to compromise thus never resolves the issue that is very unamerican of them!

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