The Democrats Are Lying to People Again

All this decision means is now the Democratic process will decide the rules of an abortion.

The Liberals have always claimed they want "common sense gun control". Now they are going to get "common sense abortion rules".
Lol. Another wall of butthurt text. GFY, peon.
I am not the one who is butt hurt. As I said, I am enjoying messing with you. I think that you are sweating right now

I'll tell you what. Since it is obvious that you are too much of a COWARD to clearly and honestly state your position on the limits of the tenth amendment, I will offer what I believe your position is. You think that regardless of the issue, be it abortion, or marriage, or anything else that is arguably reserved to the states, states' rights reign supreme . You believe that states may deprive people of rights, either enumerated, established by case law, that flow from other rights such as the right to due process, or otherwise implied.

You made it clear where you stand on abortion. But the issue of interracial marriage is based on the same principal. States rights, regardless of whether or not the matter in question is reserved to the states, is not absolute and state laws cannot violate other portions of the Constitution. But you think states can in fact do exactly that.

So, what you are too much of a COWARD to admit is that you oppose the Loving decision, and think that states should be allowed to prohibit interracial marriage in the name of states rights. And before you conjure up so lie or obfuscation about that, consider how it is different from gay marriage. Be careful, be verry careful
I am not the one who is butt hurt. As I said, I am enjoying messing with you. I think that you are sweating right now

I'll tell you what. Since it is obvious that you are too much of a COWARD to clearly and honestly state your position on the limits of the tenth amendment, I will offer what I believe your position is. You think that regardless of the issue, be it abortion, or marriage, or anything else that is arguably reserved to the states, states' rights reign supreme . You believe that states may deprive people of rights, either enumerated, established by case law, that flow from other rights such as the right to due process, or otherwise implied.

You made it clear where you stand on abortion. But the issue of interracial marriage is based on the same principal. States rights, regardless of whether or not the matter in question is reserved to the states, is not absolute and state laws cannot violate other portions of the Constitution. But you think states can in fact do exactly that.

So, what you are too much of a COWARD to admit is that you oppose the Loving decision, and think that states should be allowed to prohibit interracial marriage in the name of states rights. And before you conjure up so lie or obfuscation about that, consider how it is different from gay marriage. Be careful, be verry careful
Your walls of butthurt text only serve to expose how triggered and insecure you are, kid. Stop making a fool of yourself.
So, there isn't any mention of abortion in the constitution, that doesn't mean it's not permissible.
There is no mention of child porn in the constitution either but they have a US code against it.

Federal law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of an image of child pornography using or affecting any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce (18 U.S.C. § 2251; 18 U.S.C. § 2252; 18 U.S.C. § 2252A).

Child pornography laws in the United States specify that child pornography is illegal under federal law and in all states and is punishable by up to 20 years' imprisonment or a fine of $5000. The Supreme Court of the United States has found child pornography to be outside the protections of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The supreme court ruled on it, just as they did with abortion, the government codified it, it's law, no child porn.
How is that possible, if it wasn't mentioned in the constitution?

No one is killing babies.

Genesis 2:7
Verse Concepts
Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

There, your own bible say's different
so, if you want to have an abortion in the Consitution, then all you need do is write up an Amendment and get it passed. Then, no one will be able to do a thing about it.

Right now, the States all have laws permitting or forbidding abortion. The perfect example that you just highlighted. The issue is a STATES issue until or unless an Amendment is written.

If the SCOTUS rules that there is no Right given to abortion in the Constitution, then that will be the final say until such time as an Amendment is written or a future court strikes it down.

But enough with these lies about Abortion is a right Garenteed by the Constitution. It simply is not.
Your walls of butthurt text only serve to expose how triggered and insecure you are, kid. Stop making a fool of yourself.
. I am totally secure in my values and beliefs and you are the one who is triggered when called out on your COWARDNESS and dishonesty Thank you for once again confirming that about yourself .You don't have the spine to admit what it is you believe- that discrimination should be allowed to prevail in the name of states rights. I have exposed you for what you are. My work is done here
. I am totally secure in my values and beliefs and you are the one who is triggered when called out on your COWARDNESS and dishonesty Thank you for once again confirming that about yourself .You don't have the spine to admit what it is you believe- that discrimination should be allowed to prevail in the name of states rights. I have exposed you for what you are. My work is done here
It’s adorable that you think you can trigger me by e-shouting “COWARD” over and over. Grow the fuck up, RegressivePutz. Lulz.
Lulz. Keep flailing, RegressivePutz.
For the are too much of a COWARD to answer this simple question which I posed to you many times in many ways:
. Marriage is one of those powers retained by the states. So was it improper for SCOTUS to overrule Virginia on the issue of interracial marriage. Yes or No? Does the tenth Amendment allow states to violate civil rights ? Yes or No?

Anyone watching this knows who it is that is flailing
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For the are too much of a COWARD to answer this simple question which I posed to you many times in many ways:
. Marriage is one of those powers retained by the states. So was it improper for SCOTUS to overrule Virginia on the issue of interracial marriage. Yes or No? Does the tenth Amendment allow states to violate civil rights ? Yes or No?

Anyone watching this knows who it is that is flailing
Let it go, kid. Your juvenile tantrums don’t affect me beyond the mild amusement of inspiring unread walls of text from you.
The court deciding that reproductive rights can now be dictated by politicians pandering to a slim minority of voters is a pretty big deal.
The states that approve of abortion will never notice the changes. Those that don't will have to deal with the electorate and if the voters disapprove, they'll be sent packing. IOW, this issue is EXACTLY like all others in our system of government.

Those who are outraged that some states will now have the latitude to enforce the desires of the majority, should levy a new tax to help pay for the poor from other states to come and have their wishes fulfilled. It really is that simple. The outrage isn't because Americans have lost the "right" to kill their unwanted children. It's because the Left has a screaming tantrum when they lose the absolute control they desire over ALL citizens. Screw them AND the horse they rode in on...
The Democrats are lying to people, telling them that the SC decision means no more abortions. It means only that the states will decide. Joke Biden is telling more senile fairy tales. about irrelevant nonsense to scare people.

When have demonRats stop lying?

You tell me.....but I can tell you first.....NEVER.
Most people do not want abortion banned and yet here we are. A crucial right women fought very hard to gain is going to be snatched away in many states. Eventually these people will get around to banning something you like just to please the snooty church lady crowd and then you will understand.
Then they have what they want. Abortion is NOT banned as a result of this ruling. It will be up to the individual states to make those decisions. If they enact a law that is not supported by the majority, they'll be shown the door in the next election. That is how our system is designed.
Do you really think rights should be put up for a vote?
Our rights are inherent and are not contingent on one party or another agreeing with them. There is absolutely NO mention whatever of abortion in the Constitution and there certainly isn't any provision of law that makes it somehow sacrosanct. A group of old white guys in black created this "right" and now, another group are sending it back to the states.
Just curious, if this becomes the final ruling, would you support violent protests as a response?
Taking a verse from the Bible out of context does not make you right.
"Out of context"?
Genesis 2:7
Verse Concepts
Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

So, what exactly did lord god do, to do man so he could live?
Borrow a tire pump from the gas station?

Republicans always claim, comments are taken, "out of context" but never put statements IN context.
Using child porn to solidify your argument makes you a pimp. Show me where abortion is a Constitutionally protected right?
It doesn't have to be "constitutionally" protected, it's been decided by the supreme court 50 years ago, it's legal.

If being detained by police, do you NOT have certain rights read to you?
Can schools practice segregation?
Can state or federal prisons execute juveniles?

Well, let's overturn them too, they aren't "constitutionally" protected.

The 10th Amendment says it's up to the states, not that it's not permissible. Think better.

The 10th amendment gives states rights, that aren't protected by the constitution.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the states.
Ratified in 1791.

The 14th amendment gives you a right to privacy.
Ratified in in 1868.

So, can states still own slaves, privately, of course?
Our rights are inherent and are not contingent on one party or another agreeing with them. There is absolutely NO mention whatever of abortion in the Constitution and there certainly isn't any provision of law that makes it somehow sacrosanct. A group of old white guys in black created this "right" and now, another group are sending it back to the states.
Just curious, if this becomes the final ruling, would you support violent protests as a response?
There are so many slippery slopes in that argument it's hard to believe even you do not see the potential it has to strike at the heart of racial, ethnic and gender equality.
"Out of context"?
Genesis 2:7
Verse Concepts
Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

So, what exactly did lord god do, to do man so he could live?
Borrow a tire pump from the gas station?

Republicans always claim, comments are taken, "out of context" but never put statements IN context.

It doesn't have to be "constitutionally" protected, it's been decided by the supreme court 50 years ago, it's legal.

If being detained by police, do you NOT have certain rights read to you?
Can schools practice segregation?
Can state or federal prisons execute juveniles?

Well, let's overturn them too, they aren't "constitutionally" protected.


Jeremiah 1:5
New International Version

5 “Before I formed you in the womb(A) I knew[a](B) you,
before you were born(C) I set you apart;(D)
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.(E)

If you are being detained no rights have to be advised. Only when you are being arrested are rights advised.

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