The Democrats Are Lying to People Again

The Democrats are lying to people, telling them that the SC decision means no more abortions. It means only that the states will decide. Joke Biden is telling more senile fairy tales. about irrelevant nonsense to scare people.

Well, in those states it does mean "no more abortions".

I'm guessing that you're taking what they've said, changing it around a little and putting your own view on it, rather than directly reading what they said or wrote.
Certainly not enumerated rights. This is not an enumerated right. What have you got against the vote? Do you hate democracy?
Whatever you think this is it's not democracy. It's more accurate to call it special interest tyranny.
And I'm still correct no such thing as a fundamental right or federally protected right to an abortion
Privacy! For Christ fucking sake!
You have your opinions, I have mine. Logically, mine holds more weight in this situation.
Really? Logically ? I offered an alternative theory without judgement. YOU arrogantly state that your theory is superior, without evidence. Clinging to a conclusion with nothing to support it in order to further a political agenda is not the hallmark of intelligence or debate acumen. I have two Orange Cats who are smarter than you
Really? Logically ? I offered an alternative theory without judgement. YOU arrogantly state that your theory is superior, without evidence.
Nope, logic just dictates that the democrats, who are polling extremely low due to the disaster in the oval office, stand to gain the most by this leak. I know it, you know it.
The repubs would be better served in the upcoming election if this weren't leaked. The leaker will be discovered soon enough. Watch and learn.
I have two Orange Cats who are smarter than you
I have toe jam that's more perceptive than you.
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Privacy! For Christ fucking sake!

Really? Logically ? I offered an alternative theory without judgement. YOU arrogantly state that your theory is superior, without evidence. Clinging to a conclusion with nothing to support it in order to further a political agenda is not the hallmark of intelligence or debate acumen. I have two Orange Cats who are smarter than you
Orangecat just put you in your place. Abortion is not nor has it ever been federally protected. Not such thing as right to privacy exist when the woman starts telling people she is pregnant. If you want to keep abortion your best chance is try at the state level since it's a 10th amendment issue .
Nope, logic just dictates that the democrats, who are polling extremely low due to the disaster in the oval office, stand to gain the most by this leak. I know it, you know it.
The repubs would be better served in the upcoming election if this weren't leaked. The leaker will be discovered soon enough. Watch and learn.

I have toe jam that's more perceptive than you.
Holy shit! What!!! Logic? Think about it if you can think at all. You claim that Democrats have the most to gain by the leak ( which is only an opinion) so that is PROOF that it was a Democrat who leaked it??!! That is a classic non-sequitur logical fallacy . You simply are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Orangecat just put you in your place. Abortion is not nor has it ever been federally protected. Not such thing as right to privacy exist when the woman starts telling people she is pregnant. If you want to keep abortion your best chance is try at the state level since it's a 10th amendment issue .
He put me "in my place"? Are you fucking serious? No such thing as privacy ? And why?? Because she may have told someone? You fuckers are arrogant asses who think that you know what your talking about but you really don't know shit. Read the constitution. Read case law. Educate your dumb ass.
He put me "in my place"? Are you fucking serious? No such thing as privacy ? And why?? Because she may have told someone? You fuckers are arrogant asses who think that you know what your talking about but you really don't know shit. Read the constitution. Read case law. Educate your dumb ass.
Wrong your opinion is not based on Constitutional law.
No such right exist in the Constitution. What part of it's a 10 amendment issue don't you understand? Each state will decide if they will allow abortion or not.
What are some men's health issues that women do not share?

It repeatedly cites a misogynist from the 1600s who had women executed for “witchcraft.”​

Most Americans have probably never heard of Sir Matthew Hale, an English jurist who was born in 1609. But Alito cites him a half-dozen times throughout his draft as proof that abortion bans are an indispensable part of our country’s heritage.

If all medical standards from Hale’s life were applied today, we wouldn’t know about the existence of germs, medicinal ingredients would include the ground-up skulls of executed criminals and live worms, and doctors would cover ailing patients in leeches to suck our their blood. For most of Hale’s lifetime, doctors didn’t even have a scientific understanding of where babies came from.
No ones rights are being violated. There is NO RIGHT to abortion in the Constitution.
So, there isn't any mention of abortion in the constitution, that doesn't mean it's not permissible.
There is no mention of child porn in the constitution either but they have a US code against it.

Federal law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of an image of child pornography using or affecting any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce (18 U.S.C. § 2251; 18 U.S.C. § 2252; 18 U.S.C. § 2252A).

Child pornography laws in the United States specify that child pornography is illegal under federal law and in all states and is punishable by up to 20 years' imprisonment or a fine of $5000. The Supreme Court of the United States has found child pornography to be outside the protections of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The supreme court ruled on it, just as they did with abortion, the government codified it, it's law, no child porn.
How is that possible, if it wasn't mentioned in the constitution?
Therefore, we ALSO get a say in the Morality of killing babies for convenience.
No one is killing babies.

Genesis 2:7
Verse Concepts
Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

There, your own bible say's different
So, there isn't any mention of abortion in the constitution, that doesn't mean it's not permissible.
There is no mention of child porn in the constitution either but they have a US code against it.

Federal law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of an image of child pornography using or affecting any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce (18 U.S.C. § 2251; 18 U.S.C. § 2252; 18 U.S.C. § 2252A).

Child pornography laws in the United States specify that child pornography is illegal under federal law and in all states and is punishable by up to 20 years' imprisonment or a fine of $5000. The Supreme Court of the United States has found child pornography to be outside the protections of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The supreme court ruled on it, just as they did with abortion, the government codified it, it's law, no child porn.
How is that possible, if it wasn't mentioned in the constitution?

No one is killing babies.

Genesis 2:7
Verse Concepts
Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

There, your own bible say's different
Taking a verse from the Bible out of context does not make you right. Using child porn to solidify your argument makes you a pimp. Show me where abortion is a Constitutionally protected right?
Wrong your opinion is not based on Constitutional law.
It appears that you do not actually know what Constitutional Law is. It is much more than the enumerated rights or even case law. There are subtleties that your rigid, concrete thought process is unable to grasp

Penumbra is the implied rights provided in the U.S. constitution, or in a rule. Literally, the term penumbra was created to describe the shadows that occur during eclipses. The term penumbra is used in legal sense as a metaphor describing implied powers of the federal government. Penumbra doctrine is used to represent implied powers that arise from a specific rule, and extending the meaning of the rule into its periphery or penumbra.

Penumbra Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Taking a verse from the Bible out of context does not make you right. Using child porn to solidify your argument makes you a pimp. Show me where abortion is a Constitutionally protected right?

Roe v. Wade was a landmark legal decision issued on January 22, 1973, in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas statute banning abortion, effectively legalizing the procedure across the United States. The court held that a woman’s right to an abortion was implicit in the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution
Holy shit! What!!! Logic? Think about it if you can think at all. You claim that Democrats have the most to gain by the leak ( which is only an opinion) so that is PROOF that it was a Democrat who leaked it??!! That is a classic non-sequitur logical fallacy .
I never claimed to have "PROOF", you babbling idiot.
Logic dictates that the leaker is most likely from the side that stands most to benefit from said leak.
Try using your head for something other than a hat rack, son.
You simply are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
You are a pebble on the path to the shed, tardo.
I never claimed to have "PROOF", you babbling idiot.
Logic dictates that the leaker is most likely from the side that stands most to benefit from said leak.
Try using your head for something other than a hat rack, son.

You are a pebble on the path to the shed, tardo.
Calling me a babbling idiot does not make you smart. You said that your conclusion was logical based on an assumed and possibly false premise. That makes YOU the idiot .Your reasoning ability is abysmal and your conclusions are based on what you want to be true rather than what the evidence points to.

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