The Democrat's Dilema for 2012


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
With the people of this country sending a message to Washington and the Obama administration the democrats are now in a serious predicament.

On the one hand they have to keep their base happy. If they don't they may not get a good enough turnout to take back seats or hold their current status in 2012

On the other hand if they are seen as obstructing legislation that the new republican house tries to pass as a result of the mandate the voters just gave them they will surely lose even more seats in 2012.

So how do they balance keeping their base happy while not appearing to obstruct the wishes of the people who voted in a republican majority in the house.

What do you think the dems should do? Walk a tightrope, play to the base, or concede to the republicans on the big issues such as reversing obamacare and spending cuts?

Dont get me wrong the republicans face a similar problem. They can't let the democrat administration in the white house and majority in the senate make it appear that they "didn't do anything" in the next year and a half before 2012 begins in earnest. If that is the perception then they will be voted back out again.
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Who gives a shit about the Dems dilemma? Or the GOP's dilemma? The dilemma you describe is how each party can do as little as possible yet still hang onto or gain more power.

The real dilemma is how to turn around a $1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit ............ together.
"The People" didn't really send a message to President Obama, the Chamber of Commerce and 30 millions dollars did..

And basically what is going to happen over the next to years is an attempt to impeach Obama, roll back FinReg, Health Care Reform, and the Stimulus. All while giving big sweetheart tax breaks to big oil and Corporate entities.

The Merger between Corporate America and the American Government is almost complete.
Who gives a shit about the Dems dilemma? Or the GOP's dilemma? The dilemma you describe is how each party can do as little as possible yet still hang onto or gain more power.

The real dilemma is how to turn around a $1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit ............ together.

Cancel Obamacare, close down unnecessary military bases overseas, stop givind aid to foreign countries, raise import tariffs, put an export tax on grains that we feed the world with, stop bailing out companies with tax money, stop printing money to purchase debt, stop passing defecit budgets

Its not really rocket science is it?
"The People" didn't really send a message to President Obama, the Chamber of Commerce and 30 millions dollars did..

And basically what is going to happen over the next to years is an attempt to impeach Obama, roll back FinReg, Health Care Reform, and the Stimulus. All while giving big sweetheart tax breaks to big oil and Corporate entities.

The Merger between Corporate America and the American Government is almost complete.

With the people of this country sending a message to...

what a crock of shit. stop parroting the talking heads in the media. try pulling your head out of your ass and start thinking for yourself?

these same idjits are the ones who said the GOP was dead after the 2008 election.

"The People" didn't really send a message to President Obama, the Chamber of Commerce and 30 millions dollars did..

And basically what is going to happen over the next to years is an attempt to impeach Obama, roll back FinReg, Health Care Reform, and the Stimulus. All while giving big sweetheart tax breaks to big oil and Corporate entities.

The Merger between Corporate America and the American Government is almost complete.


Yawn away.

Ex-Arco BP apologist Joe Barton is heading up the Energy commission.
"The People" didn't really send a message to President Obama, the Chamber of Commerce and 30 millions dollars did..

And basically what is going to happen over the next to years is an attempt to impeach Obama, roll back FinReg, Health Care Reform, and the Stimulus. All while giving big sweetheart tax breaks to big oil and Corporate entities.

The Merger between Corporate America and the American Government is almost complete.


Yawn away.

Ex-Arco BP apologist Joe Barton is heading up the Energy commission.

To bring it to your level obama is run by SEIU, other labor unions, and George Soros :cuckoo: do realize the GOP can't even DREAM about impeaching Obama unless they had BOTH chambers, right, Sallow?
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With the people of this country sending a message to...

what a crock of shit. stop parroting the talking heads in the media. try pulling your head out of your ass and start thinking for yourself?

these same idjits are the ones who said the GOP was dead after the 2008 election.


Is that all you have devnell? You suck as bad as always.
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Who gives a shit about the Dems dilemma? Or the GOP's dilemma? The dilemma you describe is how each party can do as little as possible yet still hang onto or gain more power.

The real dilemma is how to turn around a $1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit ............ together.

the deficit is manageable. the scary stories are just silly. interest payments and comparisons to the gdp of the 1980s and 1990s...


gawd, the sheeple have spoken.
Having listened to the frightened ones during the 70s, 80s, and 90s, I have to agree with Zach.

The sheeple in the media and out 'there' in the real world are too stupid for words.

Last week, I published аח essay іח Time magazine аbουt debt, arguing tһаt ουr current preoccupation wіtһ tһе centralized deficit аחԁ wіtһ debt іח general іѕ a реrіƖουѕ distraction frοm tһе real issue (namely, ουr inability tο invest аחԁ spend wisely tο mаkе tһе economy οf tһе future). Tһе problem isn’t debt per se – аftеr аƖƖ, tһе U.S. regime took οח much more debt during аחԁ аftеr World War II, аחԁ few wουƖԁ contend tһаt wаѕ tеrrіbƖе policy οr led tο disaster. Tһе problem іѕ tһаt wе aren’t spending ουr debt productively; аѕ a replacement fοr, wе′re frittering іt away οח consumption, tax rebates, military budgets tο pay fοr CοƖԁ War-era weapons systems, pork projects, οr οtһеr forms οf spending tһаt wіƖƖ חοt yield returns іח tһе future.

Tһе piece met wіtһ resounding, passionate rаɡе. Writing аbουt debt іѕ a third rail topic οח par wіtһ religion аחԁ sex.

Zachary Karabell: Debt: The Third Rail of Journalism Blog News Web – Updated Every Minute
Who gives a shit about the Dems dilemma? Or the GOP's dilemma? The dilemma you describe is how each party can do as little as possible yet still hang onto or gain more power.

The real dilemma is how to turn around a $1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit ............ together.

Cancel Obamacare, close down unnecessary military bases overseas, stop givind aid to foreign countries, raise import tariffs, put an export tax on grains that we feed the world with, stop bailing out companies with tax money, stop printing money to purchase debt, stop passing defecit budgets

Its not really rocket science is it?

Obamacare isn't part of the $1.3 trillion dollar deficit. Repealing does nothing to the current budget.

How much does closing bases save? Do we downsize the military along with it? What happens then?

How much does cutting foreign aid save? Does this include military funding we give to Israel or money we give to countries like Egypt to keep them from attacking Israel? What are the reprecussions of these actions?

How much revenue can we take in from tariffs? Wont those tariffs just get "passed onto the consumers?" Who does that hurt? What happens when other countries put tariffs on or increasing current tariffs on good we are exporting?

How much revenue can we generate with an "export tax on grains that we feed the world with?"

Are bailouts and TARP part of the current $1.3 trillion dollar deficit? News to me.

The whole idea is to not pass a budget with a deficit ...

You got some good ideas but I'm not feeling anything near $1.3 trillion in cuts there.
Who gives a shit about the Dems dilemma? Or the GOP's dilemma? The dilemma you describe is how each party can do as little as possible yet still hang onto or gain more power.

The real dilemma is how to turn around a $1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit ............ together.

Cancel Obamacare, close down unnecessary military bases overseas, stop givind aid to foreign countries, raise import tariffs, put an export tax on grains that we feed the world with, stop bailing out companies with tax money, stop printing money to purchase debt, stop passing defecit budgets

Its not really rocket science is it?

Obamacare isn't part of the $1.3 trillion dollar deficit. Repealing does nothing to the current budget.

How much does closing bases save? Do we downsize the military along with it? What happens then?

How much does cutting foreign aid save? Does this include military funding we give to Israel or money we give to countries like Egypt to keep them from attacking Israel? What are the reprecussions of these actions?

How much revenue can we take in from tariffs? Wont those tariffs just get "passed onto the consumers?" Who does that hurt? What happens when other countries put tariffs on or increasing current tariffs on good we are exporting?

How much revenue can we generate with an "export tax on grains that we feed the world with?"

Are bailouts and TARP part of the current $1.3 trillion dollar deficit? News to me.

The whole idea is to not pass a budget with a deficit ...

You got some good ideas but I'm not feeling anything near $1.3 trillion in cuts there.

And your ideas are........... ;) "together we can" after all ;)
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Who gives a shit about the Dems dilemma? Or the GOP's dilemma? The dilemma you describe is how each party can do as little as possible yet still hang onto or gain more power.

The real dilemma is how to turn around a $1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit ............ together.

1.3? lol. I wish.
Cancel Obamacare, close down unnecessary military bases overseas, stop givind aid to foreign countries, raise import tariffs, put an export tax on grains that we feed the world with, stop bailing out companies with tax money, stop printing money to purchase debt, stop passing defecit budgets

Its not really rocket science is it?

Obamacare isn't part of the $1.3 trillion dollar deficit. Repealing does nothing to the current budget.

How much does closing bases save? Do we downsize the military along with it? What happens then?

How much does cutting foreign aid save? Does this include military funding we give to Israel or money we give to countries like Egypt to keep them from attacking Israel? What are the reprecussions of these actions?

How much revenue can we take in from tariffs? Wont those tariffs just get "passed onto the consumers?" Who does that hurt? What happens when other countries put tariffs on or increasing current tariffs on good we are exporting?

How much revenue can we generate with an "export tax on grains that we feed the world with?"

Are bailouts and TARP part of the current $1.3 trillion dollar deficit? News to me.

The whole idea is to not pass a budget with a deficit ...

You got some good ideas but I'm not feeling anything near $1.3 trillion in cuts there.

And your ideas are........... ;) "together we can" after all ;)

End both wars.

Slash the hell out of military spending.

Raise the retirement age to 70.

Real cuts meaning cutting into what we spend the most on.
Who gives a shit about the Dems dilemma? Or the GOP's dilemma? The dilemma you describe is how each party can do as little as possible yet still hang onto or gain more power.

The real dilemma is how to turn around a $1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit ............ together.

1.3? lol. I wish.

What kind of deficit do you think we are running?

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