The Democrats Host Impeachment and No One Watches

13 million viewers tuned in to watch the first day of the Impeachment Hearing. That works out to a whopping 4% of the American public. That's right. 4%. More people watched James Comey's testimony and the Brett Kavanaugh hearing.

Almost nothing is trending about impeachment on Twitter at any time, aside from during the hearings.

This is a loser, Democrats. This was your Hail Mary to throw and it's losing.

Prepare accordingly. Here's a thought. Maybe come up with a winning platform. Or some candidates who can beat Trump. Groundbreaking, I know.

First televised impeachment hearing draws 13 million viewers
OMG OMG OMG OMG behind closed doors!!!! OMG OMG OMG

OMG OMG OMG public hearings!!!! OMG OMG OMG

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day of your miserable little lives.
This is a representative republic. We fire him at the ballot box.

Or we fire him through impeachment... that works, too.

You just don't like him and can't see past your own bias. Too bad, so sad

Most Americans disagree and can see what is going on

More Americans support impeachment than oppose it...

Look, if Trump survives, it will because Republicans gave him a pass on obvious illegality.

I don't think they really want to set that precedent.
like deleting mail, fisa abuse, making up Russia narratives type precedent?
No Party has ever tried to impeach a sitting President with the type of smear campaign that Adam Schiff is currently running, Joey! When all is said and done...the Democrats are going to be remembered as poor losers who knew they couldn't argue against Trump's accomplishments with the slate of abysmal candidates they had running and chose instead to perpetrate a series of pathetically bad "investigations" into crimes that they knew didn't exist!
The dem candidates are a clown car that is a fact, And like I said the country is divided right down the middle with no minds being changed one way or another
The constant barrage of shifting accusations has made it clear to all this is just a witch hunt.
The accusations have never changed. It has always been about what the President and his goons did to bolster his own campaign. It was disgusting behavior and unlike "grabbing 'em by the pussy" it is highly
illegal for a President to behave that way.
If he weren't doing something wrong, he would not have kept it a secret, working around the State Department and hiding his conversation with Zelensky in the "Super Safe" computer no one can access.
Trump is guilty as hell and if my Republican senator doesn't vote to impeach him, no matter what her excuse, I will never vote for her again. And I've always been a loyal supporter of hers but this is for real. The man needs to go. I'll chip in and help pay for the UHaul to take his gold plated bed back to Trump Tower.

Unlike the "Completely Vulnerable" computer that Hillary hid all of her secret State Department stuff on, Old Lady? Hate to point this out but protecting private conversations between a President and other world leaders is actually the way you SHOULD do things! Keeping them on an unprotected computer hidden in your home is not! Duh?

your very stupid world leader spoke with a dude who paid a million dollars to get the EU ambassador gig - on unsecure cell phones in a fucking restaurant in middle of kiev .... where there are rooooskie spies crawling over the fucking place - AND the tribblehead was shouting so loudly to his EU dickhead that it was easily overheard by others standing there.

so you get no kudos for bringing up hillary - like every other basket dweller when they can't defend their swamp lord.

I don't even know what that little rant was about, Playtime! You on the left want to make ALL of the communications between Trump and other world leaders public but you come on here and accuse Trump of not being security conscious? Gee, who's been hacked...Trump? Nope. Hillary? Oh, yeah...her servers got violated more than a twenty dollar a pop hooker!
What crime? There was a burglary in the Watergate break in. People were arrested. What possible "crime" are you claiming happened here? Bribery? That's the most ridiculous thing EVER!

Sounds pretty clear.

Ukraine had no interest investigating Biden's son, until Trump threatened to hold up their aid package.

That's bribery, buddy.
like deleting mail, fisa abuse, making up Russia narratives type precedent?

Nobody had to make anything up...The Russians really did interfere. We just didn't catch Trump in the act...

Not so much, this time.
Dude, you can't be serious you actually think one of the occupants in the clown car has a chance of beating Trump? ok who is it and what can they do to continue the great economy we have?

1) The economy isn't going to be that great next year.
2) Biden, Warren, Sanders, and Buttigeig are all leading Trump in the polls.
According to democrat controlled media, the economy was supposed to have crashed by no
OH my goodness those polls again
When all 4 of those clowns get rally attendances that equals one of trumps I'll be a little concerned lol
What crime? There was a burglary in the Watergate break in. People were arrested. What possible "crime" are you claiming happened here? Bribery? That's the most ridiculous thing EVER!

Sounds pretty clear.

Ukraine had no interest investigating Biden's son, until Trump threatened to hold up their aid package.

That's bribery, buddy.

You mean the aid package that the Ukrainians GOT even though they didn't investigate the Bidens? You kill me, Joey!
RealDave said:
You assfucks get dumber every fucking day of your miserable little lives.
Speaking Of Dumber, And Dumber
The Impeachment Hearings Should Have Already Ended
When The Witnesses Remained Silent
When Asked Directly What Was Impeachable In The Call

Trump Should Run That Segment
As A Campaign Ad
One more time, No party has had a president impeached and won the next election.

By the time is all said in done, even if the GOP saves Trump, he'll be remembered as "Impeached and Disgraced" Donald Trump.

The Democrats have hardly given a convincing argument to impeach and I'm not sure it's going to happen. So far it's been a big nothing-burger just like the collusion delusion, but while I do agree Trump won't get reelected, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility.
What crime? There was a burglary in the Watergate break in. People were arrested. What possible "crime" are you claiming happened here? Bribery? That's the most ridiculous thing EVER!

Sounds pretty clear.

Ukraine had no interest investigating Biden's son, until Trump threatened to hold up their aid package.

That's bribery, buddy.
Yeah, that’s why Biden had the Ukraine prosecutor fired. Your spinning is hilarious.
13 million viewers tuned in to watch the first day of the Impeachment Hearing. That works out to a whopping 4% of the American public. That's right. 4%. More people watched James Comey's testimony and the Brett Kavanaugh hearing.

Almost nothing is trending about impeachment on Twitter at any time, aside from during the hearings.

This is a loser, Democrats. This was your Hail Mary to throw and it's losing.

Prepare accordingly. Here's a thought. Maybe come up with a winning platform. Or some candidates who can beat Trump. Groundbreaking, I know.

One more time, No party has had a president impeached and won the next election.

By the time is all said in done, even if the GOP saves Trump, he'll be remembered as "Impeached and Disgraced" Donald Trump.

Look, the smart thing for you guys to do would be to get rid of this guy and try to rehabilitate Pence's reputation. It almost worked for Jerry Ford.
One more time, No party has had a president impeached and won the next election.

Yeah, Bill Clinton’s popularity was hit so hard he didn’t win a 3rd term.
What crime? There was a burglary in the Watergate break in. People were arrested. What possible "crime" are you claiming happened here? Bribery? That's the most ridiculous thing EVER!

Sounds pretty clear.

Ukraine had no interest investigating Biden's son, until Trump threatened to hold up their aid package.

That's bribery, buddy.

When did Trump threaten to hold up the Ukraine's aid package? He gave them the aid. He sold them the Javelin missiles. Did he ask the Ukrainian President to look into the Biden's? Yes he did. Has ANYONE shown that sending aid was contingent on an investigation? I've yet to see a single person make that charge.
According to democrat controlled media, the economy was supposed to have crashed by no
OH my goodness those polls again
When all 4 of those clowns get rally attendances that equals one of trumps I'll be a little concerned lol

Rally attendence doesn't translate out to votes, buddy.

Hey, lots of Inbred Maga hats in KY and LA, but Trump's candidates- STILL LOST>
When did Trump threaten to hold up the Ukraine's aid package? He gave them the aid. He sold them the Javelin missiles. Did he ask the Ukrainian President to look into the Biden's? Yes he did. Has ANYONE shown that sending aid was contingent on an investigation? I've yet to see a single person make that charge.

They've pretty much established it...

So you are making the argument that because Trump didn't get away with any money when he robbed the bank, he didn't try to rob the bank.

You go with that, buddy. You go with that.
When did Trump threaten to hold up the Ukraine's aid package? He gave them the aid. He sold them the Javelin missiles. Did he ask the Ukrainian President to look into the Biden's? Yes he did. Has ANYONE shown that sending aid was contingent on an investigation? I've yet to see a single person make that charge.

They've pretty much established it...

So you are making the argument that because Trump didn't get away with any money when he robbed the bank, he didn't try to rob the bank.

You go with that, buddy. You go with that.
Bite that stick hard.
Just 5 more years to go.

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