The Democrats Obstruct Immigration Reform for a 5th Time

There is one of thing that MUST be done and it must be done by the House.
Now I'm not sure if the GOP members of the House are smart enough to
understand that they can get a big leg up on the dems in November by just
passing a similar bill and sending it onto the Senate. If they are smart
enough, they may wrap up the midterms in the next two weeks.

The country is 60% for all of these things. They pass a bill and those dems in
the Senate don't cave...the Dems are finished as a Party.

Schumer is trying to say that the Dems didn't vote for anything because of Trump. Well, if the House sends them a bill...The onus is on their back.
They'll be reduced to two options. Cave and accept the fire from their
far left base or vote against it, which will enable the GOP to make big
gains in the Senate and keep the House.

The American people are all for Trump's idea. They want this reform and
they want that border secured. PLus they believe Trump has given them
an ideal compromise by giving them DACA illegals.

It's up to the House
Everyone should be contacting their Representatives. They need to get the message.

We should.

The adage is..."You pick your fights." This is the fight we pick.
Give them the 1.8 million and then force them to split from their
far left base or go down the tubes. The Donald is the President because
America is not a Far-Left leaning Shithole.

The GOP has nothing to lose here.
Also, this should be mentioned: Every time you see a young woman disappear in your state, exactly where does she disappear to?

Mexico and then on to the Middle East to work as a Sex Slave.

That is, if she doesn't put up a fuss, and they just don't kill her for being too much trouble.

Your best hope then is that you don't go any further than Mexico when you are kidnapped.

The only accounts of women escaping the sex trade are from Mexico.

Sinaloa Cartel and the FARC traffic drugs to the Middle East

Los Zetas and Hezbollah, a Deadly Alliance of Terror and Vice

Tenancingo: the small town at the dark heart of Mexico’s sex-slave trade

Deadly human trafficking business on Mexico-US border

Sex, Lies and Crime: Human Trafficking in the Middle East - The Islamic Monthly

The Middle East and North Africa - Global Slavery Index 2016

The graphics below will give you all a basic idea of how drugs flow in to America.
The Money and Human Slaves flow in the opposite direction on the same path back out.



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Also, this should be mentioned: Every time you see a young woman disappear in your state, exactly where does she disappear to? Mexico and then on to the Middle East to work as a Sex Slave

Sinaloa Cartel and the FARC traffic drugs to the Middle East

Los Zetas and Hezbollah, a Deadly Alliance of Terror and Vice

Tenancingo: the small town at the dark heart of Mexico’s sex-slave trade

Deadly human trafficking business on Mexico-US border

Sex, Lies and Crime: Human Trafficking in the Middle East - The Islamic Monthly

The Middle East and North Africa - Global Slavery Index 2016

The graphics below will give you all a basic idea of how drugs flow in to America.
The Money and Human Slaves flow in the opposite direction on the same path back out.




The lions share of drugs come through PORTS - not by land across the border.

Edjumucate yourself - NO WALL FOR TRUMPF

Most drugs slip through legal ports of entry
And the DACA kids will start being deported. Is that what we want?

Allowing oneself to be blackmailed is never a good idea.
Let him start deporting people if that's what he's hellbent on doing.
Massive backfire
And the DACA kids will start being deported. Is that what we want?

Allowing oneself to be blackmailed is never a good idea.
Let him start deporting people if that's what he's hellbent on doing.
Massive backfire

The ones being blackmailed are American citizens.

If and when the U.S economy collapses because the system is stretched beyond it's capacity to sustain massive debt, and your social security and medicare are eliminated, well, you can hug the politicians who in turn hugged the illegal immigrant who decided to spit on your laws and create another dependent.
What is likely to catch the Ds by surprise is how quickly Blue state finances collapse due to compounding. So, far the compounding has been slight but since it started Oct even a 1% compounded monthly increase in out migration is a 78% increase in out migration by Oct. The Ds are likely to get real cooperative in Aug/Sept.
And the DACA kids will start being deported. Is that what we want?

Allowing oneself to be blackmailed is never a good idea.
Let him start deporting people if that's what he's hellbent on doing.
Massive backfire
I'm not in the liberals' tent on this one.
Making the Pres and Republicans look bad is NOT the right answer here. IMHO.
Dems are in the minority. The majority of the country wants DACA kids to stay. The President campaigned on a wall and he won the election. They should get their way. Pay back will bite the Dems in the ass, no matter how much they remind us that the Republicans did it first. No one cares. Give way to the winner and give him his fucking wall. And end the VISA lottery and the family thingy. When Dems get the majority again, they can increase immigration quotas if they want to. DACA needs to win.
I'm not in the liberals' tent on this one.
Making the Pres and Republicans look bad is NOT the right answer here. IMHO.
Dems are in the minority. The majority of the country wants DACA kids to stay. The President campaigned on a wall and he won the election. They should get their way. Pay back will bite the Dems in the ass, no matter how much they remind us that the Republicans did it first. No one cares. Give way to the winner and give him his fucking wall. And end the VISA lottery and the family thingy. When Dems get the majority again, they can increase immigration quotas if they want to. DACA needs to win.

Sounds like the Trump/ Grassley bill that got 39 votes
Say what you will about the wisdom of holdouts on funding the wall.
It's very simply not going to pass with a dozen Republicans opposed.
Sorry but Trump torpedoed the deal that came closest with 54 votes after saying he'd "sign anything"

Multiple immigration plans blocked in Senate, after Trump calls one proposal a 'total catastrophe'

And the stupid Grassley bill got a lousy 39 votes, so blaming Dems - apparently the track you and McTurtle have chosen is a loser times 10.

Trump ain't gonna get his wall - deal with it.
And the DACA kids will start being deported. Is that what we want?
I don't have a problem deporting any illegals.

If the Democrats reject 5 different proposals, then Deportation is EXACTLY what should happen, and they should expect to happen.

For every Illegal we Deport, you have saved Social Security for a Senior Citizen, or Food Stamps for a Disadvantaged American, and Medical Coverage and other services for a Poor American Child.

Talk about pushing Grandma off of a Cliff? That is exactly what Illegal Immigration does to our Seniors and American Citizens.

This is what is meant by putting America and Americans first.

This is what Illegal Immigration does to America's Seniors. It's a threat to our Social Safety Net.

Never mind that this was Leftist Propaganda that never was going to happen.
There are real statistics on Illegal Alien's drain on our Social Services, and how they could bankrupt them.

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The ones being blackmailed are American citizens.

If and when the U.S economy collapses because the system is stretched beyond it's capacity to sustain massive debt, and your social security and medicare are eliminated, well, you can hug the politicians who in turn hugged the illegal immigrant who decided to spit on your laws and create another dependent.

Nobody is going to eliminate SS and Medicare.
Btw - don't believe you ever answered my question ...
Trade you Trump for Trudeau? :)
The ones being blackmailed are American citizens.

If and when the U.S economy collapses because the system is stretched beyond it's capacity to sustain massive debt, and your social security and medicare are eliminated, well, you can hug the politicians who in turn hugged the illegal immigrant who decided to spit on your laws and create another dependent.

Nobody is going to eliminate SS and Medicare.
Btw - don't believe you ever answered my question ...
Trade you Trump for Trudeau? :)

I don't trade people, that has been banned for a very long time!

I have rule, some of you probably notice, I try not to criticize democratically elected leaders of America or Canada. Voters are never wrong, even when I disagree with policies (and I do).

Trudeau hears a great deal from me and so do the RCMP and their police underlings. They know how I feel about their abuse of my life. It is costing them in numerous ways, I made sure of it. Whether Trudeau acts on it or not (with some recent fumbling by the RCMP Trudeau has promised broad changes to policing in Canada, and in particular accountability) is up to him. I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

His economic policy is drastically different from mine, but if he can reign in the RCMP and force accountability, the economic differences won't matter. THAT'S how far Canada has gone into Stasi territory.
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RWs didnt know dreamers existed until Obama brought them to the surface, then they had their anti Obama anything and went into mexican convulsions ..
The ones being blackmailed are American citizens.

If and when the U.S economy collapses because the system is stretched beyond it's capacity to sustain massive debt, and your social security and medicare are eliminated, well, you can hug the politicians who in turn hugged the illegal immigrant who decided to spit on your laws and create another dependent.

Nobody is going to eliminate SS and Medicare.
Btw - don't believe you ever answered my question ...
Trade you Trump for Trudeau? :)

I don't trade people, that has been banned for a very long time!


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