The Democrats Plan to Steal Elections

Asshole, those are kids that watched their classmates massacred
Man...where to even go with this mountain for misinformation?

A. They didn’t “see” shit. Hogg is on record about being in another area of the building. Neither he nor his skinhead pro-Castro friend saw shit.

B. Even if they had “saw” it - that doesn’t make them mature or informed about voting issues. Dumb ass.
The EC is one of those remnants of our ancestors that no longer fits.
Actually, it fits now more than ever. It was designed to ensure that two heavily populated cities didn’t control the entire United States. It functioned flawlessly in the last election.
Asshole, those are kids that watched their classmates massacred by a Trump supporting monster so you go for a Tide pod joke?
Dumb bitch, they were “massacred” by a fellow classmate. Someone you want to empower to vote. :eusa_doh:
Dumb ass, It doesn't make them run by "mob rule". They are democracies.
Dumb ass, when 50% plus 1 gives unfettered control - that is the very definition of mob rule. Geezus, how dumb are you?

The U.S. was designed to protect the minority from the majority. Being on the left (the side that fought for slavery and embraced racism), that’s a concept which is difficult for you to grasp. I’ll let my friend Benjamin Franklin educate your dumb ass on democracies (ie mob rule):

To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan...
  • Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote
  • Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate)
So to recap: turn to illegals, children, mob rule, and voter fraud. That’s how desperate they have become. And we all know how this will turn out if they are successful: Venezuela.

If that doesn't work, engage in espionage with foreign spies and propaganda cable news networks to overthrow a sitting President
we can pretty much expect about 10 Million illegal votes again. most coming from NY/Cally. and assuming the rat loses again, all hell will break loose when in the end, the rat gets more votes than schultz or trump, yet, most of the illegal votes came out of the deep deep blue states where no ID is required to vote

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