The Democrats' Presidential Candidate Options Are...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden is DONE after his 'No-Show' in Iowa.
- Biden is an 'Impeachment' waiting to happen after his videotaped confession, State Department testimony during the House Coup hearings in which they told how Biden blew off warnings of his. Inflict of Interest over Hunter / Burisma, and recent revelations regarding Hunter's Burisma money laundering and influence peddling.

Bloomberg was never 'in', & he can forget it now that his 'connection' to Weinstein was exposed.

The fake Woowoo is toast...

The Dems HATE Bernie, & unless they want Bernie or to make a 2nd deal with the devil - Hillary - to bring her back, they are going to have to go 'all-in' for the '1st Homosexual President in US history'.

Biden is DONE after his 'No-Show' in Iowa.
- Biden is an 'Impeachment' waiting to happen after his videotaped confession, State Department testimony during the House Coup hearings in which they told how Biden blew off warnings of his. Inflict of Interest over Hunter / Burisma, and recent revelations regarding Hunter's Burisma money laundering and influence peddling.

Bloomberg was never 'in', & he can forget it now that his 'connection' to Weinstein was exposed.

The fake Woowoo is toast...

The Dems HATE Bernie, & unless they want Bernie or to make a 2nd deal with the devil - Hillary - to bring her back, they are going to have to go 'all-in' for the '1st Homosexual President in US history'.

Wow, your political chops are not very sharp are they?

The Biden video is nothing which is why there’s no legal recourse just political smear and spin floating around about it. He was never expected to do well in Iowa or NH, his strong suit is in the south where there is black support and in moderate states. Bloomberg is working a Super Tuesday strategy. Sanders and Warren are going to be popular in the primary but I think most people realize that neither can win the general. Pete and Yang are obviously the smartest and most articulate but our country is unfortunately not mature enough to elect a gay or asian man into office. Klob could be a dark horse but I don’t think she’s got what it takes.

My take is its going to be between Biden and Bloomberg. Either should give Trump a run for his money.
Biden is on record for the crime of obstruction of justice of an investigation in Ukraine.
Biden is DONE after his 'No-Show' in Iowa.
- Biden is an 'Impeachment' waiting to happen after his videotaped confession, State Department testimony during the House Coup hearings in which they told how Biden blew off warnings of his. Inflict of Interest over Hunter / Burisma, and recent revelations regarding Hunter's Burisma money laundering and influence peddling.

Bloomberg was never 'in', & he can forget it now that his 'connection' to Weinstein was exposed.

The fake Woowoo is toast...

The Dems HATE Bernie, & unless they want Bernie or to make a 2nd deal with the devil - Hillary - to bring her back, they are going to have to go 'all-in' for the '1st Homosexual President in US history'.

Biden may have never been intended as anything more than a diversion at best, at worst, an insurance policy to protect the DNC from Trump.

Bloomberg, don't count him out. He is Daddy Warbucks, self-funded, the DNC loves cash and Big Ears Obama is now actively backing him.

The Indian never was anything more than a squaw squatting in her tee pee.

Bernie is the variable, no one wants him--- --- but the voters, and the DNC can't seem to shake him loose except to poison his campaign again. Enter Hillary who has been in the wings throwing musk bombs at him. Will they dare try to resurrect the crimelord feminista Hillary for a THIRD run? I'd be surprised. Watch for Bloomberg to march into the lead.
If the dems were smart they would help the Bernout get the nomination and be the sacrifice to Trump. When the Bernout gets crushed it would quiet his loony supporters and the dems could get back running somewhat sane candidates.
If the dems were smart they would help the Bernout get the nomination and be the sacrifice to Trump. When the Bernout gets crushed it would quiet his loony supporters and the dems could get back running somewhat sane candidates.

Dimms don't have a sane candidate for at least a decade.
Biden is DONE after his 'No-Show' in Iowa.
- Biden is an 'Impeachment' waiting to happen after his videotaped confession, State Department testimony during the House Coup hearings in which they told how Biden blew off warnings of his. Inflict of Interest over Hunter / Burisma, and recent revelations regarding Hunter's Burisma money laundering and influence peddling.

Bloomberg was never 'in', & he can forget it now that his 'connection' to Weinstein was exposed.

The fake Woowoo is toast...

The Dems HATE Bernie, & unless they want Bernie or to make a 2nd deal with the devil - Hillary - to bring her back, they are going to have to go 'all-in' for the '1st Homosexual President in US history'.

Barack was the first
It's all an exercise in futility. Whichever socialist gets the nomination will have to convince the American people that they'll be better off if they're forced to share their newfound prosperity with criminal illegals, welfare bums, and other assorted parasites. The only chance they had of winning (impeachment and removal) just blew up in their faces and now the Republicans have 8 months to expose the left for their treasonous activities. By the time November rolls around none of them will have a chance of winning.

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