The Demon-DNA Billboard


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-Orwellian characterization inspired by the film Titus.

Signing off,



Americans were so fascinated by the potential and power of media and networking. Everyone was talking about eTrade and Facebook, and politicians were wondering how the NSA should capitalize on these new tech-related 'labyrinths.' Everyday people were taking bets about the direction American science (and science-fiction storytelling!) would take. In all this flurry of intrigue, a shadowy 'army' of network-daredevils arose as 'thorns' and Devil's Advocates, testing humanity's faith about patience in times of technological ignorance and exploratory immaturity (e.g., Human Genome Project). The only priests who could hold back the floodgates of impatience regarding technological sophistication uncertainties were salesmen.

Everyone appreciated salesmanship-oriented fables/storytelling such as Death of a Salesman and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, but really, what irked the minds and hearts of the American people were 'images' of beautiful women being drawn to capitalism-sharks more than average laymen. This sort of 'bigotry-oriented' exclusivity made for all kinds of dystopian poetics (e.g., Dark City, Queen of the Damned), and many Americans wondered if they might become schizophrenic or suffer from some kind of 'traffic-epilepsy' in dealing with all this dangerous and even erotic imagery! Science-fiction and horror stories focused on ideas regarding temptation and unpredictability.

GOD: Maybe prostitutes will date gamblers...
SATAN: Perhaps Wall Street will become a den for psychos.
GOD: When you feel obligated to be psychic and fail, you see psychosis!
SATAN: Hehe, psychics becoming psychos --- that's sort of elegiac.
GOD: There's nothing funny about real-world angst.
SATAN: Valentine's Day should become a candy-custom for patriots.
GOD: I think you're correct; perhaps U.S. First Lady Melania Trump will cheerlead.
SATAN: I foresee Internet-hackers forming a great underground army called 'Cobra.'
GOD: Well, traffic terrorism is indeed like a snake, serpent, or 'leviathan.'
SATAN: This seems somewhat more 'ominous' than murderous post-office workers.

Democracy-defenders talked about the value of Valentine's Day as an annual celebratory custom-based 'ritual' that harnessed America's newfound fascination with etiquette-based networking (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, etc.). Films such as Red Dragon presented serial-killers who terrorized things like subways. Media-scandals (e.g., Enron, Fisher-Buttafuoco) symbolized 'news-voyeurism.' Capitalism-iconic brands such as Lucky Charms breakfast cereal suddenly became a 'Ouija-like experience' for consumerism. Terrorists eyed the World Trade Center and 9/11 became the new Pearl Harbor. 'New age crusaders' were being recruited to become 'political romantics.'

GOD: This all feels like a James Bond espionage film.
SATAN: I think Goldfinger captures capitalism-fury consciousness.
GOD: Americans love horror-films, since they symbolize terrorism.
SATAN: Imagine a hauntingly beautiful muse warning us about Napster.
GOD: It sounds like sarcasm, but in fact, it could become the Rapture.
SATAN: That's because everyone is fascinated by 'fortune-romance.'
GOD: Every dog has its day, eh?
SATAN: Isn't that what Woody Allen's film Celebrity is all about?
GOD: War-comics spotlighting 'incredible terrorists' might become 'folklore.'
SATAN: I foresee Mary Magdalene becoming a 'Wal-Mart diplomat.'
GOD: In that case, let's celebrate Star Wars (Lucas) as a 'Utopian paragon.'
SATAN: Perhaps the media will create 'nouveau-socialism idealism.'



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