The Department of Energy Seeks Urban Assault Weapons


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
The Department of Energy Seeks Urban Assault Weapons
Why would the Department of Energy (DOE) arm its agents? The answer might be simple if you consider the different roles of the DOE, one of which is to transport nuclear weapons, nuclear waste, and other items that require a high level of armed security. Ordinarily the DOE contracts out these tasks, but nevertheless, such convoys are usually accompanied by guards armed with a variety of weapons. An employee of CAPCO, a defense contractor located in Grand Junction, Colorado, during a routine scan of federal defense solicitations, discovered two documents from the Department of Energy with posting dates of February 7, 2012, and February 22, 2012. The employee of CAPCO claimed that he had never before seen requests from the DOE such as these for weapons that are much more appropriate for breaking down doors in American homes than for fighting off highway terrorists.


The February 7, document is a solicitation for “Combined Tactical Systems (CTS) Grenade, Hand, Smoke, Yellow, Model 6210-Y.” The agency named on the document is the Department of Energy, and the classification code for the smoke grenades is 10-weapons. The February 22 document is a solicitation for “12G, Slugs 2 ¾: Door-breeching frangible ammunition.” In lay terms, the February 22 solicitation is a request for 12-Gage shotgun shells that have the capability to knock down doors and pierce body armor. The shotgun slugs also have a classification of “10-weapons,” and were requested by the DOE.

This is an alarming development because, unlike the Military, which has civilian oversight in the Congress, federal agencies, such as the Department of Energy, lack direct oversight and their policies and procedures are largely determined outside of the control of elected officials. In other words, federal bureaucracies populated by unelected agents can create their own armies, purchase weapons of all kinds, and use their police powers against the citizens of the United States with little or no accountability to the voters.

There are examples of agencies using armed enforcers, who are highly trained in weapons and tactics, to raid civilian businesses, farms, and other operations. Recently, armed agents from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stormed raw milk producers using a variety of tactical weapons, in what looked like a Special Forces invasion of an enemy bunker. It is interesting to note that nearly all federal agencies have been given police authority through Executive Branch fiat, and that they have their own armed agents who are trained to conduct military-style assaults on civilian interests.

Our question is, “Why would the Department of Energy train its agents to smoke people out and knock down doors.” With coal-powered electricity plants and other traditional energy manufacturers in the cross-hairs of the Obama Administration, one can only speculate that the answer threatens the rights of American citizens.​
Nothing to see here. Move along, citizens, move along...

...or else.

Und der Katze sagt:

I seem to recall this subject arose during the Bill Clinton era, when it was reported that the government allegedly printed a manual for controlling civil unrest. The right-wingers were sure Bill Clinton would declare martial law and stay in office.

And then, under George Bush II, the left was upset with the "detention centers" issue. The need for a FEMA swat-team was bandied about.

And now, we're back to left-wing government, under Obama, and the right is upset again. But the police power of the government keeps increasing, regardless of who occupies the White House.

Without a doubt, federal police forces will fire on US citizens if the order is given. The question is, will the military stand idly by and allow this to happen? Or, worse yet, will the military fire on the people?
Nothing to see here. Move along, citizens, move along...

...or else.

Und der Katze sagt:

I seem to recall this subject arose during the Bill Clinton era, when it was reported that the government allegedly printed a manual for controlling civil unrest. The right-wingers were sure Bill Clinton would declare martial law and stay in office.

And then, under George Bush II, the left was upset with the "detention centers" issue. The need for a FEMA swat-team was bandied about.

And now, we're back to left-wing government, under Obama, and the right is upset again. But the police power of the government keeps increasing, regardless of who occupies the White House.

Without a doubt, federal police forces will fire on US citizens if the order is given. The question is, will the military stand idly by and allow this to happen? Or, worse yet, will the military fire on the people?

Why wouldn't people are a pretty unsavoury lot.
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