The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?

He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.

Hey, we're all gonna' die sometime.

In the video I've seen when they first cuffed him, when he was standing up, he didn't look to be in any sort of medical duress...
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...
Whites and black and every one was protesting his death, they were mainly peaceful.
I don't blame Backs if he gets off if they riot.
Whites and black and every one was protesting his death, they were mainly peaceful.

Do you drink to excess every day, or only days that end in "Y"?

Violence at those protests/riots was spread throughout the country last year. It would take a complete idiot to proclaim they were most peaceful.

They weren't...

I don't blame Backs if he gets off if they riot.

Well, then you can't blame whites for gunning them down when they try to destroy what isn't theirs...
to discuss the biggest trial of the century.

Chauvin the biggest trial of the century? Wow, I didn't see that coming, boy, you really are a racist to think a cop charged with murder just because the miscreant petty thug who ODed on drugs while being arrested for a crime, should somehow be responsible.

I think you're in for a big disappointment.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.

Actually, this stuff only happens in places run by people like you. The rest of the country, where the free and civilized people live, doesn't see this sort of thing.

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...
Whites and black and every one was protesting his death, they were mainly peaceful.
I don't blame Backs if he gets off if they riot.

Mainly peaceful until the rioting, looting and murder began.

I can blame blacks. Don't they know the courts always get it right? just ask any democrat or liberal: Trump took his fraud to 30 or so courts and they all dismissed the cases, so when Chauvin gets off, every black damn well better ACCEPT THE FINDINGS OF THE COURT or there is going to be a lot of skull-thumping going around.
I'm predicting it'll be a hung jury or an acquittal. I hope he gets convicted but I predict it will be something different.
Let's hope and pray you're wrong and a deserved guilty verdict is awarded.

I think you're going to owe Derek Chauvin some reparations for both anti-white racism as well as his loss of freedom and expenses this past year.

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...

Moral of the story: Dem Negroes sure are a lot of bother. I bet that's why we keep them in chains most of the time! Only time we ever got any value out of them.
I thought the other thread I posted in was the trial thread.

Now I feel like I wasted my time posting in it.
Because of the fear of what will happen if he doesn't get a severe sentence, he will be found guilty.

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