The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

Passing a counterfeit $20 in Minnesota is a misdemeanor...IF they can prove intent.
The 'Primate' tried to pass off the fake bill to a kid. The 'Primate' INTENDED!!!!!!!! to get a pack of smokes you MORON!
The other 'Primate' in KF's car had tried the same shit with the same kid a few hours before.
Another Trayvon and 'Big Mike' saga on CNN/MSNBC with the SAME results.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
I don't remember the rioting after that one.
No. No WHITE Riots. Even though everyone knew that pig was guilty. ---PS--I saw a video of a man stomping an Asian woman 65 years old. Funny how the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.
The first claim from CNN was that the attacker was "white".
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
I don't remember the rioting after that one.
No. No WHITE Riots. Even though everyone knew that pig was guilty. ---PS--I saw a video of a man stomping an Asian woman 65 years old. Funny how the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.

The only time the media describes the color of a perp is when that perp is at large. The description then includes sex, hair type/ color, approx height and weight and skin color. You're obviously not paying one bit of attention. As Paul Simon once write - You hear what you wanna hear - And disregard the rest.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
I don't remember the rioting after that one.
No. No WHITE Riots. Even though everyone knew that pig was guilty. ---PS--I saw a video of a man stomping an Asian woman 65 years old. Funny how the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.

The only time the media describes the color of a perp is when that perp is at large. The description then includes sex, hair type/ color, approx height and weight and skin color. You're obviously not paying one bit of attention. As Paul Simon once write - You hear what you wanna hear - And disregard the rest.
No. Any time there is a mugging or shooting ,the first thing you hear is "White". The LAST thing ya hear is Black. And yet Black youth comm it almost ALL violent crime. Yet CNN never mentions what color the perp is. UNLESS he is white.
Who cares? Just a dead Junkie. Chauvin did the country a service. That guys destiny was to OD ,do 50 years ,or catch a bullet. Floyd was worthless.His life did NOT matter.

and this is why there were riots.

If he was a clean cut white person, you would be screaming bloody murder. Just like you all screamed bloody murder when that crazy woman got shot while storming the capitol with an angry mob.
Yers. Because his life WOULD matter. What did filthy Junkie Floyd ever do that was useful? Only one thing. He DIED. Now his mooching family is RICH.
By the way Eric Nelson is proving to be a great defense attorney and he did not even get started yet!
Hope he at least gets a hung jury. Then watch the savages ripp cities up. See how Biden responds.

Savages? History shows NOBODY has been more of a savage than you have.
I don't see Whites rioting at the drop of a hat. Or sucker punching old ladies for "Gang Creds". No. Biden was right in 1994. He said they were super predators. He was speaking of young black males. Bernie Goetz did the right thing.
No. Any time there is a mugging or shooting ,the first thing you hear is "White". The LAST thing ya hear is Black. And yet Black youth comm it almost ALL violent crime. Yet CNN never mentions what color the perp is. UNLESS he is white.

Again, only if the suspect was at large is color identified by anyone other than Stormfront (or of course loons here in USMB ;-)
Blacks Behaving Badly should be a subforum here so we could just let you kids circle jerk over what horrible savages black people are.
As for "Black youth committing almost all the violent crime"?
BULLSHIT :cuckoo:

No. Any time there is a mugging or shooting ,the first thing you hear is "White". The LAST thing ya hear is Black. And yet Black youth comm it almost ALL violent crime. Yet CNN never mentions what color the perp is. UNLESS he is white.

Again, only if the suspect was at large is color identified by anyone other than Stormfront (or of course loons here in USMB ;-)
Blacks Behaving Badly should be a subforum here so we could just let you kids circle jerk over what horrible savages black people are.
As for "Black youth committing almost all the violent crime"?
BULLSHIT :cuckoo:

Then why are PRISONS full of the dirty bastards?
Then why are PRISONS full of the dirty bastards?

Because they don't get the legal representation and the breaks that rich white collar dirty bastards like Roger Stone and Matt Gaetz do.
I gave you the stats. They prove you were lying out your ass. ;)
By the way Eric Nelson is proving to be a great defense attorney and he did not even get started yet!
Hope he at least gets a hung jury. Then watch the savages ripp cities up. See how Biden responds.

Savages? History shows NOBODY has been more of a savage than you have.
I don't see Whites rioting at the drop of a hat. Or sucker punching old ladies for "Gang Creds".

Because you aren't looking for it, the only time a story interest you is if the crime was committed by someone black.

No. Biden was right in 1994. He said they were super predators. He was speaking of young black males. Bernie Goetz did the right thing.

When was the last time someone black killed multiple people in one place? You're stinking ass is the super predator. Of course most racist probably do think he did.
Then why are PRISONS full of the dirty bastards?

Because they don't get the legal representation and the breaks that rich white collar dirty bastards like Roger Stone and Matt Gaetz do.
I gave you the stats. They prove you were lying out your ass. ;)
What Violent crime did Stone do? And the Mammy jumpin' MEDIA are lying about Gates. Who cares? The reason blacks don't have good lawyers is they are to stupid to EARN enough to afford 'em. Unless they pimp or sell Heroin.
Then why are PRISONS full of the dirty bastards?

Because they don't get the legal representation and the breaks that rich white collar dirty bastards like Roger Stone and Matt Gaetz do.
I gave you the stats. They prove you were lying out your ass. ;)
What Violent crime did Stone do? And the Mammy jumpin' MEDIA are lying about Gates. Who cares? The reason blacks don't have good lawyers is they are to stupid to EARN enough to afford 'em. Unless they pimp or sell Heroin.

Usually I put racists on IG. But you are far too entertaining.
This time I throttled your lame ass twice in the same thread -
And all ya got is "blacks are stupid" and "Mammy jumpin'" - SERIOUS ? :lol:
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

If by murder you mean premeditated, I agree. I'm still not sure that he isn't guilty of negligent homicide, but then the latter also seems to go to inadequate training.
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

If by murder you mean premeditated, I agree. I'm still not sure that he isn't guilty of negligent homicide, but then the latter also seems to go to inadequate training.
Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.
But, again, as far as Floyd's death - probably 80% fault is the lethal dose he took. And you cannot just discount that to fit a narrative you want. Which is what 80% of the folks in this thread are doing.
Blacks 10 times more likely to be arrested for resisting arrest:

Looks like blacks tend to fight back more, thus tend to get into more fights with the cops.

Hint: Don't fight the cops on the streets, fight them in the courtroom.
Passing a counterfeit $20 in Minnesota is a misdemeanor...IF they can prove intent.
The 'Primate' tried to pass off the fake bill to a kid. The 'Primate' INTENDED!!!!!!!! to get a pack of smokes you MORON!
The other 'Primate' in KF's car had tried the same shit with the same kid a few hours before.
Another Trayvon and 'Big Mike' saga on CNN/MSNBC with the SAME results.
We see you.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
I don't remember the rioting after that one.
No. No WHITE Riots. Even though everyone knew that pig was guilty. ---PS--I saw a video of a man stomping an Asian woman 65 years old. Funny how the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.

The only time the media describes the color of a perp is when that perp is at large. The description then includes sex, hair type/ color, approx height and weight and skin color. You're obviously not paying one bit of attention. As Paul Simon once write - You hear what you wanna hear - And disregard the rest.
No. Any time there is a mugging or shooting ,the first thing you hear is "White". The LAST thing ya hear is Black. And yet Black youth comm it almost ALL violent crime. Yet CNN never mentions what color the perp is. UNLESS he is white.
Whites are such victims in this society, aren't they?
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

If by murder you mean premeditated, I agree. I'm still not sure that he isn't guilty of negligent homicide, but then the latter also seems to go to inadequate training.
Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.
But, again, as far as Floyd's death - probably 80% fault is the lethal dose he took. And you cannot just discount that to fit a narrative you want. Which is what 80% of the folks in this thread are doing.

We pretty much see eye-to-eye on this . . . though I'm reluctant to speculate about Chauvin's state of mind. Perhaps Chauvin is just that stupid. :auiqs.jpg: In any event, it is right that he and the others were fired and that he is guilty of negligent homicide at the very least.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
I don't remember the rioting after that one.
No. No WHITE Riots. Even though everyone knew that pig was guilty. ---PS--I saw a video of a man stomping an Asian woman 65 years old. Funny how the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.

The only time the media describes the color of a perp is when that perp is at large. The description then includes sex, hair type/ color, approx height and weight and skin color. You're obviously not paying one bit of attention. As Paul Simon once write - You hear what you wanna hear - And disregard the rest.
No. Any time there is a mugging or shooting ,the first thing you hear is "White". The LAST thing ya hear is Black. And yet Black youth comm it almost ALL violent crime. Yet CNN never mentions what color the perp is. UNLESS he is white.
Whites are such victims in this society, aren't they?
Really they are that this point----

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