The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.

Your description sounds like 3rd degree murder to me.


"(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years."

Thank you for your post. I stand corrected. I was under the impression that negligent homicide entailed cruelty (depraved recklessness/indifference to human life) sans intent to kill, punishable by 10 to 25. While Chauvin strikes me as a man who is in fact stupid enough to not have actually grasped the cruelty of his behavior, he should nevertheless be convicted as one who committed third-degree murder. In other words, negligent homicide is a lesser charge than I thought.

I agree. I think 3rd degree murder is what he will end up being convicted with.

We’ll see.
Still hope he is acquitted. That punk was resisting arrest while drugged up.

So if someone is on drugs that is a green light to kill them. Nothing like a tough, internet, racist troll.
On drugs and VIOLENTLY resisting arrest. Yes. Anyone who does that should be greenlit. That INCLUDES Whites ,Hispanics ,and Women.

Violently resisting arrest are you fucking kidding me.
Not a bit. Did that punk junkie get in the car as requested>? No. He was struggling violently. Cops get hurt every day subduing belligerant drunks and junkies.

So to hell with arresting anyone, just pull out your gun and put a bullet in their head. What were they killed for? Had to much to drink at the local bar and in your dumb ass world that is worthy of death.
Like I said. This guy was destined to do long Prison time ,OD ,or catch a bullet. Worthless punk who wasted his worthless life. Look at the punks record.
mods should maybe merge the other thread with this to prevent redundancy. But here it is again.

Anyone thinking the defense will demonstrate that a knee to the nape of the neck does not prevent breathing? At the moment, I weigh in at 200 pounds and when I place a scale in a similar position to how former Officer Chauvin did, it reads about 35 pounds. Derek Chauvin weighs in supposedly at around 160 so doing the math that is about 26 pounds of pressure. Meanwhile weightlifters, as George Floyd was, can handle massive amounts of weight in that area of the body sometimes over 1,000 pounds. I know someone had a video posted at one time showing that a knee to the nape of the neck inhibits movement, because moving will expose more sensitive areas, but does nothing by itself, which is probably why cops have used the technique for years.
mods should maybe merge the other thread with this to prevent redundancy. But here it is again.

Anyone thinking the defense will demonstrate that a knee to the nape of the neck does not prevent breathing? At the moment, I weigh in at 200 pounds and when I place a scale in a similar position to how former Officer Chauvin did, it reads about 35 pounds. Derek Chauvin weighs in supposedly at around 160 so doing the math that is about 26 pounds of pressure. Meanwhile weightlifters, as George Floyd was, can handle massive amounts of weight in that area of the body sometimes over 1,000 pounds. I know someone had a video posted at one time showing that a knee to the nape of the neck inhibits movement, because moving will expose more sensitive areas, but does nothing by itself, which is probably why cops have used the technique for years.

They need actual evidence for this trial.

Not made-up bullshit that you found somewhere on the internet.
mods should maybe merge the other thread with this to prevent redundancy. But here it is again.

Anyone thinking the defense will demonstrate that a knee to the nape of the neck does not prevent breathing? At the moment, I weigh in at 200 pounds and when I place a scale in a similar position to how former Officer Chauvin did, it reads about 35 pounds. Derek Chauvin weighs in supposedly at around 160 so doing the math that is about 26 pounds of pressure. Meanwhile weightlifters, as George Floyd was, can handle massive amounts of weight in that area of the body sometimes over 1,000 pounds. I know someone had a video posted at one time showing that a knee to the nape of the neck inhibits movement, because moving will expose more sensitive areas, but does nothing by itself, which is probably why cops have used the technique for years.
There were no indications of strangulation. Usually leaves petechial hemorrhages in the eyes. There were none.As the defense will prove. When in Japan ,I actually had my back walked on to relieve stress. (It helped that the girl was pretty). I had no problem breathing.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

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XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it

Once again, they need actual evidence for this trial. Not your stupid bullshit.

The adults can handle this just fine without some random idiot’s calculations.
Xpo, let's see what happens. The prosecution has been a disaster IMO, all mentally unstable folks except the dude who manages video files and has no dog in the fight. But as we know the Fake News is 110% playing it up to fools who think Fake News is real.
Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.

Your description sounds like 3rd degree murder to me.


"(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years."

Thank you for your post. I stand corrected. I was under the impression that negligent homicide entailed cruelty (depraved recklessness/indifference to human life) sans intent to kill, punishable by 10 to 25. While Chauvin strikes me as a man who is in fact stupid enough to not have actually grasped the cruelty of his behavior, he should nevertheless be convicted as one who committed third-degree murder. In other words, negligent homicide is a lesser charge than I thought.

I agree. I think 3rd degree murder is what he will end up being convicted with.

We’ll see.
Still hope he is acquitted. That punk was resisting arrest while drugged up.

So if someone is on drugs that is a green light to kill them. Nothing like a tough, internet, racist troll.
On drugs and VIOLENTLY resisting arrest. Yes. Anyone who does that should be greenlit. That INCLUDES Whites ,Hispanics ,and Women.

Violently resisting arrest are you fucking kidding me.
Not a bit. Did that punk junkie get in the car as requested>? No. He was struggling violently. Cops get hurt every day subduing belligerant drunks and junkies.

So to hell with arresting anyone, just pull out your gun and put a bullet in their head. What were they killed for? Had to much to drink at the local bar and in your dumb ass world that is worthy of death.
Like I said. This guy was destined to do long Prison time ,OD ,or catch a bullet. Worthless punk who wasted his worthless life. Look at the punks record.

Yea I know it's just another dead Nword and in the eyes of a racist that is a great thing.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?
Xpo, let's see what happens. The prosecution has been a disaster IMO, all mentally unstable folks except the dude who manages video files and has no dog in the fight. But as we know the Fake News is 110% playing it up to fools who think Fake News is real.

Yea that's what it is, we are not supposed to believe our own lying eyes and ears.
Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.

Your description sounds like 3rd degree murder to me.


"(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years."

What murder? floyd died of drug overdose.
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

If by murder you mean premeditated, I agree. I'm still not sure that he isn't guilty of negligent homicide, but then the latter also seems to go to inadequate training.
Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.
But, again, as far as Floyd's death - probably 80% fault is the lethal dose he took. And you cannot just discount that to fit a narrative you want. Which is what 80% of the folks in this thread are doing.
Comparing the legal definitions according to Minnesota law between Second-degree manslaughter (a.k.a. unintentional) and third-degree murder. Negligent homicide as you mentioned could fall back on insufficient training. Or, if it is revealed in the trial that Chauvin had sufficient training and his training did not include continuing to use a restraint maneuver beyond the point of any movement, words, or struggle, that’s going to fall back on him. Floyd’s criminal activity, including his resistance prior to being handcuffed and held down face first on the ground by three small cops, is on Floyd.

Chauvin’s overkill might not have happened had one of the other three cops intervened, particularly after there was no movement nor sound going on for several minutes. Chauvin has no business being a cop, but at this point I’m pretty sure that’s a non-issue. There are so many more good cops compared to cops like Chauvin who give the good ones a bad rap.

There is no doubt being a cop, most anywhere, is not an easy job...particularly in areas that have rough neighborhoods where crimes plays out by the hour. It takes a most unique individual to be a successful cop, particularly on the beat in crime-infested areas. I don’t envy a one of them, and have complete respect for all good cops.
And again, holding the violent criminal down with a knee did not kill the criminal. the criminal died of drug overdose.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

No they didn't, you just pulled that out your ass hun. How many times have you had someone put their knee on your neck? I'll answer for you, NEVER.
One cop died of a stroke with the lib media LYING their asses off about a non existent fire extinquisher injury---people have strokes, including cops..........don't think the protest caused his death but watch you pretend it did. Morally dishonest.

Funny you didn't care about the BLM and anti-fa actually murdering people, and raping, and burning down businesses------but care about protestors going after our corrupt pols AND LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE AGAINST OUR CORRUPT POLS.

Except most of the people killed in teh BLM Riots were killed by cops, not rioters... and, no, when you have 400 years of institutionalized racism, you should kind of expect riots.

Whining and protesting because you lost an election and attacking Congress is not in the same league.
Cauvin will get a minimum sentence to appease the 'tree dwellers'. He'll appeal and get a new trial. By that time the fucking race whore Al Sharpton will be feeding the maggots and CNN/MSNBC will have closed down.
What's left of every fucking inner city shithole will be looted and burned.

Guy, you are going to get stuff all over your screen if you keep doing that.

Here's the reality.

Chauvin will be found guilty. They'll probably let him out early for "Good behavior" because prisons don't like locking up cops, protecting them from the other inmates becomes a full-time job.
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

If by murder you mean premeditated, I agree. I'm still not sure that he isn't guilty of negligent homicide, but then the latter also seems to go to inadequate training.
Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.
But, again, as far as Floyd's death - probably 80% fault is the lethal dose he took. And you cannot just discount that to fit a narrative you want. Which is what 80% of the folks in this thread are doing.
Comparing the legal definitions according to Minnesota law between Second-degree manslaughter (a.k.a. unintentional) and third-degree murder. Negligent homicide as you mentioned could fall back on insufficient training. Or, if it is revealed in the trial that Chauvin had sufficient training and his training did not include continuing to use a restraint maneuver beyond the point of any movement, words, or struggle, that’s going to fall back on him. Floyd’s criminal activity, including his resistance prior to being handcuffed and held down face first on the ground by three small cops, is on Floyd.

Chauvin’s overkill might not have happened had one of the other three cops intervened, particularly after there was no movement nor sound going on for several minutes. Chauvin has no business being a cop, but at this point I’m pretty sure that’s a non-issue. There are so many more good cops compared to cops like Chauvin who give the good ones a bad rap.

There is no doubt being a cop, most anywhere, is not an easy job...particularly in areas that have rough neighborhoods where crimes plays out by the hour. It takes a most unique individual to be a successful cop, particularly on the beat in crime-infested areas. I don’t envy a one of them, and have complete respect for all good cops.
And again, holding the violent criminal down with a knee did not kill the criminal. the criminal died of drug overdose.
Chauvin is not going to jail because Floyd died of a drug overdose. Most of the people on this planet watched his murder.

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