The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

Let them start selling on the corners in your neighborhoods since you are the biggest consumers of what they sell and I doubt if anyone will complain.

Actually, whites complain a whole lot about drug traffic out on the street corners, that's why you don't see it in honky areas. The men of the neighborhood will come out and kick the pushers' asses, and break some faces.

They don't have to complain about it, because the police make sure that is not on your corners. They work to keep it on the corners in the "hood" that is why white kids go to the "hood" to buy it.
Yeah. Because that is all blacks do aside from collecting welfare and bellyaching about being "Victims".

So what are all the whites who are collecting it doing? Oh that's right enjoying life.
Go to ANY Welfare office. 90% colored or non-English speaking.

Yea if you go somewhere where the population is 90% black or brown. Go to a WELFARE office where the pop is 90% White and 90% of the folks in there are white. Smfh.
There are none in Regular American communities. Welfare goes where the business is. Just like Pushers.
Let them start selling on the corners in your neighborhoods since you are the biggest consumers of what they sell and I doubt if anyone will complain.

Actually, whites complain a whole lot about drug traffic out on the street corners, that's why you don't see it in honky areas. The men of the neighborhood will come out and kick the pushers' asses, and break some faces.

They don't have to complain about it, because the police make sure that is not on your corners. They work to keep it on the corners in the "hood" that is why white kids go to the "hood" to buy it.
Yeah. Because that is all blacks do aside from collecting welfare and bellyaching about being "Victims".

So what are all the whites who are collecting it doing? Oh that's right enjoying life.
Go to ANY Welfare office. 90% colored or non-English speaking.

Yea if you go somewhere where the population is 90% black or brown. Go to a WELFARE office where the pop is 90% White and 90% of the folks in there are white. Smfh.

There aren't any welfare offices in areas that are 90% white. If there is, it serves 90% of the 10% black portion of the community.

You really need to stop pretending that the problems in the black community don't exist. You're only fucking over black people when you do. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?
Because it takes a few minutes for it to be absorbed into the body.

That would mean that had to have taken it while he was trying to pass that bad $20 bill...
Who cares? Just a dead Junkie. Chauvin did the country a service. That guys destiny was to OD ,do 50 years ,or catch a bullet. Floyd was worthless.His life did NOT matter.
The state has unlimited resources to pursue Chauvin.

The Attorney General pretty much exhausted the resources and contributed to the millions of dollars in riot damage and assorted injuries and deaths by preventing the release of the bodycam videos which show that Floyd was behaving irrationally and resisting arrest until he passes out from the Fent overdose. Now the prosecution seems to have used up the unreliable ghetto witnesses who really did not help the prosecution. It was amazing to finally see an intelligent witness this afternoon, although it was just the data management officer and not a witness actually.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
I don't remember the rioting after that one.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
I don't remember the rioting after that one.
No. No WHITE Riots. Even though everyone knew that pig was guilty. ---PS--I saw a video of a man stomping an Asian woman 65 years old. Funny how the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.
Is it legal if the ghetto witnesses, who all seemed borderline schizophrenic retards, received some of the ghetto lottery cash or George Soros cash? Also are there any prosecution witnesses scheduled to testify who were associates of the accused? The Soros prosecution team must have desperately tried to find someone who would allege he or she heard the accused say the n-word. :afro:

...the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.

Also the Blacks watching the vicious assault did nothing, except close the door and look the other way.
Is it legal if the ghetto witnesses, who all seemed borderline schizophrenic retards, received some of the ghetto lottery cash or George Soros cash? Also are there any prosecution witnesses scheduled to testify who were associates of the accused? The Soros prosecution team must have desperately tried to find someone who would allege he or she heard the accused say the n-word. :afro:

...the Media ,even FOX ,failed to mention it was a Black THUG who did the deed. Go figure.

Also the Blacks watching the vicious assault did nothing, except close the door and look the other way.
Probably their half brother.
By the way Eric Nelson is proving to be a great defense attorney and he did not even get started yet!
No doubt it will be crazy if justice prevails. There are companies that make material to make windows impervious to attack, but I would not be surprised in Antifa, etc. are planning more elaborate domestic terrorist attacks than they did through most of 2020. The Fake News helped elect a demented idiot as President, they know they can help trigger riots even worse than the Rodney King era. Sleepy Joe will probably say the domestic terrorists are just letting off steam and exercising their 1st Amendment rights and that Whitey needs to be carefully monitored since they generally support all the Amendments.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
How does an overdose kill you? I am all ears.

Can you post the Coroner/ME Report that says his cause of death was overdose.
You find me an ME or coroner that is not compromised by political pressures. There are very few honest men and women left.

Ah so now they lied on the AUTOPSY.
They very well could of. People are exploiting race to cause division. I put nothing past the Left. They are haters and they are dangerous.

Do you put anything past the right? They spew more hate and racist rhetoric than anyone.
And BLM gives PLENTY of reason TO hate.

What reasons do they give you to hate?
Hmmmmm. "What do we want? Dead COPS" ring a bell? And then RIOTS ,burning down cities ,gang attacks on Whites , Muggings ,carjacking ,and outright Murder. Smashing business ,looting ,and only speaking a filthy ,degenerate ,retrograde language that hardly resembles English anymore. (you commie libs call it Ebonics). I call it Pig Grunts. Anything else?

What % of folks were actually doing any of the things you described, also you want to deny the fact that in many of those cases the folks doing the looting, rioting, burning, smashing, etc. were white folks. I guess you just missed that because it was dark. Racist like you want to use that as a cop-out, you were hating black folks long before George Floyd or any other black victim of police brutality. Folks like you want to give police the green light to do the same thing that the sheet wearers were allowed to do.
With 9 of the 15 jurors being White. Chauvin won't even get convicted of 3rd degree murder. And those blk jurors are not black American. Only two of the six are native-born, monoracial blacks.

Van Dyke's jury had 7 whites, 3 Hispanics, one Asian and one black.

They still convicted him of every count on the indictment.

The problem Chauvin has is that those tapes are powerful evidence. Even if Floyd actually DID die from a drug overdose, they look terrible.
Who cares? Just a dead Junkie. Chauvin did the country a service. That guys destiny was to OD ,do 50 years ,or catch a bullet. Floyd was worthless.His life did NOT matter.

and this is why there were riots.

If he was a clean cut white person, you would be screaming bloody murder. Just like you all screamed bloody murder when that crazy woman got shot while storming the capitol with an angry mob.
Who cares? Just a dead Junkie. Chauvin did the country a service. That guys destiny was to OD ,do 50 years ,or catch a bullet. Floyd was worthless.His life did NOT matter.

and this is why there were riots.

If he was a clean cut white person, you would be screaming bloody murder. Just like you all screamed bloody murder when that crazy woman got shot while storming the capitol with an angry mob.
The woman was shot---despite being no threat to anyone and being unarmed. Floyd was a violent criminal being held on the ground who died of drug overdose. Why do you have so much trouble with the facts.
The woman was shot---despite being no threat to anyone and being unarmed. Floyd was a violent criminal being held on the ground who died of drug overdose. Why do you have so much trouble with the facts.

140 police officers were injured and one died.... and they were screaming about the people in congress they wanted to hang.


Floyd was handcuffed and on the ground and was not resisting.
The woman was shot---despite being no threat to anyone and being unarmed. Floyd was a violent criminal being held on the ground who died of drug overdose. Why do you have so much trouble with the facts.

140 police officers were injured and one died.... and they were screaming about the people in congress they wanted to hang.

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Floyd was handcuffed and on the ground and was not resisting.
One cop died of a stroke with the lib media LYING their asses off about a non existent fire extinquisher injury---people have strokes, including cops..........don't think the protest caused his death but watch you pretend it did. Morally dishonest.

Funny you didn't care about the BLM and anti-fa actually murdering people, and raping, and burning down businesses------but care about protestors going after our corrupt pols AND LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE AGAINST OUR CORRUPT POLS.

If you bother to watch the videos, the protestors once they broke into the inner chamber--they weren't hanging people--they were actually looking for evidence against our corrupt pols. Naive on their part true---but hardly evil.
Chauvin will not be able to get a fair trial because the Press coverage has already called him a murderer and because of the threat from more Progressive Hate, Racism and Violence.

Chauvin will be found guilty because you have dozens of video tapes catching him doing exactly what he is accused of.

What charge do you think he'll be found guilty of?
Killing an unarmed man who was not convicted of a crime, who was in handcuffs, and who for at least the last five minutes of his life was not resisting and most definitely was not a threat.

They didn't kill him........the fentanyl in his system....compounded by the drugs he swallowed just before the police arrived to hide them from the police (as his friends stated he did) caused his death...not the police.

The slow response by the paramedics also complicated his death, the dangerous crowd forming that forced the paramedics to leave the scene before they gave aid also contributed to his death....

Try watching the trial...
If the drugs killed him why did he need restraining?
Watch the videos taken by the bystanders you MORON!
KF was banging on the door to the 'Darwin Award' storage locker. The fucking 'Primate' even stole a fucking banana from the convenience store. This shit writes itself. He was dancing around like an organ grinder's monkey.
At least no LEO officer had to use an expensive bullet on him.
Cauvin will get a minimum sentence to appease the 'tree dwellers'. He'll appeal and get a new trial. By that time the fucking race whore Al Sharpton will be feeding the maggots and CNN/MSNBC will have closed down.
What's left of every fucking inner city shithole will be looted and burned.

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