The Devon Archer Fail shows "Biden Impeachment" is another Uranium One/Pizzagate/Election Fraud Fake Scandal and a Deflection from Trump's Indictments

And need I remind people, Hunter had nothing to offer other than daddy Joe.

China knew (knows), wankers refuse to see the facts.

The same ones who are carrying Joe's water on this would refuse to accept ANY EVIDENCE so fok 'em. After they steal the next election, the lawlessness is going to be so open that they're going to discover they don't have enough cops or jails to compel obedience.

None of which have Joe Biden's name on them.

Better luck next time.
The same ones who are carrying Joe's water on this would refuse to accept ANY EVIDENCE so fok 'em. After they steal the next election, the lawlessness is going to be so open that they're going to discover they don't have enough cops or jails to compel obedience.
Yep. The next election being stolen from republicans is a foregone conclusion.

What will you do?

Stand in line to vote like a cuckold while Democrats point at you and snicker or...

Stay home and show those cheating Dems you won't waste your time voting in a corrupt election?
Republicans have a very long history if just making stuff up, especially fake scandals. They just say it, then others repeat it, then they say it enough times the gullible believe it, despite never ever having any real evidence of wrong doing.

Uranium One was investigated 100 times and they found nothing at all
Pizzagate was the most insane stupidity ever, but a wacko MAGA Republican shows up at that pizza place with an AR-15 and starts blasting.
Election fraud has gone down in flames
Joe Pays Hunter Rent...
and countless other total lies.

There literally is no real evidence of Joe Biden doing anything even remotely wrong. Devon Archer was a huge fail and produced nothing at all.

The "Biden Impeachment" fake scandal is the Republican's attempt to distract their easily manipulated followers from all of Trump's real and serious crimes and indictments, with credible evidence proving Trump's guilt.

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, we all know you love your dad.
Republicans have a very long history if just making stuff up, especially fake scandals. They just say it, then others repeat it, then they say it enough times the gullible believe it, despite never ever having any real evidence of wrong doing.
Thats a standard media procedure as old as journalism itself...the GOP is just plagiarizing.
Yep. The next election being stolen from republicans is a foregone conclusion.

What will you do?

Stand in line to vote like a cuckold while Democrats point at you and snicker or...

Stay home and show those cheating Dems you won't waste your time voting in a corrupt election?
Just because our government has decided they can compel us to accept the bullshit their media spews doesn't mean we have to take a knee and choke on it. The key is going to be the BLATANT nature of their lawlessness. You don't need an F-16 to tell DC to GF themselves. There will be ONE legal standard for all or NO legal standard at all. All that takes is a willingness to stand your ground on your own front door. Anyone who does take their shit and does not resist at all has no claim to being free anyway.

To go beyond that statement just gives these corrupt scum the chance to round people up piecemeal. If the election isn't legitimate, neither are any of the rules, EOs, or "laws" that flow from that government. You sound like you've got it all figured out. How nice for you. The rest of us at least see the approach of a decision to resist or, like you, apparently... to kneel.
Just because our government has decided they can compel us to accept the bullshit their media spews doesn't mean we have to take a knee and choke on it.

It wasn't the media who decided. It was multiple recounts, investigations, and courts...oh, and if course the voters.

The key is going to be the BLATANT nature of their lawlessness. You don't need an F-16 to tell DC to GF themselves. There will be ONE legal standard for all or NO legal standard at all. All that takes is a willingness to stand your ground on your own front door. Anyone who does take their shit and does not resist at all has no claim to being free anyway.

This paragraph is just rambling. What is the point of this? What lawlessness are you speaking of?

To go beyond that statement just gives these corrupt scum the chance to round people up piecemeal. If the election isn't legitimate, neither are any of the rules, EOs, or "laws" that flow from that government. You sound like you've got it all figured out. How nice for you. The rest of us at least see the approach of a decision to resist or, like you, apparently... to kneel.

I didn't figure it out. The system did. (Courts, DoJ, Trump's 2 investigations, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, etc)

Evidently your loss effected you emotionally. I am of stouter stuff but I get that some people have more of a struggle.

I looked this up for you and hope you check it out. I will pray for you.

"In 1969, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross described five common stages of grief, popularly referred to as DABDA. They includ"e:

Good luck!
its not over ... its just beginning .. the upcoming impeachment inquiry will grant congress immense powers to gather evidence and get docs and subpoena witnesses . and because of that Biden wont be running in 2024 .

It's funny because you believe it.
The country hasn't seen something like this, at this scale before. Europe has.

Trump & his GOP asslickers have done more damage to this Country then our enemies ever dreamed of.

I knew this was coming on the day that dirtbag was sworn in & especially after they let him walk after he blackmailed Zelensky.
Dead silence from the repubs after this. What an embarrassment. Even MTG is saying they dont have the votes to impeach.

The question is will the right just forget about this lie and move on like they usually do to their next grift or will they have the guts to try to "do something about it" like Jan 6th? My guess is for now they will do nothing but sooner or later you'll see violence from these animals when they can no longer handle their cognitive dissonance when the lies run their course to the end and there are no more lies left to tell and actual reality has to be faced.
Trump & his GOP asslickers have done more damage to this Country then our enemies ever dreamed of.

I knew this was coming on the day that dirtbag was sworn in & especially after they let him walk after he blackmailed Zelensky.
Yeah election night 2016 you just knew it was going to be bad. Pretty much has gone the way I thought it would. Trump is such an embarrassment to America.

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