The Devon Archer Fail shows "Biden Impeachment" is another Uranium One/Pizzagate/Election Fraud Fake Scandal and a Deflection from Trump's Indictments

Meanwhile, Jim Jordan loves and protects pedophiles.
Roy Moore is a pedophile
Dennis Hastert is a super pedophile predator and rapist
and there are about 20 other GOP politician that have been charge with pedophile crimes.

Republicans love pedophiles and are the party of pedophiles.
You have a point and...

They are the party of projection.

Just saying...
Meanwhile, Jim Jordan loves and protects pedophiles.
Roy Moore is a pedophile
Dennis Hastert is a super pedophile predator and rapist
and there are about 20 other GOP politician that have been charge with pedophile crimes.

Republicans love pedophiles and are the party of pedophiles.
Execute them, you agree?
Republicans have a very long history if just making stuff up, especially fake scandals. They just say it, then others repeat it, then they say it enough times the gullible believe it, despite never ever having any real evidence of wrong doing.

Uranium One was investigated 100 times and they found nothing at all
Pizzagate was the most insane stupidity ever, but a wacko MAGA Republican shows up at that pizza place with an AR-15 and starts blasting.
Election fraud has gone down in flames
Joe Pays Hunter Rent...
and countless other total lies.

There literally is no real evidence of Joe Biden doing anything even remotely wrong. Devon Archer was a huge fail and produced nothing at all.

The "Biden Impeachment" fake scandal is the Republican's attempt to distract their easily manipulated followers from all of Trump's real and serious crimes and indictments, with credible evidence proving Trump's guilt.

Thats a real bummer for democrats. It means youre going to stay on a sinking ship because, you are too uninformed to realize that that its sinking. You should have already dumped Biden. You guys are going to be stuck with him now.
Thats a real bummer for democrats. It means youre going to stay on a sinking ship because, you are too uninformed to realize that that its sinking. You should have already dumped Biden. You guys are going to be stuck with him now.
Biden has the best labor market in US history, that shows no signs of slowing.

Meanwhile trump lost the election and couldn't take it so he made up the grand lie about election fraud, then lost all court cases across America, but still told people their vote was stolen and incited a riot at the Capitol, and now it has been revealed that Trump tried to steal the election himself with his fake electors scheme.
its not over ... its just beginning .. the upcoming impeachment inquiry will grant congress immense powers to gather evidence and get docs and subpoena witnesses . and because of that Biden wont be running in 2024 .
more info is coming out nearly every weak ..for instance ...

more info is coming out nearly every weak ..for instance ...

I would guess if he also testifies that Joe didn't discuss business it will as damning as Devon. Lol.

Just like a Benghazi. A taxpayer funded smear campaign against a known presidential candidate.

Trey Gowdy must be jealous...whatever happened to him anyhow?
Good luck convincing a single person of that. You guys have no idea how bad your candidate is and i LOVE it!!! :laugh:
You watch fake news and hang around a bunch of whiny crybaby republicans that can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, so you would never admit it, but the facts say unemployment at a whopping 50 year low, and Job openings very very strong.

I care about facts, not the crybaby tears of some piece of trash that can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.
more info is coming out nearly every weak ..for instance ...

You watch fake news and hang around a bunch of whiny crybaby republicans that can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, so you would never admit it, but the facts say unemployment at a whopping 50 year low, and Job openings very very strong.

I care about facts, not the crybaby tears of some piece of trash that can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.
You are either dumb, uninformed or lying if you dont think Joe was engaged in rampant bribery. Its obvious that he was. Every single clue found points to him being bribed. No evidence ever exhonerates him. ALL of it says that he is involved. Witnesses, texts, emails, the common sense that Hunter wasnt being paid for being paid for nothing, the fact that they have NEVER made a single attempt to describe what they were being paid for while being accused of bribery in front of the world, etc, etc, etc.
Are you upset that Devon Archer didnt testify that Biden engaged in bribery?
Sure. That would have been awesome, but i have to imagine that Joe was coached better than that. There is a reason that mob bosses never talk specifics with the whole crew. Its no different with high level bribery.
Belittle Devon Archer all you want but I bet he has enough stored in his past emails with Hunter to expose the entire Biden influence pedaling operation when Biden was Obama's VP. The Biden's came from nothing and look at how rich they are now.
Biden should have stepped in and prevented Archer from going to jail. They may yet if they can just to avoid the leaks.

Devon Archer travels the world with appeal of prison sentence pending​

I have no idea if Archer will actuallly do jail time but if he does I expect he'll unload on Hunter. They can share a cell. lmao

Sure. That would have been awesome, but i have to imagine that Joe was coached better than that. There is a reason that mob bosses never talk specifics with the whole crew. Its no different with high level bribery.
So maybe you should be a little more humble when it comes to making predictions given your track record of them not panning out.
You are either dumb, uninformed or lying if you dont think Joe was engaged in rampant bribery. Its obvious that he was. Every single clue found points to him being bribed. No evidence ever exhonerates him. ALL of it says that he is involved. Witnesses, texts, emails, the common sense that Hunter wasnt being paid for being paid for nothing, the fact that they have NEVER made a single attempt to describe what they were being paid for while being accused of bribery in front of the world, etc, etc, etc.
yet there is no evidence at all against Joe.

The Devon Archer testimony was a huge fail and a joke and showed that there is no case against Joe.
The other foreign magic whistleblower is a hardcore criminal looking to say anything to get time off.
There is no corroboration of evidence at all, there is no real deal hardcore credible evidence at all in anyway.

All you have is a bunch of crybaby MAGA trash republicans crying and lying on Fox News making shit up.
Charges of fraud and bribery are serious and they need real evidence, you have none, just like with election fraud, and all the other fake bull shit scandals that have all blown up over the past 30 years (including the joke Monica Lewinsky scandal).

You people need some lie to distract you from Trump's numerous indictments with the evidence against him good as gold, credible, corroborated, and devastating to Trumpers.

If you want to know what real deal credible evidence is read the 2 Trump indictments.

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