The difference between Biden and Trump....


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
. A natural speaker: Biden has trouble with recalling words and gets easily confused while speaking, Trump is very confident in his speeches, but sometimes exaggerates to the point of the left calling him a liar. Example, Tonight,I watched CNN and they had a headline something to the effect that the US shouldn't test so many for Covid19. Actually, what he said was that since there was so many more tests done, more people tested positive.

A hard worker: Trump is always meeting with important people to make deals and often uses EO's to get things done that our nation needs. Biden will say he has had a hand in accomplishments that was actually done by others. IOW, just who is the liar?

Keeps the nation informed: Trump has kept the country informed of the Covid pandemic to the point it sounded like the same stuff almost each day. He understood that and finally limited his briefings. Biden tried that but his gaffes were apparent and he lost interest in speaking 'off the cuff.'

One you would like to have a beer with: That is a hard one because the division is so strong in out country that most libeerals would rather eat ground glass than have a beer with Trump if he actually drank alcohol. A drink with Biden could be very interesting because he could actually speak of top secret information or end up doing damage control for his own actions that he shared. Example, how he got the Ukranian prosecutor off his son's tail for nepotism.

What other differences can you share with other posters?
. A natural speaker: Biden has trouble with recalling words and gets easily confused while speaking, Trump is very confident in his speeches, but sometimes exaggerates to the point of the left calling him a liar. Example, Tonight,I watched CNN and they had a headline something to the effect that the US shouldn't test so many for Covid19. Actually, what he said was that since there was so many more tests done, more people tested positive.

A hard worker: Trump is always meeting with important people to make deals and often uses EO's to get things done that our nation needs. Biden will say he has had a hand in accomplishments that was actually done by others. IOW, just who is the liar?

Keeps the nation informed: Trump has kept the country informed of the Covid pandemic to the point it sounded like the same stuff almost each day. He understood that and finally limited his briefings. Biden tried that but his gaffes were apparent and he lost interest in speaking 'off the cuff.'

One you would like to have a beer with: That is a hard one because the division is so strong in out country that most libeerals would rather eat ground glass than have a beer with Trump if he actually drank alcohol. A drink with Biden could be very interesting because he could actually speak of top secret information or end up doing damage control for his own actions that he shared. Example, how he got the Ukranian prosecutor off his son's tail for nepotism.

What other differences can you share with other posters?

Just like Trump did, you lied on every point! Trump said slow down testing. He also handed Boeing about $100 Billion for planes & rockets that don't fly, yet he claimed he saved US $1.2 billion & you gullible idiots lapped it up!

Trump screwed up the Covid-19 response so badly, we are the most infected on the planet. He sent the economy & jobs back into Great Depression levels & printed the most money in history to prop up Wall street stocks.

China WON!!! Trump barely put tariffs on 4% of their products. Yet they banned all US imports.
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Constitutionalist : Trump believes in laws and those who break the law should be held responsible. Biden, placating the left would not demand that looting, rioting, burning of businesses or desecrating our historical sites to face the law and courts.
Just like Trump did, you lied on every point! Trump said slow down testing. He also handed Boeing about $100 Billion for planes & rockets that don't fly, yet he claimed he saved US $1.2 billion & you gullible idiots lapped it up!

Trump screwed up the Covid-19 response so badly, we are the most infected on the planet. He sent the economy & jobs back into Great Depression levels & printed the most money in history to prop up Wall street stocks.

China WON!!! Trump barely put tariffs on 4% of their products. Yet they banned all US imports.
He saved the US over 2 billion. He did not screw up the Covid 19 resonse. Everyone, even Fauci had their hand in making policy.
Constitutionalist : Trump believes in laws and those who break the law should be held responsible. Biden, placating the left would not demand that looting, rioting, burning of businesses or desecrating our historical sites to face the law and courts.
Trump hates the US Constitution. He told police to be rough to handcuffed suspects. He hates the First Amendment & crushes protesters until they riot.

Trump FAILED to TARIFF all of China. He wimped out only hitting 4% of goods with low Tariffs.

Trump pulled US out of China's CDC in Wuhan so we lost control of Covid-19 virus & were blind to what was happening in Wuhan, China.

China Kicked our ass with Virus. They stopped their spread, Trump increased the spread in the USA.

Trump Failed to get US masks!

Trump failed to read his Covid-PDB for 20+ days was clueless until Azar could lecture him.

Then the Trump Admins US Designed Test Failed & Trump Refused the Available Working German Test. That Cost US a Month of Untested Covid-19 Spread!

Then Trump Failed to assist HHS in a timely manor!

Dr. Griffin not allowed by Trump CDC to test Garbuz contacts. Garbuz spread Covid to first 100 in NY.

Trump Fixated on China & Mexico, but allowed unfettered travel from the rest of the world.

Today Trump is hosting a super spreader event in Tulsa. Trump is a genius.
Trump hates the US Constitution. He told police to be rough to handcuffed suspects. He hates the First Amendment & crushes protesters until they riot.
You are so wrong!!!The people who hate the Constitution or the leaders that refuse to allow the police, National Guard to keep the laws. He never said to be rough with handcuffed suspects and certainly doesn't crush protesters. Protesters have the right to demonstrate PEACEABLY , not assault, loot, burn businesses and should follow restrictions the law provides.
Trump has the same type of personality and charisma Obama does.
Biden has the same type of personality and charisma Mitt Romney does.
That should piss people on both sides off.
You are so wrong!!!The people who hate the Constitution or the leaders that refuse to allow the police, National Guard to keep the laws. He never said to be rough with handcuffed suspects and certainly doesn't crush protesters. Protesters have the right to demonstrate PEACEABLY , not assault, loot, burn businesses and should follow restrictions the law provides.

Was that before or after he had people tear gassed for a photo op?
. A natural speaker: Biden has trouble with recalling words and gets easily confused while speaking, Trump is very confident in his speeches, but sometimes exaggerates to the point of the left calling him a liar. Example, Tonight,I watched CNN and they had a headline something to the effect that the US shouldn't test so many for Covid19. Actually, what he said was that since there was so many more tests done, more people tested positive.

A hard worker: Trump is always meeting with important people to make deals and often uses EO's to get things done that our nation needs. Biden will say he has had a hand in accomplishments that was actually done by others. IOW, just who is the liar?

Keeps the nation informed: Trump has kept the country informed of the Covid pandemic to the point it sounded like the same stuff almost each day. He understood that and finally limited his briefings. Biden tried that but his gaffes were apparent and he lost interest in speaking 'off the cuff.'

One you would like to have a beer with: That is a hard one because the division is so strong in out country that most libeerals would rather eat ground glass than have a beer with Trump if he actually drank alcohol. A drink with Biden could be very interesting because he could actually speak of top secret information or end up doing damage control for his own actions that he shared. Example, how he got the Ukranian prosecutor off his son's tail for nepotism.

What other differences can you share with other posters?

You make some reasonable points. To me Trump is the guy you need when the situation hasn't been going well. He rocks the boat, is a bull in China shop. When people feel their government hasn't heard them and even less, worked in their behalf, they rebel and elect a guy like Trump. It's why Trump won in 2016 and is the favourite to win again.

The Wuhan Virus and the protests actually hurt Biden more than people think. It initially was horrible for Trump, and I will always question the timing from China. However, in a horrific backfire, it allowed citizens to be reminded just which politicians want to control your life, dictate if you can worship and arrest you for wanting to live your life. Some couldn't help themselves, and Americans quickly realized "I'm trapped in my home and only one party wants me to be free".

I believe before this virus, Biden could at least try and position himself and his party as moderates. That's a tougher climb for him now. Americans will be reminded of the "pronoun and bathroom war" of 2016, which really turned them off. They now believe, "oh if Biden wins, we have to deal with this B.S again!?!" They might not have thought that before the virus and the racial division tactics. They are convinced now once again that what they voted against in 2016 is quickly creeping in against by some politicians in big cities and state control.

Just as Hillary didn't campaign much, they will try once again to win the election by media and endorsement. Trump goes direct to the people. More and more people are tuning out MSM and the Establishment.
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