The difference between Biden and Trump....

Both are very cocky.

Biden is a political talk-a-lot, his words have no meaning, especially when you consider his dementia.

Trump talks a lot, though often his words are tangible.

One gets shit done & has high expectations. Biden doesn't strike me as a guy who has done much.
Biden has trouble with recalling words and gets easily confused while speaking

A Biden campaign ad popped up while watching YouTube this morning. Biden's speech was awkward and jerky like he had to pause to think every 2-3 words. It was shockingly bad I'm stunned they released it.
. A natural speaker: Biden has trouble with recalling words and gets easily confused while speaking, Trump is very confident in his speeches, but sometimes exaggerates to the point of the left calling him a liar. Example, Tonight,I watched CNN and they had a headline something to the effect that the US shouldn't test so many for Covid19. Actually, what he said was that since there was so many more tests done, more people tested positive.

A hard worker: Trump is always meeting with important people to make deals and often uses EO's to get things done that our nation needs. Biden will say he has had a hand in accomplishments that was actually done by others. IOW, just who is the liar?

Keeps the nation informed: Trump has kept the country informed of the Covid pandemic to the point it sounded like the same stuff almost each day. He understood that and finally limited his briefings. Biden tried that but his gaffes were apparent and he lost interest in speaking 'off the cuff.'

One you would like to have a beer with: That is a hard one because the division is so strong in out country that most libeerals would rather eat ground glass than have a beer with Trump if he actually drank alcohol. A drink with Biden could be very interesting because he could actually speak of top secret information or end up doing damage control for his own actions that he shared. Example, how he got the Ukranian prosecutor off his son's tail for nepotism.

What other differences can you share with other posters?
If Trump were a chess piece, he'd be the QUEEN: goes where he wants, does as he wants, for right or wrong, he's his own man. A free thinker and true natural leader.

Biden is a pawn, he has people manage him, tell his what to say, when to appear, they set up focus groups then give him a strategy to follow. Biden is a puppet on strings content to play a role as set forth by his handlers who picked him to act out a play they've written.
Trump hates the US Constitution. He told police to be rough to handcuffed suspects. He hates the First Amendment & crushes protesters until they riot.
and just who is doxing, assaulting , and calling for the firing of people with an opposing viewpoint ?? and who is rioting looting burning and killing and spouting marxist propaganda during the so called peaceful protests ? who sides with an oppressive communist country that unleashed a deadly virus across the entire world ?? the answer is the left .
. A natural speaker: Biden has trouble with recalling words and gets easily confused while speaking, Trump is very confident in his speeches, but sometimes exaggerates to the point of the left calling him a liar. Example, Tonight,I watched CNN and they had a headline something to the effect that the US shouldn't test so many for Covid19. Actually, what he said was that since there was so many more tests done, more people tested positive.

A hard worker: Trump is always meeting with important people to make deals and often uses EO's to get things done that our nation needs. Biden will say he has had a hand in accomplishments that was actually done by others. IOW, just who is the liar?

Keeps the nation informed: Trump has kept the country informed of the Covid pandemic to the point it sounded like the same stuff almost each day. He understood that and finally limited his briefings. Biden tried that but his gaffes were apparent and he lost interest in speaking 'off the cuff.'

One you would like to have a beer with: That is a hard one because the division is so strong in out country that most libeerals would rather eat ground glass than have a beer with Trump if he actually drank alcohol. A drink with Biden could be very interesting because he could actually speak of top secret information or end up doing damage control for his own actions that he shared. Example, how he got the Ukranian prosecutor off his son's tail for nepotism.

What other differences can you share with other posters?
You should have posted in Humor.
Just like Trump did, you lied on every point! Trump said slow down testing. He also handed Boeing about $100 Billion for planes & rockets that don't fly, yet he claimed he saved US $1.2 billion & you gullible idiots lapped it up!

Trump screwed up the Covid-19 response so badly, we are the most infected on the planet. He sent the economy & jobs back into Great Depression levels & printed the most money in history to prop up Wall street stocks.

China WON!!! Trump barely put tariffs on 4% of their products. Yet they banned all US imports.

Holy Shit, you've been listening to Lawrence O'Donnel way to long.

You've got Drama Queen Disorder big time.
Trump said - "Here's the bad part. When you do testing to that extent you're gonna find more people, you're gonna find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down please"
If Trump were a chess piece, he'd be the QUEEN: goes where he wants, does as he wants, for right or wrong, he's his own man. A free thinker and true natural leader.

Biden is a pawn, he has people manage him, tell his what to say, when to appear, they set up focus groups then give him a strategy to follow. Biden is a puppet on strings content to play a role as set forth by his handlers who picked him to act out a play they've written.
That’s hilarious. You sound exactly like Obama lovers, partisan dupes.

There is very little difference between Don and Joe on policy. However Joe is clearly to the right of Don on most things.

Biden's foreign policy is Trump's foreign policy without the periodic waxing and waning belief that maybe war is bad. So, we can expect more war once Sniffy takes office next year.

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