The difference between conservatives and liberals.


Mar 19, 2015
It's pretty simple.

Conservatives believe in limited Government. They believe that it is the Governments responsibility to create an environment where people can take risks and reap the benefits of their labors. They believe that the private sector is better able to run itself, rather than a monolithic bureaucracy that is out of touch and highly inefficient.

Progressive Liberals believe that Government has all the answers. They're afraid of taking risks. They believe that Government can solve all of our problems and take care of us. They also think that they know what's best for everyone and should be able to tell them what to do.

The short version.

Conservatives are independent thinkers, who are self reliant and able to make their own decisions as to what's best for them.

Progressive Liberals are frightened little control freaks.

I hope this clears things up.
It's pretty simple.

Conservatives believe in limited Government. They believe that it is the Governments responsibility to create an environment where people can take risks and reap the benefits of their labors. They believe that the private sector is better able to run itself, rather than a monolithic bureaucracy that is out of touch and highly inefficient.

Progressive Liberals believe that Government has all the answers. They're afraid of taking risks. They believe that Government can solve all of our problems and take care of us. They also think that they know what's best for everyone and should be able to tell them what to do.

The short version.

Conservatives are independent thinkers, who are self reliant and able to make their own decisions as to what's best for them.

Progressive Liberals are frightened little control freaks.

I hope this clears things up.
Conservatives like to divide people into two groups. Makes things simpler for simple minds.
Aaaargh get back republicans!!!

Conservatives sign their checks on the front, liberals on the back.
Conservatives like to divide people into two groups. Makes things simpler for simple minds.

you mean like calling people Teapers, Tea baggers, Trailer trash, racists, bigots and the such, yeah I noticed that too.
The difference is we have Liberals in this country, but not Conservatives, especially not here, and Liberals founded this nation. If you don't like it then get the fuck out...
You can avoid joining either heavily partisan camp, and just vote for who you feel is going to do the best job at the time.

Sometimes that might be a Republican, other times a Democrat or an Independent, and there is no easy answer.

If you don't take politics with a grain of salt, then you will get hurt or sold out, as very few honest politicians exist.

Clinton doddled over Yugoslavia, and believed in a Europe that was too disorganized to act; and he sold out America to agro-business and big pharma.

Bush Jr turned out an authoritarian war-monger, who sold out America to Halliburton and the war industry.

Obama's last term is not over yet, so not going to say what I think about his legacy, when it isn't 2016 yet.

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