The difference between Muslims and normal people explained in ten seconds.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Normal person: "This is outrageous! I'm writing a letter to the editor."
Muslim: "This is outrageous! I'm writing a letter BOMB to the editor."

Enough said.
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we as nonwhites have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations. People
judge us by appearance, so we have to prove ourselves, our reputations and relationships
by being consistent in word and action. If anything, I have a harder time to prove myself.

Like me as an Asian woman, these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we as minorities earn and deserve the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
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Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks Lastamender
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.
Also the true Muslims denounce jihadist terrorism as criminal and war crimes,
even though that has taken over countries, similar to how most politicans are crooks
and not following the REAL laws in the Constitution. We have very few who are truly
faithful and upholding Constitutional laws, but that's true Constitutionalism. and the
same has happened with hijacking and abusing Islamic govts to commit atrocities against the people and laws. that doesn't define true Islam any more than political corruption
defines what is Constitutional govt which is the opposite of what is going on in our own country.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives

Most Muslims in America are 3. and can only practice their peaceful beliefs
freely and safely here, so they flee here from countries hijacked by 1 and 2.
Most Muslim countries used to be run by 3 but have gotten hijacked by 2
and terrorized into submission to militant regimes by 1. those get the most
media attention but a re still a minority compared to the masses of Muslim
people who are helpless and relatively unarmed and untrained to defend themselves.
similar to masses of buddhists who are nonviolent and do not fight back.
so these peaceful Muslims fall victim to the minority terrorists and Islamists 1 and 2.
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Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #7
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.
True. If anything in the Quran disagrees, the latter verse negates the former one. I believe she knows this. She's just a Muslim apologist. Ignore her.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #8
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.
You friends are not Muslims. They may identify as Muslims, but they do not follow the teachings of their murdering pedophile prophet. If they are not actively engaged in Jihad, or supporting Jihad, they are not true Muslims. That's a fact.
Normal person: Mango Mussolini is a lecherous crook
Faux Christian: "I don't care if Trump diddled porn stars, grabbed pussies, conspired with Russians, or obstructed justice.

Enough said.
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.

  1. [*]“Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace”


    [*]“Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. - A Short Course For Open Minded Skeptics Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (IS&J) Table of Contents Introduction Background Core Islamic Texts More Useful Facts & Definitions 4 Examples of Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Ideology Articulated in the Core Texts A Classic Jurist Opinion on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad From All 5 Schools of Islam (pre 1900) - 3 are Sufi 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (pre 1900) - 3 are Sufi Consequences of Rejecting Reason in Islam Islamic Human Rights™ + One 20th Century Sharia Scholar’s Opinion on Islamic Supremacism - A Sufi 47 Modern Jurist and Sharia Scholar Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (1900 to present) Tiny Minority of Extremist™ Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 5 Modern Terrorists™ on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad - 1 is Sufi 30 Modern Muslim Politicians on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 3 Key 20th Century Ideologue Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad - 1 is Sufi The Muslim Brotherhood on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 1 Key 21st Century Reformer™ & Master Of Deception on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Efforts To Reform Islam University Dogma on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Government & Media on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Interesting News Stories You May Have Missed Free Islamic Texts Online in English Email: [email protected] We welcome corrections. Last updated Jul 2, 2015
  2. Start reading you just might learn something.
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.
You friends are not Muslims. They may identify as Muslims, but they do not follow the teachings of their murdering pedophile prophet. If they are not actively engaged in Jihad, or supporting Jihad, they are not true Muslims. That's a fact.

Hi RWNJ name your favorite charity.
I will bet you a million dollars, we can donate to your charity or mine,
that my friends at work and Mustafaa Carroll are Muslims.
My friend HE is probably the least likely to pass as Muslim
because he is nontraditional. But when he speaks to his
parents as Muslim they obey, so he does have that background as a Muslim.

Do you want to make a million dollar bet
that the true meaning of Islam and Muslim teachings are peaceful
and inclusive, to respect all of God's laws and all civil laws and authority.

And I will bet you that all Jihadist terrorists are diverted by demonic
influences that are against God and Christ, while true Muslim believers
and followers are respectful of God and able to reconcile with Jews and Christians.

I forgot to name other Muslim friends
1. the Muslim family that taught at a school where I worked
as a tutor and temp director
2. two women friends who converted to Islam,
Fran and Marie Devine on Facebook who both
are active in outreach to call for peace and obedience to God's will

None of these believe in the Jihadist type of terrorism.
Like any other law abiding citizen and human being who
believes in God's goodness, of course these Muslims
renounce any such war crime violence that is lawless torture.

Why are you so convinced this is the meaning of Islam?

Perhaps you are citing when Mohammad led troops
to conquer lands in religious wars to set up an empire.

When military commanders like Bush give orders
to the military to go to war, that is military law during wartime.

Civilians are not allowed to do such acts which are unlawful
and criminal in society.

So if you make a distinction between acts committed during war,
and laws that we follow as civilians, there is a huge difference like night and day.

It is not legal for us as Citizens to barge into houses
and shoot up everyone in sight as soldiers are ordered to do without any due process during wartime.

So if you are saying all Muslims should act as soldiers in war
as the Jihadists do illegally, that's the difference.
You are comparing the war strategies and commands
given by Mohammad as a military leader
and confusing that with the laws and teachings
that civilians are supposed to follow in real life. these are not the same but
totally different contexts where it is illegal to kill people in military attacks that way!
Normal person: Mango Mussolini is a lecherous crook
Faux Christian: "I don't care if Trump diddled porn stars, grabbed pussies, conspired with Russians, or obstructed justice.

Enough said.
GTFO idiot.
Now RWNJ I might agree with you more on the point
that Muslims like Jews Catholics Mormons etc are not
taught how Jesus fulfills the laws and unites all tribes.
These splinter tribes end up identified and segregated
more by their group affiliations and lose the unifying
agreement in Christ Jesus where there is no Jew or Gentile
but all are made one new and whole in Christ.

Muslims like Jews are not taught to unite with Christians
nor are Christians taught to unite with Muslims and Jews.

However, on your statement above, I disagree.
shall we take a head count?

How many Muslims do you know personally who say or do such things?
I can list my Muslim friends and contacts who don't think do or say anything like that.

Can we both make a list of Muslims we know, and compare numbers:
Where are you getting these stats?

Here's my list and I challenge you to list yours
1. Ali Onan Turkish Muslim who worked his way through
law school and works in international and immigration law
to help business people traveling from country to country

He respects God and Constitutional principles, and does not believe in war or violence.
He refused to return to turkey to be recruited by military to go after Kurds.
He sympathized with the Kurds and other victims of terrorist violence and oppression,
and believes in peaceful solutions and prevention of any war.
If he holds America responsible for war and violence, he holds the enemy combatants and forces
responsible too, not excusing one for the other but seeking diplomatic solutions that God would want for all people.

2. H.E. a Muslim Christian and Buddhist poet and writer
he believes that Jesus is God and has shared this with
his Muslim parents to establish equal respect for their beliefs and differences.
He still identifies himself as Muslim along with Christian Pagan and Buddhist,
and he explained that Islam recognizes Jews Christians and Muslims but
doesn't specify any other religious groups.

3. Mustafaa Carroll head of CAIR in Houston who explained
that Mohammed proclaimed there is no compulsion in religion
which means religious freedom, to respect and never force anyone
or else the faith is fake and not real. it makes no sense to compel or force anyone.
He has received awards from the Peace and Justice community for his outreach
in cultural relations and awareness. He reads and follows the Bible and has
Christian family who are pastors and they work together because they
believe in following God's laws in the Bible whether Christian or Muslim or Jew.

The last time I saw him make a statement in the media, he was trying to explain
that Muslims are called to higher standards that go above and beyond secular law.
For example if the laws ban driving and drinking, well Islam calls believers not to
drink at all. So that standard is higher. instead he was misquoting as saying
Muslims are above the law, which is the opposite of what he was saying.
I called him knowing there had to be some mistake and he explained the conflict.

He is a leader in the peacemaking community and has met with Christian leaders
to work together on common goals and values. Just because he is called as a Muslim
is like people being called as Catholics or Presbyterians. We are still all under
God's laws in the Bible.

The difference I find is whether people are secular gentiles and put civil laws
and authority first, or they put Bible and God's authority first. But with Christians
and Muslims, the Bible calls for us to obey both authorities, so the Muslims
I know respect both Bible and civil laws.

4-7. Four coworkers at my nightjob are Muslim. They are very ethical
business men, 2 are working 2 jobs and 2 volunteer in the community.
They do not respond to stress and conflicts with anything negative or threatening.
They either solve the problem, or communicate to address it effectively,
or they even joke about the people causing problems and try to fix it anyway.

They have all helped me extra, because they have respect for coworkers
and take pride in doing their jobs right. We have good working relations,
we listen to each other and respect each other. I would probably be more
verbally or physically violent before they would ever resort to that, because
they are well respected men and don't need to even raise their voices to be heard.
They do a good job, so people respect them. Sometimes I have to yell before anyone
hears me complain. So I would probably be more threatening than any of them.

8. there is a Muslim man at my UU fellowship who volunteers with the
photography. He is very quiet nice man, and promotes the peace and justice
community there, an older congregation where people do not get worked up
about activist issues but just serve in the community in meaningful ways.
Nobody in that community is violent or threatening. The most we might do
is sign a petition and circulate online. all passive peacemakers. I probably
am the most confrontational because I want to work with people from all
parties to implement solutions and change how we do things. So if anything
I am more disruptive and pushy emotionally than anyone else there, including
the Muslim member who is just like any normal person who keeps their
beliefs to themselves out of respect for beliefs of all other people we respect equally as UU.

9. The only Muslim I have run across that even expressed support for anything
anti Jew or anti anyone else is Sunni Man on here. And he responds to reason
and Constitutional arguments and principles like any other patriot who is serious
about defending the laws first. I find true Muslims are like that where like True Christians
or True Constitutionalists, when you cite and enforce laws in agreement, of course,
they put that authority first. We are under one God and God's laws are established
through either the Bible or Bill of Rights/Constitution. So as long as you enforce
and cite those laws, then Jews Christians and Muslims shouild all be in agreement.

RWNJ if you are talking about Jihadists and Islamic terrorists, unfortunately
they worship War instead of the God in the Bible bringing Peace through
Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. the true believers receive and respect
God's will through Christ. So my Muslim friends respect the laws of God
and are civilly obedient. Because they are minorities, we have to work harder
to prove ourselves to be reliable hard workers and build good reputations.

So these Muslims who work very hard as business people and community
volunteers actually have to work harder to make sure we earn and deserve
the trust and respect of others. that's the Muslims I know personally.

Now RWNJ how many Muslims do you know can you count
who act in any unlawful way or make any such negative threats???
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.

  1. [*]“Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace”


    [*]“Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. - A Short Course For Open Minded Skeptics Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (IS&J) Table of Contents Introduction Background Core Islamic Texts More Useful Facts & Definitions 4 Examples of Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Ideology Articulated in the Core Texts A Classic Jurist Opinion on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad From All 5 Schools of Islam (pre 1900) - 3 are Sufi 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (pre 1900) - 3 are Sufi Consequences of Rejecting Reason in Islam Islamic Human Rights™ + One 20th Century Sharia Scholar’s Opinion on Islamic Supremacism - A Sufi 47 Modern Jurist and Sharia Scholar Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (1900 to present) Tiny Minority of Extremist™ Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 5 Modern Terrorists™ on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad - 1 is Sufi 30 Modern Muslim Politicians on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 3 Key 20th Century Ideologue Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad - 1 is Sufi The Muslim Brotherhood on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 1 Key 21st Century Reformer™ & Master Of Deception on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Efforts To Reform Islam University Dogma on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Government & Media on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Interesting News Stories You May Have Missed Free Islamic Texts Online in English Email: [email protected] We welcome corrections. Last updated Jul 2, 2015
  2. Start reading you just might learn something.

Dear Lastamender
I believe in the authority of Jesus in the Bible to reform and unite all leaders of all tribes.
So all these Jihadist and Islamic sects and movements you name, that are antichrist,
will eventually be held to account by leaders united among Muslims Christians and Jews
obeying God in the Bible through Jesus Christ or Restorative Justice
that brings lasting peace by establishing the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

So you can name and list all the corrupted cults you want.
None of them will survive but all be converted in the name of Christ Jesus.

All it takes is the Muslim Jews and Christian leaders uniting and standing together,
and they can lead these nations and tribes to reform and transform our
nations to establish the Kingdom of God including people of all tribes.

All the false leaders and teachings will pass away
and only God's truth will prevail.

the Humble Muslims Christians and Jews praying for unity in Christ
will see their prayers answered and rejoice in the Lord.

Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.
You friends are not Muslims. They may identify as Muslims, but they do not follow the teachings of their murdering pedophile prophet. If they are not actively engaged in Jihad, or supporting Jihad, they are not true Muslims. That's a fact.

Hi RWNJ name your favorite charity.
I will bet you a million dollars, we can donate to your charity or mine,
that my friends at work and Mustafaa Carroll are Muslims.
My friend HE is probably the least likely to pass as Muslim
because he is nontraditional. But when he speaks to his
parents as Muslim they obey, so he does have that background as a Muslim.

Do you want to make a million dollar bet
that the true meaning of Islam and Muslim teachings are peaceful
and inclusive, to respect all of God's laws and all civil laws and authority.

And I will bet you that all Jihadist terrorists are diverted by demonic
influences that are against God and Christ, while true Muslim believers
and followers are respectful of God and able to reconcile with Jews and Christians.

I forgot to name other Muslim friends
1. the Muslim family that taught at a school where I worked
as a tutor and temp director
2. two women friends who converted to Islam,
Fran and Marie Devine on Facebook who both
are active in outreach to call for peace and obedience to God's will

None of these believe in the Jihadist type of terrorism.
Like any other law abiding citizen and human being who
believes in God's goodness, of course these Muslims
renounce any such war crime violence that is lawless torture.

Why are you so convinced this is the meaning of Islam?

Perhaps you are citing when Mohammad led troops
to conquer lands in religious wars to set up an empire.

When military commanders like Bush give orders
to the military to go to war, that is military law during wartime.

Civilians are not allowed to do such acts which are unlawful
and criminal in society.

So if you make a distinction between acts committed during war,
and laws that we follow as civilians, there is a huge difference like night and day.

It is not legal for us as Citizens to barge into houses
and shoot up everyone in sight as soldiers are ordered to do without any due process during wartime.

So if you are saying all Muslims should act as soldiers in war
as the Jihadists do illegally, that's the difference.
You are comparing the war strategies and commands
given by Mohammad as a military leader
and confusing that with the laws and teachings
that civilians are supposed to follow in real life. these are not the same but
totally different contexts where it is illegal to kill people in military attacks that way!

So if you are saying all Muslims should act as soldiers in war
as the Jihadists do illegally, that's the difference.
You are comparing the war strategies and commands
given by Mohammad as a military leader
and confusing that with the laws and teachings
that civilians are supposed to follow in real life. these are not the same but
totally different contexts where it is illegal to kill people in military attacks that way!
Sharia law is what makes jihadism legal. And there is no distinction between what is said to Muslims by Muhammad because of the eternal war he declared.
I do not think you can prove one thing you say. I can.
Dear Lastamender
I believe in the authority of Jesus in the Bible to reform and unite all leaders of all tribes.
So all these Jihadist and Islamic sects and movements you name, that are antichrist,
will eventually be held to account by leaders united among Muslims Christians and Jews
obeying God in the Bible through Jesus Christ or Restorative Justice
that brings lasting peace by establishing the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

So you can name and list all the corrupted cults you want.

None of them will survive but all be converted in the name of Christ Jesus.

All it takes is the Muslim Jews and Christian leaders uniting and standing together,
and they can lead these nations and tribes to reform and transform our
nations to establish the Kingdom of God including people of all tribes.

All the false leaders and teachings will pass away
and only God's truth will prevail.

the Humble Muslims Christians and Jews praying for unity in Christ
will see their prayers answered and rejoice in the Lord.

Exactly what cult does not believe in Muhammad is the last prophet of God? You will not find one.
Why would the Muslims that you know and he knows change what their religion says? It wouldn't.

Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.
You friends are not Muslims. They may identify as Muslims, but they do not follow the teachings of their murdering pedophile prophet. If they are not actively engaged in Jihad, or supporting Jihad, they are not true Muslims. That's a fact.

Hi RWNJ name your favorite charity.
I will bet you a million dollars, we can donate to your charity or mine,
that my friends at work and Mustafaa Carroll are Muslims.
My friend HE is probably the least likely to pass as Muslim
because he is nontraditional. But when he speaks to his
parents as Muslim they obey, so he does have that background as a Muslim.

Do you want to make a million dollar bet
that the true meaning of Islam and Muslim teachings are peaceful
and inclusive, to respect all of God's laws and all civil laws and authority.

And I will bet you that all Jihadist terrorists are diverted by demonic
influences that are against God and Christ, while true Muslim believers
and followers are respectful of God and able to reconcile with Jews and Christians.

I forgot to name other Muslim friends
1. the Muslim family that taught at a school where I worked
as a tutor and temp director
2. two women friends who converted to Islam,
Fran and Marie Devine on Facebook who both
are active in outreach to call for peace and obedience to God's will

None of these believe in the Jihadist type of terrorism.
Like any other law abiding citizen and human being who
believes in God's goodness, of course these Muslims
renounce any such war crime violence that is lawless torture.

Why are you so convinced this is the meaning of Islam?

Perhaps you are citing when Mohammad led troops
to conquer lands in religious wars to set up an empire.

When military commanders like Bush give orders
to the military to go to war, that is military law during wartime.

Civilians are not allowed to do such acts which are unlawful
and criminal in society.

So if you make a distinction between acts committed during war,
and laws that we follow as civilians, there is a huge difference like night and day.

It is not legal for us as Citizens to barge into houses
and shoot up everyone in sight as soldiers are ordered to do without any due process during wartime.

So if you are saying all Muslims should act as soldiers in war
as the Jihadists do illegally, that's the difference.
You are comparing the war strategies and commands
given by Mohammad as a military leader
and confusing that with the laws and teachings
that civilians are supposed to follow in real life. these are not the same but
totally different contexts where it is illegal to kill people in military attacks that way!
There is no middle ground here. Islam is a false, violent religion. It is dedicated to world conquest and the eradication of all other religions. Those Jihadists who run around blowing people up and chopping their heads are doing the will of their prophet. They are not radicals. They are conservatives. They are mainstream. Get your head out of your ass. You're not fooling anyone. You are antichrist. I will no longer reply to anything you say. Good riddance!

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