The difference between Muslims and normal people explained in ten seconds.

Normal person: Mango Mussolini is a lecherous crook
Faux Christian: "I don't care if Trump diddled porn stars, grabbed pussies, conspired with Russians, or obstructed justice.

Enough said.
GTFO idiot.

Thanks for the confirmation :cool:
That you are an idiot, no problem.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
Normal person: Mango Mussolini is a lecherous crook
Faux Christian: "I don't care if Trump diddled porn stars, grabbed pussies, conspired with Russians, or obstructed justice.

Enough said.
GTFO idiot.

Thanks for the confirmation :cool:
That you are an idiot, no problem.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.

Nah - as long as you keep posting Alex Jones conspiracy theories, Muslim bashing and claims to be a "Christian" ... I'll stick around.

Too damned entertaining! :D
Thanks @Lastamember
The Quran calls for peaceful coexistence by Sura 109.
the true Muslims I know live by this and respect others as they want to be respected.

If you mean Jihadists/terrorists and Islamic oppressive militants,
this has been explained as a dangerous sect outside the peaceful Muslim teachings.
there is a name for this dangerous sect.

Can we agree to separate three different followings:
1. Jihadist terrorists which wage war and violence illegally
and do not respect civil authority or laws
2. Islamic oppressive militant regimes which abuse govt
and civil authority to commit human rights violations against international laws,
plus grey area followers who may go along with or enable such regimes
3. peaceful law abiding Muslims who flee or get killed by 1 or 2
and do not believe or comply or support that, but run for their lives
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

If that is the verse you are talking about it has been abrogated.

Dear Lastamender
the meaning taught is peaceful coexistence.
that is how my Muslim friend was able to make peace with his Muslim parents
over his Christian faith in Jesus, was by citing and enforcing peaceful coexistence.
because this is the true meaning, they obeyed. that wouldn't happen if
he wasn't speaking God's truth.

The problem with the beheading passages, which were war cries
and strategies during wartime, is these occurred in the Koran BEFORE
the passages calling for peace. but the interpretations of peace are
outside the actual Koran.

the later passages are supposed to take precedent over the older ones.
but if the later interpretations are not written in the Koran,
those aren't counted as passages. so the sects are in conflict over this,
and the warmongering sects abuse passages to try to justify war crimes.

What is lost to a lot of Muslims, similar to Jews not taught this either, is obedience to
Bible authority including Jesus. in Christ Jesus we are supposed to unite
and correct our conflicts grievances and trespasses, so we establish one God's truth.

But people are not practicing this process as given in Matthew 18:15-20
even the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to recognize Christians as
fellow witnesses and refuse to address and resolve conflicts as fellow believers.

the tribes are too busy rejecting each other as nonbelievers,
that the true believers are not coming together in Christ to establish
agreement in truth.

that's what I respect most of my friend Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
he does follow the Bible and always meets and talks with Christians
or anyone else willing to follow Matthew 18:15-20 and try to resolve
issues and establish agreement and unity on God's truth. He is a
faithful believer that truth and justice can be estab lished this way.

I wish more Muslims and Christians would come together this way.
Stand together and unite all Jews Christians and Muslims to lead in peace.

Mustafaa agrees that Muslim followers are in need of education and reform.
but he is only one person.. instead of atacking and rejecting him, we should
embrace and empower more Muslim teachers and leaders like him to
help establish the real teachings and meaning, so more people can unite
among Jews Christians and Muslims as Muslim believers are called
to respect and receive all sent by God, all teachings and prophets in the Bible.
so this includes Jesus and all Christian followers. we are supposed to be united as one.
You friends are not Muslims. They may identify as Muslims, but they do not follow the teachings of their murdering pedophile prophet. If they are not actively engaged in Jihad, or supporting Jihad, they are not true Muslims. That's a fact.

Hi RWNJ name your favorite charity.
I will bet you a million dollars, we can donate to your charity or mine,
that my friends at work and Mustafaa Carroll are Muslims.
My friend HE is probably the least likely to pass as Muslim
because he is nontraditional. But when he speaks to his
parents as Muslim they obey, so he does have that background as a Muslim.

Do you want to make a million dollar bet
that the true meaning of Islam and Muslim teachings are peaceful
and inclusive, to respect all of God's laws and all civil laws and authority.

And I will bet you that all Jihadist terrorists are diverted by demonic
influences that are against God and Christ, while true Muslim believers
and followers are respectful of God and able to reconcile with Jews and Christians.

I forgot to name other Muslim friends
1. the Muslim family that taught at a school where I worked
as a tutor and temp director
2. two women friends who converted to Islam,
Fran and Marie Devine on Facebook who both
are active in outreach to call for peace and obedience to God's will

None of these believe in the Jihadist type of terrorism.
Like any other law abiding citizen and human being who
believes in God's goodness, of course these Muslims
renounce any such war crime violence that is lawless torture.

Why are you so convinced this is the meaning of Islam?

Perhaps you are citing when Mohammad led troops
to conquer lands in religious wars to set up an empire.

When military commanders like Bush give orders
to the military to go to war, that is military law during wartime.

Civilians are not allowed to do such acts which are unlawful
and criminal in society.

So if you make a distinction between acts committed during war,
and laws that we follow as civilians, there is a huge difference like night and day.

It is not legal for us as Citizens to barge into houses
and shoot up everyone in sight as soldiers are ordered to do without any due process during wartime.

So if you are saying all Muslims should act as soldiers in war
as the Jihadists do illegally, that's the difference.
You are comparing the war strategies and commands
given by Mohammad as a military leader
and confusing that with the laws and teachings
that civilians are supposed to follow in real life. these are not the same but
totally different contexts where it is illegal to kill people in military attacks that way!

So if you are saying all Muslims should act as soldiers in war
as the Jihadists do illegally, that's the difference.
You are comparing the war strategies and commands
given by Mohammad as a military leader
and confusing that with the laws and teachings
that civilians are supposed to follow in real life. these are not the same but
totally different contexts where it is illegal to kill people in military attacks that way!
Sharia law is what makes jihadism legal. And there is no distinction between what is said to Muslims by Muhammad because of the eternal war he declared.
I do not think you can prove one thing you say. I can.

Dear Lastamender
If you are one of these Jihadists who believes in that then speak for yourself.
You have every right to declare to the world what you believe. I dare you.

But if you are like the atheist who expects to dictate to Christians
what the Bible really means, you are self contradictory.
You cannot teach what you do not believe yourself.

So make up your mind.

As for Shariah this term technically refers to ALL practices
that are part of the faith, giving alms to the poor, no usury,
praying 5 times a day.

Last I checked, the 5 pillars are what the Muslims agree to in common.
Not the political actions and policies that are local to the Islamic nations
but don't apply to say Muslims in the US.

The Muslims I know are taught to respect the laws of the land they live in.
why do you think Muslims flee here, because the laws of the US
are consistent with natural laws like freedom of choice and due process.

Why do you think Muslims are killed fleeing countries
where Jihadists and militants have taken over and declared military rule?

This is violation of God's natural laws, that even the UN recognizes
as universal human rights. the true Muslims like any other
law abiding citizen is going to want freedom and not oppression under war.

Nobody wants that. The Jihadists abuse war to take over govts.
that's political. You are confusing the political religion of Jihadism
with the spiritual laws of God that are taught in many ways
through Buddhism, Islam, Christian and Native American cultures.

All the true believers seek peace and unity and harmony for all humanity.
The True Muslims included

If you are going to say those are rare, I understand

there are very few Christians who truly include all people in their beliefs about peace through God's kingdom. most people are political and divided among groups.

So yes you can say this about Muslims as well.
There are few leaders among Jews who are truly universal like Peter Loft who teaches
forgiveness to people of all tribes and nations, and few Christians and Constitutionalists
who truly include all people.

My friend Mustafaa Carroll is one of those universal Muslim believers.
He just happens to be called as a Muslim to reach that audience.

If you and RWNJ do not believe these people represent true Islam,
let me call 2 witnesses and have them explain it to you.

I will ask a couple of coworkers to see if they can explain to you
how they both oppose the Jihad takeover in Nigeria that is politically abusive.
The abuse of Shariah to impose "Shariah law" and start imposing punishment
without due process like cutting off people's hands that is against standard codes of law,
is totally wrong to them. That's why they work so hard to make their life here in America
where people are protected from such political abuse and hijacking of govt.

My friend Mustafaa would love to host a national discussion on what
is really Islam and what is this terrorist Jihadist violence that violates God's laws.

He does not call or recognize any of that as having anything to do with real Islam.
it is foreign to him, as the people who cut up their kids thinking they are exorcising
demons are not anything to do with Christianity or the Bible, that's just sick and evil.

I would like to have this conversation too.
How can we set up a discussion directly with leading teachers
and resolve this issue of what is Islam and what is the dangerous political sect violence.

I guess it's like trying to distinguish what is homosexuality from what is dangerous pedophilia.
Not all homosexuals are dangerous predators as some people assume and call them.

If people have a spiritual calling to identify as Muslims
that is separate from political violence by Jihadist terrorists trying to take
over govts and abuse military power to oppress and control others.
GTFO idiot.

Thanks for the confirmation :cool:
That you are an idiot, no problem.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.
No, I think people remember her lies and repeat them. Remember the point here is what Islam says not what Muslims or their apologists say. Nothing changes Islam. Muhammad said himself he has completed the religion.

Any denial of what they are taught by the Koran and other literature is dangerous and enabling. We see the results all around the world because the simple truth is too much for people. This religion is churning out terrorists by design. People need to know why supporting Islam with lies is suicide.
Thanks for the confirmation :cool:
That you are an idiot, no problem.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.
No, I think people remember her lies and repeat them. Remember the point here is what Islam says not what Muslims or their apologists say. Nothing changes Islam. Muhammad said himself he has completed the religion.

Any denial of what they are taught by the Koran and other literature is dangerous and enabling. We see the results all around the world because the simple truth is too much for people. This religion is churning out terrorists by design. People need to know why supporting Islam with lies is suicide.

PSSST: The Doctor is a dude
As for Shariah this term technically refers to ALL practices
that are part of the faith, giving alms to the poor, no usury,
praying 5 times a day.

To the Muslim poor only. Islam has dual ethics. There is also no Golden Rule in Islam. Go away. Your crap about believing something to understand it is ridiculous and has little to do with the reality of the situation.
That you are an idiot, no problem.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.
No, I think people remember her lies and repeat them. Remember the point here is what Islam says not what Muslims or their apologists say. Nothing changes Islam. Muhammad said himself he has completed the religion.

Any denial of what they are taught by the Koran and other literature is dangerous and enabling. We see the results all around the world because the simple truth is too much for people. This religion is churning out terrorists by design. People need to know why supporting Islam with lies is suicide.

PSSST: The Doctor is a dude
And a stupid one, I was not talking about you.
Normal person: "This is outrageous! I'm writing a letter to the editor."
Muslim: "This is outrageous! I'm writing a letter BOMB to the editor."

Enough said.
At least their women MIND and do as they are told!
Thanks for the confirmation :cool:
That you are an idiot, no problem.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.
No, I think people remember her lies and repeat them. Remember the point here is what Islam says not what Muslims or their apologists say. Nothing changes Islam. Muhammad said himself he has completed the religion.

Any denial of what they are taught by the Koran and other literature is dangerous and enabling. We see the results all around the world because the simple truth is too much for people. This religion is churning out terrorists by design. People need to know why supporting Islam with lies is suicide.
How do you know what "all" Muslims are taught about the Koran?
That you are an idiot, no problem.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.
No, I think people remember her lies and repeat them. Remember the point here is what Islam says not what Muslims or their apologists say. Nothing changes Islam. Muhammad said himself he has completed the religion.

Any denial of what they are taught by the Koran and other literature is dangerous and enabling. We see the results all around the world because the simple truth is too much for people. This religion is churning out terrorists by design. People need to know why supporting Islam with lies is suicide.
How do you know what "all" Muslims are taught about the Koran?
That's just it. Most Muslims cannot read the Quran. They are taught it.
Just put her on your ignore list. She craves attention. Don't feed the trolls.
Why? Showing how wrong and naive she is what needs to be done every time an apologist lies about Islam. If you wish to ignore her lies, go ahead.
I really don't think her lies are convincing anyone. You mentioned that I ignore her lies. That is exactly what we should do. If no one replies to those lies, she'll leave.
No, I think people remember her lies and repeat them. Remember the point here is what Islam says not what Muslims or their apologists say. Nothing changes Islam. Muhammad said himself he has completed the religion.

Any denial of what they are taught by the Koran and other literature is dangerous and enabling. We see the results all around the world because the simple truth is too much for people. This religion is churning out terrorists by design. People need to know why supporting Islam with lies is suicide.
How do you know what "all" Muslims are taught about the Koran?
That's just it. Most Muslims cannot read the Quran. They are taught it.
The muslims I know can read, and they both make more money than me (there's a joke in there)
Normal person: "This is outrageous! I'm writing a letter to the editor."
Muslim: "This is outrageous! I'm writing a letter BOMB to the editor."

Enough said.

What is the difference between a normal person and an idiot like RWNJ?

Her post above.
How do you know what "all" Muslims are taught about the Koran?
That's just it. Most Muslims cannot read the Quran. They are taught it.

One could easily say the same about the Bible - why do you not understand that reality?
Just as an aside, the only difference I can really detect in emerging third world societies is that Christian groups don't support groups that would attack Western democracies, but there's no lack of Christian violence.
How do you know what "all" Muslims are taught about the Koran?
That's just it. Most Muslims cannot read the Quran. They are taught it.

One could easily say the same about the Bible - why do you not understand that reality?
Just as an aside, the only difference I can really detect in emerging third world societies is that Christian groups don't support groups that would attack Western democracies, but there's no lack of Christian violence.
The violence does not come from Christian doctrine, therefore it is not Christian violence, it is a violent Christian. Islam does not have the distinction.
How do you know what "all" Muslims are taught about the Koran?
That's just it. Most Muslims cannot read the Quran. They are taught it.

One could easily say the same about the Bible - why do you not understand that reality?
Not going to argue with a troll.
Why is he a troll? For not buying your bigotry?
Start with a name? You must be a troll too.

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