The Difference Between Trump and Obama On Jobs


Dec 7, 2016
This is really good stuff on what Trump will do vs. what little Obama has done in terms of jobs. It also shows the smoke and mirror of his unemployment rate claims vs. reality.

You’ve likely heard the spin lines and talking points from Obama loyalists claiming Barack Obama’s presidency netted the longest period of job growth in the last xyz years or maybe even “ever.”

It’s a shame that people view things through shaded glasses and bias. In the case of this so-called “continued job growth,” we need to examine the claims and determine what has actually “grown.”

At this point, we have more federal workers than ever before. More than 1.4 million people collecting government salaries according to the congressional budget. That’s a 10 percent jump from the time Obama took office. The government has never employed so many people. Think about that. Rest at The Difference Between Trump and Obama On Jobs - Resistance Feed
Federal workers hit record number, but growth slows under Obama

President Obama will set a record for the size of the basic federal workforce, leaving office with more than 1.4 million people collecting government salaries in the civilian agencies in 2017, according to the budget he delivered to Congress on Tuesday.

It’s a 10 percent jump from the time he took office in 2009 but less than the 17 percent hike under his Republican predecessor, President George W. Bush.

Republicans and Democrats have reversed gains made under Presidents Reagan and Clinton.

Mr. Obama also managed to limit the growth of government salaries and curb civilian pay hikes far more than Mr. Bush did, which earned him slight praise from government watchdogs.

“Obama gets credit for his three-year partial freeze of federal worker pay. It did slow wage growth,” said Chris Edwards, director of tax policy at the Cato Institute and editor of

Yes and no.
Of equal or greater importance are the people that Obama has and yet will put out of work: Coal miners and crude oil and natural gas industry employees.

Obama's EPA is on the precipice of shutting down over 400,000 marginal oil and gas wells in the U.S. This will result in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs, hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil production, and the destruction of family owned businesses that have survived for generations.
This is really good stuff on what Trump will do vs. what little Obama has done in terms of jobs. It also shows the smoke and mirror of his unemployment rate claims vs. reality.

You’ve likely heard the spin lines and talking points from Obama loyalists claiming Barack Obama’s presidency netted the longest period of job growth in the last xyz years or maybe even “ever.”

It’s a shame that people view things through shaded glasses and bias. In the case of this so-called “continued job growth,” we need to examine the claims and determine what has actually “grown.”

At this point, we have more federal workers than ever before. More than 1.4 million people collecting government salaries according to the congressional budget. That’s a 10 percent jump from the time Obama took office. The government has never employed so many people. Think about that. Rest at The Difference Between Trump and Obama On Jobs - Resistance Feed
The budget is a proposal, not actual. Looking at the actual numbers from the Current Employment Survey*:

The spikes every 10 years are, of course, due to the Census.

*The CES does not include employees of the CIA, DIA, NGA, or NSA. Those wouldn't be spelled out in the budget, either.

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