The Dimensions of Racism


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It's EEEEEEEEEASY to call someone a "racist." And if you happen to be a paranoid "Black" person, it might even give you some comfort.

But people are multi-dimensional, and the word "racist" is one-dimensional.

Consider the following hypothetical statements:

"I have nothing against Blacks, but I wouldn't want my daughter to marry one."

"I treat everyone I encounter in my own life equally, but most of the Blacks I see on TV (since Cosby's off the air)turn my stomach."


We have, in the American public sphere, several public figures who have lived entire lives living happily with "Blacks," having no problem, and never having done any overt thing to harm anyone, much less a Black person. But they are quoted as saying Blacks like fried chicken, or some such nonsense and they are branded with a giant "R" on their foreheads.

The news media have been flooded for the past several days with collective hyperventilations over some bone-headed statements from a guy who, as a hobby, pays a small group of Black men about 50 million dollars a year to play a game for him.

If that's "hate," i wish the fucker would start hating me. Really bad.

This is also a guy who has won humanitarian awards from none other than the NAACP for things he has done for inner-city (read, "Black") yoot.

Also in his history is a small collection of statements about the relative merits of having Black tenants versus Mexican tenants versus Korean tenants. He seems to have developed some rather strong beliefs in this regard.

At what point is one permitted to express a well-informed opinion on a subject, even if some people find it offensive? He has had hundreds of Black tenants, "Hispanic" tenants, Korean tenants, and presumable lily-white, caucasian tenants. If his experience with, say, the Black tenants has been disproportionately negative, at what point can he say, "If given a chance to choose, I would choose a Korean tenant over a Black or Hispanic tenant"?

Does the revulsion with "racism" DEMAND that one be stupid? Keep opinions to oneself? Ignore the experience of decades as a landlord?

And regarding the conversations in question with that wierd-looking [crude name for a vagina], he is merely pleading with her to "identify" as a quasi-white person rather than a light-skinned "Black" person. If a theatrical agent was recorded encouraging Halle Berry or Mariah Carey to be seen in public socially with more white people, would that agent be excoriated as a "racist"?

Only by professional umbrage-takers.

What we have is a rich guy who has so much money that he doesn't have to worry much about what he says. We have a disappointed and aggrieved girl-friend who is trying to embarrass him.

If what he said is "racist," and negates all of the good things he has done for Blacks and for society in general, then there is no fucking point in trying not to be racist. We all are.
In America racism is anything a white person does that offends a non-white person. I might start taking it seriously the day we have the national association for the advancement of white people, or better yet, white entertainment television.
People would claim its racist if you say that black people are bad tippers, however anyone in the service industry knows this is generally true. Cmon black, people, you gotta tip your waitresses and bar tenders.
When you allow for the obvious fact that "stereotypes" are not uniformly true, but only true for the majority, most stereotypes are right on the money.

But some people will hold fast to ridiculous beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary - like that Blacks are good at basketball because they "try harder" than whites. Or that all the top sprinters in the U.S. are all black because black sprinters just work harder at their sport. Yeah, right.
The problem with believing in stereotypes is that besides showing your ignorance they actually harm you mentally and in some cases financially. I have extensive experience with white women, some married to white men, and everyone of them has told me that white men are intimidated by Black guys and suffer from little dick syndrome. Now if I had of believed that I would not have been capable of learning some of the things I have learned from successful white guys. Stereotypes are a fear mechanism nature put in place so you can categorize things and react accordingly. How stupid would you feel if you reacted negatively towards someone that could make you a billionaire?
The problem with believing in stereotypes is that besides showing your ignorance they actually harm you mentally and in some cases financially. I have extensive experience with white women, some married to white men, and everyone of them has told me that white men are intimidated by Black guys and suffer from little dick syndrome. Now if I had of believed that I would not have been capable of learning some of the things I have learned from successful white guys. Stereotypes are a fear mechanism nature put in place so you can categorize things and react accordingly. How stupid would you feel if you reacted negatively towards someone that could make you a billionaire?

No white woman ever told you that. Without lies, you are incapable of making any points.
On average, black men are better than white men at sex. Is there any evidence to prove otherwise? I love both races equally but the truth is the truth.
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On average, black men are better than white men at sex. Is there any evidence to prove otherwise? I love both races equally but the truth is the truth.

Ever think that maybe you just arent pretty enough to get a real white man? Also keep in mind that fat girls never get the "A game". :lol:
If you knew what I look like you'd have no "insults" to resort to :). But this isn't about me. It is about certain white racist males who think they're better than black men at everything.

Interesting how you responded so quickly to those last two posts... almost as if they made you feel... inadequate. Does my opinion offend you? Do you suffer from little dick syndrome?

And you should take that inverted pentagram off your profile image. You make it look weak, and I happen to love that symbol.
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When you can take a man who tracks down and murders an unarmed kid and then claims "self defense" and turn him into a national hero, when you know if that kid were white that man would be in prison, then racism is alive and well. No one shoots unarmed white kids and gets away with it.
The problem with believing in stereotypes is that besides showing your ignorance they actually harm you mentally and in some cases financially. I have extensive experience with white women, some married to white men, and everyone of them has told me that white men are intimidated by Black guys and suffer from little dick syndrome. Now if I had of believed that I would not have been capable of learning some of the things I have learned from successful white guys. Stereotypes are a fear mechanism nature put in place so you can categorize things and react accordingly. How stupid would you feel if you reacted negatively towards someone that could make you a billionaire?

No white woman ever told you that. Without lies, you are incapable of making any points.

Keep telling yourself that and maybe it will wear a groove in your brain so you wont be afraid. :lol:
On average, black men are better than white men at sex. Is there any evidence to prove otherwise? I love both races equally but the truth is the truth.

Ever think that maybe you just arent pretty enough to get a real white man? Also keep in mind that fat girls never get the "A game". :lol:

Sounds like sour grapes to me Goodboy. You just heard it from the source....:cool:

You are having a bad month dude. Thats like 4 times you have stuck your foot in your mouth just in the last week. :lol:
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On average, black men are better than white men at sex. Is there any evidence to proves pounds lie otherwise? I love both races equally but the truth is the truth.

Ever think that maybe you just arent pretty enough to get a real white man? Also keep in mind that fat girls never get the "A game". :lol:

Iust out of curiousity, what is your definition of a "real white man"?

Ever think that maybe you just arent pretty enough to get a real white man? Also keep in mind that fat girls never get the "A game". :lol:

Iust out of curiousity, what is your definition of a "real white man"?



Well then, what makes you a "real white man"? Or should I say "more" of a real white man than other white men?

And is there a distinct difference between being a "real white man" and just being a "real man"?
I guess the question is what is the counterpart to a "real white man"? A fag? Phil Donohue?

Inquiring minds want to know.
About the penis thing, as anyone who has ever been in a mixed-race locker room knows, so - called "African Americans'" penii are longer WHEN FLACCID than white mens' and Asians' penii. However, a
'Black man's" penis does not increase to two or three times the flaccid size when it becomes erect. There is no difference in erect penis size between African and European males.

Also, as for being better lovers, a woman is much more concerned with the emotional aspect of sex than the performance aspect (other than w/r/t premature ejaculation). And to be crude about it, a black man screwing a white woman is more likely to find her "ravishing" than a white man screwing the same, probably homely, woman. Which explains why she would consider the former a "better lover."

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