The disgraceful Jill Scott and 'ESSENCE FEST' treatment of our 'National Anthem'

How many black folks are still living today that went through Jim Crow? You are talking to one of them, but you don't want to talk about that because too many of us are still alive today.

Why didn't you leave the U.S. at that time if Jimmy Crow was so bad? Who was stopping you or your family?
Like most who claim to be so patriotic, you haven't done anything but run your mouth.
Typical meaningless personal attack. Ignored. Jill Scott made millions as a no name back up singer because she lived in America. And she pays it back with that disgusting display. She is a classless bitch.
Why didn't you leave the U.S. at that time if Jimmy Crow was so bad? Who was stopping you or your family?
Why do I need to leave the US, how about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc.? I am pretty sure black folks have earned the right to not go no damn where, you keep whining about liberal this and liberal that. Why don't you get your pasty, white ass on the first thing smoking back to Europe.
Typical meaningless personal attack. Ignored. Jill Scott made millions as a no name back up singer because she lived in America. And she pays it back with that disgusting display. She is a classless bitch.
Jill Scott made millions as a solo artist, I guess you have never really listened to her. You speak about the woman as if you know her personally when you don't know a damn thing about her. You weak ass, clowns kill me calling black women bitches, I can damn guarantee your weak ass will never come on this forum and call a white woman a bitch. I bet you think Marjorie Taylor Green is a top class woman and that hag affects this country more than Jill Scott ever will.
Jill Scott made millions as a solo artist, I guess you have never really listened to her. You speak about the woman as if you know her personally when you don't know a damn thing about her. You weak ass, clowns kill me calling black women bitches, I can damn guarantee your weak ass will never come on this forum and call a white woman a bitch. I bet you think Marjorie Taylor Green is a top class woman and that hag affects this country more than Jill Scott ever will.
That's right she made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS being a mediocre artist because she was fortunate enough to be a citizen of America. The pinnacle of her career was doing lame NationWide Commercials. Then she got dumped when NationWide started using H.E.R who is much more talented. Then just like backstabber Kapearnik, also a multi-millionaire at the end of his career, she turned on the country that gave her the life she would never have had anywhere else. She is an ungrateful BITCH. It has nothing to do with skin color but as usual with you it's ALL about skin color. Hanoi Jane is a bitch, Joy Behar is a bitch, Liz Warner is a bitch plenty of American White women deserve that name. Anything else SUPERBAD?
Why do I need to leave the US, how about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc.? I am pretty sure black folks have earned the right to not go no damn where, you keep whining about liberal this and liberal that. Why don't you get your pasty, white ass on the first thing smoking back to Europe.

You shouldn't have to, but why wouldn't you? Obviously it wasn't so bad then, or you would have chosen to leave.
That's right she made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS being a mediocre artist because she was fortunate enough to be a citizen of America.
Sorry Hater, she is no where near mediocre. Fortunate enough? I am pretty sure those before her paved the way and earned the right for her to be a citizen of America. So save that fortunate bullshit.
The pinnacle of her career was doing lame NationWide Commercials.
A lot of artist do commercials, funny how you clowns are trying to reduce her to that. As long as, Nationwide is paying she is good.
Then she got dumped when NationWide started using H.E.R who is much more talented.
Both are talented, nobody does the same commercial forever. Hell next year they will have someone else doing them.
Then just like backstabber Kapearnik, also a multi-millionaire at the end of his career, she turned on the country that gave her the life she would never have had anywhere else. She is an ungrateful BITCH. It has nothing to do with skin color but as usual with you it's ALL about skin color. Hanoi Jane is a bitch, Joy Behar is a bitch, Liz Warner is a bitch plenty of American White women deserve that name. Anything else SUPERBAD?
Why is it we never hear you clowns tell Native Americans to forget what was done to them?

You never tell Japanese-Americans to forget what was done to them.

You never tell Jewish folks to forget the Holocaust, but for some odd reason black folks are supposed to forget the history of what has happened to us in America. Now if NFL players were taking a knee during the National Anthem for breast cancer awareness you cocksuckas wouldn't open your damn mouth.
How about we get rid of the racism and discrimination, that is just an idea.
Your identify is wrapped up in being a victim of racism and discrimination. Don't pretend like you want to see it gone completely, which is pretty much is in this country.
Why don't you take your white ass back to Europe, if the left as you claim has made America so bad.
Looks like Jill Scott's "Hate Anthem" has had the desired effect on you. She's in the same boat as Obama, Sharpton, Kapearnick and the rest of the successful American Black Race baiters. You feel compelled to defend her because you share similar skin tone. I call out people based on what they SAY and DO, not their skin color. That works really well, you should try it.
Looks like Jill Scott's "Hate Anthem" has had the desired effect on you
Probably because I understand where she is coming from.
. She's in the same boat as Obama, Sharpton, Kapearnick and the rest of the successful American Black Race baiters.
That's the same thing that was said about Dr King, Medgar Evers, A.Phillip Randolph, Joesph Lowery and others. So she is in good company.
[qyote] You feel compelled to defend her because you share similar skin tone.
I understand where she is coming from, I understand why you don't.
I call out people based on what they SAY and DO, not their skin color. That works really well, you should try it.
Well we know that is a lie, hell you don't even call out the right wing racist on this forum.

As horrible as she was at least she sang it properly. Black people can be so freaking racist and ungrateful. Just take it from my most favorite black person in the whole entire world.

Whoever wrote the lyrics is neither talented nor well informed. Slavery was not considered a moral issue throughout most of human history until the 19th Century. The United States inherited this institution from the British in the 18th Century and abolished it less than 100 years later. Its racial component was largely due to the availability of slaves in Africa and their natural resistance to malaria and other tropical diseases. Unfortunately, this carried over into racial discrimination after the Civil War. Even so, the growth of the US economy was never based on slavery, but on increasing industrial and manufacturing capacity in the Northern States.

Learning from the past does not mean we have to stay there.
Better read your Bible, Hammurabi's Code, and many of the ancient philosophers.

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