The disgraceful Jill Scott and 'ESSENCE FEST' treatment of our 'National Anthem'

You've had every opportunity to succeed for many decades now, but you want to live in the past, and play the victim card instead of working hard.
Get some new lines clown, black folks don't have any choice but to work hard everyday.
Take a good long look at the Asian community, they've came to this country many not even being able to speak the language, had to deal with the same white majority, and they've succeeded, realizing that we have a system in place here, and when tapped and used, a person can succeed beyond their wildest dreams!
I missed where the Asian folks were slaves, I missed the part where Asians need a CRA and VRA to be made somewhat equal to white folks. Don't try to compare our journey in America to Asians, they is what has happed with AA. You couldn't pull off using someone white to get rid of it, so you used Asians as the excuse to do it.
You won't see them sitting around singing songs TODAY about something that ended over 150 years ago, they are out working to better themselves, and it's something you and everybody else can do as well.
I get it though, the victim card is something that is hard to let go of when it's brought you more government.
Again the Asian experience in America is totally different than the black experience.
Get some new lines clown, black folks don't have any choice but to work hard everyday.

I missed where the Asian folks were slaves, I missed the part where Asians need a CRA and VRA to be made somewhat equal to white folks. Don't try to compare our journey in America to Asians, they is what has happed with AA. You couldn't pull off using someone white to get rid of it, so you used Asians as the excuse to do it.

Again the Asian experience in America is totally different than the black experience.

Slavery ended over 150 years ago. Generations of blacks have never been slaves in the U.S. Can't say the same thing about their ancestorial homeland where TODAY there are over 9 million slaves.
Asians had to deal with crushing discrimination, some of them even put into internment camps, yet you don't see any of them destroying our National Anthem, or continually wallowing in the discrimination they have faced. You don't see them VASTLY over-represented in criminal activity, or murders. They get themselves educated (which is not a dirty word to them, nor do they complain about it being "too white") and they out compete every demographic.
Slavery ended over 150 years ago. Generations of blacks have never been slaves in the U.S. Can't say the same thing about their ancestorial homeland where TODAY there are over 9 million slaves.
Asians had to deal with crushing discrimination, some of them even put into internment camps, yet you don't see any of them destroying our National Anthem, or continually wallowing in the discrimination they have faced. You don't see them VASTLY over-represented in criminal activity, or murders. They get themselves educated (which is not a dirty word to them, nor do they complain about it being "too white") and they out compete every demographic.
Great analogy. There are currently slaves in Africa, so our history of slavery doesn't matter. Child brides are still common in some parts of the world. Does that mean any stories about children who were given in marriage in the US were any less heinous?
Slavery ended over 150 years ago. Generations of blacks have never been slaves in the U.S. Can't say the same thing about their ancestorial homeland where TODAY there are over 9 million slaves.
...and then came Jim Crow, racism and discrimination. We have been dealing with the last 2 since we have been here.
Asians had to deal with crushing discrimination, some of them even put into internment camps, yet you don't see any of them destroying our National Anthem, or continually wallowing in the discrimination they have faced.
....and they were paid reparations for being put in those internment camps. I guess we have dealt with non-crushing discrimination.
You don't see them VASTLY over-represented in criminal activity, or murders. They get themselves educated (which is not a dirty word to them, nor do they complain about it being "too white") and they out compete every demographic.
Nice try numbnuts, but Asians have not felt with the level of racism and discrimination that black folks have.
Great analogy. There are currently slaves in Africa, so our history of slavery doesn't matter. Child brides are still common in some parts of the world. Does that mean any stories about children who were given in marriage in the US were any less heinous?

Our history is "history". Slavery ended here over 150 years ago. Time for you clowns to focus on where you can actually help stop it. Stop wallowing in the past!
...and then came Jim Crow, racism and discrimination. We have been dealing with the last 2 since we have been here.

....and they were paid reparations for being put in those internment camps. I guess we have dealt with non-crushing discrimination.

Nice try numbnuts, but Asians have not felt with the level of racism and discrimination that black folks have.

Hard to argue with the truth.

History is just that. It's over, there are no slaves, nor have there been for over 150 years here. Her ancestorial homeland is another matter. Slavery exists there TODAY! Shouldn't she be outraged about that? Why isn't she using her platform to talk about it?
History is just that. It's over, there are no slaves, nor have there been for over 150 years here. Her ancestorial homeland is another matter. Slavery exists there TODAY! Shouldn't she be outraged about that? Why isn't she using her platform to talk about it?
Slavery, Jim Crow, racism and discrimination still affects black folks to this day. I noticed you spoke of Asians being put in interment camps, but you ran from the fact that they received reparations from it.
They arrest people for disrespecting the "gay pride" flag but disrespecting the Anthem is fine.
Slavery, Jim Crow, racism and discrimination still affects black folks to this day. I noticed you spoke of Asians being put in interment camps, but you ran from the fact that they received reparations from it.

That's because many of them were still alive when the funding was approved. You guys want handouts today for something that you, your parents, your grandparents, and likely your great grandparents were not involved in.
That's because many of them were still alive when the funding was approved. You guys want handouts today for something that you, your parents, your grandparents, and likely your great grandparents were not involved in.
How many black folks are still living today that went through Jim Crow? You are talking to one of them, but you don't want to talk about that because too many of us are still alive today.

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