The disorienting, and dangerous, appropriation of language.

Do you also believe the lie that got the ball rolling for the Trump admin? The one when poor Sean Spicer was told by Trump to go out to the WH podium and lie about the size of the inaugural crowd.
I remember you Marxist ASSHOLES burning down DC during his inauguration!!!!
What's fucking DANGEROUS is you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies. This thread is GASLIGHT THEATRE and PROJECTION, and YOU are NUTS!!!
Do you also believe the lie that got the ball rolling for the Trump admin? The one when poor Sean Spicer was told by Trump to go out to the WH podium and lie about the size of the inaugural crowd.
How about the lie when Biden said he wasn't get any money from China?
The latter has been completely disproven. I suppose you think there is safety in numbers. There isn't. Millions of Repubs believing in a lie doesn't make it true......or even plausible.
Yes, I know it has been disproven that Jan 6 was an insurrection.
I saw a car strewn with right wing bumper stickers the other day. One of which said "The Patriots are getting upset." The other stickers made it clear the reference was not to the football team. It was to traitors who want to be thought of as patriots. Calling yourself a patriot when in fact you favor insurrection is delusional.....and disorienting. The line from 1984.........
“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.”......comes to mind. So does MAGA.

From the beginning of Trumpery we were told the pictures we saw of the inauguration did not reflect reality. If you wanted to know what was real you had to listen to an inveterate liar. "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what is happening." Don would have us believe liars are truth tellers. No wonder he spent so much time being interviewed on Faux.

Now he wants us to believe orchestrating a plan to steal the election by having, in part, the VP accept fake slates of electors rather than the ones representing the votes of the people is covered by the 1st A. Huh?

Orwell despised a lot of words. He wrote a whole essay on them in 1946. Titled “Politics and the English Language,” the essay takes aim at all of Orwell’s pet hatreds: excessive use of Latinate instead of Anglo-Saxon words; unwarranted use of the passive voice; mixed metaphors; clichés; and the phrase “not un-,” as in “it is not unlikely that Trump will seek office in 2024 if not barred from doing so.” (Redundant, fumes Orwell. Just say, “It’s likely.”)

But what Orwell is particularly angry about is imprecise language, and language that conceals rather than clarifies. Which, for him, includes most political language. “Political language,” he writes, “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

For this reason, Orwell argues, politicians are particularly given to lazy, sloppy rhetoric, filled with meaningless buzzwords and clichés. Political language, he says, muffles the sense of what is being communicated, which is so often indefensible, with an overlay of righteous justification. And as a result, those who get caught up in this style of speech — both its speakers and its listeners — find their ability to think caught and shaped by their impoverished language. They are no longer able to recognize a lie as a lie and a murder as a murder because the language in which they speak is so vague as to allow them to consider a lie an alternative fact and a murder a tragic yet unavoidable accident.
Aren't you late for your gender affirming care, Berg?
So? That doesn't address the topic of the thread.

The disorienting, and dangerous, appropriation of language.​

It was a response to part of the bleating bullshit you posted. Maybe your own words had nothing to do with your own topic.

And again, it is you fucking leftist scumbags who are intentionally misappropriating the language.

You know, since you have nothing intelligent to say, it’s ok to remain silent, you bloviating twat.
Is "birthing person" and "milk producer" a dangerous, disorienting appropriation of language?

Not quite, but you're on the right track. I would say those phrases certainly constitute "language that conceals rather than clarifies." But they aren't really appropriations of language.

Appropriation of language occurs when someone redefines the words sex and gender to be distinct concepts. Ironically, such only becomes possible when the speaker embraces a duality of double Latinate terms in modern English, though without understanding the loquacious nature of English. The result is mistaking the presence of the synonyms in the language as evidence that some nuanced difference in meaning must, and was always intended to, be present--after all, why would two words exist if their meaning was precisely identical? When in reality, double words among the language's modern vocabulary are nothing more than the result of a code-switching ancestry.

In short, the speaker appropriates the ancient language (and the historic evolution as into English language loanwords) and reforms it for the speaker's own objectives, to the detriment of the language's own merits. See also "Latinx".
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That's opinion, not language. You call it the big lie and cherry pick the worst accusations to tarnish those like me who still think ballot harvesting occurred and may have changed the results.
And you "think" this based on what?

A stupid debunked movie produced by a political felon?
One and done.

Continual insurrections brings chaos death and weak nations
I don’t recall saying anything about seeking additional insurrections. WTF are you bleating about?

But some of our Founders and Framers certainly tried to carefully leave that as an option in the event that our government should ever turn ON us.
I don’t recall saying anything about seeking additional insurrections. WTF are you bleating about?

But some of our Founders and Framers certainly tried to carefully leave that as an option in the event that our government should ever turn ON us.
You inferred that insurrections were something we should aspire to

I said no such thing and o insinuated no such thing.

But you do you, Pooh Pooh.
Then explain what you meant when you posted

"The original American patriots did seek insurrection."
Few things are more tyrannical in a democracy than trying to thwart the will of the voters by attempting a coup. Then pretending it was an act of patriotism.
Oh - so now it changed from an insurrection to a coup.

See how slimy these leftards are with their abuse of language?

The correct answer is NEITHER. What we have here is a legitimate attempt to correct a failure in the election PROCESS, followed by a protest because nothing was done about it.

That's it, that's all.

And no amount of howling by the shit slinging leftard monkeys is going to change those FACTS.

Fucking stupid leftards - when was the last time you heard of an insurrection without guns?

Leftards are LIARS, and abusers of the English language.
Then explain what you meant when you posted

"The original American patriots did seek insurrection."
Read what I was replying to, you twit.

And don’t assume anyone is answerable to you just because you’re too stupid to breathe.
It's not disorientating and dangerous to proclaim "patriots" to be "traitors"? It depends who is in the driver's seat. Let it go lefties, the 1st Amendment still works.
Read what I was replying to, you twit.

And don’t assume anyone is answerable to you just because you’re too stupid to breathe.
Didn’t think you’d reply with anything that made sense

Off with you troll
It's not disorientating and dangerous to proclaim "patriots" to be "traitors"? It depends who is in the driver's seat. Let it go lefties, the 1st Amendment still works.
Insurrectionists are NOT patriots

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