The Disquiet

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I found this article on Michael Boldea Jr.'s ministry website about a month ago. I decided not to post it at the time. Since then Russia had invaded the Ukraine, a 777 jumbo jet has gone missing and no one knows where it is. I don't know if this is related to what he was picking up on or not but I've also had a forboding feeling of something bad about to happen to our country. I definitely understand his concern.
He usually does not speak like this so I thought what he said was worthy of posting here.

Hand of Help Ministries

The Disquiet - February 16, 2014

It has been almost two weeks since it’s all I could do to keep from jumping out of my skin. Time in prayer seems to be the only thing that can alleviate the sense of foreboding I’ve been feeling, a disquiet that goes far beyond what the eye can see, or the skin can touch.
I can’t put my finger on it. I’ve prayed repeatedly for some discernment on the matter, some sort of elucidation or illumination, but all I’m getting is this sense of unease, this expectancy of something horrible beyond words around the corner.

The one thing I know is that it doesn’t have to do with me personally. It’s not something I’m feeling will happen to me, but something on a larger, more far reaching scale than one individual, or even one event.

Perhaps I’m the only one, but somehow I doubt it. If you’ve been feeling like this, if a sense of an impending something has been gnawing at you of late, let me know.

Like I said, the only thing that curbs the feeling is prayer. I’ve been doing a lot of it lately, and it has been good for me.

God is neither blind nor deaf. He sees, He hears, and He keeps immaculate records. If what I’ve been feeling is in fact the impendinng judgment of God then it will be on such a scale as to stop the world in its tracks.

With Love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
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There is one other thing he wrote recently about Russia that was quite good. His Romanian orphanage ministry is not far from where the Ukraine is. He travels back and forth from the United States - he lives here.,+1:00+pm

Here is the article / sermon. He posted this on March 2, 2014.

Poking Bears by Michael Boldea Jr.

Seeing as what has been unfolding in the Ukraine is a skip and a hop away from where our work in Romania is currently taking place, I’ve been keeping up with the developments, troop movements, and reactions to this entire drama.

In spite of all the stern warnings from pudgy politicians who’ve never seen a day of war, and the verbal tongue lashings from European and American officials alike about how inappropriate and politically incorrect this whole thing is, if Russia wants Crimea, Russia will have Crimea, then likely all of Ukraine and there is absolutely nothing save all-out war that will deter the Russians.

Having read my fair share of analysis on this topic, one point that every writer keeps making which is utterly wrong and has no basis in reality is that the Russian military is some weak, malnourished thing suffering from the rickets, barely breathing and in no mood for any sort of conflict.

To hear them tell the tale, the Russian army is comprised of fifteen pubescent teenagers with slingshots and blowguns.

‘No need to fear, their army is unmotivated, untrained, ill equipped, and a shadow of its former self,’ they say, even though all evidence points to the contrary.

This, I think is also the most important point of all the back and forth, because if indeed the Russian military complex is weak and emaciated, it would be in their best interest to attempt diplomacy. Try as our politicians might to spin it and say that the Russians are ready to sit down at the negotiating table and come to a peaceful resolution, there is no sign of this, and though some do not see the intent of these maneuvers, for those who have eyes to see they are very clear.

con't on link
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I found this article on Michael Boldea Jr.'s ministry website about a month ago. I decided not to post it at the time. Since then Russia had invaded the Ukraine, a 777 jumbo jet has gone missing and no one knows where it is. I don't know if this is related to what he was picking up on or not but I've also had a forboding feeling of something bad about to happen to our country. I definitely understand his concern.
He usually does not speak like this so I thought what he said was worthy of posting here.

Hand of Help Ministries

The Disquiet - February 16, 2014

It has been almost two weeks since it’s all I could do to keep from jumping out of my skin. Time in prayer seems to be the only thing that can alleviate the sense of foreboding I’ve been feeling, a disquiet that goes far beyond what the eye can see, or the skin can touch.
I can’t put my finger on it. I’ve prayed repeatedly for some discernment on the matter, some sort of elucidation or illumination, but all I’m getting is this sense of unease, this expectancy of something horrible beyond words around the corner.

The one thing I know is that it doesn’t have to do with me personally. It’s not something I’m feeling will happen to me, but something on a larger, more far reaching scale than one individual, or even one event.

Perhaps I’m the only one, but somehow I doubt it. If you’ve been feeling like this, if a sense of an impending something has been gnawing at you of late, let me know.

Like I said, the only thing that curbs the feeling is prayer. I’ve been doing a lot of it lately, and it has been good for me.

God is neither blind nor deaf. He sees, He hears, and He keeps immaculate records. If what I’ve been feeling is in fact the impendinng judgment of God then it will be on such a scale as to stop the world in its tracks.

With Love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

It's called past-posting. An old scam of betting on a race that's already been run. Saying how you feel a great sense of impending disaster AFTER disasters have been on the news is an old con.
Is there any question that there is impending disaster? We live in the last days. Things like these are too be expected.
There's always impending disasters. Doesn't take much talent stating the obvious. Always gonna be volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, etc.
I read his blog a month ago when he stated he had this feeling, Delta. I don't believe it has come to pass yet. The Ukraine and a plane missing does not equal devastating disaster or attack on USA. Does it? Then we're still waiting for something.

Still I'm glad you are around today as this thread isn't really a discussion thread per se. Just a thead to post a couple of Boldea's latest writings. I haven't posted anything by him in awhile.


The thread I'd like you to comment on is called Through the Eye of a Jew - Volume II and asks the question how do the Jews view G-d, Christians, Islam, the history of the church, it should be an interesting discussion. I still have to make the thread get the link to the book, etc. But the author also poses the question about whether organized religion is a necessary component in order to seek G-d. He cites Galileo as one who made the attempt and was eventually condemned for diverging from the former. Sometimes hearing varying pov's on such a topic can bring a greater understanding for everyone. I hope that is the case!

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