The Diversity Delusion: Race & Gender pandering corrupt our universities & undermine our culture

"hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go"

we are raising people who hate america. this is the militarizing of young folks against their own country

Naw. Our country's behavior is getting young people to hate their country. Maybe we need to behave a bit better.

Bullshit. America is the greatest and most generous country this planet has ever seen. However if public schools keep harping on the negative and divide our children guess what they learn?
that information is not taught.

no one that understands that wonders why, not even joe

What do you think isn’t taught?
history of the National Anthem

the Constitution

minor stuff like that.

Those things are still taught in school today.
Naw. Our country's behavior is getting young people to hate their country. Maybe we need to behave a bit better.

Always quick to blame the innocent, defend the guilty......this true Progressive style.

Ironically, being in Chicago, chances are one of his own will get him long before any of those he holds in contempt and guilty.
By that logic, the Holocaust wasn't "Genocide" because there are still Jews around.

The fact is, we did kill off the Native Americans and rounded the rest of them up into reservations, taking their land and destroying their culture.

That's genocide, buddy. Pointing it out isn't hate.

We WHO Kemosabe ?????
I don't recall killing off anyone.

YOU killed off all those Native Americans? I demand an investigation!!!
YOU should be held without bond pending the outcome.
YOU should be forced to pay reparations !
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"hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go"

we are raising people who hate america. this is the militarizing of young folks against their own country
Thanks for this.

I did a Google search, and I was unaware that Universities had quit teaching our own culture after the 90's.

Scary stuff.

I have no problem with diversity.

It is multiculturalism that will be the death of us.

If we do not have one culture, we will fall.

Nation's separate based on culture.
I believe diversity should be uniform.
Wow, are you trying to be ironic?

Read your own post again.
yes, and it got me a "funny" from you. I'm starting to get tired of winning!

The two words mean the exact opposite. It is the height of Orwellian double think. . . . :aug08_031:

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"

adjective: uniform
not changing in form or character; remaining the same in all cases and at all times.
"blocks of stone of uniform size"
synonyms: constant, consistent, steady, invariable, unvarying, unfluctuating, unchanging, stable, static, regular, fixed, even, equal More

This nation is a melting pot. My great grandfather came from Sweden. I was born here but am really a full blooded swede. I grew up here and raised 4 kids here now I have 7 grandkids. But I still consider myself a Swede. And an American citizen . To me they carry the same weight and it really is of no issue to anybody in the end.
I believe diversity should be uniform.
Wow, are you trying to be ironic?

Read your own post again.
yes, and it got me a "funny" from you. I'm starting to get tired of winning!

The two words mean the exact opposite. It is the height of Orwellian double think. . . . :aug08_031:

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"

adjective: uniform
not changing in form or character; remaining the same in all cases and at all times.
"blocks of stone of uniform size"
synonyms: constant, consistent, steady, invariable, unvarying, unfluctuating, unchanging, stable, static, regular, fixed, even, equal More

I think you might be on to something.
"hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go"

we are raising people who hate america. this is the militarizing of young folks against their own country

Naw. Our country's behavior is getting young people to hate their country. Maybe we need to behave a bit better.

Bullshit. America is the greatest and most generous country this planet has ever seen. However if public schools keep harping on the negative and divide our children guess what they learn?
that information is not taught.

no one that understands that wonders why, not even joe

What do you think isn’t taught?
history of the National Anthem

the Constitution

minor stuff like that.

You would be incorrect. Those topics are taught, just not remembers by kids who think they never have to keep any information for more than a few days until the test is over.
and you also need not teach hate.

that's the difference between cons and leftists.

we learn and move on, you get stuck in the hate.

Where was the "hate" in my statement? Pointing out that we did bad stuff is hate.

Okay... going to play a little game with you.

"Billy, you shouldn't have drawn on the wall with a crayon. You get a time out!"

"Why do you hate me?" Screams little Billy.

"Black folks should report crime and have more stable families."

"Why do you hate black people?"

"America has a history that includes genocide, racism and slavery, and we need to admit that and address the consequences."

"Why do you hate America?"
what genocide?

name the people we whipped out.

when you fail, and you will, take note that you assumed we killed people off b/c you are taught hate and don't think twice about it.

Why did you say "whipped out"? Have you got a BD/SM fetish?
This nation is a melting pot. My great grandfather came from Sweden. I was born here but am really a full blooded swede. I grew up here and raised 4 kids here now I have 7 grandkids. But I still consider myself a Swede. And an American citizen . To me they carry the same weight and it really is of no issue to anybody in the end.

That is your problem and you should correct that character flaw. If you born here, you are an American.
This nation is a melting pot. My great grandfather came from Sweden. I was born here but am really a full blooded swede. I grew up here and raised 4 kids here now I have 7 grandkids. But I still consider myself a Swede. And an American citizen . To me they carry the same weight and it really is of no issue to anybody in the end.

Well you can think what you want, of course. But you're an American. You may be of Swedish ancestry, but you're an American. This kind of thinking is exactly what is making us lose our culture--that you think you are equally Swedish and American, though your family has been here for generations.
I say this AS a conservative. Conservatives SAY we don't teach this, we don't teach that. But we do. We teach the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, all of that. Civics, the Nat'l Anthem. People forget it by the time they're adults or whatnot, and then people go to liberal universities and start worshiping their profs--not our problem. But yes. We absolutely teach it. Many of our elem. schools even have Veteran's Day assemblies.
I will consider myself whatever I wish and it's NO business of yours nor should it in the least bother even one nerve of yours. My heritage is swedish. I am an American citizen. Both carry equal weight to me. EQUAL. If that bothers you then there is something wrong with you.
Naw. Our country's behavior is getting young people to hate their country. Maybe we need to behave a bit better.

Bullshit. America is the greatest and most generous country this planet has ever seen. However if public schools keep harping on the negative and divide our children guess what they learn?
that information is not taught.

no one that understands that wonders why, not even joe

What do you think isn’t taught?
history of the National Anthem

the Constitution

minor stuff like that.

You would be incorrect. Those topics are taught, just not remembers by kids who think they never have to keep any information for more than a few days until the test is over.
I was not taught any of that.

not passed grade school and not more than a single class.
Bullshit. America is the greatest and most generous country this planet has ever seen. However if public schools keep harping on the negative and divide our children guess what they learn?
that information is not taught.

no one that understands that wonders why, not even joe

What do you think isn’t taught?
history of the National Anthem

the Constitution

minor stuff like that.

You would be incorrect. Those topics are taught, just not remembers by kids who think they never have to keep any information for more than a few days until the test is over.
I was not taught any of that.

not passed grade school and not more than a single class.

You don't remember. Must have been a 'great' student.
Bullshit. America is the greatest and most generous country this planet has ever seen. However if public schools keep harping on the negative and divide our children guess what they learn?
that information is not taught.

no one that understands that wonders why, not even joe

What do you think isn’t taught?
history of the National Anthem

the Constitution

minor stuff like that.

You would be incorrect. Those topics are taught, just not remembers by kids who think they never have to keep any information for more than a few days until the test is over.
I was not taught any of that.

not passed grade school and not more than a single class.

I'll bet it was taught and you were either absent or asleep. You were never taught about the Constitution? What libtard dominated state did you live in?

The history of the National Anthem takes about 5 minutes to teach. I know, I taught it.

BTW, the word is "past", not "passed".
that information is not taught.

no one that understands that wonders why, not even joe

What do you think isn’t taught?
history of the National Anthem

the Constitution

minor stuff like that.

You would be incorrect. Those topics are taught, just not remembers by kids who think they never have to keep any information for more than a few days until the test is over.
I was not taught any of that.

not passed grade school and not more than a single class.

I'll bet it was taught and you were either absent or asleep. You were never taught about the Constitution? What libtard dominated state did you live in?

The history of the National Anthem takes about 5 minutes to teach. I know, I taught it.

BTW, the word is "past", not "passed".
The history of the National Anthem takes about 5 minutes to teach. I know, I taught it.

Did you teach it was developed by a socialist, initially didn't include "Under God", or that this is what they had the kids do when reciting it.



Or did you just give the sugar coated version of it.

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